Automatically Pick Urls In Listbox Then Load To Webbrowser?

Jul 30, 2011

My problem i have almost made the program which gives urls from google and collect in listbox and sort found as i typed links and copy into richtextbox. But i need to pick up all urls from google automatically from all pages.Because now it does only 1 page.Here is the part of my code in which i want to make it work.

Code:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click WebBrowser1.Navigate("" & TextBox1.Text)


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Automatically Pick URL In LISTBOX Then Load To WEBBROWSER?

Mar 26, 2011

I am creating an application that can import list of URL in the ListBox then it will automatically cut the first URL on the listbox then load to the webbrowser then it will repeat the process.

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Get All Of The URLs Of The Resources Loaded By A WebBrowser In A Webpage?

Aug 15, 2011

How do I get any and all of the URLs of the resources loaded by a WebBrowser in a webpage?

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Randomly Pick Images To Load Into Picturebox

Nov 16, 2009

I'm working on creating a very simple dice game for class (not for gambling purposes). The users has already entered their total amount of money, and are are able to wager for every round. We were supplied with 6 different picture files to represent the 6 sides of the dice. It will be located in the C:\Temp folder, and after the user clicks a play button, the form (frmDice) will appear, which has two pictureboxes(pbDice1 & pbDice2) located on it.


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Pick A Random String From A Listbox?

Apr 8, 2012

I have quick questions for you guys how do I pick a random string from a listbox ? and also second question how do I randomize which line to pick out of a string array? lets say I have 5 strings


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VS 2010 Save All Internal Urls Of A Website In A Listbox Or Richtextbox?

Nov 4, 2011

I found this code but I am developing a small sitemap builder for submit on yahoo so I need save all internal urls of a website in a listbox or richtextbox.

Public Function ExtractLinks(ByVal url As String) As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable


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How To Pick Random String From Listbox And Show In Property

Mar 4, 2010

I am not so good at VB.NET, well, I am working with a school to run a Spelling Bee aimed at children in year 7. And to make it fair and unbiased i need an application that can choose randomise a word from the list box then transfer the string to the text box. So basically something that can pick a random string from the listbox and show it in the textbox1.text property.

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VS 2010 Pick A Random Item From The Listbox And Display It As The Label

Apr 22, 2011


The Textbox.Text will be a new Item in ListBox when Button1.Click I want to pick a random item from the listbox and display it as the label. Think of it as a random raffle picker lol.

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Remove Duplicate Urls From List Of Urls

Jun 22, 2011

I have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form. [URL] i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. How do i filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url

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Load The URLs Of All Favorites In The Favorites File?

Apr 6, 2009

How do I load the URLs of all favorites in the Favorites file and how do I make favourites in the file? This is the code I have:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim favouriteFiles() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Favorites), "*.url")
For Each currentFile As String In favouriteFiles


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WebBrowser Load - How To Get Form1.Load To Do Both Operations

Jun 18, 2010

I Want A Web-Browser (WebBrowser1.Navigate [url]) to navigate to a direct site witha .txt file so the text appears in the browser. ok that works.

When Form1 Loads I want To Use This But It Wont Work WebBrowser1.Navigate[url] but it will only work if form1 contains WebBrowser1.Navigate[url] and button1 = TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText.

Final Question How Can I Get Form1.Load To Do Both Operations

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Webbrowser Opening A File Automatically

Nov 16, 2009

I'm trying to make an HTML Editing software with and one of the features is debugging with a webbrowser. I want the webbrowser to open up the file that the user is currently working on. They have to save it before they can open the webbrowser, so possibly it could be webbrowser opens the last save, but this is the best I could come up with.[code]

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Automatically Or On Button Press Scroll To Certain <div> Tag In Webbrowser?

Jun 3, 2011

what im trying to do is using regex i'm pulling information from a webpage, and they are shown on a checklist. I want to be able to check the check on the checklist, press a button and ill be taken to the place the regex text was, or a tag around there.

Something i've also wondered about is if your able to link the regex to a in-software Webbrowser from the tool box, as i'm trying to pull information from a site that requires me to log in, before i can view the certain page. So i just wnat to be able to log in Webbrowser1 and then the regex can read from there.

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Scrolling Webpage Automatically Using WebBrowser Control

Jun 18, 2010

I am navigating to a website using a webbrowers control and I wish to automatically scroll the page after it is loaded. I have used scrolltop , scrollleft commands as set out below but nothing seems to happen.
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollTop = 100
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollLeft = 200

I have placed the above commands in a command button and wait until the page has loaded before I press it and also in the
WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted sub

Other commands such as
Seem to work ok.

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Use A WebBrowser Control To Automatically Fill Forms?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to automatically fill forms in a WebBrowser Control. There are TextBoxes and CheckBoxes. How can I automatically set their value programatically? Language: VB 2008?

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Create WebBrowser Which Use HTTPS Automatically?

Oct 26, 2010

Is it possible to create a web browser which auto use the https:// instead of the http://. For example: I open a facebook and the web is auto using the http://,, is it possible that the browser forced every action in the browser auto add the https://

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Webbrowser Control To Automatically Navigate Through Facebook

Jun 26, 2011

I am using webbrowser control to automatically navigate through facebook.Nothing malicious, just an experiment of sorts.Im working on a bot that that would extract the names of all friends on my friends page, open up those pages, extract their friends names, and repeat.The end result would be a chart of who knows who. A sort of 'six degrees of separation' experiment.I have everything automated up until getting to my friends page and I am having trouble extracting the urls from my friends page. [code] Now, I figure I can extract from <div class=fsl fwb fcb">, but Im confused as to how to go about doing this. On another thread, someone said it cant be done with webbrowser control, but im new automation.

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Automatically Start Application On Windows Startup Or Load?

Sep 7, 2009

How can i automatically start a application on windows startup or load?

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Forms - WebBrowser - Automatically, Randomly Fill Data

Jan 18, 2009

I'm currently making a Program that will automatically and randomly fill in Username and stuff like that, in a webbrowser. A yahoo account maker. and i'm stuck at the part with that image. I want to copy the image to a Picture Box inside the Visual Basic 2008 program. [Code]

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Load A Datagridview And Automatically Select A Row Containing Text From A Textbox

May 4, 2010

How can I load a datatable and have the system automatically select a specific row containing text that is already inputted int a textbox?

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WebBrowser Control: Automatically Resize (as Standalone IE Does) An Image In It?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm using this control in a application to load the URL of a .jpg image. The thing is that the image is bigger than the control, so I want it to automatically resize the image, as IE does when the same thing happens there, and it even shows a little magnifier glass to restore the image to full size.How can this be achieved? What happens at default is that the image is bigger than the control, so a quarter of it shows and I have to scroll to see the rest.

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Go To Next Item In ListBox Automatically

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to go to the next item in a listbox automatically when a song finishes in my media player. I've done this in my other player, but unfortunately have lost the source code.

I have this code
If MediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsStopped Then
ListBox1.SelectedItem = Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem + 1
End If
But everywhere I put it, it just doesn't work.

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Automatically Load And Export Crystal Report As Email Attachment

Jun 3, 2011

i am creating an application that i want to load a pre-designed crystal report from database records and print it in pdf format and send it as e-mail attachment. I know how to send it as an attachment but i don't know how to print it in pdf automatically for sending.

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Using DirectX To Automatically Change Sreen Resoultion On Form1 Load

May 29, 2010

Can you tell me how to change screen resolution using directX and automatically passing UAC. It should also turn back to the original resolution when the user exits the program.

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Automatically Select Items In A Listbox?

Apr 25, 2012

I am trying to automatically select items in a listbox when i populate it.

see the code below listbSizeRun is a listbox

Dim sizelist As New Generic.List(Of stLib.clsRecall.sizeRunInfoVO)
sizelist = recall.getDistinctSizeGL()
listbSizeRun.DataSource = sizelist


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How To Automatically Select Items In A Listbox

Nov 12, 2010

I have a listbox that displays SSRS report names and a separate listbox for displaying email addresses. Both report names and email addresses reside in separate SQL tables. This application allows my users to select an SSRS report, report parameters, export method and email a URL link to one or multiple recipients. This part works very well. One particular report has 6 recipients and I have been trying to come up with a way to automatically select these 6 email addresses whenever this one report is selected but I haven't had any luck being the neophyte .Net programmer that I am.

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How To Get Total Sum From A Listbox And Display It Automatically Into A Textbox

Mar 15, 2012

Ive got a Listbox which displays a data/record from a SQL database, it displays "Amount" and only numbers would appear. it has a datasource.

Goal: I'd Like to get the total sum of those numbers from the Listbox and Display it to a textbox automatically or by button click event.

I thought of two ways to do this, but I don't have a clue on what to do.

1. I tried summing it all up on that exact Listbox and display the total on the textbox, here's the code that i came up with..


But the data im working with is from a database, so i got this error:Conversion from type 'DataRowView' to type 'Double' is not valid.

2. I thought of having another Listbox and "Copy" the contents shown on the Listbox1 and then sum it all up on the Listbox2, then lastly display the Total on the Textbox. I did a little research on how to accomplish that but all the clue i found is that i have to disconnect the listbox data from the datasource from being bound, and reconnect it again.. I really don't have any idea on how i could do that with an SQL database.

Here's a quick flow on what im trying to accomplish to make things.

Record from Database -----Displays on---> Listbox1 -----User Clicks--> Button1 ----Displays Total sum on----> Textbox1

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Media Player - Automatically Play Next In ListBox

Jun 4, 2009

I got a Media Player with playlist (listbox). When the track or video ends, I want the program to automatically play next track (or video) ib playlist.

Here's my code:
If AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsMediaEnded Then
Playlist.SelectedItem = Playlist.SelectedItem + 1
AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = Playlist.SelectedItem
End If

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Scroll An ASP.Net ListBox Automatically To First Selected Item?

Nov 17, 2010

Is there an easy way to scroll an ASP.Net ListBox automatically to the first selected Item?[code]...

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Forms :: Automatically Update Value When A User Changes The Listbox Item?

Feb 17, 2009

how can i automatically update my value when a user changs the listbox item. At the moment i have a button click when the user changes the list box item and press the button the values get updated, everytime the listbox item get changed i have to repeat it click the button to update the value. I want something where automitically as soon as the listbox item selected the total value in the text box to change without clicking the button:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "Seafood" Then
TextBox1.Text = 3.5 * ComboBox2.SelectedItem


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