Can Any Of These .Net Snippets Be Reduced To 1 Line

Aug 8, 2011

I have :

Snippet 1:

For Each sheet In WB.Sheets
Next sheet

Snippet 2:

For i = 0 To sheetNames.Count - 1
wb.Sheets(i + 2).Name = sheetNames(i).Replace(currMonth, nextMonth)


Is there some construct or method that can do these in 1 line?

Note:All the snippets are different and should not be clubbed. These are the situations where I think there might be a smarter way of doing these simple tasks.

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Image Stretch Or Reduced To Fit Inside Button?

Oct 22, 2008

i'm creating 64 button dynamically during run time. and from database i'm getting the description, font color, back color and picture path. and if the picture path is not nothing, then i need to display that picture in that button. if picture path is nothing, then need to display the description as button text using font color and back color.

this button values are not loaded only once. using button click Addhandler, each button values keeps on changing each time.

The Code i used to display is

For Each c As Control In Controls
If c.Name = "ItemBtn-" & x Then
c.Text = ButtonText


while i run the program, the image is diplaying in correct button if picture path exist and button that didn't have the picture path is displaying the text.

but the image is not fitting inside the Button. i can see only half of the image. i need a way to make the Image stretched or reduced to fit inside button.

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Open/Save Dialog That Has Reduced Access To The System?

Dec 23, 2009

I am developing a Open/Save dialog that has reduced access to the system (no editting, moving or deleting existing files and folders). I have been succesful at achieving these goals now and I only have one thing left to tackle, but I can't figure it out yet.I want to change the things that are displayed in the top combobox. I want "My Computer" to be the top element and then show specified hard drives beneath it.

I have achieved all my previous goals by using hooks into the default dialogs and I wonder if my last problem could be solved in the same way.

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Save A Reduced Size Image With Exif Data?

Aug 9, 2009

I have an app that reduces images fo email which works fine but the save does not include the Exif metadata

How do I save a reduced size image with Exif data

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VS 2008 Get The Opacity To Be Reduced When The Form Loses Focus?

Jun 18, 2009

I have my form set up to be able to be kept on top if the user so chooses. When it is set to be kept on top, I want the opacity to be reduced when the form loses focus. When I set opacity on init, it works fine. When I use this code, it doesn't work:

Private Sub Form1_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LostFocus
Me.Opacity = 0.2
End Sub


Maybe I misunderstand how LostFocus and GotFocus work, but according to MSDN this appeared to be what I wanted.

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Are The .NET Code Snippets Available For C#

Dec 4, 2009

where I might find C# versions of the VB.NET code snippets built in to Visual Studio (2008)?What are Code Snippets?VB.NET has a wide-ranging collection of snippets that cover most of the basic tasks one might want to accomplish, i.e. File I/O, LINQ, DB connectivity, and so on. C# has a much smaller and narrower library, mainly stuff for NetFX 3.0, Refactoring, and something called "other", among one or two other items.

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VS 2008 VB Snippets For C#

Feb 11, 2010

I recently made the switch to a new job and consequently the switch from VB.NET to C#. One thing that I miss is all the snippets that are available in VB.NET. VB.NET comes with ~400 snippets and C# only comes with ~100. Also, I have noticed that the majority of VB.NET snippets are task oriented which is exceptionally helpful when you hit those tasks that you only do every now and again (e.g. DeterminetheAmountofIsolatedStorageAvailable).

So, before I go through the pain of converting my favorite VB.NET snippets over to C#, does anyone know if someone has already done this and made it available for download?

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Mimic Picasa's Rendering Of Reduced Quality Image To Speed Up Drawing?

Jun 23, 2010

I have an owner-drawn control where performance is an issue during quick repaints such as object drags, resizing and painting the selector square. i have noticed that several other apps, including Picasa, will temporarily draw a reduced-quality image during fast repaint scenarios and then update the image with a higher-quality version when the UI "settles down."

How should I (can I?) produce a lower-quality image to paint when many quick redraws are taking place? Are there other strategies similar to this i can employ to increase performance (or fake increased performance.) [code]...

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Snippets - How To Position Cursor

Feb 15, 2011

I'm making some snippets and I want to position the cursor. I've come acros "$end$" but all examples I see are in c#. Since recently I've started programming in again and it seems $end$ isn't recognized or doesn't work here. Is there another keyword in vb to do the same?

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C# - How To Write Global Snippets Program With .NET

Aug 26, 2009

I want to write my own global snippets tool for Windows XP and higher. This would be an always running in the background tool that would pop-up on a globally-defined hotkey, allow me to select a snippet with substitution arguments, and then paste the expanded snippet into the text input of whatever control I had been in when activated it, and finally, return me to that previous app/input box.

I know how to do most of the algorithmic aspects, but I do not know how to accomplish these windows-based features:

1 - Global Hotkey: how do I define a key-sequence in windows (from .net?) that will work, even when entering data in another apps textbox? (Usually this will be a browser window)

2 - Pasting Into Another App: I could use the paste-buffer and Ctrl-C, but I want to avoid the extra keystrokes.

3 - Return Control to Original Window: Seamlessly return back into my input stream: how do I do that? In fact, how does my tool even know where I was before it popped up?

The reasons that I want to write this myself is first to learn how (because there are other tools like this I would like to make) and secondly, I don't know of any snippets tools that have the argument substitution that I want.So, the two (2)questions are A) What should be my general approach? and B) how best can I accomplish items 1 to 3 above?

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Implement Code Snippets At Runtime In Vb?

Nov 27, 2009

I need to port an old Clipper app to It relies heavily on user-written macros and indeed would be almost impossible to create without them. As VB is interpreted, I am sure it must be possible to implement code that the user has entered, but I have no idea how to do so!


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Vs 2008 Broken Snippets Functionality

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to reset to the original snippets that came along with visual studio 2008? I recently installed a purchased third party lib, that managed to break almost all the default snippets. I can see that the snippets do physically exist in C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VBSnippets1033 but only the following sections are loaded to vs 2008:


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Create Code Snippets For Program In 2010?

Sep 6, 2011

Boss wants us to start adding uniform comment headings to Functions and Files, so I tried to write some snippets to do it, but I can't get it to work.[code]...

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Keyboard Shortcuts - Code Snippets Shortkey In .NET?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there a way in VB.NET to replicate C# behavior on code snippets in case of capturing events? C#:Btn.Click+= and then double-tab. Creates an handler for event.

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IDE :: Snippets Still Lack So Much Functionality After 3 Versions Of Visual Studio?

Jun 16, 2010

Why is there such tremendous effort made on microsofts part to hide the fact that you cannot write SurroundsWith code snippets for Visual Basic, and the $end$ and $selected$ reserved words dont work in Visual Basic.


Can you tell this is infuriating? I spent a TON of hours finding out about this sorely lacking functionality that you should have plastered ALL OVER your snippets documentation on MSDN. I hear you're a HORRIBLE company to work for, but should I ever need a job and have to dig at the bottom of the barrel, I think you OWE me a g.d. job now.

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Code Snippets - Remotely Accessing Server Event Logs?

Dec 2, 2010

I am working on a project that includes having my VB app pull event log data from a Windows 200x server remotely. Does anyone have any code snippets or reference sites that would have information on remotely accessing admin functions/data in a Win2Kx server environment?

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Excel Vba - Can The Lines Of Code Be Reduced In This .net Code

Jul 26, 2011

I have the following code, my employer wants me to reduce the lines of code to do the job.

Private Function getClientSheetNames(Optional ByVal type As String = "all") As List(Of String)
If type = "extra" Then
Return clientExtraSheetNames
End If


I am not able to make out how can I cut the lines and have the same functionality !Are there any construct that can reduce the loc by better implementation ?Can I have a new function to be called from getClientSheetNames and getDevSheetNames that will can implement code resue ?Can I introduce polymorphism in a possible new function ?

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IDE :: Code Snippets Not Appearing With "?" + Tab?

Aug 17, 2009

I am trying to use the intelesense snippet. I've read that typeing part of the shortcut + ? tab should bring up the selection of snippets for that shortcut.

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VS 2008 Open A Txt File, Read Line By Line, Decode Each Line Into An Array And Display?

Oct 14, 2011

what i need to do is open a txt file, read line by line, decode each line into an array and display. Now all works ok apart from one line.

sTextLine = objReader.ReadLine() <-- Value of string cannot be converted.

full code here
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(sOpenFile.Text)
Dim sTextLine As New ArrayList()
Dim sText As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0


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Read Text From A Listbox Line By Line And Put Current Line In A Label?

Jan 16, 2011

how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?

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Reading A File Line By Line That Within The Line The Values Are Delimited By "?

Dec 1, 2011

How would i go about reading a file Line by Line that within that line The values are delimited by " Example of the data:

"bob" "cat" "1243"
"steve" dog" "6789"

I've started this with this code but not sure how to go about the next stage:

Using MyReader As New _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "Records28112011.jd")
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited


View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Reading A TextBox Line By Line And Using SubString On Each Line?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to read in a TextBox line by line and take the first 7 characters of each line and output everything in another TextBox.This is what I have so far.

Dim line, lines() As String
lines = TextBox1.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)
Dim i As Integer = 0


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Reading Line By Line Txt And Preview The Line In Textbox?

Sep 16, 2010

i need the app to preview the line in textbox in timeintervalof 1 s (can be change)nd when it will reach to the end it close the text file and andreread it after let say 1 m ..

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing


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Parsing Multi-line Clipboard Text Into A Single Line And Pasting Into A Textbox?

Feb 7, 2011

a user copies multiple lines of text (say, from an email) into the clipboard. Based on my observations, when one tries to paste the text into a single-line textbox, only the first line is actually pasted in. (I am aware that the "obvious" solution would be to set the Multiline property to True, but there are reasons I am looking to avoid this and to put multi-line data into a single line.)

In the TextChanged event handler, I wrote code that parses the clipboard data to successfully convert it to a single-line, comma-delimited format.

Private Sub txtMassTrackingNo_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtMassTrackingNo.TextChanged


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Show The Line Number Of The Line Of Code That Caused An Exception Within A Try...Catch Block?

Jan 29, 2009

Is there a way to show the line number of the line of code that caused an exception within a Try...Catch block?

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VS 2008 : Read A File Line By Line Into An Array But It Skips The Item At Index:3?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to read a file line by line into an array but It skips the item at index:3 I have it msgboxing just to make sure and it wont even touch it.

Dim Btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "Libraries" & Btn.Text.Replace(" ", "_") & ".ipt"
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim lines As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(path)


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VS 2010 Read Through A Textfile Line By Line Checking For And Removing Duplicate Values?

May 16, 2012

How do i read through a textfile line by line checking for and removing duplicate values?

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Reading A .txt File Line By Line Converting It Into A String Then Putting It Into A Listbox

Apr 1, 2011

I'm having trouble with reading a .txt file line by line, converting it into a string, then putting it into a listbox. When I execute I get an error saying "IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled" Here is my


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Storing Content Line By Line In Array Variale From Text File

Jun 29, 2009

i would like to store contents from a text file line by line to arrays before copying them to another text file. what i have is currently like this:


Currently I'm only able to store the whole content into one variable, would like to store the content line by line in arrays.

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VS 2008 Consume Xml To Access Any Of The Nodes Directly Without Reading Line By Line?

Jul 8, 2010

Is there an easy way to consume xml to access any of the nodes directly without reading line by line?Here is a sample set of the xml working with. It contains two records of data. I am trying to find a way to load it so if I wanted to get say PostalCode and say Site SID value quickly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><MainSite><MainSites Found="201" Returned="20" Status="0"><Site SID="123456"><Relevance>0.985</Relevance><Title>JDoe</Title><DateModified Date="2010-01-29T01:05:00">1/29/2010</DateModified><DateCreated Date="2010-01-29T01:05:00">1/29/2010</DateCreated><PersonalData><Confidential>0</Confidential><Name><First>John</First><Middle>


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