Breaking Code Into Managable Pieces?

Sep 2, 2009

I am working on a project and the code for FORMS1.vb has become quite large, 20K lines.How can I break this down into more managable pieces. I have tried Modules but I get multiple reference errorsd when I move like all of the reporting code to a module. The report code has nothing to do with the forms other than being able to call that code from an object on the form.

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Pieces Of Code Exhibit Different Results?

May 16, 2011

Anyone care to explain why these two pieces of code exhibit different results?

VB.NET v4.0
Dim p As Integer = 16
Dim i As Integer = 10
Dim y As Integer = p / i


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Some Code Pieces Randomly Exit Current Method

May 24, 2012

I have been getting sometimes with SOME libraries (be it included in the framework or not).[code]I'd expect the func.Call() to return an exception if something is up, or do anything to error out, but here it just murders my method which returns instantly! The same stuff here is also in a loop, which doesn't get any more iterations, it just stops executing this function and continues running the program.

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Make An Application A Managable Service?

Feb 18, 2011

I made a client/server application and I want the server application to be a service that can have it's setting managed through a GUI.I know how to make an application a service, but how would I give it the ability to have its settings changed and start/stopped through GUI?Or would you just make a program that can edit a certain server's config files and just restart it to pick up the changes?

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VS 2008 Best Way To Break Class Up Into Managable Chunks?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a class with a lot of methods. This class and methods are in one file. These methods can be put into 3 groups based on the things that they can be used for. What would be a good way to break these methods up into the 3 groups? I was thinking about doing a partial class definition and breaking up these methods into 3 files.

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Extract Only Particular Pieces Of HTML?

Nov 19, 2011

I have came up with code in my app that can extract particular tags, but what if I wanted to extract only certain lines of html code?

<td style="min-width: 100px; " align="right" class="aw-td body-td">4,400</td>

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Reading Strings In Pieces?

Jul 19, 2010

how to read a string in pieces.

Let's say the string is 800 characters long. I want to read 100 of them each time. How do I accomplish this?

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Split A Class Into Several Pieces?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble learning the uses of partial classes. I know they are used to split a class into several pieces for convenience but I don't understand how to put all of this into play. I'll show you what I mean here:

Lets say I have an interface named "ICar":

Public Interface ICar
Sub TurnOn()


OK, now that I have all of that, how do I put it to simple use in my partial class "OffRoader"? (You can add a "console.writeline" event to the methods if you want, in order to show me the uses of these partial classes.)

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Cut The String Into Pieces And Then Stored Them In An Array?

May 3, 2011

In my website I have a textbox that allow user to enter a group of numbers like this:


Now i want your help to show me the way to store these numbers in array to be like this:

[118 38 137 15 156 14 157 36 152 49 142 57]

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Reading Pieces Of Text From Txt File?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently working on a program that edits txt files but it's for a game. There is a file that contains information that the client uses. This is what the file looks like:

|piece of code here|another piece|and another piece|
|piece of code here|another piece|and another piece|
|piece of code here|another piece|and another piece|
|piece of code here|another piece|and another piece|
|piece of code here|another piece|and another piece|

I want to make a program that reads this file and reads each piece of code separately and places them in different places like this:


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.net - Breaking An Old Clickonce App So Nobody Can Use It?

Oct 20, 2011

I have an old ClickOnce program, which has been replaced by a new one I wrote, and I am aware that some people are still using the old one.I want to somehow remotely remove it from every computer where it is still being used (there are far too many to manually find them).

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Breaking Down A String?

Apr 3, 2009

I am a beginner and trying to learn. My problem is I am trying to break down a string for a part number. The string looks like" ABCD259A8755" . I need to separate it to sections like ABCD, 2, 5, 9, A, 8, 75, 5,

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IDE :: Breaking Apart Full Name Into First And Last Name In .net?

Mar 17, 2011

I have an Input box that allows users to enter their full name. How do I break this input apart into first and last name to display tham into seperate boxes?

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.net - Extending Or Adding Pieces To Existing BoundField

Nov 5, 2010

Is it possible to add a property to the existing asp:BoundField control without creating a brand new instance to which I'd have to declare <tst:BoundField></tst:BoundField>?

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.net - Pieces Required For A Usable MVVM Framework?

Sep 17, 2010

As my company migrates towards the .NET framework from VB6, it looks like we are going in the direction of WPF (my boss is in love with the Office-style Ribbon control). I've been working to mock one of our VB6 applications in WPF and decided to experiment with MVVM at the same time. I'm being discouraged from using an existing MVVM framework, so I guess I need to write my own. The biggest concern right now seems to be a method for registering and managing all my views from a central spot - a manager class - but I'm not exactly sure how to implement this.

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Change Colors Of Chess Pieces In The Game?

May 3, 2009

I wanted to know how to find the code for Chess Titans (Vista) I have the program that can open .dll's and .exe's and explore there structure, I just need to know how to get that code.

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Need To Copy And Paste About 50 Pieces Of Information From One Window In To Another

Sep 11, 2009

i am trying to implement a very simple program, that simply copies some text from one window in to an appropriate text box field in the other window. I need to copy and paste about 50 pieces of information from one window in to another.I suppose i can load the entire SOURCE window's text in to a text box control, and then i want to use sendkeys to populate appropriate fields in the other DESTINATION window that i want to populate with this information.My guess is that i will need some kind of windows api (Win XP) to get a handle on the appropriate text boxes in the destination window (or tab through it or something)

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Breaking A Loop With An Event?

Feb 16, 2010

I am running a simple DO loop that I would like to run until terminated by a button click event. But, once the loop is running, all events of all controls in my form are ignored.How can I have a button click event break the loop?

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Breaking Words Apart And Entering?

Mar 24, 2009

I am needing aid in breaking words apart, and entering the one by one into a web browser at a random delay between one and five seconds each. I am downling my words into a textbox, and they all have spaces inbetween How can I enter these one by one, and at random times into my built in Webbrowser.

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Grab Different Pieces Of A String To Place Them In A Different Order In A List?

Oct 7, 2009

I seem to have a huge issue right now trying to grab different pieces of a string to place them in a different order in a list. Unfortunately i can't just find the placeholders for the strings and extract the data that way so i was using indexOf to find commas in the string provided. the problem i'm having is that i can assign the first comma and extract 0 - "," but i'm stuck on how to progress the indexof so it will move through the string submitting everything between the comma's.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnAccept_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAccept.Click


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Retrieve 2-3 Pieces Of Information From A Parsed Html File?

Jan 1, 2010

What i'm trying to do is retrieve 2-3 pieces of information from a parsed html file, then add the data into a listview in the corresponding columns i was initially going to do a function for each piece of information to retrieve but thought maybe i could do it all with 1 function instead.


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Breaking A Date Into Day / Month / Year?

Feb 27, 2009

I hve a date selected from a calendar

I would like to break it down into its component parts i.e. Day, Month Year and assign them each to a variable

I have it in Excel


mydate = sOps.Range("G3")
'Convert the date in to string format
myday = Day(mydate)


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Breaking Apart A String Into Individual Values

Jan 24, 2010

I am very new to VB, and am programming in VB 2008 express. Sorry if this thread is in the wrong spot I need to add two 40 digit numbers together and was thinking that the simplest way to do it would be to input them as a string and then convert the string to a single dimensional array where x(1) is the 1st digit in the number, and x(30) is the 30th digit, etc. I would do the same for the other number where y(1) is the 1st digit. I would then add the x(40) and y(40) (which are the last digits of the number) together and carry the remainder into the next addition (39th digit, 38, ...)


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Breaking String Into Multiple Lines?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a string STR="CYHZ 262338Z 2700/2724 27012G22KT P6SM BKN040 TEMPO 2700/2710 5SM -SHSN BKN015 BECMG 2702/2704 28015G25KT FM271000 28018G28KT P6SM BKN040 BECMG 2722/2724 27012KT RMK NXT FCST BY 270300Z"

I want to put the new line characher before these words in the string(TEMPO, BECMG, FM, RMK) so that the output string look like this


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Breaking Up Xml String To Post In Listview?

Jun 21, 2010

Ok, sorry to be so needy this week! Here is the situation. I have discovered how to do a linq query to get my data from my xml but when I return it as a string to a list box it is coming in as one large line. No breaks.

Here is the xml:
- <record>
<jurisdiction>VA Circuit</jurisdiction>


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DB/Reporting :: Bulk Insert Is Only Breaking Every Other Row?

Dec 12, 2008

Bulk Insert is only breaking every other row. I've tried every ROWTERMINATOR I can think of, but none of them will break all lines. I've even tried to break it on exact text, and it won't break it on that exact text. I've attached a pic and circled what appears to be the line break that it refuses to recognize as a line break. When I open it up in notepad, it recognizes it as a line break.

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Non-breaking Space In A Rich Text Box?

Mar 16, 2009

HiI'm trying to get a multi-line, word-wrap enabled rich text box to display text with non-breaking spaces in. For example, '20 000' should always appear as one word, not split onto the next line.I've tried {20'a0 000}, 20{'a0 }000, {20~000}, {20emdash 000} and so on. Nothing seems to work.During my searching, I did see a suggestion somewhere that the DLL that the rich text box is based on doesn't support non-breaking characters.

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VS 2008 : Storing Multiple Pieces Of Data In A Resource String?

Oct 24, 2009

In a resource string, not one that you declare in the code, but rather in the resources itself, how do I store multiple pieces of data in it?

View 7 Replies - Implied Datatype With DIM Statement - Breaking Change From .net 2.0 To 3.5?

May 17, 2012

I'm converting a application from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5 I have loads of inline code like so:

Dim Total = 0
for each dr as DataRow in dt.Rows
Total = Total + dr("SumOfAmount")

Notice that there is no explicit type declaration of the total variable.This code worked fine under .NET 2.0 Under .NET 3.5, the Total variable is defined as an Integer, therefore the total is being rounded to the nearest dollar on every pass.I know one solution is just to change

Dim Total = 0
to either
Dim Total as decimal = 0
Dim Total = 0D

However I'd prefer to not have to visit every page in the system looking for this problem.Is there any site wide, or page wide option I can set the change this behavior back to the way it was under .NET 2.0?

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Game Programming :: Openfiledialog Breaking Program ?

Apr 10, 2009

I have used the openfiledialog on numerous occasions, and it has never caused a problem. (This is also happening to savefiledialog as well...) Put simply, its breaking my application..


Private Sub LoadMapToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadMapToolStripMenuItem.Click


Even this bare minimum code, is causing most of my application to stop working. I have an onpaint method which should be drawing my map, it starts throwing exceptions(file not found), I checked my paths they are correct, I have a listbox linked to a picturebox, clicking a image' name in the listbox, loads the corresponding image to my picturebox, this stops working too..The program isn't hung, I can navigate my listbox, open menu's etc,.. It's breaking everything that has to do with images. I would post code, but, it's quite extensive, and the problem seems to be centered on the opensave dialogs.. (again, I have used this same code without trouble, so many times I have lost count, I'm at a loss as to why its acting up now...) Well, for now I created my own open file dialog, its a little crude compared to the real one, but, mine works..(ie, a standard dialog control, Ok, Cancel, with a ListBox loading the file names..)

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