[2008] ManagementEventWatcher "unparsable Query" Error

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to check for new processes in a thread of my program:


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Managementexception : Unparsable Query While Using Start()method Of System.management.managementeventwatcher

Apr 17, 2011

I am getting a Managementexception : unparsable query while using start()method of system.management.managementeventwatcher.


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ManagementEventWatcher - Access Denied

Apr 5, 2012

I keep receiving the access denied error when running a Wql event query through VS 2005 (vb.net)

Public Function Test() As Integer
Dim query As New WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance.Name = 'C:\Users\ewar\Documents\test\test.txt'")


I've read that I have to enable certain permissions, my account is part of the admin group and I run VS by clicking 'run as administrator' How and what permissions do i need to modify?

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VS 2008 Error Executing Query?

Oct 20, 2010

i am using vb.net 2008 and msaccess i have given the following query to fill a dataset but it is giving me an error. mCmd = " SELECT OfficialInfo.*, "


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When Creating A Query Error "The Schema Returned By The New Query Differs From The Base Query"

Feb 29, 2012

When Creating a query using the sear Criteria Builder . I keep getting the error : "The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query" what does that mean and how do i avoid this problem in future

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VS 2008 Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Apr 11, 2009

I have program, which takes scripts (RGSS) and inserts them into a database. These scripts have lots of quotes and things like that inside them, but I don't think thats the issue here.

The error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression


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VS 2008 Table Adaptor - Error Occurs When Adding Column To Query

Aug 10, 2009

I have a table adaptor that pulls from the sql database, when I edit the table adaptor query it makes this specific table adaptor not a part of the dataset. I have added a column to my database which will contain an integer, when I try to add this column to the query this error occurs, i am using the configure area of the table adaptor.
Error 'AuditProductsTableAdapter' is not a member of 'MemKingClient.MemKingDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager'.

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Correct SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

Aug 27, 2010

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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Correct This SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

May 29, 2009

i should say hi experts :D . Help me with this pretty code :)

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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SQL Query - Get A Syntax Error In My SQL Query If The Division Name Is More Than One Word

Oct 31, 2011

I have 7 company Divisions that sit in an access database.I then use this list to populate two comboboxes in my windows form.However I get a syntax error in my SQL Query if the Division name is more than one word.For example in my access database I have two columns one is a status column and the other is a division column. If for example the Division is called 'Corporate' the status column is called 'Status Corporate' and the division column is called 'Corporate'.The SQL query works fine in this scenario.However if I have a Division that is more than one word, lets say 'Operations Division' I get an error in my SQL Query that says -

Quote: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Operations Division'.Here is my code

sqlNewTenderDetails = "SELECT " & Me.DivisionBox.SelectedValue & " From BidRefCodes Where " & "[Status " & Me.DivisionBox.SelectedValue & "='Active'"
daNewTenderDetails = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlNewTenderDetails, NewTenderDetailsTableCon)[code]....

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VS 2008 : Update Or Remove Record From Database : Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Mar 17, 2010

When I'm trying to update or remove record from database I'm getting this error:

Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Ime='Blagojce', Prezime='', Adresa='', Grad='', Telefonski_br='( ) -', Fax='( ) -', e_mail='''

Here is my connection string:

command.CommandText = "DELETE * FROM podatoci WHERE Ime='" & ime & "', Prezime='" & prezime & "', Adresa='" & adresa & "', Grad='" & grad & "', Telefonski_br='" & broj & "', Fax='" & fax & "', e_mail='" & email & "'"

where ime, prezime and so on are ListView selected items.

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Asp.net - Parameterized Query - Error When Executing A Query?

Nov 2, 2010

I've recently been trying to figure out a way to get parameterized queries to work and i think i'm almost there but seem to be getting an error when executing my query

Here's the code


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Error Updating Access DB :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to update data to a Access data base using the following [code]...

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MS Access And VB Error - Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Jul 18, 2008

This is not a homework of mine and i had never tried ms access database with vb so i just gave it a shot. so this is my first time and i am just trying not asking anyone to complete my homework. I have been searching for this a lot on internet but couldn't find a solution to this so i decided to ask this question here.
i have this sql code. what i want to do is that create a basic login form where users puts it's username in the UsernameTextbox and Password in the PasswordTextbox. If the the information match then a message box appears saying that the user is valid and if the information does not exist, a mesage box appears saying the users is not valid. now everytime i execute(run) the code, i come up with this error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''UserName' = 'Admin' 'PassWord' = 'testing123''.

The field names(UserName, PassWord) are also correct they are same as in the database. the information put in the username and password textbox are correct and they match the information on the database. But i dont know why this error comes up.

My code module is the following:

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class LoginForm1

' Cancel button
Private Sub Cancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click
End Sub


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Error : Syntax Error In Date In Query Expression

Jul 28, 2011

i use a database in access and I use a query for adaptor and dataset.

The query is next:

Select * from table1, table2 where table1.idsomething=table2.id and table2.name= 'Name1' AND datebirth>=#07.25.1988# AND datebirth<=#07.31.1988# order by datebirth asc

The error is: Syntax error in date in query expression

In the database the format date is dd-mm-yy.Why I have this problem? What is wrong at the query?

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Asp.net - Getting The Error "Query Input Must Contain At Least One Table Or Query."

Aug 28, 2011

I am using visual studio 2010 to create a form where you can edit,delete, or insert data from an accessdatabase. When I try to run the form in a web browser I get the error "Query input must contain at least one table or query." I believe that the problem lies with my code/syntax but I am unable to determine the cause of the problem.

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server"
DataFile="~/App_Data/database.accdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [database]"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [database] WHERE ([EmployeeID] = @EmployeeID)"


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Get A Runtime Error Msg Thats Says "Syntax Error(Missing Operator) In Query Expression"

Mar 29, 2011

I am having a problem with this code. I have used this code before on other apps and it works, but I don't have a clue as to what is going on here.

This is the whole event. I get a runtime error msg thats says "Syntax error(Missing Operator) in query expression"

I think this is Legacy SQL coding but I don't know how to make it better.

Private Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEdit.Click
Dim Question As Integer


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VS 2008 Linq Possible To Use Query In Another Query?

Apr 16, 2011

I was wandering is it possible to use a query within another query below is the code I am trying to use.

Public Function GetInventByComp(ByVal CompID As String) Using DC As New DataClassDataContext
'need to get company id's based off names? thats bad should be name from Id need to rethink this
Dim invent = (From C In DC.Inventors_Companies _
Where C.CompID = CompID _
Select C.InventorID).ToString


I was trying to us multiple values in a string like "1, 3, 5" but I can't seem to get that working either so I am trying to use just a single value now. Can anyone help me? "Yes I am new to this"

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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Asp.net Regarding An Sql Query Error

May 2, 2011

[code]getting an error in sql query regarding its update statement and table contents are of carHeader: cartype varchar ,id int,imagefile varchar,capacity int

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.net - LINQ C# Query In VB - Getting An Error

Feb 22, 2012

I have a List of Price Objects (Price contains Date, High, Low) and am trying to extract monthly averages via LINQ. I have this working in C# but we have a few legacy applications that need it in VB.Net and I can't quite seem to figure out the conversion. I've even tried breaking it into two queries to no avail.


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Error In Insert Query?

Jul 23, 2011

I am developing a Windows Forms application using VB.NET in VS 2008 on Windows XP SP3 32-bit. When I try to insert into an MS Access Database table using the following code, I get an exception on the last line with the message "Error in Insert statement". When I paste the same statement as a SQL query in MS Access itself, it works just fine.

Dim oCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand
sQuery = "Insert Into DirectoryShares (directoryID,username,read,write) Values (?,?,?,?)"
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Error With SQL Query For Max From Inner Join

Jun 6, 2011

I dont have a huge wealth of experince with SQL statements and im struggling;


I would like to list all of the job titles(for which there could be multiples as different employees can have the same job title) in the employee table and find the maximum amount of hours for that job title as the hours could be different for different empoyees.


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Execute Non Query Error?

Feb 18, 2010

i got an execute non query error... heres the

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim obj As New OleDb.OleDbCommand


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Getting An Error With Parameterized ADO Query?

Dec 17, 2010


What am I doing wrong? BTW, I know nchar(10) is not a good choice for first and last name.

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Insert INTO Query Error?

Feb 15, 2012

I am currently Building a Stock Control System for a School Project and Using access 2007 with Visual Studio 2010 to build the VB.I am trying to use an INSERT INTO SQL Command to insert new stock items into my Access DB. I am getting an error thrown at me when attempting to execute the NonQuery().

This is my code
Dim con as new OleDBconnection (Connection String)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand


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.net - Linq Query Exception/error

Jul 4, 2011

Following is the code I get to achieve a list of Courses:

Dim Result As New List(Of WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Course)
For Each cat As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Category In Courses.CoursesOfferedMAIN.Values
For Each c As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Course In cat.Courses.Values

and it is working fine. However I am trying to attempt to do the same with linq and the code is:

Result.AddRange(From k As WorkMateLib.CourseNameSpace.CoursesLib.Category In Courses.CoursesOfferedMAIN.Values Where Not k.CategoryName = "" Select k.Courses.Values.ToList())


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Database - Syntax Error In SQL Query?

Mar 25, 2012

I am having problems implementing this query in vb.net.The error message that I am getting is with the "as" in the first line.This is a local sql compact database 3.5

cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE player as a " &
"SET starter = 'TRUE' " &


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Error After Adding Variables In SQL Query

Feb 18, 2009

I'm having issues w/ querying the database w/ user selected dates. Hardcoded everything worked fine but when I started to use the DateTimePicker things stopped working.

Dim sqlcn As New SqlConnection(db.dbcn)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = sqlcn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TABLE " _
& "WHERE CHK_DT BETWEEN @BeginDt and @EndDt"


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Error Failed To Get Schema For This Query

Nov 8, 2009

im using the query builder to create my sql queries I have made many SELECT statements but when i try and use UPDATE i get this error

"Failed to get Schema fro this Query"

I am able to create a "NonQuery" but i dont know how to implement The query will execute when i build in the query builder but when i try and save it the error appears?

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