[2005] Reading Individual Characters?

Feb 4, 2009

My project needs to read and count the individual characters in a textbox. Is that possible? If so, how so?

Nameone = TextBox1.Text.ToLower
For F = 1 To Nameone.Length
L = Nameone(F)


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How To Use Individual Characters In A Textbox

Oct 30, 2011

I have a a multiline textbox, I want to take each and every character that the user enters and on a button press it replaces them with a set of characters, like:

i with x75d


f with g8r

but the only way i have figured out how to do something like this is using a character in between each character and the split method, like:

Dim input() As String
Dim txt as String
Private Sub Encode_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Validate Individual Characters In Textbox?

Feb 8, 2012

i am trying to validate a string that has been inputted into a text box so that it checks all of the characters in the text box individually. I have got the code to check the first character...

If Char.IsLetter(textbox1.Text) = False Then
MsgBox("Error! Invalide charecters present")
Exit Sub
End If If

I was just wondering if there is some sort of loop that i can do so that it checks all of the characters in the text box.

If Char.IsLetter(txtCustomerName.Text) = False Then
MsgBox("Error! Invalide charecters present in customers name")
Exit Sub
End If

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VS 2010 Change Color Code For Individual Characters?

May 29, 2011

I am looking for a way to change color code for individual characters on the same line as others, which will have a different color. Much like how some words in the code will be blue, black, light blue.. I can't find any code online and don't know enough to make it myself.

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Reading An Individual Field

Sep 6, 2010

if this is in the wrong spot i believe this is the proper spot. anyways, i am using the code below to read a text file and then separate the line where it finds a :: - my problem is what if i have a line like:


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Reading Individual Lines From A Text File?

Jan 11, 2010

Does anyone know how to read individual lines off of a text file?

If the textfile looks like this:


You could make it so on timer1 it sends text1, then on the next tick text2, and so on?

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Reading Individual Lines Of A CSV Into A String Array?

Mar 11, 2010

It's a list of computer systems, basically, that the user can purchase.I need to read this file, line-by-line, into an array. Let's call this array csvline().The first line of the text file would stored in csvline(0). Line two would be stored in csvline(1). And so on.(I've started with zero because that's where VB starts its arrays). A drop-down list would then enable the user to select 1, 2 or 3 (or however many lines/systems are stored in the file). Upon selecting a number - say, 1 - csvline(0) would be displayed inside a textbox (textbox1, let's say). If 2 was selected, csvline(1) would be displayed, and so on.

It's not the formatting I need help with, though; that's the easy part. I just need someone to help teach me how to read a CSV file line-by-line, putting each line into a string array - csvlines(count) - then increment count by one so that the next line is read into another slot.So far, I've been able to paste the numbers of each system into an combobox:

Using csvfileparser As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser _
Dim csvalue As String()


But this only selects individual values. I need to figure out how selecting one of these numbers in the combobox can trigger textbox1 to be appended with just that line (I can handle the formatting, using the string.format stuff). If I try to do this using csvalue = csvtranslator.ReadLine , I get the following error message:"Error 1 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'."If I then put it as an array, ie: csvalue() = csvtranslator.ReadLine , I then get a different error message:"Error 1 Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array.

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VS 2005 Save XML Nodes As Individual Xml Files With .Net?

Aug 12, 2009

I have an xml file with 11 identical nodes called <customer> (they are separate records from the DB extracted earlier). Each holds complete xml document you can say.Is there any way to loop through the each <customer> node and save everything that is between each <cutomer> </customer> as a separate xml file?

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Reading A Specific Line From A Text File And Displaying It In Individual Text Boxes?

Feb 16, 2010

I've been writing a weight program for flooded pressure vessels and I'm having trouble retrieving the data from the text files I've been saving. I know how to write the data to the text file, but retrieving it with OpenFileDialog is not so easy for me.The user has individual text boxes that they input strings or numbers into and when they save the file, each text box input is written to one line in the text file. For example, the first text box is for the username, therefore the first line of text that is saved is the person's name, the second text box is the customer, thus the second line in the text file is the customer name, and so on.

(Actually, the first line of text in the saved file designates whether English units were used or Metric units because when the user retrieves the saved file, English units will open one form and Metric units will open a separate form, so some If...Then statement will need to occur).I need to be able to read the first line, have either my "EnglishForm"form open or my "MetricForm" form open, and then have each subsequent line of text be displayed in their corresponding text boxes. I know I need to use ReadLine or LineInput, but I don't have a clue what to do.Assuming the syntax I've displayed below would just magically work (if only life were that easy), it would look something like this

If FirstLineOfTextInFile = "English" Then
ElseIf FirstLineOfTextInFile = "Metric" Then[code]....

And so on...I read a lot of articles from the MSDN library and exhausted each link that I've looked through from Google and Bing, but most only retrieve data from the file to a single text box through some loop or streamreader and don't take into account multiple forms.

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Reading Between Two Characters?

Oct 11, 2009

Trying to read and display the text between two re-ocurring characters with a Serial connected device. The beginning of string starts off with "+8" and ends up with "0+". The string displays correctly between the characters, however I do not wish to see these characters. Here is my code that I used from a serial comm chat. P.S. this displays on two lines, the characters that I'm asking about are on the second line.

Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender _
As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) _
Handles serialPort.DataReceived


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C# - Reading Characters Off Of The Screen?

Feb 15, 2010

I've been trying to find a solution to my problem for quite a while. I need to build a program that reads data off of the screen, recognizes characters and images and then acts based on what characters and images are. For example, I provide it with a picture of a dog, a picture of each possible character, and it would be able to read the screen and tell me where the dog was, where the characters were and in what order, etc. Is there a free library for this out somewhere? I prefer something that can be used in C# or Vb.net

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Reading Characters From A File?

Jan 9, 2010

i tried out this code to read characters from an existing file:

Dim SR As StreamReader
Dim FS As FileStream
FS = New FileStream("D:email.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)


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Display Individual Parts With Individual Prices

Jul 11, 2011

So I have a code atm that has 2 combo boxes, one to select the make, then it will enable the model, I have 3 model choices, here's code: [code] Once I have selected my model of the car, it takes me to that specific form with a picture of that model, I then want to display individual parts, with individual prices that will add up in a text box above.

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Reading DBase DBF With Non-English Characters

Mar 15, 2011

I have a tool which reads dBase files and uploads the contents to SQL Server, part of a system to import shapefiles. It works but now we have a requirement to import files that include non-English characters (Norwegian in this case, could be other languages later) and they're being corrupted. The dBase files are being read using an OleDbDataAdapter. Stepping through the code I can see that the text is wrong as it is read in. I'm assuming it's something to do with code pages or Unicode but I have no idea how to fix it.A dBase Reader application tells me the DBFs are in code page 1252 - I don't know if this is correct. My upload tool runs on Win7 with English (UK) regional settings.[code]Is there a way to tell OleDbDataAdapter what code page to use or a better way to read dBase files from VB.Net?

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Characters Not Reading/writing Properly?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a code to rewrite an ini file, but characters such as 'ñ' will get changed to '?'. This way my whole ini file will get ****ed up, I have no idea to fix this and this is a serious issue for my application.You can find my whole source file here:

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Different Characters Reading A Webpage As String?

Dec 12, 2011

I done this:

sTxt = File.ReadAllText("C:someWebPage.html")

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Reading DBase DBF With Non-English Characters?

Oct 4, 2010

reading dBase DBF with non-English characters

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Reading Unicode Characters In A String?

Jun 23, 2009

fI am reading some 10 fields per line from a text file. One of the field is in Chinese Characters. The other are numeric or english strings. When I open the text file (using notepad), I can see all characters displayed properly, including the Chinese. BUt when I read the line o text into a variable oneLine in a VB program using the following code:

Dim V_file As String = "N:Table_test.txt"
Dim oneLine As String
Dim scanfile As New IO.StreamReader(V_file)


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Ignore Null Characters (chr(0)) Upon Reading A File?

Aug 13, 2010

So I want my program to read a file, but sadly there are null characters in the text file. The program searches for strings and I want it, when searching, to ignore all of the null values and just the actual characters. Is this possible?

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Reading All Language Characters From ANSI Txt File?

Jan 27, 2011

I have .txt file with ANSI encoding format which is generated from Japanese OS.

so it has Japanese Characters in ANSI txt file.. i don't know how japanese characters allow in ANSI txt file..

My doubt is that

How to read all language characters from ANSI txt file. That txt file will contain any characters like English,Japanese,Chinese,Numbers etc... ( Any kind of characters )

I want to read that characters as it is in file..

Dim sr As New StreamReader(_FilePath)
While Not sr.EndOfStream


Is there any general way to read all types of characters with ANSI format ?

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Reading File Contents Along With Wild Characters

Jul 2, 2009

I am trying to read the file contents using

After reading the file contents the special charaters gets replaced with some garbage characters like "?".

To eliminate this I have used encoding along with above method
System.IO.File.ReadAllText(strFile, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
But still it is not working.

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Inserting Characters Into Database & Reading From DB Maintaining Formats?

Nov 23, 2008

Q1)My ASP.NET VB Script will write long writings - like many thousand words into my Access DB but i have previously had problems with the text containing characts such as '.Is there a way of inserting such?

Q2)When I read a database field in consolidates it into my string variable on a single line. What variable type should I use to have it maintain the line spacing and stuff.

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VS 2005 - Illegal Characters In Path (XML String)

Oct 2, 2009

I have an xml string which I am attempting to create an xmlDocument from but I keep getting the exception "Illegal characters in path".

This is the string :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
What illegal characters and where?

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VS 2005 - Not Using Any Characters From Extended Ascii Character Set (128-255)

Apr 24, 2009

I want to explicitly inform my user that they are not allowed to use any characters from the extended ascii character set (128-255). When I try to create a string of these values using the following [Code] It outputs them fine, with the exception of a bunch of blanks in certain areas(I am assuming these characters are unprintable), but I noticed that when I hover over the value of sVal in the VS, the tooltip/quickview of the value is written nicely on one line. Any ideas how to remove characters that would appear to be blank spaces (unprintable) when outputting this list?

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VS 2005 Educational VB App Doesn't Work With Characters : % ^ & { } [ ] # ` �?

Dec 19, 2010

I am a complete beginner with Visual Basic, I am attempting to continue where the original creator left off. His project is finished but he didnt (and still doesnt) have time to fix a couple of bugs with his code....Basically, he has written a small VB application that closes SWF flash files if the CRC matches from a list... So when an SWF is loaded into explorer the SWF is hash checked and then closed if it matches from the "hashcheck.txt" file.

All is working apart from 2 small bugs:

1) %^&{}[]#`� - dont work.Ive found that If there is any of these charactors in the folder or filename structure the file doesnt get checked/closed.

2) Network paths do not work.. (maybe is part of above bug?)

N: est_folder estfile.swf <-- works perfectly
\pcshare est_folder estfile.swf <-- doesnt work

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VS 2005 Make A Program Type In Characters?

Jan 23, 2012

how to make a program type in characters. My main goal is to have the program run in the background, which I also don't know how to do.

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VS 2005 Print Part Of The String After Certain Characters?

Apr 9, 2009

what is the way to print part of the string after certain characters.For example, original string: c:windowshouse.jpg I need to print after , that returns house.jpg?

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VS 2005 Ascii Unprintable Characters In Windows Vista?

Jul 15, 2010

i have a problem a in vb.net in Windows Vista Basic environment, while using the chr(0) it gives an empty string, while in windows XP chr(0) gives the following character  am wonderign why in windows vista it can't result to the same thing actually it amounts to NOTHING as the result.

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VS 2005 Removing Unwanted Characters From A Collection When Using .split?

Jul 30, 2009

I am using a collection to store data from a text file which I am letting the user load and I am using the .split to split and sort the data into alphabetical order and remove repeating words.However, I am having a problem removing unwanted characters from the final array. For Example, "This is the text file that I want sorted. It is random text not yet sorted"

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VS 2005 Validation - Text Box To Filled By An Alphabet First Then The Remaining Characters Can Be Anything

Jun 7, 2012

I want my text box to filled by an alphabet first then the remaing characters can be anything. Also i have drop down which is having arithmatic functions.(< ,> , = ,+ etc) If the user selects < or > then the value entered in the text box should be numeric. and if the user selects "=" then the textbox value should be string.

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