Calling Private Functions Using Combobox
Nov 11, 2010Below is my code that I want to run. I want to call the same function that user choses from the combo box.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub One()
MsgBox("One is called")
Below is my code that I want to run. I want to call the same function that user choses from the combo box.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub One()
MsgBox("One is called")
I need to build an application that could run code in private function, based on what user has selected using combobox. For example combo box has three values, One, Two, Three. If user selects one, code written under Private Function One() runs and vise versa.
View 4 RepliesI need to build an application that could run code in private function, based on what user has selected using combobox.For example combo box has three values, One, Two, Three If user selects one, code written under Private Function One() runs and vise versa?
View 1 RepliesI am using following code to run a private function. I have two values in my combo box, One and Two and two private functions with the same names, Private Sub One() and Private Sub Two() I want my application to call the function whatever value user choses in the combo box. If One is chosen in the combo box, Private function one should be called. Thanks Code is below, that does not work
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim vrValue = ComboBox1.Items(1)
I have a Form that includes ContextMenuStrip1 and PictureBox called "PicBoxBack".How can I call Private Sub PicBoxBack_MouseClick from the ToolStripMenuItem_Click Procedure??[code]
View 6 RepliesI made a simple dll which holds some functions I would like to keep private, how can I protect it against other people using it? As it stands all you need to do is add it to resources and it shows all of the functions.
View 7 RepliesWhen referencing class properties from a function within the class do you use the value from the actual property or the private variable value?
public class
private m_Foo as double
public property Foo() as double
give me a good resource that explains the difference between a Private, Public, Shared Functions/Sub/Variables? I normally use Public for Subs/Functions inside of Modules I call from other parts of the program. But I'd like to get more of an understanding of how and when to use them. I want as little as impact to a system that is running my programs as possible, so i guess the key here is I'm trying to just get more proficient in my coding.
View 8 RepliesAs I develop code, I often want to unit test some of the building blocks of a class even if they are normally private. If my unit tests are inside the project, I can use "Friend" to accomplish this and still keep the functions private for normal use. But I would rather move my NUnit tests into their own separate project(s). How do I achieve the effe 2005?
View 11 RepliesI have a form (frmMain) that contains a custom control (con class). frmMain contains a combo box control and when the user selects a value from it, I pass this value to a sub routine within con class (see red line below). This purpose of the sub routine is to populate a set of comboxes contained in con class according to the value that is passed in.
Private Sub cboGuidelines_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboGuidelines.SelectedIndexChanged
If bChanged = True Then
I have following codes in my Project
Now I am calling Get_Values(). But I am not getting the values in variable G1,G2 & G3.
As I develop code, I often want to unit test some of the building blocks of a class even if they are normally private. If my unit tests are inside the project, I can use "Friend" to accomplish this and still keep the functions private for normal use. But I would rather move my NUnit tests into their own separate project(s).
View 3 Repliesi have have a few questions about the syntax of the lan.:
1) What is the 'Get' statement and when do you use it?
2) Whats the difference between public, private, protected etc... when declaring functions and subs.
3) When would you use the overrides property?
Are there any functions that can be called across the project.I mean we cn use Private Sub ABC() function in the document where it has been declared but is there any way that this could be called from any other form?
View 2 RepliesAre there any functions that can be called across the project.I mean we cn use Private Sub ABC() function in the document where it has been declared but is there any way that this could be called from any other form?
View 7 RepliesI am using Visual Studio 2008 to try and create a calculator program that can convert binary to decimal. I have some code but I'm having problems figuring out what to write as an "argument" when I was to call the function.
Here is the code I have so far.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
I'm trying to call a private sub in another private sub. For example ;
im calling functions with an IF statement but then not using the returned value for anything... is there a reason that i shouldn't do this? in my form i call the function to run...
I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
<WebMethod()> _
I know it has something to do with the fact that the first function is shared and the second function should probably be Public as well but I don't fully understand the reason behind it. Probably not relevant but I'm calling the web method from some javascript.
I want to see if there is a way to do this... I'm Using vs2010 with the WP7 SDK. (VB.NET)
I am declaring this in the global scope.
public objGame as object then say i have classes: Game1 and Game2 for the sake of the example we'll just say both classes have an Update() function
I want to set objGame = Game1 (or Game2) and then be able to call objGame.Update()
I have a dll whitch init a thread in dllmain.After than, the calling application call some dll functions which register the remote function of the application.function register done, when the thread works and receives and even, it call the program functions (those I stored register before)int C would be like:
int (__stdcall *f_wmif) (char *) = NULL;
INT __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall _DGTDLL_RegisterWMIFunc (int (__stdcall *whitemoveinputfunc) (char *)) {
The project requires a form that has textboxes for a students name and the amount of books they have read, and a label where the points they have earned for their reading is displayed. Also a seperate form with About information and yet another seperate form for summary information.
View 1 Repliesin VB.NET it is possible to omit parentheses when you call a parameterless function. However this can be very confusing because developers could think that a statement is accessing a property instead of a method. this could result in a performance drop if you are calling the method again and again instead of storing the result in a temp there an option in VS2008 or a compiler option to force parentheses on statements that are calling a method? and if so, would it be also possible that VS will insert missing parentheses automatically if you "format document".
View 1 RepliesI have a midterm project where we must replicate what our teacher has made, it is a convenience store program. I am having trouble calling the functions, he wants us to use these:
PopulateItems => Populate Items listbox based on the category selected
GetItemPrice => Retrieve the price for a given item
GetItemPriceFromPurchases => Retrieve the item price from the purchases list box (optional. You may not need
So far I have the first list box populated when the form loads. However outside of that I do not know where to call the function in order to populate the second list box upon selection of the first.
If I have two threads both calling a normal function at the same that appends strings, sometime the output string is a combination from both threads as the function had not finished executing the code before it was called again... Would a shared function wait to finish first?
View 9 RepliesWhat I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.
Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)
Public Function Get...
The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).
I am trying to create a sub routine that I can use to clear all items on various ComboBoxes on a Form; this is the code I was trying to use [To no avail]:
Public Sub Clear_ComboBoxes(ByVal ComboBox_Name as String)
if Controls(ComboBox_Name).Items.Count > Nothing then
end if
End Sub
I am writing the code on a seperate module to the Form; which means I can't use ME.Controls; but Form_Name.Controls doesn't seem to work either.
Here is some example code of what I mean:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as Object, e as systemEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
if for example i have two private sub I declared a local variable on private sub a... is there a way that private sub b could use the variable created on private sub a? Im asking because im in a problem in my app were using global variable is not an option to make the long story short
View 5 RepliesI don't know how to make button1 call the combo box Items to do a conversion calculation for the following:
From To Conversion
Miles Kilometers 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers
Kilometers Miles 1 kilometer = 0.6214 miles
Feet Meters 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
Meters Feet 1 meter = 3.2808 feet
Inches Centimeters 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
Centimeters Inches 1 centimeter = 0.3937 inches
Attached is the Form that I am working oo
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
ComboBox1.Items.Add("Miles to Kilometers")
ComboBox1.Items.Add("Kilometers to Miles")
ComboBox1.Items.Add("Feet to Meters")
[Code] .....