[2008] Keep To The Bottom Of A Rich Text Box And Read Changes In Txtfile

Mar 16, 2009

1) On one of my forms i have a richtextbox but whenever the programs ads something like richtextbox1.text = richtextbox1.text & "New Entry" The box goes back up to the top and you need to re-scroll down to the bottum. Is there anyway i can have it to always go to the bottum when something is changed instead of reverting back to the top. Because things are added almost every 1-2seconds until it gets to the point where you cant scroll down to read what was said before something new is added and it jumps back to the top.

If you dont know what i mean make a timer of 1 second that ads somethign to the textbox and youll see what im talking about.

2)Or better still is there anyway to get the program to recive new lines from the textbox. Basicly I have a textfile which is read by around 4-8 clients. I want each client to know what its read so it can process the textfile but i dont want it to say add something like ' to the start of every line its read and ignore all ' lines because then the other client will ignore it to. So what im looking for is a sub that will process the textfile and put any previous unread lines (previous unread lines that session [i.e since program restarted]) into a string array like newline(1)

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Read Text File - Read The Top Part First Then And Match The Line With Bottom Part

May 21, 2009

in my text file i have two part. Called bottom and top. So i need to read the Top part first then and match the line with bottom part. Its like this


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Textbox - Read Txtfile And Navigate To That Site (own Browser Development)

Jun 1, 2012

I have built my own browser 9see attached code) however I would like to modify the code so that textbox1 reads a txt file at start and uses the contents of that text file to navigate to a URL of equal value to the text with in that text file. All this should happen at the launch of the web browser form. Example of the text file contents would be [URL] Code as follows:


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VS 2008 StreamReader Read Lines From Bottom To Top?

May 20, 2009

the default readline method of streamreader reads the text file from top to bottom how i can reverse it?from bottom to top?

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Read/display Directory Files In Listbox To Rich Text Box?

Mar 14, 2011

my knowledge of VB.net is limited and i'm really trying hard to figure this problem out...

what i did was create a list box and populate it with a directory ("C:Documents and Settingsuserfolder1")...

once the listbox displays the files from the directory, i want to select a certain file and that file will be opened up in a rich text box.What i found to display the directory in a listbox is:

Dim directory As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsjtanDesktopRECV")
Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = directory.GetFiles()
Dim dra As IO.FileInfo
Dim files As String


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Combox With Text From Txtfile

Feb 1, 2012

I have a code for populate a combobox with the text from a txtfile.[code...]

But i have about 20 comboboxen en i want all of them with this text from the txtfile.
(Every Combobox in the Form).How do i do that ?

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VS 2008 - Simple Text -> Xml Program - Save The Contents Of The Bottom Text Window To An Xml File

Dec 23, 2009

I have this Quiz software that lets you create online multiple choice quizzes which are great for studying (I am in grad school and I'm trying to use everything I can to learn). So the Quiz software is great but it only lets you input questions by hand, one by one. I took a look at the .xml file that the quiz program spits out and came up with the idea to try and make a converter so that I can import many questions at once. I was hoping to try and solve this limitation by doing the following:

Take a .doc that say a tutor gives us with a bunch of practice questions, and then take that into Crimson Editor, and then format it so the question is on line 1, the multiple choice answers are on lines 3,4,5, and 6, (for the next question, the question would be on line 11, and the answers on lines 13, 14, 15, and 16, and so on) and then take that saved .txt file into my program, hit the generate button, and it will spit out the .xml file, and then import that into the quiz software to generate the online quiz.

Here is an attached screenshot of my program layout so far:

I figured out how to open a text file by watching simple youtube tutorials, but I don't know how to have it generate the stuff and have it show up in the bottom text box. I know how to do the coding to convert the txt to proper xml code but I don't know how to be able to save the contents of the bottom text window to an xml file.

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Rich Text Box - Program That Will Read From Various Text Files (preferably RTF Files)

Apr 20, 2009

Im designing a program that will read from various text files (preferably RTF files) and then put them into the RTF box in the program when a button is clicked.

Here is the portion of my code that i am referring to.

Dim fileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\" & selectedHero & ".rtf")


MsgBox("Selected Hero currently has no File with us.")
End Try

Now heres the problem. In the file i have a few pictures and its formatted and what not. I thought since its a RTF file and the Box is RTF it would auto format.... but anyways. It appears like this in the RTF Box.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20{\object\objemb{\*\objclass Paint.Picture}\objw3000\objh3000{\*\objdata


Ok so im not sure how i can read from a RTF file and put it in the RTF box with the right format....Ive been searching around for a while.

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Unable To Load Rich Text Files Into Rich Text Box?

Jan 12, 2009

I am unable to load rich text files into my rich text box. It worked fine yesterday, would there have been anything I could have changed by accident?

With OpenFileDialog
.Filter = "Text format (*.txt)|*.txt|Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*"


but I am getting the error File format is not valid when i attempt to open any Rich Text file

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VS 2008 Save The Value Of The Textbox To A .txtfile

Nov 26, 2010

how to save the Value of the Textbox to a .txtfile. I have a two button btSave & btSaveAs, how can I save new .txt file if the filename is not yet exist. and update the existed file and overwrite it...

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Rich Text Box - Load Specific Text In The Rich Text Box When The User Load The Form?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a rich text box which I use in order the user is able to add pictures, coloured writing, different font etc... however I need to load specific text in the rich text box when the user load the Form.how I can add (I guess) the HTML to load this every time the user load the form.

P.S the text will change depending on who loads the form so I can not do a simple

RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:Documents and SettingsDesktopSigniture.rtf")

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VS 2008 - Rich Text Box - Cannot Change Only Text

Aug 5, 2009

I have a rich text box and a fontDialog control. I am using it for the obvious purpose of changing the font of the text in the rtb, which I can do. What I would like to know is how, if there is no text selected inside the rtb, to make it only change the text that is typed after the change. I have already made it so that a selection can be changed independently but cannot make it change only text that is going to be typed if there is nothing selected.

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VS 2008 Rich Text Box To Variable

Sep 7, 2011

I have incoming messages from a socket client going into a rich text box. Is there a way to find a part of a string and then extract x amount of characters out of that line into a variable? [code]I need to get the TXXXX and put it in 1 variable and put the VXXXX into another variable.

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VS 2008 - Savefiledialog - Export The Data From Dgv To Csv Txtfile - Error - Empty Path Name Is Not Legal

May 30, 2010

With this one..

SaveFileDialog2.CreatePrompt = True
SaveFileDialog2.Filter = "Text (*.txt) |*.txt|(*.*) |*.*"
txtBrowse.Text = SaveFileDialog2.FileName


I'm trying to export the data from dgv to csv txtfile but i'm getting this error..Empty path name is not legal.

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VS 2008 Rich Text Box -- No Cursor Wanted?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Rich text box in my program that works well for displaying a small screen and it never has had a cursor in it.I just added a couple of rich text boxes for some other parts of the same program, they are set up in properties EXACTLY like my original but there'sa cursor that's appearing on the 2 new boxes and I can't get rid of it.

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C# - How To Read PDF File Contents From Top To Bottom

Nov 17, 2009

I want to read a PDF file having lots of text, images, tables in it. I want to read the entire file content by content page by page, from top to bottom.

For example:
The top of the page contains the Heading
Then on left hand side the contents and on the right hand side images

So I first want to get the heading then the contents then the images. Is there any Open Source for reading the PDF or any coding reference for .net 2.0 or greater version.

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VS 2008 Display Datagrid Cell Value In Rich Text Box?

Feb 7, 2010

i'm using this code to display datagrid cell value in rich text box


Dim rowtoselect = DataGridView1.CurrentRow
rowtoselect.Selected = True
rowtoselect.Cells(1).Selected = True


but i want to the richtexbox to display the cells 0 , 1 not only cell 1 i want the rich text box to display the whole cells of the row not just one cell of it

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Make First Line Paragraphs In VB 2008 With Rich Text Boxes?

Jun 24, 2009

how to make first line paragraphs in VB 2008 with rich text boxes. I need the code for it. PS. First Line Paragraphing in when only the first line indents and the rest of the paragraph stays normal. I need the code for Visual Basics 2008?

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Rich Text In Access Doesn't Show In DataGridView 2008?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a dictionary (literally) database file in Access: its Fields are Headword (string) and Definition (Memo, it's in Rich Text). The Rich text looks fine in Access, but when I connect a Visual Basic (2008) Datagridview control to the database, the text looks like HTML, not RTF, and when I try to copy a specified "definition" into a RichtextBox, I get the same weird symbols, not RTF. One attached snapshot is how a record looks in Access, the other in a VB 2008 form with a datagridview control and an attempt to paste contents into a RichTextBox.

How can I get that same "look" from the RTF in the original Access file? I'm only recently moving from VB6; not a professional

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[2008] Use The Treeview To Display The Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked?

Aug 30, 2009

Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Select Case e.Node.Index
Case 0


Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Select A Character By Position To Make Bold In A Rich Field Text Box In VB 2008?

Aug 2, 2010

I understand that within a rich field text box you can search for a string and then format that string, but I am looking to change the formating of a certain position in a string regardless of what character is at that position.Can this be done in VB 2008?

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VB In Visual Studio 2008 - RichTextBox / Rich Text Format - Refer The Header And Footer

Apr 24, 2010

How do I reference the Header and Footer in a RichTextBox? And if I can't how do I access it in a file in RTF?

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Read Line 3 From Rich Textbox?

Feb 23, 2009

how can i read line 3 from rich textbox?

like, how do i show messagebox with only the text of line 3?

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Read A Single Column Array From Bottom Up, Then Back Down, Filled With Decimal's, Into One Line Separated By Comma's?

Jun 14, 2011

Does anyone know how to read a single column array from bottom up, then back down, filled with decimal data, into one line seperated by comma's?

a = 0
Do Until a > decArray.Length - 1
test = decArray(a)


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Format Text - Rich Text Box - Where The User Will Be Entering Information - The Text Is Black

Aug 11, 2011

On the main form of my application, I have a Rich Text Box which is where the user will be entering information. The text is black. then, i have a button which calls the dialogue "Notes" A dialogue appears, with a rich text box. the user should then be able to enter text into the box, click "OK", and the text entered into the Notes dialogue be inserted to the rich text box on the main form -- with the font colour "Red". The rest of the text in the main rich text box on the main form should remain black.

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VS 2010 - Rich Text Box - Getting User Text In The Text Changed Event

Jan 20, 2011

I'm Making a Simple syntax highlighter and I'm Doing the highlighting in the text Changed event of a RTB and for obvious reasons I can't re highlight the whole document each time someone presses a key so i highlight one line each time the text changes. But this creates a Problem. If someone pastes code into the RichTextBox It only highlights the last Line. So is there a way to get if the user typed the text in with his keyboard or pasted it from the clipboard in the text Changed event?

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Text Box Scroll To Bottom

Apr 27, 2011

I'm having issues getting a text box to scroll to the bottom Every time text is entered into it. I searched google, and came to a bunch of solutions, some of them on this forum, but I can't seem to get them to work. One of them was a sub..[code]the problem is I don't know where to declare the sub. I've tried in form1 load, my click button click event but nothing worked..when ever I put the sub code in my source it seems to cut off the rest of my code, and generates a bunch of errors..

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Insert Text To Rich Text Field At Text Cursor?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a question, how would i have a button, then when you click it, it puts the text at the text cursor in the RTF?

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VB 2008: Text Event - Read A Text File Till The End And Stop It?

Aug 5, 2010

i am working on read line by line . At each line that my app read , i added a event . How do i read a text file till the end and Stop it? there is how it work :


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How To Insert Unicode Into Txtfile

Dec 10, 2009

here is ma code

FileOpen(1, "database.txt", OpenMode.Append)
rite(1, txtWord.Text, txtDefinition.Text)

when i insert unicode it always show ??

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