Change Data Binding In Code

Jun 11, 2010

I'm have a list box where I want my data bound to a data binding source. Easy enough, just set it in properties. But I want to be able to change the values to a different binding source when I click a radio button. In other words, for each radio button I want a different set of data in my list box.[code]

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Binding Textblock So That One Change Of Variable On One Page Reflects In UI

Dec 27, 2010

I have a MainPage - mainpage.xaml Inside the MainPage I have a frame that hosts other pages. The first page that is auto loaded is the LogIn - LogIn.xaml

The user enters their email to login (no password required, just email to identify, its an internal app so passwords are not required or even wanted by users).

On MainPage.xaml the header should have a "Hello " TexBlock (name: ui_txbUserName). The LogIn page has a method which on submit gets the UserID (for other reasons and saves it) and the User Name.

I want to change the ui_txbUserName when the person logs in and update if he/she logs out of one account into another. I have looked at INotifyPropertyChanged and Dependency Properties and im just not sure how to go about doing this!

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Binding Textblock So That One Change Of Variable On One Page Reflects In UI?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a MainPage - mainpage.xamlInside the MainPage I have a frame that hosts other pages. The first page that is auto loaded is the LogIn - LogIn.xamlThe user enters their email to login (no password required, just email to identify, its an internal app so passwords are not required or even wanted by users).On MainPage.xaml the header should have a "Hello " TexBlock (name: ui_txbUserName). The LogIn page has a method which on submit gets the UserID (for other reasons and saves it) and the User Name.I want to change the ui_txbUserName when the person logs in and update if he/she logs out of UsingOfficerID - its a global variable set when a person logs in, its used all over the place in the application.

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Datagridview Selections Change Another Tables Binding Navigator?

Sep 12, 2010

Background: Not a developer by trade. I did however, endeavor to learn VB a few years ago and I got reasonably far but without proper motivation for the time, things were difficult to take further. Fast forward half a dozen years and while working with the sales team in my company, I noticed that they were struggling with cataloguing and tracking their calls to clients. They were all trying to use one excel spreadsheet to tabulate all the clients details and calls. Of course, this was a mess. So the idea is to build them a very simple database app that will allow multiple users to add entries to a db and we could pull reports from the data in the end to check performance and such.

Application: The application so far is a very simple access db with windows forms front end. Two tables, one holding �Client� data and the other �call� data. Idea being that we can now track multiple calls per client as opposed to just the next call as was the norm. Client and CallID are the primary keys of the table, with a clientID foreign key in tbCalls . There is one query which I tried to use to do this, which joins calls and clients so that I had everything in one table. Cool. There are four forms, basically frmCaptureClientInfo, frmSearchClients, frmScheduleCalls and frmMakeCalls. Most of these forms are working fine by just dragging the dataset fields onto the form and allowing the IDE to do the coding and then a little more code to validate that the inputs are correctothing fancy just add, delete, update is all this app does.

Issue: The last form is the killer form. Killer form, because it�s caused a huge rise in blood pressure. Anyway it sounds so simple. On the form is a datagrid that is populated with contents of above query (all client and call details), filtered by the parameter that checks if the call is complete or not. Sweet. Below I have dragged in fields from tblCalls. The �callers� need to edit three fields TimeCompleted, CallNotes and a call completed checkbox. What I need is the tblCallBindingNavigator to jump to the record that I have selected in the Datagrid view. Right now they are independent and I can�t join them. If this is at all possible?I have tried using just the query, which has the right behavior except the update command is not generated automatically. Spent Many hours researching updating queries but either was too complex for me to know it was the solution, or was for different products. If there is a way to do this then that would be awesome.I have also tried editing the CallBindingNavigator databindings settings but I am not sure what is going on there, it seems to block out the navigator controls. Here is some more info:

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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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Binding Data Or Load Data To Combobox Using SELECT Query?

Jun 3, 2011

i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project...i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query..but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database...second..can i binding without add database to project..i mean mydatabase in debug folder..i hve problem binding data if database is not in myproject..

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Data Binding - Update The Grid Data By Reading The Array

Apr 2, 2012

Data binding should be an extremely simple thing to manage but I can't find a SIMPLE solution to the following problem.

I have two forms

Form1 contains a 4x4 MSFlexGrid (unfortunately an unmanaged COM object but I can merge cells, which I can't do with a managed Datagrid)

Form2 contains other controls which change the data in the Flexgrid.

I connect the two with a Public 4x4 array. Form2 changes the data in this array. I can update the grid data by reading the array. But how do I bind the Grid to the array so that it auto-updates - which is the whole point of binding isn't it?

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Listbox In Form That Gets Its Values From A Data Table By Data Binding

Jul 31, 2010

I have a listbox in my form that gets its values from a data table by data binding. My question is, when the data (row) is loaded it also selects the first line automatically. I do not want this because I want the listbox to select an item only when the user clicks on it. Otherwise, the iteme should ony be listed. Is there a way to manage this?

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.net Code With Binding Chart?

Apr 27, 2012

I was trying to bind the telerik chart with below code, then it is thoughing an error as per the screen shot.any one have idea how handle this error.Logic explanation: Am assigning the data table as listdata datasource and trying to bind the data based on table rows count.

Dim listdata As new DataList
listdata.DataSource = ds.Tables.Item(0)


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Binding Radiobuttons To Application Settings Change Their Behaviour When Clicked?

Jun 24, 2010

I have three radiobuttons in a groupbox. When they are not bound to application settings, they behave normally.After binding each of their checked properties to application settings, the following happens: I have to click an uncheckedradiobutton two times to have it checked. After the first click, all three are unchecked.

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Binding Excel Data To A Datagrid Without No Header Just The Data?

Oct 31, 2010

i want to binding excel data to a datagrid without no header, just the data.for example :my excel files consist of 3x3 matriks data in 3x3 excel cell like this

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

and i want to show all this data on data grid i have tried with some code like this

Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _


but the first row of that data ( 1 2 3 ) is not shown up in the datagrid, just the 2nd and the 3rd row that shown up in datagrid?

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How To Use Binding Navigator Code To Use On Buttons

Jun 20, 2012

I am using the BindingNavigator control on my form. I want to use my own buttons instead of "BindingNavigator". I tried double clicking on "Binding NavigatorMoveFirstItem" button to see the code behind it. But nothing is there.What is the code to use the BindingNavigator but on my custom buttons? Actually I want to use my custom buttons but the same code which BindingNavigator uses and then I will delete the BindingNavigator.

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Binding A TextBox To A Setting Withoute Using Code?

Aug 18, 2011

How can I bind a TextBox to a Setting withoute using code like this below?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles MyBase.Load

TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.MyString


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C# Implement Late Binding For Native Code

Aug 14, 2009

We are working with an existing native application (most likely written in VB) that loads assemblies and calls methods with "Late Binding." We do NOT have access to its source code. We want to implement this interface in C#, and have the native application call our C# assembly. Is this anything we have to do beyond matching the method names and method signatures to make it work?

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Code The Delete Button In Binding Navigator?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm trying to code the delete button in my binding navigator and I keep running into errors. This is what I have:Dim msg As String = "Are you sure you want to delete the current record? " If MessageBox.Show(msg, "Confirm Delete", _ MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then _CustomersBindingSource.Remove(DataGridView1.CurrentRow)
End If

Even when I change it to _CustomersBindingSource.CancelEdit and I debug it, the Delete button in the binding navigator looks like it set to enabled = false, but in the properites it's set to true.Even if I add enabled = true at the top

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Configuration Code That Uses CodeBase Tag With A Binding Redirect

Mar 24, 2010

Can anyone post some example code for an App.config file that uses a binding redirect with the CodeBase tag and an href attribute that points to a file system location? I can't use a standard binding redirect because it is a 3rd party dll that includes the version number in the dll name.

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Getting Data From A Data Source Using Binding Sources?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bit of code that reaches out and grabs a series of rows from SQL Server DB. I perform an inner join to get some related table data. In the process I get returned the user id of the creator of the data. I then want to pass this into a query to get back a full name. I am having no luck figuring out how to do just that. If I use the data visualizer I can see the name I am after, I cannot figure out the call to extract it

Bindingsource1.DataSource = GetData("Select * From PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER =" & REQ_NUM.Text)
.DataSource = Bindingsource1


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Winforms - Binding Data To A Data Repeater?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm looking for a line or two of code that will bind a DataSet.Datatable column to a textbox on a Datarepeater?

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Setup DataTableAdapters To Allow For Easy Code Change When Change Server Names?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm getting familiar now with using the Dataset Designer and how it makes for quick and easy updates and query of tables. I use to use the OleDB commands and leave the Connection String as a Global Constant so I can easily change it if the server name changes, or if we have to re-direct the .NET to another instance of the database.

But now that I use the Dataset designer I'm concerned that I maintain flexibility and support in the long run. how the Dataset designer works and where it stores it's connection string info? And how difficult that would be to update. It looks like I modify the App.config file, but I'm unfamiliar with this.

What am I getting myself into? It looks like a standard XML file. Is that it?

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VS 2008 Find Code Example For Late Binding Automation?

Sep 14, 2010

where can i find code example for late binding automation?

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VS 2008 Binding Source And Changing Row Values From Code Vs Bound Controls

Sep 6, 2009

[edit]oops - stupid typo - this is resolved and explained in the next post[/edit] I've got a BINDING SOURCE - that I bind to controls - textboxes mostly. I create a row in the datatable behind this BINDING SOURCE like this.


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VS 2010 Creating Dataset, Table Adapter, Binding Source(...) And Everything Else In Code?

Feb 14, 2011

Can you please explain me and/or show some good tutorials how to do it?It seems pretty complicated because visual studio usually does it all for you and that made me stupid and not to do anything about it.Things I don't know to do in code but I know VS does it for me:


I'm sure there is a good tutorial somewhere on the internet. I'm okay with doing it with designer, but now when I have a situation where I can't use MDI container but tabcontrol.Other solution would be to make a MDI container out of tabcontrol. Is it posible or only other form can be MDI container.

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How To Use Data Binding

Dec 12, 2010

I have produced an Access database and a dataset linked to the database, and am working on a form in VB to enter data to this database. This form was produced by dragging the required fields from the data sources manager to automatically bind to the dataset.

I am attempting to use some radio buttons to allow users to select their gender on a form. I do not know how to take the results of selecting either radio button and upload the user's selection to the dataset, which would then be uploaded to the database.I also attempted to use a ListBox and ComboBox for some other fields, but they do not seem to work as they should, since when I attempted to press the handily provided "Save" button, I was provided with an error to the effect that the boxes appeared to be empty.

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How To Change Server.Transfer Code To PHP Redirect Code With Member Id

Sep 18, 2010

I have a code in VB that looks like this:'Server.Transfer(txtUser.Text + "_page.aspx")which is taking a forms authenticated user to their page. For example if John logs in, it will take him to john_page.aspx.How will I be able to integrate this in a PHP login script?I'm trying something like:header("location: $member ._page.php");but I don't think I'm doing this correctly.

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Add Items After Binding Data?

Dec 29, 2009

i make this code to bind combobox and i insert the item to the combobox

With Me.CmbBxEmployeeName
.DataSource = GetAllEmployeeNameBindingSource
.DisplayMember = "Name"[code]....

but this error show ,Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set.

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.net - Simple Data Binding?

Feb 4, 2011

I have developed a form for Windows VB.Net that uses a number of text boxes that are indidivually bound to separate columns in a database. When one of the textboxes (let's call it XYZ.Text) is bound to the database, it prevents the data from any of the other bound text boxes to enter the database. When the binding for this one text box (XYZ.Text) is removed, then all the other text boxes work fine.

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Binding Data To A ComboBox?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm trying to bind data to a combo box but it does not appear to be working. I've setup the DataSet and the DataSetBindingSource and all this appears to be working, within the form design I can expand the little arrow in the ComboBox control and preview the data. This appears to be working but when the application is run, nothing appears in the drop down box.

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Binding Data To A Textbox?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a BindingSource. Below this are a group of textboxes that are associated with each column in the DGV. I tried to bind the textboxes to the BindingSource but realized their was no DataSource property for the textboxes. How can I bind them?

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Binding Data To DataGridView

Apr 5, 2010

I have a bit of code which loads data from a stored procedure in MS SQL Server and then loads the data to a datagridview, which works fine. What i want is for the code that connects / loads the data to sit in my Database Class and then everything associated with the datagridview to be stored in my Form but i am having problems passing the contents of the bindingsource over to the Form from the Database Class.


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Cautious Using Data Binding In .NET?

Apr 13, 2010

I just started working on a small team of .NET programmers about a month ago and recently got in a discussion with our team lead regarding why we don't use databinding at all in our code. Every time we work with a data grid, we iterate through a data table and populate the grid row by row; the code usually looks something like this:


Our team lead was saying that he got burned using data binding when working with Sheridan Grid controls, VB6, and ADO recordsets back in the nineties. He's not sure what the exact problem was, but he remembers that binding didn't work as expected and caused him some major problems. Since then, they haven't trusted data binding and load the data for all their controls by hand.

The reason the conversation even came up was because I found data binding to be very simple and really liked separating the data presentation (in this case, the data grid) from the in-memory data source (in this case, the data table). "Loading" the data row by row into the grid seemed to break this distinction. I also observed that with the advent of XAML in WPF and Silverlight, data-binding seems like a must-have in order to be able to cleanly wire up a designer's XAML code with your data.

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