.net Datatable Doesn't Support Datatype From DateDiff

May 9, 2011

I have a query to retrieve DateDiff in my SQL:

SELECT Convert(char,DATEDIFF(m, Temp.Opening_Date, '2011-05-01')) As MonthDifference From Temp

It was successfully retrieve the data from SQL Server. But when I bind it to my vb.net datatable, the value is null. It's seems like vb.net datatable doesn't support datatype from DateDiff... What can I do?

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DateDiff Doesn't Take Into Account The First And FirstDayOfWeek

Nov 17, 2009

I am writing some code that is trying to determine how far through a season we are in a game we play.


The code below, sort of works:


which could be any day of the week. I've tried all sorts of things to programmatically set "FirstDayOfWeek.x", but it seems as though vb.NET wants it hard coded as FirstDayOfWeek.Monday or. Tuesday etc and you can't pass an integer like 1 or 2 so I could set it on the fly.

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DataTable And Bit Datatype?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a window application created in VB.net 2005 and the backend is sql. I make a call to the database and it returns a datatable. When I loop through it, I get a value of -1 for my field "Rush" which is a bit datatype. when I pass the sql into the analyzer, I see the value should be a 1 so not sure why it's giving me a -1. Here's some of the code that's in the page: Dim tblSendEmail As DataTable

tblSendEmail = oService.GetSendEmailInfo 'Goes to a webservice and returns a record set in the datatable

For Each row As DataRow In tblSendEmail.Rows
iRush = row("rush")


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Change Datatype In A Datatable?

Jan 5, 2009

I have a datatable that I read xml into.

One of the columns is a date, but the dataype of that column is set to string. Is it possible to change that dataype to date?

View 10 Replies

Pointers To Variable - Vb Doesn't Support But C# Does

Jan 17, 2010

Since vb doesnt support pointers but c# does. I am using a wrapper dll that requires a pointer to some singles to be passed within the method. I get an error that the method has some parameter types that are not supported. How can i pass a pointer to this method if vb .net doesnt support pointers.

View 4 Replies

Why Expressions Doesn't Support IdentityEquality

Sep 22, 2009

There is no IdentityEqual item in ExpressionType enumeration. How can I construct expreesion tree with VB.NET Is operator?

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Change DataType Of Datatable Columns?

Sep 7, 2011

I want to change the DataType of all columns of DataTable. I don't want use the loop.. [URL]

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VS 2005 Change A Datatype In Access, Datagrid Doesn't Work

Aug 18, 2010

I have a VS2005 utility that I'm working on that has an Access 2003 backend. A couple of days ago, my boss asked that I change one field in two tables from TEXT to MEMO, to allow more information to be put in. In doing some final pre-deployment testing, I find when I hit my button to pull up the list of tickets, I get the error

"System.Data.ConstraintException was unhandled
Message="Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.""

The datagrid is based on a query I have in the database. The query runs fine, and when I go through the XSD and go into Query Builder, the QB is also returning data. I have made the various changes to the utlity as suggested by Microsoft, but no luck. When I put the two columns back to TEXT, the Grid works fine.

How the heck do I set it up so that the grid will recognise the new data format? The number of characters for the individual columns is set to 37,627 (I believe, it's whatever the default is). I only have 200 characters in my test data. I need to rebuild the whole dataset - this deployment has to be done by the end of the day tomorrow and I have a whole pile of other stuff left to do.

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Doesn't C# Have Support For First Pass Exception Filtering?

Mar 2, 2009

Note: this is not a duplicate of Jeff's question. That question asked "Is an equivalent?" I know there isn't, and I want to know why! The reason I ask is that I've only just become clear on how important it is, and the conclusion seems very strange to me. The Exception Handling block of Microsoft's Enterprise Library advises us to use this pattern:


The policy is defined in an XML file, so that means that if a customer has an issue, we can modify the policy to assist with tracking down (or perhaps papering over) the problem to give them a fast resolution until we deal with it properly - which may involve arguing with 3rd parties, about whose fault it all is. This is basically an acknowledgement of the simple fact that in real applications the number of exception types and their "recoverability" status is practically impossible to manage without a facility like this.

Meanwhile, the CLR team at MS says this is not an option, and it turns out those guys know what they're talking about! The problem is that right before the catch block runs, any finally blocks nested inside the try block will be executed. So those finally blocks may do any of the following: Harmlessly modify the program state (phew, lucky). Trash something important in the customer's data, because the program state is screwed up to an unknown degree. Disguise or destroy important evidence that we need to diagnose an issue - especially if we're talking about calls into native code. Throw another exception, adding to the general confusion and misery.

Note that the using statement and C++/CLI destructors are built on try/finally, so they're affected too. So clearly the catch/throw pattern for filtering exceptions is no good. What is actually needed is a way to filter exceptions, via a policy, without actually catching them and so triggering the execution of finally blocks, unless we find a policy that tells us the exception is safe to recover from. The CLR team blogged about this recently:


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Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method?

Feb 9, 2012

Are shared properties accessible from a COM exposed .NET assembly?

Dim appExcel As Object
Dim objAppSingleton As Object
Set objAppSingleton = CreateObject("Pitchbook.CommonUtils.Application.PitchbookAppSingleton")[code].....

The line appExcel = objAppSingleton.CurrentPitchbookExcelApp gives the error:Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method

View 2 Replies

Datatable :: Creating New Columns Ignores Datatype?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a datatable which has a number of rows containing dataThen I need to add some empty datacolumns which I do like this:

Dim OT_Hours As New DataColumn("OT_Hours")
OT_Hours.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double")


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Use A Datatable With A Hierarchyid Datatype To Populate A Treeview?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a DataTable that has a hierarchyid data type column pulled from SQL Server. Is it possible to use the column to easily populate a treeview object in Visual Studio 2008?

View 7 Replies

IDE :: Why Doesn't In Visual Studio 2010 Have Any Refactor Support

Jul 3, 2009

Why doesn't vb.net in Visual Studio 2010 have any Refactor support

View 14 Replies

Use COMM Port 2 To Get Information From A Device. .NET Doesn't Support It Though

Feb 9, 2010

I am writing a VB.NET app that has a piece which needs to send a small command to comm port 2 and get the return result. The problem is .NET doesnt have any support for serial communication seems like.

I just need to send the command "headtype" and get the result.

View 2 Replies

Asp.net Mvc - Sorting Datatable With Linq With Correct Datatype Of A Column?

Mar 27, 2012

I have this code that use to sort a datatable.

Dim sortingIndex As Integer = orderby
Dim DataTableNew As DataTable = New DataTable
DataTableNew = dt.Clone
Dim query = (From c In dt.AsEnumerable Order By c.Field(Of String)(sortingIndex) Ascending)
query.CopyToDataTable(DataTableNew, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)

My problem is that with this method I always need (Of String) for it to work, so the date columns are also managed as Strings witch is the problem. Is there a way to use the correct type so the sorting is based on the type of the column?

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Compatibility With DotNet Versions - SQLite.dll Doesn't Support Windows 7

Oct 15, 2011

I have been again blessed with legacy code made (presumably) with vs 2008. It's a Visual Basic project with a dependency to SQLite. The actual problem is that it is needed to install and run on Windows 7. Now, I have VB 2008 express in which I opened the project and tried to run it. It threw an exception which was most likely due to the fact that SQLite.dll doesn't support Windows 7 (and/or 64 bit environments). The exception was System. BadImageFormatException. (ddl version was

I read somewhere in the internet that in order to run it in Windows 7 you need to have newer version of it. I downloaded it and managed to change the reference to newer one. Now in the SQLite site it says it requires .net version 3.5 or 4.0. I know that I can change the target framework to 3.5 or even 4.0 but do I need to change some of the old references in the project properties? All the references seem to be to 2.0 libraries. Like System and path to X:windowsMicrosoft. NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.dll. Does this actually mean that the application is using .net 2.0 although it target framework would be 3.5 or 4.0?

And most importantly do I need to convert my application manually or by using some tool to .net 3.5 or 4.0 in order to get it running with new SQLite dll which requires 3.5 or 4.0?

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Replicating Table Rows In A Datatable Causes The Datatype In An Excel Output Report To Be Different?

Nov 3, 2010

I pull a report from SQL Server being not a fan of cursors I process that table server side in my code behind file. So I pull this report that is an address label report and my client wants there to be X number of labels per person. So I coded this function:

Private Function ProcessX(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal X As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dtProcessed As DataTable = dt.Copy


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C# - ObservableCollection Doesn't Support AddRange Method - Get Notified For Each Item Added Besides What About INotifyCollectionChanging?

Mar 22, 2009

I want to be able to add a range and get updated for the entire bulk. I also want to be able to cancel the action before it's done (i.e. collection changing besides the 'changed').


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Using Datatype Object And Determine Datatype In Class Property - Several Integers Columns That Are Null In The Db?

Mar 8, 2010

anything wrong with using datatype object and determine datatype in class property? I have a typed dataset and it has several integers columns that are null in the db. and when I make a call it throws exception.is there anythign wrong with setting it as object in my dataset.. changing the throw exception property to Nothing and passing it to my property as integer?

for each row in myDS.DataTable
cRate.CustID = row.CustID
next row

and in my class

Public Property CustID() As Integer
Return _custID[code].............

View 3 Replies

Convert A TimeSpan Datatype To A DateTime Datatype?

Apr 30, 2002

I'm using a 3rd party chart COM object (National Instruments CW graph) to plot data versus elapsed time.The x value needs to be a VB6 equivalent Date type which is a .NET DateTime datatype.What I need is a way to convert a TimeSpan datatype to a DateTime datatype.

Dim testTime as System.DateTime 'date
Dim plotTime as System.DateTime 'date
Dim elapsedTime as System.TimeSpan[code].....

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Converting Timespan Datatype To Time Datatype?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a database in mysql. The column in table is of datatype time(0)

Similarly I have a control datetimepicker in vb.net I have assigned format property as custom to the control and the CustomFormat property as HH:mm:ss tt so that it can just provide the time. I dont want the date to be in it.

Issue comes when I try to retrieve the value from database I get an error as Converion of type 'Timespan' to type 'Date' is not valid

Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
myCommand = New SqlCommand("select * from [HMS].[dbo].[DoctorSchedule] where DoctorID='" & txtDoctorID.Text & "'", Connection)


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.net - Datatable.Rows.Find Doesn't Work?

Mar 1, 2012

Dim datatable_default_view As DataTable = _datatable.DefaultView.ToTable
Dim servicenumber As String = datatable_default_view.Rows.Item(e.RowIndex)("Service Number").ToString
'gets the service number of the selected row[code]....

I've put this code under the DatagridView_CellEndEdit event

The Problem: The 'data_row edited' variable doesn't get initialized when exiting the cell in edit mode using the keyboard (ie: pressing the down/up arrow).If I use the mouse it works as expected. Why is this ?

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Changing DataType To An SQL Or Database Datatype?

Jan 2, 2011

I am working on a produce inventory database in my VB Express program.I have a form on the bottom and a spreadsheet at the top. I want to enter all the data in the form and have that data automatically transferred as a group to the spreadshet in the upper part of the page when I press a button.I know that there's an insert function.I set it up correctly. The problem is that I have to convert the textbox, which contain string data, to the datatype used in the database spreadsheet.HOw do I use CAST or do this?Here's the function I am using:

Me.TableAdapterManager.InventoryTableAdapter.Insert(IDTextBox.Text, fruitName, unitprice, unitsize, unitIn, unitTransit, unitOut)

Evernything is a string cause the data is coming from a textbox, I need to convert it to the datatypes used in the database.Also how do I use the CAST and Convert functions

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If Compile A VB6 App On Win7 - ADODB.Connection Errors With "Class Does Not Support Automation Or Does Not Support Expected Interface"

Apr 28, 2011

I compiled some VB6 code on my Win7 x64 machine and the result .exe will not run correctly on any other machine. VB6 code is just a new template .exe file with one button, a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library" and the following code in the button press event: Dim db Set db = New ADODB.Connection It runs correctly on my machine, but no others (even other Win7 x64 machines) (Update: I found TWO other users where it runs and one of them is Jeff Atwood!, but most machines have the same problem)


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Select Method Of DataTable Doesn't Work - "value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of Column"?

Nov 11, 2011

I need some help on merging 2 tables. A simplified version of the issue and the error is outlined below. I am doing the following steps: 1. Create & Fill the schema of the table TblA by an adapter. TblA = DSTasks.Tables.Add("A") AdpA.FillSchema(TblA,


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Asp.net - Datediff With SQL Field

Jan 3, 2012

I'm trying to do a Datediff in VB.Net thats confusing me. Basically I'm trying to do the following. If DateDiff("D", Today(), rsData("Start")) > 0 Then This is working fine when comparing the value from SQL with todays date. I however need to convert this to check the current month and if it matches then return whatever I'm trying to show below.


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.net - Datediff And Dateadd Function?

Feb 22, 2011

If DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, moDoBooking.m_CurrentDay, moDoBooking.m_BaseDay) _
> DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, _
Convert.ToDouble(moDoBooking.oBooking.oFacility.ADAYS), moDoBooking.m_BaseDay), _
moDoBooking.m_BaseDay) Then

This condition won't satisfy with these values:

moDobooking.m_CurrentDay = 2/3/2011
moDobooking.m_BaseDay = 22/02/2011
moDoBooking.oBooking.oFacility.ADAYS = 1

You might say this is dead-easy but honestly it's late here and my head is not working at all! Could AnyOne tell me why is that?

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Asp.net - Datediff Not Returning Expected Value?

Jun 21, 2012

this code always return '0' i don't know why

Dim cur_month = DatePart(DateInterval.Month, Now).ToString()
Dim cur_date As String = "01/" + cur_month + "/" + (DatePart(DateInterval.Year, Now).ToString)


cnb_mnth is ComboBox for Month

txt_year is Text Box For Entering Year

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DateDiff - Put Together A Booking System

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to put together a booking system. I have managed to program rates, discounts etc., and am now onto calculating the nights for the stay. On my form I have two datetimepickers, and a button. The code I have entered is: (I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express)


This works well when getting how many nights between two dates in the same month, but if I enter say 30th August to 2th September, I get a -28. Is there a way to get the number of nights booked between two different months?

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Get Month By Using 'DateDiff' Function?

Jun 22, 2010

I have five text boxes & one button there in my form. I have written this code to get user`s current age. But problem is that I have to get user`s age with months.

My code to get age :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
BDate = Text1.Text & "-" & Text2.Text & "-" & Text3.Text
CurDate = Now


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