Basic Calculation - Keeping Track Of Total Number Of Discounts

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to keep track of the total number of discounts given (whole numbers) I keep getting .75 after the first discount, and it adds .75 for every trans action after that. I have tried to pick it apart but I just don't see it. You can follow by tracking the comments that relate to the summary. I know that is an Integer but the book has it declared as a decimal so I went with it.

Public Class BookSaleForm
'Declare module level variables
Private QuantitySumInteger, SaleCountInteger As Integer
Private DIscountSumDecimal, DiscountedPriceSumDecimal As Decimal
Const DISCOUNT_RATE_Decimal As Decimal = 0.15D
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Calculation Goes To The Last Entry As Stated The Multiply This Total By Number Of Days(dbl)?

May 3, 2011

I have an application that has 3 list boxes, one selects a workshop, the other a location. the third is to display selected do the calculation a loop is required. i have written the code but when i calculate the cost the final result to be displayed ends up as being the cost of the last work shop and location * 3,What is supposed to happen is the location is multiplied by the number of days(3 in this case) and added to the workshop cost.the loop is supposed to add all cost from the list box till all have been added.what is happening is the calculation goes to the last entry as stated the multiplys this total by number of days(dbl)?

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Apply Discounts Depending On The Number Of Sales IE?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to create a Software Sales calculator. My issue is not being able to have the lblPackageA3 to display the number as FormatCurrency after having the txtPackageA being multiplied by $99.Also need to figure out how to apply discounts depending on the number of sales IE 10-19 = 20% off

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim sngPackageA As Single
Dim sngPackageB As Single


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Keeping Track Of Choices?

May 24, 2011

I have two combo boxes, and four buttons. When the user clicks "Add" on the first combo box, it adds a new item to the combo box with "New" and then lets the user rename that item to something else. That "new" item has to have an array of "answers" that go along with that item in the list. What I'm having trouble figuring out is assigning "answers" to the second combobox for each item in the first combobox and changing the second combobox when selecting an item in the first combobox.


Item 1 - Combobox1
- Item 1 - Combobox2
- Item 2 - Combobox2


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Keeping Track Of The Points Of .DrawEllipse?

Dec 16, 2009

I want to know if the user clicked on the Ellipse (just the line of nonfilled ellipse)? I don't care if the click inside of it,JUST the LINE. I made a copy of the orgianal rectangle info before drawing it. And then I tried .contains on the mouse click? and that allows me to click everywhere

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Keeping Track Of Values In Different Forms?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to create a quiz application in Visual Basic 2008. I need to be able to store a score value when the player gets a correct answer. When the value is stored a new question set appears. Once the score is calculated I want to be able to show this is in a new form so the value needs to be passed from one form to the other. I'm not entirely sure how to do this but I believe it will incorporate a module.

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VS 2008 Keeping Track Of Ellipses?

Mar 8, 2010

Suppose i want to draw semi-random ellipses on my form.Is there any way i can check if they get clicked at a later stage?Is there any way of storing the location of individual ellipses and then comparing the mouse-click to my list of locations to see if one was clicked?

I can imagine how it could be done with squares or rectangles, but i dont know how to approach it with ellipses.

Im sure this has been asked before, but i've spent a good while searching around for something i can use and came up emptyhanded.

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C# - Keeping Track Of Values With Dynamically Created Controls

Jun 14, 2011

I have a WPF application that allows users to create questions of all different types which depending on the type will use a textbox,combobox,checkboxes, or radio buttons to allow the user to answer the question after they build some sort of questionnaire. My question is what is the best way to keep track of the answers across all the different controls after the controls are created and the questionnaire is created on the fly. Right now, i'm looping through all the containers and getting the values based on the controlType.

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Code - Add The Elements To The Stack With Keeping Track Of Adding And Deleting

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying (Push)add data into my stack (length of five) and (Pop)delete from the end of my stack.

I need to know how can:

- Add the elements to the stack with keeping track of adding and deleting from it (adding an element will increment until 5 and deleting would decrement until the stack is empty).

Private Sub Button1Push_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1Push.Click
Dim Stack(4) As String


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VS 2010 Keeping Track Of 'Active' Tabpage With Multiple TabControls?

Aug 11, 2010

I am building a sort of 'lightweight' Visual Studio, and I'm trying to implement the feature where you can drag tabs to different 'tab groups', viewing multiple tabs side by side.

I got nearly everything working, I show a ContextMenuStrip when you rightclick the tab headers, with the option of creating a new (horizontal or vertical) Tab Group. When that happens, a new TabControl is added dynamically and the selected tab is moved there. You can drag the tabs around inside a TabControl and even from one to another.

The problem now is keeping track of the 'active' tab. Since I have multiple TabControls (not just two, there can be as many as you want theoretically), their SelectedTab properties are basically useless. How am I to determine which TabControl the user is currently working in? Obviously I will always have multiple selected tabs, but only one active tab, in which the user is currently typing, editing, whatever.I need to know the active tab for obvious reasons: many menu and toolbar items act on the active tab for example. A short explanation of my controls:I have one TabGroupContainer control, which inherits UserControl. I have a TabGroup control, which inherits TabControl.I have a Tab control, which inherits TabPage.

The TabGroupContainer holds a collection of TabGroups (to which I dynamically add/remove TabGroups when required). Now I want the TabGroupContainer control to have the ActiveTab property which returns the one and only active tab (out of possibly many selected tabs).The only logical way is to keep track of the tab that was selected last, for every TabGroup.

At the moment, I am doing this:

- In the TabGroup (TabControl) class, I shadow the SelectedTab property (and return a Tab instead of a TabPage). More importantly, in the property setter, I raise a SelectedTabChanged event:
Public Shadows Property SelectedTab As Tab
Return DirectCast(MyBase.SelectedTab, Tab)


However, it still doesn't work. I soon figured out why: I am checking that the previously SelectedTab is not the same as the new value in the property setter of the (shadowed) SelectedTab property. I don't raise the event when they were the same, and in this case they were the same (as there is only one tab in the TabGroup!).So, I took that check out, and now it seems to work when I click in the text editor.

So one problem remains: the active tab is not changed when you click on the tab header (and not on the text editor). I am clueless as to how I should handle this... I am once again sure there is a simple fix, but I cannot see it. I can click the tab header, and I'm sure behind the hood it responds to this click, but it never raises it SelectedIndexChanged event because the index didn't change but was set to the same value it already had. I cannot override the SelectedIndex property (so I could skip this check and raise the event anyway even if the value didn't change), and the OnSelectedIndexChanged method is not called, so I cannot use that either...

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 - The Program Keeping A Running Total?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm about to pull my hair out with this program. I need the following program to keep a running total of the total amount due by a customer for books bought. The exercise required the use of a BookSale class with 3 attributes(a quantity,price,and total due) and 2 behaviors(a default constructor and method that keeps a running total). Here is the code for the class:


My problem lies in the program keeping a running total. The total due is displayed fine for each quantity and price but not the whole running total. For example,if I enter 1 as quantity and 2 as price and click the Add to Sale button,the Total Due value,which is $2.00,is displayed. However,if I change the quantity to 2 and price to 4,which comes out to $8.00,the $8.00 is not added to the existing $2.00. I feel like I'm missing something elementary and it's driving me crazy. I would work on it some more but it's already after 4 AM here and I need to get some sleep.BTW,this exercise is from a college textbook. However,this isn't an assignment that is due. I just got bored and decided to work on a chapter we didn't have time to get to.

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Keeping A Total - Size Of Pizza Which Is A Combo Box (CmbSize)

Apr 7, 2011

Anyway I am writing a program to allow the user to enter:

-size of pizza which is a combo box (CmbSize)
-type (thin crust or standard) of pizza which is a combo box (CmbType)
-pizza choice (spicy chicken, maryland etc) using a checked listed box (ChkdListChoice)

The problem I have that will probably be simple to a lot of you who are using this language frequently is that I simply want keep a running subtotal of the users choice. So for example the user chooses 8" Spicy Chicken - 3.50, then they press the BtnAddToOrder button to output it to the Textbox (TxtPizzaChoi). When the user adds the next pizza I simply want the previous pizza price to be added to this one giving a new subtotal. I have not made the price change if the user changes the size to 12" spicy chicken, the price is still 3.50, simply because I think this could make it more difficult to me and I don't have lots of time to work on this. My declarations are not all in use and i may not need them by the way.

Heres the code:

Public Class PizzaChoices
Dim price As Decimal
Dim topping As Decimal


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Time And Total Calculation?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm making a simple program. It is almost finish in a manner of simple function. But I have problems related to time, clock and calculating codes. I admit that this software based on cyber cafe management software. I try to make a new one and less complicated and easier to use for my shop.

I tried to googling and find some coding then try to apply it in but it won't working.

In this simple program:-
1. User click the checkbox. (time start)
2. User click the STOP button. (time stop)
3. Total RM textbox will show the total currency.


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Creating A Progress Bar That Runs On Another Thread While Keeping Calculation In Main Thread

Nov 12, 2009

Preface: I know this is an unusual/improper way to do this. I can do this with a "real" ShowDialog(), background worker/thread, and so on. I am trying to do specifically what I describe here, even if it is ugly. If this is impossible for X reason, I have created a fancy progress dialog for some of our long running operations. I need to have this dialog shown on a new thread while having processing continue on the calling (UI in most cases) thread.


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Track All Events Fired In Visual Basic 6?

Sep 22, 2009

Need code which logs all the events and function/procedure calls fired in Visual Basic 6?

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How To Track Motherboard Number

Oct 13, 2009

to track the motherboard number in

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Get Files Title & Album Name & Track Number?

Sep 26, 2010

Well I have some music files I want to load up from my program, it is meant to list out all the files album name, song title, track number, etc... it's meant to be a custom player which can load up mp3 files & play them.I can get files to play & everything fine, list out directory it's stored in, full file path & file name & such & extension but stuff like album name, song title, track number, song length I am unable to find out how to get this info.

Previous stuff has showed a way to retrieve them from the file by reading certain bytes & stuff but doesn't work because apparentally the album art is inside the file & at the beginning instead of the other information tags, since such pictures are bigger or smaller at times, I can't simply determine with my current knowledge how to read out the album art either or determine how long of text it would be to skip over, then at that point that the tags are in the place ..maybe there is a way from managed code to do this or API? Reading bytes to determin the info & re-create the album art, and piece together the album name, song title, etc... isn't what I want to do, I want something that's easier to do, I thought it would be simple to make a program just to play some music.

View 16 Replies

Keep Track Of The Number Of Correct And Incorrect Response?

Mar 1, 2011

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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Show The Track With The Greatest Number Of Sales?

Apr 5, 2010

i have a database shown on VB 2008 showing music information. i am trying to show the track with the greatest number of sales however it is only displaying the current information on the screen (i am showing the access database in multiple text boxes) rather than searching the database.

this is the section of code i am struggling with:

Private Sub Btntopseller_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btntopseller.Click
Dim index, largest As Integer


i also would like to add to this, i would like the user to be able to select a year from a list box to show the track with the greatest number of sales in that year.

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Validate A Number Calculation Program?

May 25, 2010

i need the program to reject letters and words which are entered into the text boxes and only accept numbers. At the moment i am using IF statements but i need a more pratical approach to this.

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Get The Total Of Number Into A Textbox?

Mar 21, 2010

Heres my code:

Dim Subject As String
Subject = InputBox("How many")
Dim i As Integer
Dim num As Integer


So how do I get the total of num into a textbox? If I type in 3 for "Subject = InputBox("How many")" then I get 3 "num = Val(InputBox("This many"))". Only the last number entered goes into the textbox and they don't add up to make a total.

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Get Total Number Of Databases?

Oct 5, 2010

how to get total number of databases available in SQL Server database in Combo box and display total number of tables in that database in ListView

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How To Get Total Number Of Databases

Jun 24, 2011

How to get total number of databases available in SQL Server database in Combo box and display total number of tables in that database in ListView.

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Total Number For How Many Pairs Of The Same Numbers Are?

Feb 11, 2010

i want to know the total number only of how many pairs of the same numbers are in mytextboxes example

the number 888822
this has
1 first with second digit 1 pair


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Count The Total Number Of Lines Of Code?

Dec 29, 2009

i wrote an application in VB.NET and since i charge by the line, i would like to calculate how many lines i wrote. i have about 100 different vb files with my code. how do i count all the lines?

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Find Total Number Of Warnings In Project?

Aug 15, 2011

I've just converted a project from .net 1.1 to 3.5, and I'm being given loads of warnings in the error list. The program compiles and runs ok, but I think I should probably try to at least reduce this large number of warnings.The trouble is that the error list only tells me about the first 102 warnings. Even when I fix one, the number stays at 102. So I have absolutely no idea how many warnings there actually are. If there are 150, I'd like to get rid of them. But if there are 10,000, I don't have the time to fix them all.Is there a way to see the actual total number of warnings?

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Get Total Number Of Days From 1st Jan To Date You Choose?

Apr 30, 2010

on my design i have a listbox, datetimePicker and a button. how do i pick a date like for example 14 feb 2010 from the datetimePicker and click the button, then the listbox showing how many days from 1st jan 2010? should be 45days.

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Get Total Number Of Hits Occurred On Webpage?

Apr 30, 2011

what is the code to get total number of hits occured on web page?

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Get Total Number Of Rows And Column From Excel?

May 24, 2012

Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWBa As Excel.Workbook
oWBa = oApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFile)


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Set The Total Number Of Items In Arraylist As An Integer

Nov 16, 2009

When I try to set the total number of items in my arraylist as an integer I get this error:


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