Disable Validation Controls In Asp.net Pages?

May 18, 2012

My asp.net page has multiple text-boxes and DropDownLists that all have required-field validators.

My site also has multiple pages that you can move between with the click of a button. (All pages have all the buttons) When a page loads and decide I want to go to a different page without entering information into the form, I click a button to move to a separate page and the validation pops up and I can't change the page, it stops me every time?

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Disable Validation Controls In A User Control When Rendered Into A Page?

Dec 13, 2011

I am trying to delete a customer record. In the page I have an usercontrol for address and it has some validation. I cannot delete the record since it fires the validation controls.

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JQuery Validation In ASP.NET Pages?

Jul 10, 2009

I am using jQuery and jQuery.validate plugin to validate ASP.NET pages, since I found jQuery Validation plugin better than ASP.NET validation controls.

I have used This validation code for Login and simultaneously for other pages like register and many others.

//.NET code
Dim jsValidate As String = String.Format("Validators.validateLogin('{0}','{1}');", _
txtUsername.ClientID, txtPassword.ClientID)


Now the problem I am facing is if I have multiple controls on a page which require or not require validation. How to handle that situation. Bcoz once someone clicked on Login button it starts validation function and on pressing on some other button in some other control, it stuck with current validation. I wish if jQuery validation plugin can handle some groups like ASP.NET validationGroup, it could be a lot easier.

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Understanding Others Project - Contains Many Directories - Many Asp Pages, Aspx Pages, Jsp Pages, Xml Pages, Css Pages

Jan 17, 2010

My boss has given me an asp.net web application that was done by his former employee. Now my boss has no contact with that employee. He wants me to make some changes in that web application. I went through the application. There is no documentation present for that application . Its a huge application. It contains many directories. I think it was a team work. It has many asp pages, aspx pages, jsp pages, xml pages, css pages, etc... How to understand other person or team's website or web application that was written in asp or asp.net and vb or vb.net?

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How To Disable Application Request Validation

Jun 7, 2011

I want to be able to save things like:

<script src="https://spreadsheets.google.com/gpub?url=http%3A%2F%2Foj0ijfii34kccq3ioto7mdspc7r2s7o9-ss-opensocial.googleusercontent.com%2Fgadgets%2Fifr%3Fup_title%3DBrands%26up_initialstate%26up_


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Asp.net - Disable Validation On All Items Inside A Panel?

Jul 22, 2011

is it possible to disable validation of all items inside a panel programatically in vb.net?

i can't seem to figure it out.

i disabled all fields inside a panel, but they still cause the page to validate on submit.

this is what i have now:

Public Sub DisableControls(ByVal parent As Control)
Dim cCon As Control
For Each cCon In parent.Controls


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Disable Validation On All Forms When User Closes Application?

Feb 26, 2012

Is there an easy way to disable all form validation when the user clicks on the "X" icon to close an application or when the user clicks on a button in the application that closes the application?[url]...

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Use Same Controls Across Multiple Tab Pages?

Nov 21, 2011

My application has a TabControl which has 5 tab pages. Each page represents a "department" and each department has to run this software. So when the user opens the application, they navigate to their department's page.

The software runs a serious of automated and manual tests. The tests are customized for each department. But I need to update the UI during each section of the test.

On the main tab, there is one panel that has 17 PictureBoxes. Each PictureBox represents one test. The PictureBox can either represent a test in progress, a test passed, or a test failed.

All of the tests are in their own code files, for the most part. And in the main form is when I call the tests and update the UI from a single method.

The issue I'm having is how to update the PictureBoxes without creating a bunch of redundant code.

When the test runs, I update the first PictureBox with "in progress", then when it completes, it's update again with pass or fail. So for a single test, I could need to place the UI update in several places, within the same code block, for planning out all the possible conditions.[code]...

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Cannot Move Child Controls In Tab Control Pages

Feb 24, 2011

I've created a tab control and on one of the pages I added a button, but I cannot move the button around with the mouse!? I can change the buttons position within the tab control page using the property Location and I can size the button using the mouse and the button is NOT locked. I even tried creating a new project with just the tab control and it still does the same thing. I can, tho, move the button using the keyboard arrows!

I'm using VS2010 V10.0.30319.1 RTMREL on WinXP SP3.

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Javascript - Master Pages Controls Id After Rendered?

Jul 5, 2011

In my asp.net projects there is a master page and there is a control on Contentplaceholder1. Changing this control's id after rendered like "ctl00_Contentplaceholder1_control" in my local. But at the server its changing like "Contentplaceholder1_control". When i used documents.getelelentbyid('ctl00_Contentplaceholder1_control') js function, its working on my local but not working at the server. So why disappearing "ctl00_" when app runs at the server?

Edit:Why doesn't the server side control id contains "ctl00_" after rendered?

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VS 2005 - Multiple Tab Pages With Databound Controls

Nov 18, 2010

I have a tabcontrol and two tab pages on the tab control. There are some fields on the tab pages which are databound to access database table which are populated using dataadapter. There is functionality to calculate total of the fields on both the tab pages when I click a button. When I load the form the record is retrieved and all the fields are populated with data. when I click the button without navigating to the second tab page then the total is calculated only for the fields that are on the front (first) tab page. It does not include the fields on the second tab page in calculations. When I navigate on the second tab page and then hit the button then the calculations are correct.

I saw that, for the controls on the second tab page, databinding does not happen until I navigate to the tab page. When I navigate to the second tab page then only the controls get the data. And this makes the difference in calculations when I just load the data and hit the button. It thus takes only the fields from the first tab page in calculation as the fields on the second tab pages are still not populated with data. I want the fields on the second tab page also to get populated with data as soon as the data is loaded and not when I actully navigate to the tab page.

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Asp.net Mvc 1 Validation Using Dynamically Created Controls

Aug 11, 2010

Using ASP.Net MVC1 and am dynamically creating the html in a model that is then dropped into the view and rendered at run time.

My view is a single page that looks like this:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

This dynamically created content is mostly dropdownlist boxes in the format of

<form method=post action="/questions/nextBatch">
<div id="text">What is your preferred drink?</div>


Is it is possible to perform validation on the dropdowns lists to ensure that a value has been selected? If any of the dropdownlists that still have the default value (the "please make a selection" text) the page is then redisplayed with the font colour of the question or dropdownlist box changed to say red?

I'm from the Webforms world and have made the switch over to MVC (which I really like!) and I know there are some pretty slick validation tools out there but you seem to have to account for them within the view itself.

I cannot pass a HTML helper through the viewdata of the controller as it does not render unless it has been coded directly into the view itself.

Also, I'm looking for a pure asp.net solution as I cannot use javascript due to accessiblity concerns. I can access all the values of the dropdowns without any problems throug the formscollection object but from there I'm a bit stuck.

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Binding Validation Controls In A Datagrid?

Feb 15, 2012

I have the following datagrid:

<asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="gastosReembolsables" ShowFooter="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<AlternatingItemStyle CssClass="DATAitem2"></AlternatingItemStyle>
<ItemStyle CssClass="DATAitem1"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle CssClass="DATAheader"></HeaderStyle>
<FooterStyle CssClass="DATAitem1"></FooterStyle>


all bindings work except the ones in the validation controls for the itemtemplate of the last column (they are passed as text to the web page). Why is this happening? is it even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

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C# - Searching For All Validation Controls On A Page

Apr 22, 2010

I want to search an ASP.net form for all types of validation controls and programmatically add some attributes to them such as ForeColor.

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Add Controls To Pages Of TabControl Or Better SuperTabControl (DevComponents.DotNetBar)?

Oct 5, 2010

I need to add forms to TabPages in TabControl, but I need to find bindings between a TabControl and TabPage, that means i want to add a Form to a TabPage which is connected to TabControl1.

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Best Forum On MSDN To Ask A Question About Validation Web Controls

Apr 30, 2010

What would be the best forum on MSDN to ask a question about the Validation Web Controls. And using them with ASP.Net?

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Localize HeaderText In GridView Or Validation Controls?

Jun 6, 2010

I cannot figure out why HeaderText or validation controls always fallback to default culture - even though rest of the controls are in correct culture.

I have a GridView with HeaderText specified in this way>

<asp:BoundField DataField="totalSales" HeaderText="<%$ Resources:Strings,TotalSales %>" />

In the same way I have validation controls and they can't be localized.

Only this syntax does work: <%= Resources.Strings.Payments %>

I set different culture in Master page using this statement in Page_Init[code]...

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VS 2010 Data-bound Controls Validation?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm currently working on a data entry application in VB.NET and I'm using data-bound controls by simply dragging the table from the Data Sources window onto the form. It's my first time doing this, but this will save me quite a bit of time since this table has plenty of fieldsAnyway, my problem is that when I enter an invalid value in a textbox and then delete the text it won't let me select other controls or even close the form!
For example, say I have an Age field in the DB, which is an int and I mistakenly type "," on its textbox. Then I decide I actually want to leave that field blank (considering it allows nulls) so I just delete all of the textbox's contents, after doing so, I'm not able to switch focus to another control or close the form.

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VS 2010 Create User Controls / Save Them As .ocx Files / Use .ocx's In Other Programs On Html Pages

Apr 25, 2011

I've been programming in VB6 for years, I have decided to take the plunge into VB.net and C# 2010 but having a little problem understanding the big picture.In VB6 I could create user controls and save them as .ocx files, then use those .ocx's in other programs or on html pages. I am sure the same idea is present in VS 2010, I'm just not seeing it.Can anyone recommend a book or tutorial that will show me the big picture of all the aspects of the .net environment?

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C# - Disable All Controls Within Div In Asp.net?

Mar 15, 2012

how I can disable all controls within a div?

The div is set to runat="server"

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Disable All Form Controls?

Jul 29, 2009

on one of my form, if user press a button then it sync data with another database and it takes time. i show a hidden group box on form which show progress bar of processing. during this process i want to disable all the controls of the form so that user not able to do anything form until process if finished.because most control on the form has validation and if i do me.enabled = false, it disable the control but still use can click on any of text box and then depending on validation event get fired.in a nutshell, want to disable any kind of activity on form.

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Disable Controls Of Tabpage?

Jun 5, 2011

I' havea doubt on vb.net windows applicationwhile im using tab pages when i 'm moving fromabpage1 to tabpage2 all the controls in tabepag2 must be cleared(if checkbox is checked ,it should be unchecked when we move to tabpage2

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Disable Group Of Controls Dynamically?

Feb 16, 2011

How would I dynamically enable/disable group boxes based on a radio button selection? I am trying to do it with two group boxes. The group boxes are called grpSelectChars and grpPWAutomatic. The radio buttons are called rdoChooseChars and rdoRandomlyGen. if rdoChooseChars is selected then I want grpSelectChars Enabled and grpPWAutomatic Disabled. in the load sub I have rdoChooseChars Checked

Private Sub PWGenerator_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
rdoChooseChars.Checked = True
If rdoChooseChars.Checked Then


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How To Disable All Controls On Accounts Page

Jul 27, 2010

I am using a masterpage. On a accounts page I have a Usercontrol on this UserControl I have one more user control. If Account is closed I want to Disable all the controls on Accounts page (including parent and child userControl - controls collection).

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Disable Controls When Items Are Selected From A Combo Box?

Apr 30, 2011

How to disable other controls when an item is selected from a different combo box. When someone selects a specific item from the combo box provided, It should automatically disable other controls specified to be disable.

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ITextSharp - Calling AddImageToPage() With The The Optional Pages Parameter Will Add The Image To All Pages Though?

Dec 20, 2011

I am using Stanav's PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages) for iTextSharp library (v5.1.3) and was not able to add the image to specific pages: e.g. to add to only page 1 and 3 of a five pages PDF

Dim Pages() As Integer
Pages = New Integer() {1, 3}
PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages)

Calling AddImageToPage() with the the optional Pages parameter will add the image to all pages though.

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Form On A .NET Webserver Using Aspx Pages With The Vb Code-behind Pages?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a form on a .NET webserver using aspx pages with the vb code-behind pages. The form collects the entered data and then emails it, that part works fine.Right after it gets emailed, this code checks to see if the email was sent or not and then updates the landing page accordingly. I used to use just an IF THEN statement, but now that doesn't work in these new .NET pages. Here's the end of the code that I am having difficulties with:


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Make Html Pages Work Like Aspx Pages?

Jun 19, 2009

I have heard of setting server specs to have HTML pages parsed as PHP pages by changing the .htaccess or httpd.conf files. Is there a similar solution to have HTML pages parsed as ASPX pages?

A website I am working on does not want their PageRank to lower since their HTML pages are already indexed and used on other websites but wants to use some dynamic features of aspx pages (like include the navigation file so that changes to the nav will only have to be done in that one file).

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Disable A Timer - Will Finish The Process And Then Disable Or Will It Immediately Disable Without Completing Process?

Dec 22, 2011

I am confused what will happen, when I disable a timer. Will it finish the process and then disable or will it immediately disable without completing process? for example


I want to run getMessage from somewhere else, so I need to disable timer during that time to be asured not to override anything and also before timer disable it should complete that function code.

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Get Number Of Pages And Number Of Pages Printed (System.Printing)

Jul 13, 2011

i have this program which records the every printing made on a local computer.I am to record the number of pages of the document to be printed and the number of printed pages. i have this code but i don't know the number of pages and number printed pages always return 0 [Code].

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