.net - Datagridview Cellcontentclick Event Not Getting Time To Complete

Apr 11, 2012

i have a datagridview i have an edit button associated with each row. on CellContentClick event i am dynamically deleting and creating number of textbox and label controls in my tablelayoutpanel this dynamic deletion and creation of control is taking some time also flickering (well thats not a big issuse)but the problem is if someone continuously keep clicking on edit buttons of various rows after some time the whole tablelayoutpanel is a complete mess.

accordng to me this is happening coz my CellContentClick event is not geting time to complete and before the event get complete one click the edit button of some other row . and i am unable to handle this situation

am adding some more details -

the handler code is here

Private Sub gdXMLDOc1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles gdXMLDOc1.CellContentClick
If lockThis = False Then


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DataGridView CellContentClick Event Handler Not Being Invoked?

Sep 26, 2006

There is something strange going on in my VB 2005 program that I don't understand.. I have a form that has several tab pages. Each page has one or more DataGridView controls. When a user selects an item on one DataGridView , I want to deselect anything currently selected on any other DataGridView on that tab page. The only thing that should then be selected is the item I clicked on in the current DataGridView .

I created the following code (note there is a CellContentClick handler for each DataGridView control and there are DeselectAll... and RefreshAll... subroutines for each tab page).

It's fairly straightforward. But notice where I placed the XXX NOTE comment below. If I place a breakpoint there, run the program and click on various cells in various grids, and then click on the specified grid cell, I can create situations where the breakpoint is never reached! Thus, I don't turn off the selection in other grids.

How can this be? Is there some setting for DataGridView controls that I've inadvertently set incorrectly (without my listing them all here)? Or is there some bug in VB I'm unaware of? The "DeselectAll" subroutine merely iterates over all DataGridView controls in the current tab page (except for the current DataGridView) and calls ClearSelection on each such grid. RefreshAll calls Refresh on every DataGridView on the current tab page.


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Get Complete Date Time From The Available UTC Time?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to get complete date time from the available UTC Time.I am having Utc Time in the following format "1181782412" and want to create date out of it.I have tried

Dim convertedDate As Date = Date.Parse(Date.FromFileTimeUtc(129071462695206431))

its giving correct date ,but not correct time.

View 4 Replies

Webbrowser 2nd Document Complete Event - Use It Twice?

Jul 19, 2009

I am still new to the use of webbrowser. once document complete is used once how do you use it twice?

View 6 Replies

Compute The Time Required To Complete Application?

Sep 1, 2010

i'm going to make application but i need timer in vb.net to compute the time required to complete my application

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Estimate The Time Left To Complete A Download?

Sep 19, 2011

how to estimate the time left to complete a download

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Auto-complete Collection Doesn't Work With Key Press Event

Jul 2, 2010

In Key Press Event i have put the logic of search in textbox, when i press enter key it will take the values from textbox and brings the data in DataGrid.In another event of GotFocus there is an logic of autocompletestring collection from Table. If i type a in that textbox it will shows all the suggested string in that.If i comment the logic of GotFocus Event for textbox for autocomplete suggestion then only then Key Press events work else its not working.

Private Sub CustomerName_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles CustomerName.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then


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Auto-complete Feature In Texbox On OnSelectedIndexChanged Event Of Combobox?

Jan 12, 2011

When user selects the states in combobox in the next textbox i should get the names of cities as soon he tries to type the name of city.

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Datagridview Combobox Auto-complete?

Jan 3, 2012

I'm having troubles with my datagridview. Id like to use a combobox that you could type into and (as you are typing) would update the drop down list with the ability to use wildcardsThe list is populated with a table in my database. I know how to do this using just a combobox on a form, but I'm still learning everything with datagridviews.Is there a way to do this with a combobox in datagridview? If not, is there a way to do it any other way (i.e. using a textbox and having something pop up like the autocomplete windows)? I really would like to have the ability to use wildcards with this

View 7 Replies

Trigger An Event At The Time Selected In The Date Time Picker

Dec 23, 2010

i'm using a date time picker with format set to time. i want to be able to trigger an event at the time selected in the date time picker

View 19 Replies

Date Time Picker And Event To Trigger With Just Time

Dec 22, 2010

i'm using a date time picker and want an event to trigger with just the time so it will trigger every day at a certain time. can anybody help

View 1 Replies

Make Loop In Program And Calculate Time Taken To Complete Loop?

Nov 23, 2011

I am constructing a program, i am new to Visual Basic, but i have past programming experience. I was wondering if anyone knew how to form a loop that could...lets say calculate the answer when two numbers are added together,and it would repeat this thousands of times, etc. And if there is a way, would it be possible to calculate the time taken to complete this loop.

View 5 Replies

ASP.Net Event Only Being Raised Every Other Time?

Mar 9, 2010

I have an ASP.Net web user control which represents a single entry in a list. To allow users to reorder the items, each item has buttons to move the item up or down the list. Clicking on one of these raises an event to the parent page, which then shuffles the items in the placeholder control.Code fragments from the list entry:

Public Event UpClicked As System.EventHandler
Protected Sub btnUp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnUp.Click


It originally looked in testing like every other time the value for sender (verified by its properties) that reaches UpClicked is of an adjacent ListItem, not the one I've just clicked on - the first click is always wrong, then the second for the correct control.At present,testing appears to show that the button's click event is just being ignored every other time through.Breakpoints on the click events within the control simply aren't being hit, though the events are definitely being established.

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Triggering An Event At A Certain Time?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to make something like an alarm clock. So, I want my programe to trigger a certain event at lets say, 8:00 AM and 16:00 PM.

I was thinking something with timers ticking every second and checking if the time I want is equal to the system time. But....I didn't manage to make it work. So, how do I make this work ?

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Generate An Event After A Time Period?

Jun 26, 2010

take a shot from a camera every last day of the month at midnight. I know how to to take the shot, but I don't know how to generate an event repetitively after a time period. I thought about to calculate the time between now and the next shot time, but how to run a method after a time period?

View 3 Replies

Prevent The Event From Triggering A Second Time?

May 28, 2011

I have a TreeView object on my form, with check boxes. By the way, I'm working with vb.NET. I want it to perform a few different things with the aftercheck event:

If you check a node, check all its children
If you uncheck a node, uncheck the parent node
If you uncheck a node, uncheck all its children

The problem is when you uncheck a node, it unchecks its parent node, which triggers the event again and unchecks all its children.

Would there be a way to prevent the event from triggering a second time? Or will I have to give up on one of those two points?

Here's the code, if it helps any:

If e.Node.Level > 0 Then
If e.Node.Checked = False Then
If e.Node.Parent.Checked = True Then


While I'm at it, is there a way to check if a folder is accessible? I've toyed with FileAttributes, but can't seem to find out how to make it work...

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Trigger An Event On Specific Time Of Day?

Dec 15, 2011

how trigger an event on specific time of day?

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Know The Event Name For A Listview That Happens Every Time An Item Is Added

Jun 9, 2011

i am using vb.net 2005 and i want to know the event name for a listview that happens every time an item is added.

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Raising An Event Every Time A Form Is Shown

Apr 19, 2012

The MyBase.Shown event only gets raised the first time a form gets shown. How do I make something happen every time the form is shown?

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VS 2008 Exiting The Event In The Proper Time?

Sep 19, 2010

I had designed a simple form with Groupbox and some checkboxes (colors)where I need to program the following :When I checked one checkbox in this collection I need the previously checked checkbox to be unchecked and the new one to be checkedbut what I'm getting is not like this where after writting the following code :

Private Sub obj_checked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkred.CheckedChanged, chkblue.CheckedChanged, chkbrown.CheckedChanged, _
chkgreen.CheckedChanged, chkwhite.CheckedChanged, chkyellow.CheckedChanged


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Way To Trap The Event Of MDI Child Loading For The First Time?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm trying to force an always maximize setting

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Why Can't A Sub Implement An Interface And Handle Event At Same Time

Apr 12, 2011

Why can't a sub implement an interface and handle event at the same time? The following gives my a syntax error:[code]I know I could handle this kind of logic with another method, but that is not the point. I just want to understand the reasoning behind this.

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Freeze The Exicution Of A Button Clivk Event For A Specified Time?

Mar 15, 2012

To freeze the exicution for specified period we use threading.thread.sleep() in timer tick event..... But my problem is how to freeze the exicution of a button clivk event for a specified time.....?? I jst tried to use threading.thread.sleep() But its not working in button click event

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Event ItemSelectionChanged Of ListView Firing Three Time When Showing A MDI Form

Dec 20, 2011

I have a VB (.NET3.5) project like this:

- form1: IsMDIForm = true.

- form2: adding a list view with 2 records, select first record, and register the event ItemSelectionChanged.

- Add form2 as a child of form1 (form2.MDIParent = form1).

- When use "form2.Show()" -> the event ItemSelectionChanged firing three time:

+ 1st: SelectedItem = 1

+ 2nd: SelectedItem = 0

+ 3rd: SelectedItem = 1

I want to know the rootcause (not Solution) of thi issue, can anyone help me !?

Project code: http://www.mediafire.com/?hhhdzh5te1wrod4

View 18 Replies

Forms :: Load Event Only Fires One Time (Loosing Handle)

Jul 17, 2011

I have a form for which the form load event only fires one time. When the program starts. It will not fire again until I end the program and restart. I have tried .show and .showdialog, but it acts the same. I have read about form load events loosing the handles, but my code looks exactly like it should.

Here is the load event code
PrivateSub frmBilling_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load
LoadCPT() EndSub

Here is the code that calles the form.
PrivateSub BillingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BillingToolStripMenuItem.ClickfrmBilling.Show()

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Forms :: OnClick Event Not Triggering 2nd Time Button Is Clicked?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm having a strange problem with the OnClick event. In an ArcGIS application using VB.Net, I have a button set up with the following

The following module segment contains the OnClick event: Public NotInheritable Class CommandAnalyseResults
Inherits BaseTool <more code...>
Public Overrides Sub OnClick()


The OnClick event gets triggered no problem the first time I click on the button. However if I then close the window the button code creates and then click on the button again, the OnClick code is not triggered.

If I click on a different button then click back on the 'problem' button a 2nd time, it does seem to trigger the code!

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Give Session Expiry Time (about 5 Min) In Program In Pageload Event?

Jan 4, 2010

How i can give session expiry time (about 5 min) in vb.net in pageload event

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In Button Click Event How To Export & Delete File At A Time

Jun 9, 2011

in windows form in button click event how to export the file in a location select by showdialog & it will be delete permanently at a same time.How can i do this!
because in .net it will produces error "IO Exception was unhandled" or "The process can not access the file because it is used by anather process." .In button click event how to export the file & delete at same time in vb.net windows application.

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In Button Click Event How To Export & Delete File At A Time In VB

Jun 9, 2011

n windows form in button click event how to export the file in a location select byshowdialog & it will be delete permanently at a same time.How can i do this! because in .net it will produces error "IO Exception was unhandled" or "The process can not access the file because it is used by anather process." .In button click event how to export the file & delete at same time in vb.net windows application.

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VS 2008 Handle Click Event Of Component During Design-time

Feb 10, 2010

I have a UserControl with a Panel (Panel1). The UserControl has a property Items (type ControlCollection) that returns the Controls collection of Panel1.Via a custom CollectionEditor, I tell the designer that it should add my custom controls called Item (inheriting Control). For the sake of example, the Item control is just a control with a random background color:[code]The custom CollectionEditor creates new Item controls using the DesignerHost service (and its CreateComponent method), so that they appear as actual components in Panel1, selectable during design-time just like any other control.It might be a little hard to see (because the colored Items are docked to the top), but I have selected the red item, which can also be seen from the Properties list.

As you can see in the code, I attach a Click event handler to each item as it is added to Panel1. When clicked, a MessageBox shows the color of the item. Obviously this is just for the sake of this example, but the point is that I need to be able to click an item and something then needs to happen.This works fine during run-time. I can click each item, and the MessageBox shows.The problem is that it does not work (quite obviously) during design-time. When I click it during design-time, it is simply selected (as any other control) and of course does not register any Click (nor MouseClick) events.But, I need the Click event to fire even when in design-time! Clicking an item corresponds to selecting it, and when selected (even in design-time), some other panel (not shown in this example) should be brought to the front so it gets visible. Now, I have created lots of things very similar to this (clicking an item during design-time), but there has always been one major difference: those items were not actual controls on the form. Instead, they were drawn manually on to their parent (and they only looked like separate controls). Obviously there was no design-time support for those 'items' (as they weren't controls), but I could handle clicking them quite easily: by handling the MouseClick event of the parent, I can check the location and see if it falls within an item. If so, that item was 'clicked' (artificially).This time, the items are actual controls, and this method does not work (the parent does not receive a MouseClick event either).So, does anyone know of any way to do this? The only way I can think of right now (although I have no idea how to implement it) is to somehow 'listen' to changes in the designer selection.

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