Cannot Move Child Controls In Tab Control Pages

Feb 24, 2011

I've created a tab control and on one of the pages I added a button, but I cannot move the button around with the mouse!? I can change the buttons position within the tab control page using the property Location and I can size the button using the mouse and the button is NOT locked. I even tried creating a new project with just the tab control and it still does the same thing. I can, tho, move the button using the keyboard arrows!

I'm using VS2010 V10.0.30319.1 RTMREL on WinXP SP3.

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VS 2008 - MDI Child - Controls Move Up The Form At Runtime

Jul 29, 2009

I have an MDI application which uses fixed sized forms. I've started to change the forms to sizeable and anchored the controls so they move when the form is resized. If the child form has a menu this jumps onto the parent menu (as it always has done) but all the controls move up the form at runtime and leave a space at the bottom of the child. If I change the form in design mode to cut through the bottom controls i.e. so the form doesn't appear tall enough, it corrects itself at runtime. Is there another workaround as it looks misleading in the designer.

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C# - Detecting The Form Move Event From Within A Child Control?

Jul 8, 2010

I am creating a user control where when a user clicks a button a popup window will show up with information. The popup window is driven by a toolStripDropDown so when it shows up it does 2 things

Does not move the other controls on the form around but displays over them That it can show the details outside the bounds of the user control itself without having to reserve the space ahead of time

Here is some code

Public Class Popup
Private treeViewHost As ToolStripControlHost
Private Shadows dropDown As ToolStripDropDown


Now my issue is as the form moves or resizes the Tooldropdown does not move relative. I understand that. When I try to capture the move event of the user control that event does not fire when the entire form moves. There has to be something I can capture because the controls in the container of the form move relative, what drives that? I tried wndproc but nothing fires during form move unless the form is repainted.

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Adding Controls To Child Control On Custom

Nov 17, 2011

[Code] I have a panel as the base of my custom control and I am adding other panels to it, along with a flow layout panel(myInnerContainer). I know the code above isn't going to work because when I try to add the regular panels to the main control, they will attempt to be added to the flow layout panel myInnerContainer, and cause a circular error. [Code] but intellisense doesn't display anything which leads me in the correct direction for adding only the buttons to the flow layout panel (myInnerContainer).

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Clone / Copy A Control (with Child Controls) Using

May 28, 2012

I have a bunch of dynamically created controls by the user which I'm storing as a control collection in the session state so I can display them on every postback. Each control that the user generates is a div with other controls inside it. I have a button on each control that will allow the user to either delete the control or duplicate it.


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Move Controls Into A Tab Control Without Loosing Handlers & Code?

Oct 30, 2010

How do I do this? If I cut and paste, then it wipes the code, sometimes the stuff doesn't even show up when I run the program (I guess it's loosing all the handler information) I read about not cutting / pasting controls in the sticky at the top.

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Understanding Others Project - Contains Many Directories - Many Asp Pages, Aspx Pages, Jsp Pages, Xml Pages, Css Pages

Jan 17, 2010

My boss has given me an web application that was done by his former employee. Now my boss has no contact with that employee. He wants me to make some changes in that web application. I went through the application. There is no documentation present for that application . Its a huge application. It contains many directories. I think it was a team work. It has many asp pages, aspx pages, jsp pages, xml pages, css pages, etc... How to understand other person or team's website or web application that was written in asp or and vb or

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Get MDI Child In Tab Pages?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a program developed in VB.NET (2008) which consists of a MDI form and several child forms. It worked like a normal mdi application whereby mdi form acted like a container for child forms and things worked out okay. Code like Me.Mdichildren or Me.ActiveMdiChild etc could be used to get list of child forms etc.

Now what happened is I needed to implement a tabbed system. There will be multiple tabs and forms would be in those tabs. So I added a Tab control in mdi form and now new forms are added to selected tab page. This way muliple tab pages can host forms and there is no need to see all childforms at once.But a problem has come up. I do say ChildForm.MdiParent = Me (as before) but then I say TabPage1.Controls.Add(ChildForm). Doing so functions like list of mdi children or me.activemdichild or auto arrange options like Cascade,Tile Horizontal, Vertical etc are not working.

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Accessing Masterpage Properties From Child Pages In VB

Feb 2, 2010

I have masterpage.master.vb where I have properties, such as;

Private _SQLerror As String
Public Property SQLerror() As String


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Javascript - Iframes, Child Pages And Functions

Jun 20, 2011

I have an aspx page with some controls. One of which is an iFrame, whose source changes (depending on the selection in a listbox). So, if a user selects an item in the listbox (ie: Claims.aspx), the iFrames source changes to "Claims.aspx".

Now here comes the tricky part. I have a button on my 'child' pages (ie: Claims.aspx). I'd really really really like to have that button execute either:

1) Javascript from the 'parent' page
2) A VB function in the code-behind of the 'parent' page

Any way to do this? (and really, why do I suddenly feel like I'm working with VB 3.0?

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Javascript - Iframes, Child Pages And Functions?

Aug 19, 2009

I have an aspx page with some controls. One of which is an iFrame, whose source changes (depending on the selection in a listbox). So, if a user selects an item in the listbox (ie: Claims.aspx), the iFrames source changes to "Claims.aspx".Now here comes the tricky part. I have a button on my 'child' pages (ie: Claims.aspx). I'd really really really like to have that button execute either

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Use Same Controls Across Multiple Tab Pages?

Nov 21, 2011

My application has a TabControl which has 5 tab pages. Each page represents a "department" and each department has to run this software. So when the user opens the application, they navigate to their department's page.

The software runs a serious of automated and manual tests. The tests are customized for each department. But I need to update the UI during each section of the test.

On the main tab, there is one panel that has 17 PictureBoxes. Each PictureBox represents one test. The PictureBox can either represent a test in progress, a test passed, or a test failed.

All of the tests are in their own code files, for the most part. And in the main form is when I call the tests and update the UI from a single method.

The issue I'm having is how to update the PictureBoxes without creating a bunch of redundant code.

When the test runs, I update the first PictureBox with "in progress", then when it completes, it's update again with pass or fail. So for a single test, I could need to place the UI update in several places, within the same code block, for planning out all the possible conditions.[code]...

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Disable Validation Controls In Pages?

May 18, 2012

My page has multiple text-boxes and DropDownLists that all have required-field validators.

My site also has multiple pages that you can move between with the click of a button. (All pages have all the buttons) When a page loads and decide I want to go to a different page without entering information into the form, I click a button to move to a separate page and the validation pops up and I can't change the page, it stops me every time?

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Javascript - Master Pages Controls Id After Rendered?

Jul 5, 2011

In my projects there is a master page and there is a control on Contentplaceholder1. Changing this control's id after rendered like "ctl00_Contentplaceholder1_control" in my local. But at the server its changing like "Contentplaceholder1_control". When i used documents.getelelentbyid('ctl00_Contentplaceholder1_control') js function, its working on my local but not working at the server. So why disappearing "ctl00_" when app runs at the server?

Edit:Why doesn't the server side control id contains "ctl00_" after rendered?

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VS 2005 - Multiple Tab Pages With Databound Controls

Nov 18, 2010

I have a tabcontrol and two tab pages on the tab control. There are some fields on the tab pages which are databound to access database table which are populated using dataadapter. There is functionality to calculate total of the fields on both the tab pages when I click a button. When I load the form the record is retrieved and all the fields are populated with data. when I click the button without navigating to the second tab page then the total is calculated only for the fields that are on the front (first) tab page. It does not include the fields on the second tab page in calculations. When I navigate on the second tab page and then hit the button then the calculations are correct.

I saw that, for the controls on the second tab page, databinding does not happen until I navigate to the tab page. When I navigate to the second tab page then only the controls get the data. And this makes the difference in calculations when I just load the data and hit the button. It thus takes only the fields from the first tab page in calculation as the fields on the second tab pages are still not populated with data. I want the fields on the second tab page also to get populated with data as soon as the data is loaded and not when I actully navigate to the tab page.

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Add Controls To Pages Of TabControl Or Better SuperTabControl (DevComponents.DotNetBar)?

Oct 5, 2010

I need to add forms to TabPages in TabControl, but I need to find bindings between a TabControl and TabPage, that means i want to add a Form to a TabPage which is connected to TabControl1.

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Mdi Child Form Move When Tab Chanage

Jul 28, 2010

I am using MDI Parent and Child form. In MDI Child form there are 2 Tab Pages when i navigate Tab Pages the whole MDI Child move up and down. In MDI Parent both horizontal and vertical scroll bar. I dont want that the MDI Chil window is moving.

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VS 2010 Create User Controls / Save Them As .ocx Files / Use .ocx's In Other Programs On Html Pages

Apr 25, 2011

I've been programming in VB6 for years, I have decided to take the plunge into and C# 2010 but having a little problem understanding the big picture.In VB6 I could create user controls and save them as .ocx files, then use those .ocx's in other programs or on html pages. I am sure the same idea is present in VS 2010, I'm just not seeing it.Can anyone recommend a book or tutorial that will show me the big picture of all the aspects of the .net environment?

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Move And Re-size A Window That Has BorderStyle = None With MediaPlayer As Child

Jul 10, 2011

What I am doing is making a Media Player, but I am making it to be some sort like BS Player.

The Video part of the player is on its own with no border and then there is going to be a separate Form for the controls. (I might need help with that later) But the first thing that I have to do is make the window movable and re-sizable by dragging the Media Player (WMP). WMP is taking up the whole screen of the Form so there is no where to click on the original Form. If possible, I would like it to show contents while dragging, ignoring the Windows Appearance and Performance. If that can't be done or is to much work, I will settle for just the border of the Form being showed while moved.

For re-sizing, the media player has to stay the same size as the form, but it also has to stay the same Ratio of the video. So as long as I can specify the current height and width of the window and also get then get the width while the window is being re-sized, I can get the height that the window needs to be by using this formula.

Window.y / Window.x * Sized Window.x = New Window.y .

I know that may sound complicated or maybe I am making it harder then it actually is, this is just how I know how to do it. I will explain what each variable in the Formula means.

Window.y is the current height of the window

Window.x is the current width of the window

Sized Window.x is the width of the window while it is being re-sized

New Window.y is the final height for the new size of the window

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Create The Relationship So That When Move Thruogh Master The Child Have Corresponding Records?

May 21, 2009

I created a dataset.xsd and it contains two table adapters and these table adapters use stored procedure for my vb form, i get value in text box and then fill table using tableadapter and pass parameter to sp. Till this point everything is working fine. Now these tables have relations and i want to create relationship and show the data from child table on basis of master table. How i can do it?


Me.MasterTableAdapter.Fill(Me.dataset1.spMaster, 1) --1 is parameter which is passed to sp
Me. ChildTableAdapter.Fill(Me.dataset1.spChild,1) --same parameter is passed to child table.

Now i have the records in spMaster and spChild. how i create the relationship so that when i move thru Master the child have corresponding records?

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Limit Space Child Form Can Move Inside Main One?

Mar 25, 2009

I want that the child form's moving space inside the main form would be limited so it wouldn't go over the borders like in the picture.[code]...

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VS 2008 Child Control In Another Child Control?

Oct 24, 2009

In my form I hace a Groupbox1, within Groupbox1 have a Groupbox2, within Groupbox2 have a to call the Texbox1 from another form? When I use Dim newControl As Control = Form1.Controls(Textbox1.Name) I get nothing value?if I use Form1.Controls(Groupbox1.Name) it can get the Groupbox1

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VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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Move Controls From One To Another?

Oct 26, 2009

I had originally created an "Options" form that had all my different options checkboxes and settings. I am implementing a new layout for the UI and am wanting to move all the contents of the Options form to the main form without having to redo a bunch of code.

I know cutting and pasting will "break it", so I'm not sure how to do it with minimal effort. is this doable?

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Move Controls Like Studio?

Sep 9, 2011

I would like to learn how to move a control like the visual studio program. In the toolbox you have a list of all your controls (button, listbox etc....). They are labels and when you double click or drag on the label the associated control shows up on the form.

How can I do something like this in my application?

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Move Controls On Form?

Apr 9, 2009

I am avb6 user trying how can i move contols in small increments on a form. In vb6 i use ctrl-arrow?

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Tab Control Needs Multiple Pages?

Aug 27, 2010

I want to create a UI that uses a tab control to display multiple listview controls, one on each tab page. The number of tab pages/listviews is dynamic and could reach around 20. The listviews are in virtual mode and are populated from an object (custom class) in memory.It seems very wasteful to create 20 listviews. I seem to remember that back in VB4 days the tab control had only one page, and you changed the display yourself in code. Is there a way to do something similar with (VS2008/Framework 2.0) i.e. just show one listview and repopulate it according to which tab was clicked by the user? Something like this:

Private Sub Tab_Click
End Sub


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Removing All Child Controls?

Oct 16, 2011

How can all Child controls be removed at ones, instead of removing them one by one with this code below?

Hendri Bissolati

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Use Controls On Child From MdiParent?

Jun 12, 2012

I have an MDI windows form setup. On load it sets the child form(frmMainData) and opens it.

I have a progress bar on my child form that I wish to show(set to visible = false in design)

I have menu strip on my parent form.

For simplicity I have just set the command against one of the menustrip options to do the following[code]...

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