Busy Box / Form - Statement Takes Between 10 An 20 Seconds?

Dec 11, 2009

In my new application i have to process a SQL statement.Depending on the settings , the statement takes between 10 an 20 seconds.is there a possibility to display a second from / dialog / popup for this time?

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VS 2008 - Timer Set To 5000 (5 Seconds) And The Code In The Timer Takes Longer Than 5 Seconds?

Jun 14, 2012

Quick question - if I have a timer set to 5000 (5 seconds) and the code in the timer takes longer than 5 seconds to run because of sql stuff, will the timer wait until the code is done till it fires again?

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MySqlDataAdapter.Fill Takes Almost 6 - 7 Seconds

May 13, 2012

I run a simple SELECT (noted below) in a stored procedure of a table that's around 1,500 rows.


This operation takes around 7 seconds. I inserted Breakpoints and used F11 to determine that upon MySqlAdapter.Fill is where the lag starts. Both my computer and the server hosting the MySQL database are NOT challenged spec wise. I'm guessing it's the query itself. collectionitem holds the 2 foreign keys linking an itemproperty to a collection. we feed the sproc sId(PK of collection) so that the subquery returns all the itemids from a specific collection and then we use the itemid(PK) in itemproperty. Is there any way to speed up the process?

UPDATE My issue was entirely due to improper indexing. Once I learned which columns to index, everything is extremely smooth!

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Perform An Action That Requires A Http Request That Takes Around 5 Seconds?

Oct 14, 2010

Say you wanted to set a status message

' Set status
ssMainMessages.Text = msgValidating

Then perform an action that requires a http request that takes around 5 seconds then you want to display the result of that

' Set status
ssMainMessages.Text = msgValidated

It will only always display the second message? Its like it jumps the first part of the code and goes straight to httprequest.even if you put the update,system,threading.thread.sleep ....

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Takes About 40 Seconds To Open The Page When Start Default Browser

Apr 25, 2010

When starting the default browser like this: Dim trgt1 As String = [URL]


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Datatable Getdata Performance - In-line Table Valued Function In SSMS Takes About 6 Seconds To Return 11088 Records?

Mar 25, 2011

An in-line table valued function in SSMS takes about 6 seconds to return 11088 records. The same function in VB .Net 4.0 using TableAdapters.InputTableAdapter.GetData (Created with data set designer) takes about 15 minutes complete.Both are executed from the same workstation.Why does this discrepancy exist?


Windows XP SP3, 2GB

VS2010 Ultimate

.Net 4.0 Framework


SQL Server 2008

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Create A Form Where The Web Browser Only Takes Up Half The Space Of The Form?

Jan 19, 2010

I tried using the web browser control for the first time.The problem I had was that the size of the web browser defaulted to the size of the form. Even when I tried to downsize the webbrowser ( via properties ) it still filled the entire form. I also tried to drastically increase the size of the form( again via the form's properties ), the web browser still filled the entire form. how to create a form where the web browser only takes up half the space of the form.

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VS 2008 - Form To Show That The Program Is Busy Thus The "ShareClass.LoadingIndicator" Routine

Aug 21, 2009

Look at the first section of code below:

Private Sub vIV_Comp_Cert_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles vIV_Comp_Cert.Enter

CurrForm = sender


This code is used to load a PDF in a PDF viewer. Because the PDFs are sometimes huge and there is no idea on how fast the machines are that will access the app, I have created a form to show that the program is busy thus the "ShareClass.LoadingIndicator" routine.

Here is the ShareClass.LoadingIndicator Routine:

Shared Sub LoadingIndicator()

Dim frm As New LoadingIndicator

frm.TransparencyKey = Color.Magenta


The problem I have is that when the app runs and these subs fire, the LoadingIndicator form shows up but the ProgressBar1 and Label1 show as all black on the screen. I tried to make a screen shot of this but the screen shot showed nothing as if the form wasn't even there. How can I resolve this? What I would like to do is make the LoadingIndicator form be borderless so it appears as a label and progressbar laid ontop of the loading PDF reader as the PDF loads. If I take the transparency off it works fine.

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Form Takes Forever To Load?

Aug 3, 2010

Ok, this might be something stupid that im not doing right, but here is my problem. Im moving from my 1st form, a small window, into my second form, that is full screen, but it takes like 4-5 seconds to load the full form. It sucks because during this 4-5 second load time, parts of the form at transparent and it just look bad. I think it might be because i have around 35 labels and a few other objects on the form. Does anyone know a way to make this not happen? Im in VB08.

View 14 Replies

Calling Showdialog() On A Form - From The Main Form's OnLoad Event Makes The Modal Dialog Go Away After A Few Seconds?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm having an interesting issue that I can't reproduce on a different project, but can consistently on this one. I have no clue what might be causing it, but am hoping that someone may have seen it before.

I have a main form, from which I run a series of checks. On this form, I have a listview control. Because of some issues with the refreshing of this listview control, I had to create my own messagebox. It's just a form that displays some text ( it also happens to look nicer than MsgBox; in my opinion, anyways ). It's been working great for months, until recently.

My problem is that on my main form's load event, I run this check, which returns an error within a try/catch block. I then call my custom messagebox with a message. It in turns calls it's ShowDialog() function.

In any other situation ( after the main form has been loaded ), I have no problems. The messagebox goes on the screen and behaves appropriately ( ie: waits for my input and acts as a modal dialog ( stops execution of my main form's thread ) ). However, on this onload event, my messagebox comes up and goes away almost immediately afterwards.

I've traced it all the way to the showdialog() call. For no explicable reason, it appears to skip right over this call, without me doing anything on the form.

Here's what the inner trace looks like ( when I put a breakpoint on the onclosing event for this messagebox form ):


View 10 Replies

SQL Statement Doesn't Work - INSERT Statement Works Fine In The Form Load But Not In The Button Click Event?

Oct 14, 2009


Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?

View 29 Replies

VS 2005 - Form Loading Takes Time

Aug 17, 2010

Why my form loads takes time the first time I clicked the menu to load it (I even see not responding on the title bar), but when it is already loaded, I will close it and clicked the menu to load it again then it load fast already....

Here is what I have in my declaration section
Private cnn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.MyConnectionString)
Dim cmdLocked As New SqlCommand
Dim daGrade As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim daLocked As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder
[Code] .....

View 13 Replies

If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] In Concrete Form?

Jan 1, 2010

I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this

If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?

View 13 Replies

Make A Form That Takes User Input 3 Times?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a form that takes user input 3 times, and each time compares it to the correct Answer... which is an array of {"C", "D", "A"}.Each time the user's input matches the correct answer ("strCorrectAnswer()"), then I'll add 1 point to intUserScoreCounter. I'm wondering why this code is returning an error (hilighted in blue)? Can I not compare a String to an Array?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterAnswers.Click
'Handles Enter Answers functionality
Dim strCorrectAnswer() As String = {"C", "D", "A"}


View 5 Replies

Animated Gif On A Form Stops Animating While Processing Takes Place

Sep 1, 2009

I have an add-in application running in Outlook that pops up a form to tell the user something is being processed.The add-in is written in vb. net.The information form has an animated gif on it which should animate as the rest of the program is processing however it stops animating.The code is as follows:[code]

View 5 Replies

Forms :: What Event Takes Place After A Form Is Loaded And Displayed

Aug 15, 2010

Can you tell me what event takes place after a form is loaded and displayed including all controls on that form?

View 11 Replies

SQL Statement :: Nearly Working Just Cant Get Form Values In Statement?

Aug 4, 2010

I cant get this SQL statement to insert any of the values in the form to add to the database

sql = "INSERT INTO prevresults (ExamDate, ExamTime, CorrectAnswers, PassPercentage) VALUES (date.now, time.now, rightanswers, percentage.text)"


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Calculate The Hours, Minutes, And Seconds In A Number Of Seconds?

Jun 30, 2011

I want to convert seconds such as 254565443 seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds and thought if I could remove the decimal and the numbers behind it and not change the number in front of the decimal then it would work.

dim seconds = 254565443
dim Hour
dim minute


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Close Form After 10 Seconds?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a windows form application that will open other forms, but will only display the forms for a few seconds (user configurable). I would normally do something like threading.thread.sleep(n), however when doing this the forms controls do not load only the white background shows, and I have also been reading that this isnt the best practice for what I am after as user input will not be actioned until the thread wakes up.

I have come across people using System.Timers.Timer(n), but I am struggling to get this to work for me, the form will only open and close straight away (you can only see a flash as the form opens then closes).

The code that I am using is:

Private Shared tmr As New System.Timers.Timer
tmr = New System.Timers.Timer(aSleep * 60 * 60)


This is all contained within a Private sub that passes the form and the defined run time.

My intention is to have the main application running from the task bar, which then calls one of the forms that will display for a defined period of time, close the form, then call another one of the forms.

Is any able to point me in the right direction for why the form opens then closes without seeing through the defined run time (I have been testing with 10 seconds), or is there a better way of doing what I am seeking?

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Converting Seconds To Hours Minutes And Seconds?

Jun 25, 2010

This is my function to goto a specific time in a movie or music, ... check it out..

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


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Main Form Is Closing By Itself After 15 Seconds

Mar 10, 2012

Everytime I execute my program, the main form closes by itself after about 15 seconds. The code is not the problem because it does the same thing when I put the whole code in comments. It's also not a key problem because it closes by itself even when I don't touch a single key when it's running.

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VS 2005 Refreshing Form After N Seconds?

Apr 21, 2009

I have an mdi child form called "MyChild".

I need to refresh this form by calling the "MyRefresh()" method if the form has focus, and no controls have been clicked on in this form for the last 60 seconds.

Is there an efficient way of doing this ?

In the activate event of the form I could set up a timer and give it an interval of 60 seconds but what about checking for user intervention at any point in that 60 seconds ?

View 7 Replies

Make A Progress Bar Last 4 Seconds Then Switch To Another Form?

Nov 25, 2009

What code would I use to make a progress bar last 4 seconds then switch to another form?

I can't find any good code for a progress bar besides on youtube which I don't know how to change the timing on it

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Setting A Timer In .net Of 5 Seconds, Then Resuming To Next Form?

Jul 1, 2010

I want to make my form freeze for 5 seconds before it resumes to the next form.So I have a form that says : Establishing a connection....

But I don't want it to make a connection, i just want the user to think that it's making a connection.

And I then want it, when the timer reaches zero, that it would resume to the next form.

I just need the code of the timer behavior.

View 18 Replies

Timer Start 30 Seconds After Form Load

Jul 8, 2010

How can I make a timer start 30 seconds after form1.load

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Get A Label To Show Briefly (3 Seconds) When The Form Loads?

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to get a label to show briefly (3 seconds) when the form loads. The following code gives the 3 seconds, but the label doesn't show. The label is set to visible in the Designer properties.

'hide label1 after 3 seconds
Label1.Visible = False
Adding 'Label1.Visible = True before the sleep function doesn't help.

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Make A Form That Imitates A Load And Waits A Few Seconds?

Aug 15, 2011

load another form and i want a progress bar to work with it.

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Make Splash Screen Go Away After 5 Seconds And Load Another Form?

Jul 15, 2010

I have created a splash screen and would like it to display for 5 seconds and then display the MainMenu form. The book I am following suggested using


but it just makes the splash screen APPEAR after 5 seconds of nothing.

View 21 Replies

VS 2008 Timers - Display Form For 5 Seconds On Form_load Event

Dec 14, 2009

I want to display form1 for 5 seconds on my form_load event, after 5 seconds i want it to close , im not sure how to do it with a timer,

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Interface And Graphics :: Get A Label To Show Briefly (3 Seconds) When Form Loads

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to get a label to show briefly (3 seconds) when the form loads. The following code gives the 3 seconds, but the label doesn't show. The label is set to visible in the Designer properties.[code]

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