Calculating Value And Showing Answer In Label?

Jan 24, 2012

I have several buttons in my form and they each need to add, subtract, divide and multiply certain values together but I seem to be having problems with this. I didn't expect anything to go wrong and its probably a rookie mistake, but take my first calculation for example; a user must enter a value in a textbox (txtDays) and and also when one of my various radio buttons are pressed a value shows in a label (lblDailyHireCharge). I now need a way of multiplying these values to give me my answer shown in a label. I have done this by adding a button when which pressed multiplies the txtDays value with the lblDailyHireCharge and then shows it in the label, however it keeps on showing "0" when i click it.

Below is my code, I am basically saying that the value of both of those figures is intDuration and that lblDuration is where I want it to go when the button is clicked.
Private Sub btnDuration_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDuration.Click
Dim intdays As Integer
Dim intDailyHireCharge As Integer
Dim intDuration As Integer
[Code] .....

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Coding A Button That Calculates A Set Of Label Answers And Represents A Percentage Answer In A Different Label?

Feb 19, 2010

Private Sub uiSCORE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uiSCORE.Click
'Displays Correct or Wrong in Labels
If ui1Textbox.Text.ToUpper = "FOOD" Then[code]....

I finally finished all my labels and textbox codes for this button.But now I have to code it so that I will be able to click the button and it will calculate all the wrong and correct answers in the labels and then finally place the percentage score in the uiScorePercentagelabel. What I dont understand is how to calculate all the different labels as one and then show the percentage right in the appropriate label.

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Textbox And Calculate Button - Separate Label For Answer

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010. I have the prompt, the textbox and the calculate button. For the answer do I have to make a separate label for the answer in seconds and the actual response "That will take (separate label for answer) seconds" I made a click event button and assigned the following as global variables at the start of the form:

Const intSpeed As Integer = 1207
Const intTime As Integer = 3600

Then I made a click event for the button. I don't know what the formula is. Basically the user inputs a distance in the box, the calculate button tells you how long it will take for the vehicle to travel that distance in seconds.

Here's the interface: [URL]

Are We There Yet?
The Thrust SSC, a super fast vehicle tracked at 1207 Km per hour (750 mph) was clocked on the Black Rock desert back in 1977. Build an application that will tell people how many seconds it would take to get to their destination if they were driving the vehicle. Of course this doesn't include having to stop for stop signs, travel through school zones, or slow down for corners.

You need to include the following:
1.) Design the application with a prompt label and textbox to collect the distance from the user.
2.) A calculate time button
3.) The form must have the text property changed to read "Are we there yet?"
4.) The objects must have both the Text property and Name property changed to an appropriate value.
5.) A constant global variable should be used to represent speed of the vehicle.
6.) A constant global variable should be used for seconds (there are 3600 seconds in an hour)
8.) A local Dim variable declaration can be used within the button click to hold the distance value.
7.) Variables should be declared with the most appropriate data types.
8.) Include a "Text Changed" event to reset the time in seconds to a blank value when the user starts entering in a new distance.
9.) Comment code should be included

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Visual Basic 2008: Textbox Or Label For Displaying An Answer?

Mar 20, 2011

What is the advantage of using a text box to display an answer in Visual Basic versus a label?

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Label Visibility Not Showing On Textbox

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to add a little functionality to my textboxes by making a label show when the values of the textbox are greater than a certain amount. The method is working, but only works on certain values (between >8 and 10) and I can't figure out why it won't work on values greater than 10.

Private Sub Submit1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit1.Click
Dim sum As Double
If hrs1.Text <> "" Then
[Code] .....
I've also set the visibility of the labels to false in the onload event of the form.

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Showing ListBox At Bottom Of Label

Jan 25, 2009

In a project I am doing, I was hoping to show a listbox at the bottom of a label when I click the label so a number can be selected. I don't want to use a combobox or numericupdown because of the look. The problem I have, and I hope can be resolved is that when the listbox is shown, it is drawn under the other controls. Is it possible to show it over the others?

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Counting Records And Showing It In Label Or Text Box?

Jun 1, 2010

I have Access 2007 db in which users insert some data (name, last name etc.). This db is for some problems in my work and every of this records needs some solution. When we solve this problem we come back to this record and select YES in yes/no field of db.I want to count inserted records and show it on first form of my application like this (label or text field, it is not important) :

* all records : 124
* solved records : 50
* not solved records : 74

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Label Not Showing Up When Properties Changed To Visable?

Apr 17, 2012

in my program I have a section that is outlined as listed below - in the page load, the label's visibility is set to false.

lblLoading.visable = true
lblloading.text = "loading please wait"
lblloading.text = "Loading Complete"

It takes about a minute or 2 to run updatedata as it is doing multiple things to a database - when I execute this code, it stalls and loads the data, then when done I do get my label that says loading complete, but I never see the label before it is done loading to tell the user that it is processing. Is there any way to force it to show before UpdateData() is called so that it shows during the load time?

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Showing A Percentage In Decimal Form Using A Label

Aug 19, 2009

Im trying to make a Basic Program with a Progress Bar. Showing Visual Representation of a Percentage. I would like the Percentage to be shown as a decimal value as well. [Code] But since i do not know how to show decimal places i can not get this to create the correct value thus having a pointless progress bar and label. [Code]

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Showing Continuous Date Time On A Label ?

Sep 5, 2009

How do I show a continuous time stamp on a label in windows form.

I am using vs.2005 - vb language

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Variables - Textbox Label Not Showing The Full Name

Apr 13, 2009

I made a simple textbox with a submit button and a label and when you type in something into the textbox and hit the submit button what ever you typed in the submit button is suppose to show up in the label box but i type in DaFallenAngel in it and it only shows D why is it only showing D and not the full name? [code]

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Showing Contents Of String Array To Single Label

Jan 12, 2011

I got a string array & I need to show the contents of it to a single label. It acts like a clock. The thing is I tried with everything I could but I failed. This is the code I've been trying. Its in And theres a thread running to slow down the loop so I can display the contents in a label for 2 seconds.

Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To readText.Length

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VS 2005 Showing Continious Date Time On A Label?

Sep 5, 2009

How do I show a continuous time stamp on a label in windows form.

I am using vs.2005 - vb language

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[2008] Showing Timer Countdown In Form In A Text Label

Feb 21, 2009

How do I show timer countdown to a text label in form? I have the following code set up:


What I'm trying to do is when I click button 1, timer start countdown from 15 sec. I want to be able to show this timer in sec and millisec in form in a text label so the user can see how much time they have left. (example: 12.56 sec remaining)

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VB - "If" Statements Not Showing Result In Label

Feb 23, 2012

I'm working on an assignment where the program needs to calculate and display the total cost for shipping a package, based on weight and whether it is being shipped to Continental U.S., Alaska, or Hawaii. When I click the Calculate button, though, the label that is supposed to display the total is left blank. I've looked through this and tried placing the calculation in different parts/at the end of the "If" statements.

Dim decWeight As Decimal
Dim decTotalCost As Decimal
Dim decDestination As Decimal


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.net - MS Chart With ASP.NET Chart Type "column" Not Showing Axis X Label?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm having problem with MS Chart chart type column. If there are only 9 bar in the chart like the following picture, then the axis-x label show up properly.

However, there are more than 9 bars bar the chart, the axis-x label wont show up properly, some of them just dissappear.

Here's my mark-up for the chart:

<asp:Chart ID="chtNBAChampionships" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="Championships" YValueType="Int32" Palette="Berry"


I don't know it works with only 9 bars? Is there any way to make the chart work properly? Also, if possible, how to make each bar have different color.

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Why Is Model Only Showing One Make Of Car / Yet Cars Is Showing Full Lest

Mar 31, 2011

I have a problem with the combox its only displaying the first item in the list its being populated by a webserice call the drop down in question is comboboxmodel now the manufacture one is fine and sets as it should any reason as to why the comboboxmodel would not. [code]

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Get Rid Of Zero Or Replace It With 'Answer'?

Jul 11, 2011

I wrote my first program today and it works like I want it to Except when the Message box pops up there is a zero there untell you press the OK button then the answer displayes. How do I get rid of the zero or replace it with "Answer"?the program consist of 2 buttons, a labes, and a text box, when you enter a number in the text box then press button 1 the answer displayes in the label. If you press button 2 the answer displayes in a message box.I am new to programing and this is the first program i wrote without following a tutorial or book.[code]

View 14 Replies

Can't Get A Clear Answer What To Use ToString For?

Feb 22, 2009

I've googled like crazy and tried MSDN but I can't get a clear answer what to use ToString for.

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Get The Answer Of A String Formula?

Apr 27, 2011

In the user input of a textbox I would like that the user can input a formula to make it easier for him. So instead of inputing 400 I would like the user to have the possibility to input as 8*50. Is there a command for vb2008 to calculate the answer of this formula inputed by a string ?

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Get The Loop To Stop When It Has The Same Answer Twice In A Row?

Jul 2, 2009


As this Loops round, the answer for formula will eventually become the same as what was input, X. How can I get the Loop to stop when it has the same answer twice in a row? The counter will count how many times it has had to Loop before finding the repeated answer.

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Quadratic Calculator - Answer Comes Up As NaN

May 29, 2010

I'm new to the server and I'm making a quadratic calculator with my friend. I have my calculator coded, but whenever i click the calculate button the answer comes up as "NaN". Here is the code.
TextBox4.Text = (intVarB * (-1)) + (((intVarB ^ 2 - (4 * (intVarA * intVarC))) ^ 0.5) / (2 * intVarA))
The Variables "IntVarA", IntVarB, and IntVarC are defined as public variables in a code module.

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Rotating Answer Came From Database?

Apr 8, 2010

i am going to create one system which is related to test skill and it is in VB.Net and access database it has a question and four answer. both are coming from database,my problem is how do i change answer sequence everytime.whenever user tried for the test, answer sequence should be different.

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.net - Rectangle Width(probably Easy To Answer) VB?

May 2, 2012

Dim energybar As New Rectangle(9, 154, energy, 21)That is my new rectangle, now when I draw it e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, energybar)It says there is no width but the integer energy is = to, how do I fix this? It but be somewhat simple.

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Answer Fax Call - Start Receiving?

Jun 3, 2011

I have installed the fax service in windows. I want to write a code in program that start receiving from a fax call.

View 2 Replies - Creating A Message Box, If Dropdown Answer Is Yes?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a working dropdown box that gives the answers yes & no.When "yes" is selected I need to create a message box that displays a simple message and allows the user to click ok, to get back to the survey.I have been working with it, and tried several things but no luck. What would the code look like, and where exactly would I place it to fire at the right time.I am working in VB, with an aspx & aspx.vb page.

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Auto-answer Dialog Boxes?

Apr 1, 2009

I am writing a program for FEMAP API interface in VB 2008 Express. Some API commands open user dialog boxes which requires yes or OKcancel inputs. So much for automation "Sendkeys" do not work, because code execution stalls at the line which opens the dialog boxes. I need stg that runs in parallel, watches for these dialog boxes, and sends the right keystroke at the right time.

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Change Color Of Text According To Answer?

Oct 10, 2010

This might be a basic question but I am just starting in VB. How can you change the color of the text of a form if a person selects they are a boy or girl. I want the text to be blue if they select boy and pink if they select girl.

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ComboBox Results Equaling A Answer?

Feb 4, 2011

I have 3 ComboBox, I need the selection of the combobox to equal a number, (for example, the first option would = 1, second option would =4 and so on).the numbers will then be added up to show the sum.

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Concatenate A Equation And Answer To Text Box?

Mar 22, 2011

In our school theres a programming class and the teachers gone for the week and the sub is starting to get very frustrated, so I offered to help in any way i can. I have never programmed Visual Basic but I have programmed Ms-Dos, Javascript, HTML, *.vbs, *.ahk, *.gml, and a variety of other languages.

The class is going to build a program that calculate how many rabbits are born in a family. So when they click the button it shows in a text box the actual equation and then the answer after the equal sign that where i assume concatenation comes in.Here's the code I've thrown together for when the buttons pressed:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim RabitAmount As Integer
Dim ShowEquation As String


I got the equation to answer it self and show in the text box but it won't show the equation?

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