.net - Windows API Leads To Different Results Based On Name Of Unused Variable?

Apr 5, 2012

Everything I know about .Net programming tells me that the behavior I see here is completely impossible. Simple code:

Dim wkui1_username As Integer
Dim wkui1_logon_domain As Integer


When I put a break point in here, I see that after RtlMoveMemory, my wk1 contains a pointer to a username, and all the others are 0. This is consistant. Now, if I change Dim test As String = "" to Dim login As String = "" and run it again, wk1 contains pointers to both username and logon_domain.

If I change it to Dim login As String, it contains a pointer to only the username. Depending on what I change that (completely unused) variable name to, I get a different result.

I have always been under the impression that it cannot possibly matter what you choose to name your variable. And that declaring a variable, and then never using it, cannot possible be different from not having a variable there at all.

I've tried this on 2 computers, with consistant results (one on .Net 3.5 and one on 4.0). When I tried converting it to C#, however, I was not able to reproduce it.

I am aware, by the way, that I can just use System.Environment to get what I need about the current user information; this was old VB6 code that was automatically upgraded (and I've edited it a little to make it more trivial).

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Unused Local Variable Error?

Mar 24, 2011

Sub WriteEOFData(ByRef FilePath As String, ByRef EOFData As String)
Dim sFileBuf As String
Dim RoPepfMiyYgyrTfLY7YxdpSoSOycKgR06b1oCptGcO As String
Dim lFF As Integer


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Get Rid Of Unused System Properties Like Unused Button Names In VB 2005?

May 30, 2009

I have created some check boxes and buttons, and changed the names, but it seems like the system.properties saved both names now I would like to rename the button back to the original name but the name is being stored for some reason, and I cant access the original name, how do I clean this up?

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Getting 6 Unused Local Variable Error Messages

Nov 8, 2010

I am getting 6 unused local variable error messages. If I comment out the variable, I get en error because it really is in use. I tried re-building project.


Warning 2 Unused local variable: 'sqlCustomerInsertTicketConn'. C:UsersJeffDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsJeffComputersPOS1JeffComputersPOS1Module1.vb 1741 17 JeffComputersPOS1

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Copy Files Based On Query Results?

Mar 19, 2012

I have created a database that allows me to sort through the hundreds of pictures I have based on certain criteria. The file path for each picture is stored in a text box in the database (file path). I am currently using this code to copy the files to a new folder:

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(file_pathtextbox.text, �E:photo_gallary�)

However, this only copies the first file in my query not all the others. I am at a loss as how to loop through them all so they all end up in their new destination.

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Change Button Color Based On Query Results?

Aug 18, 2010

In an application for a Storage company, I have a form with 107 buttons in five Group Boxes. Each Group Box represents a Building and each Button represents a Storage Unit. They are layered in Table Layout Panels, bottom TLP has 5 columns, one for each Group Box, each Group Box has a TLP with 2 columns and 10 rows, where each button is located. What I would like to do is change the color of any button based on the results of a query.

Buttons are called btn1, btn2, btn3..... Text on the buttons is 1, 2, 3, 4,.... I have a table for the buildings and one of the properties is "Available" set as an intger and is either 0(No) or 1(Yes). I have a query that I run on form load that returns the correct results, to test I put a DGV on a form and set the DataSource to the DataSet returned. Returned is the "Available" Buldings Number(1-107)[code]...

View 16 Replies

Asp.net - Grid View Column Headers Based On Results From Another Table .net?

Jan 9, 2011

Suppose I have a table with columns userdef1, userdef2 userdef6 and I have another table that defines these fields. i.e UserDef1 = "MyName" etc

What would be the best approach for retrieving these values and updating the column headers?

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Delete A User In A Mysql Server Based On Search Results?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a datagrid control with a list of names that it retrieves from a MySql database. I can search through them until i have one result. I want to be able to Display a groupbox control when the number of results is equal to 1. Also, in the groupbox i have a button that when clicked will delete this user from the server and their information from the mysql table called "employee". when the user is deleted i'll display a confirmation message in a messagebox, and reload the table with the updated list. so far the only two problems i have are showing the groupbox when the results are equal to 1 and deleting the user from the sql server based on the name of the search result

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
'Search Function.


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Update One Entity Based On Results Of Another LINQ-to-Entities Query

Apr 9, 2011

I have the following LINQ-to-Entities query:[code]This will give me all the resident assignments for the current year/term. Then I have this LINQ-to-Entities query:[code]This will give me all the rooms. I want to iterate through the assignments and based on what room is assigned update the occupancy in reset_occupancy. I'm not 100% sure how to accomplish this. Here is my pseudo code of what I want to accomplish:[code]

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Update One Entity Based On Results Of Another LINQ-to-Entities Query?

Dec 15, 2009

I have the following LINQ-to-Entities query:

' Get all the residency assignments that match the term/year.
Dim assignments = From p In dbContext.Residents _
Where p.semester = term _


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Using An Array To Print Out Test Results Based On Background Color?

May 12, 2011

I've created a program that requires students to answer addition questions.I have the code so that it calculates if the answer is correct, along with outputing the correct answer into a textbox.If the answer is correct the textbox background colour changes to green.If the answer is inocrrect the textbox background colour changes to red.I've done this using an array, and I want to use this array to calculate how many questions the students have answered correctly, and output them onto another page.I'm not sure is something like this would work:I was thinking about giving the textbox that outputs the grade score a value of 10. For every red box that is highlighted, 1 is taken away from the texbox value, outputting the amount of questions the user has answered correctly.Here is my array so far, not including the ability to output how many answers the student has answered correctly.

Public Num1(10), Num2(10) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 7 Replies

Varying Display Results Based On Selected Device Class

Mar 15, 2012

I wanted to get your feedback on a design/coding issue. I have a treeview which represents the device tree in device manager. I also have two listviews which display information about the currently selected device on the treeview. I'm only concerned with the first listview at this point. The information displayed in the listview varies depending on the selected device. I'm using the node index to track which device class and device is selected and I pass this into the device class Display method. I hate the idea of a big Select Case statement. Then there is also the dynamic nature of the device tree to consider.

View 2 Replies

Update Control On Win Form: Windows-based-timer Vs Server-based-timer

Feb 24, 2011

In a vb 2010 project, I have 2 win forms: Form1 and Form2.

In the Form1 class there is a server-based timer: when the "elapsed event" fires, then I update the text of a Label1 on the Form2. A very simple code:

View 13 Replies

Method To Append Results Of For Loop In Variable While Running?

Feb 8, 2012

While a "for loop" is running in VB.net, C# or Python which method can be used to append each result to a variable?

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Select One Of Forms Based On The Name Variable?

Aug 14, 2009

I have several instances of one form loaded. They all have an instantiated variable "Name." How do I select one of these forms based on the name variable?

Public Sub MakeForms()
Dim x as New frmBlack(me)
End Sub

View 3 Replies

Return A Variable Based On The Input Of A Function (.NET C# Or VB)

Apr 12, 2012

Say I've got the following variables:

Public Shared x As String = "100"
Public Shared y As String = "text"
Public Shared z As String = "something"


But this doesn't do what I want, naturally. What I want is that my function giveVar returns the value of the variable that holds giveVar. For example I call giveVar("x") I want my function to return "100".

Of course this can be done by a Select Case but thats not what I like to do. Is it even possible to call a value based on a string?


Namespace i18n
public NotInheritable Class Settings
Public Shared LanguageCode As String


I think this works so far, BUT I get the following error on the CallByName(Me, varName, vbGet) at the Me : "me is only valid within an instance method"

View 5 Replies

Call An Object Based On A Variable In Visual Studio?

Apr 24, 2012

So I'm trying to write a MasterMind game, but I have a problem I have 40 pictureboxes set up in 10 different rows, and I want to have one code handle all 10 rows, rather than copying and pasting the code and changing the names of the pictureboxes. I've been trying to use a variable to achieve this, but if it's possible, then I don't know the correct way to do it.This is what I have right now:


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Execute A Particular Section Of Code Or Not Based On Variable At Runtime?

Dec 31, 2009

What i am tring to do is execute certain code based on a variable held in a module someting like compiler directives, here's an example for lack of an explanation.[code]...

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How To Create Time Variable Based On 24 Hours Format

Jul 17, 2010

I wish to display a greeting to the user when they start an application. It's very simple "Good Morning John" or "Good Afternoon John" or "Good Evening John" depending on the time of day. How do create a time variable where it's based on 24 and not 12?

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[2008] Make A New Instance Based On A Variable's Type?

Mar 7, 2009

there is a way to turn the following code into a sub so I don't have the same boilerplate show form code in use a thousand times in a program:


Public InstanceOfFrmGeneric As frmGeneric
If InstanceOfFrmGeneric Is Nothing Then
InstanceOfFrmGeneric = New frmGeneric()


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VB App Results Affected Negatively By Windows UI Language?

Dec 16, 2010

I created a VB application in VS2010 using Win7 x64 that performs numerous integer type calculations and displays various results to the user. I have discovered that users running Windows with a different language pack than I developed the App in have problems with how some numbers are displayed and with some of the calculations. Can someone point me to suggestions I can take to ensure the calculations work and numbers display properly regardless of the Windows UI language of the user?

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Change A Global Variable Value Based On Linq Query While Executing?

Nov 27, 2010

I have two module-level variables and Linq query. I want the results of the Let clause to change the global variables - is this possible?

For example:
Dim X As Integer = 0
Dim Y As Integer = 0


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Loading Multiple Websites With A Different Variable In Each, Based On Textbox Inputs?

Aug 24, 2011

I am a former IT student and have not used VB in a little while but feel it can come in handy to help me complete some tasks at work.I am trying to write a small program which will open a url + a number for each number entered into the textbox. As an example lets say the website is "www.google.com/id=" and I enter into a textbox 3 values such as "134,325,2112", www.google.com/id=134, www.google.com/id=325 and www.google.com/id=2112 would all open at once.

The purpose of this is at work, we have an employee database and would like to load multiple employees at once (upto 6 at a time) to compare profiles. The issue with doing this manually is we have to fill out the search criteria for each, instead, I would like to load a link with parameters in it already filled out + the employee number we are searching for each number entered into a textbox on a VB form.

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Windows.Forms Based Apps Vs WPF Based Apps?

Jun 21, 2010

what WPF based apps are?Is it an application that runs under Silverlight? If so, how?I know; Windows Forms based apps,console apps,DLL _ Class Library Projectsand I've had an introduction to ASP.Net.What I mostly want to know is, if WPF apps are for Silverlight then do they also run in a server based fashion like anASP.NET website would when you create ASP.Net webpages?Is it a way of creating what looks like a FORMS BASED application but it runs in a browser instead or what?Please enlighten me a bit further as I have no idea what WPF is all about.

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Alter The .visible Property Of A Label Based On If A Variable Is Positive Or Negative?

Apr 11, 2010

I want to alter the .visible property of a label based on if a variable is positive or negative (Hiding it for negative values)
But I want to do this for lots of labels so If Statements are too bulky.

I tried this:

Label1.visible = CBool(IntVariable1)

But it turns out CBool returns True for ANY value and False for Zero.I'd assumed it would be True for positive values and False for negatives.How can I do it without if statements?I considered Modulo or SquareRoots to somehow convert a negative number into zero, but didn't want to complicate things with imaginary numbers.

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Fill A Listbox With The Results Avaiable By Querying Windows Service Using ServiceController?

Aug 19, 2011

I have to fill a listbox with the results avaiable by querying windows service using ServiceController.GetServices method.I will list down the code I used.I know using foreach to fill the listbox.But I want to use array.foreach with lambda or delegates.(inline function.My

VB.Net code Public class Form1 PrivateSub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load Dim services As ServiceProcess.ServiceController() = ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices 'For Each s In services[code]....

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.net - "Using The Iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Jun 27, 2012

Edit: Here is a much more simpler example of this issue (i've deleted my original question):

Dim numbers1 As New List(Of Int32)({1, 2, 3})
Dim numbers2 As New List(Of Int32)({3, 4, 5})
For Each n1 In numbers1
' no warning '
Dim contains = numbers2.Contains(n1)


The local variable number1 is redundant and makes the code less readable as @Meta-Knight already has emphasized. Note: All three ways are safe and give the correct result.

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Get: "iteration Variable In A Lambda Expression May Have Unexpected Results"

Mar 1, 2012

Possible Duplicate:Why is it bad to use a iteration variable in a lambda expression.why do I get: "iteration variable in a lambda expression may have unexpected results"? Suppose I have the following code:


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.NET Remove Unused Code Tool?

Apr 23, 2009

I need to remove all the unused code in my companies project. There is about 1.5 million lines of code, therefore I need a tool to help track it all down. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a tool. I found Project Analyzer but I need good justification on why we need to use this software because the verndor is foreign based.

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Check The Lowest Unused Number?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a table named tbluser with fields code and name. I want to check the lowest unused number in code. For example table below:

code name
60688 jane
60689 dina


i have also one textboxt what is the first, second and third number to search


therefore first number is 6 second and third is 06 and the result should be
60601 since in the code the lowest unused code is 60601.

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