Check Disk Compression Property?

Aug 29, 2011

I want to check Disk compressed(compress drive to save disk space) property. I have following code to check it. But it always return false. whether it is compress or not.

Dim drive As String = "C"
Dim parameter As String = "win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=""" + drive + ":"""
Dim diskSize As New ManagementObject(parameter)


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VS 2008 Check On Which Disk Is Windows Installed On?

Aug 22, 2010

Is there a function that determines the letter that windows is on installed. For example:


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VS 2008 Windows 7 - Code That Starts The Disk Check On Boot Time

Mar 6, 2010

I made a code that starts the Disk Check on boot time it works fine on Windows Vista and Windows Xp but on windows 7 I checked the path at were windows 7 stores BootExecute and it is on the same path. Maybe the system is blocking it. Or do i have to change the code.

Here is the code:

Dim rk As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
rk = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager", True)
rk.SetValue("BootExecute", "autocheck autochk /p ??" & Drive) 'Turn ON
The Drive String just gets the name of the drive for example C: or D:

I had more problems coding for a windows 7 machine then Vista.

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C# - Compression And Decompression In 7z Format?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I create 7-Zip archives with .NET?

I'm looking for ways to do compression and decompression in 7z format via code in VB.NET and C#. Is there any library or .Net code for this purpose?

I know there are GZipStream and DeflateStream in .Net but I want 7z format for better compression ratio.

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File Compression Using DotNetZip?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm currently working on a utility software, file compression, with VB.Net. And using an open source library to compress and decompress files - DotNetZip - and already running.

My friend told to make it unique and not traditional, that I make the output compressed files cannot be opened with other compression software. Now my question is... is it possible that way? Using an open source library which the output format is ".zip"?

I first thought that changing the file extension of the compressed file to unknown format so it can't be opened when you try to decompress it, unfortunately, using the "Open With..." function of windows it could still be decompressed.

Is it really possible? OR what other features can I add that WinZIP doesnt have yet? I compared my work to WinZip since the same output is ".zip".

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Video Compression In VB 2005?

Feb 9, 2010

i wanted to ask is there any means i can compress a video file(.avi) to a small size than original.Which API should i use(except the DirectX)..?Is DirectX advisable?

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VS 2005 - Zip Compression Not Working

Aug 14, 2009

I'm trying to compress a file in .NET, but having some trouble. The zip file is created, but it's only 1KB and no files are within the zip file. Basically, it's not working for some reason and I'm not sure why.

Public Sub CompressFile(ByVal fileName As String)
Dim strOutput As Stream = File.Create("")
Using (strOutput)
Dim strInput As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileName)
Using (strInput)
[Code] .....

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Zlib Compression?

Mar 12, 2011

I would like help to compress a file with zlib. I have have searched google for ages and found losts of examples but i can't get any to work in VB 2008 Express. I am also not sure which version of the dll to use as there seems to be a few for VB.Can someone post some code that will work in VB 2008 so i can see how to do it and also a link to the dll that you used.

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VS 2010 File Compression In .net?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm wanting to make a program to rip dvd's but more importantly to store them so the user can watch them when they want. To keep the cpu's memory down I figured I can compress the dvds when the person just has them sitting there and then decompress them when the user wants to play them. I've kinda looked into gzipstream, but would that really work? Should I take a different route?

View 6 Replies

What Voice Compression Algorithm To Use

Jan 21, 2010

which algorithm used for voice compression mailing and decompression

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How To Check If A Property Type Is An Interface

Feb 12, 2009

I would like to check if a property's type is an interface (not a specific interface, but any interface).

dim __PropertyInfo As PropertyInfo
dim b as boolean = isinterface(__PropertyInfo)


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Objects Property Value Comparison Does Not Check For Nothing

Dec 9, 2011

I am using Entity Framwork and have an Entity Customer with a property of[code]...

However I noticed that this code does not get executed when Customer.CustomerStatus Is Nothing.

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Determining A File Size After RAR Compression?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm willing to create a program that will determine the size of a file imported in OpenFileDialog After a RAR Compression. I'm not sure what's the ratio of the rar compression,

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Add Multiple Files To One File Without Compression?

Jan 25, 2011

How can I make a program that stores multiple files in one big file (for transporting). There is no need for compression(takes too long).

also, would it be able to open them in this same program (like a windows explorer folder)?

View 7 Replies - Disable GZIP Compression For IE6 Clients?

May 5, 2009

We need to conditionally disable GZIP compression if user's browser is IE6 (it hangs browser for 5min) in few pages of larger site. Server is IIS7 and has compression for static content turned on - want that compression left working if user agent is not Mozilla/4.0. ASPX code sample anyone? Alternatively, code to conditionally redirect to the same page on another site (could create another virtual site with compression disabled) but need to pass all parameters (GET/POST).

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How To Do Loss Less Compression In Windows Application

Jan 25, 2011

Private Function Compress(ByVal strInput As String) As Byte()
Dim bytData() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strInput)


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Compression - Make A Program That Can Compress Files

Feb 13, 2008

How do i make a program that can compress files, just like programs like winrar do? Every time i try via something as simple as text editor changing something, then changing it back, then it wont work anymore. Any suggestions on how i can make one of these kinds of compression programs?

View 9 Replies

WCF Window - Entity Framework Data Compression

Feb 3, 2012

I have a WCF Windows service that provides data to 250+ PDAs via compressed datasets and was looking to redevelop both the service and the mobile application to use Entity Framework 4.x models. In order to keep performance acceptable when sending/receiving data on the PDA I need to keep the data size as small as possible and was wondering if its possible to compress a IEnumerable from the WCF windows service? From previous experience with the datasets I got a 80%+/- compression rate and even decompressing the data on the PDA achieved an overal 50% performance importment so retaining similar levels of performance is critical. Could I use a binary serializer and then compress the stream?

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Check Object's Property For Null Or Empty String?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm using FileHelper to generate object's property. Here is an example of one property:

<FieldOptional(), _
FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)> _
<FieldNullValue(GetType(String), " ")> _
Public StoreNo As String

As you can see the StoreNo will either have a value or " ", one of the business policy is to check if the StoreNo is empty or nothing if the object's StoreNo is empty or null then the record will not create.

I though about creating an HasValue Function in the class to check the StoreNo and other properties in the object but I feel like it is a hack.

Public Function HasValue() As Boolean
Dim _HasValue As Boolean = True
If StringHelper.IsNullOrBlank(Me.StoreNo) Then


I don't think this approach is an ideal solution. what if the StoreNo is remove or change to something else. What's the best approach to check object's property?

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Store A Stream In Compression Level 4 Jpeg Format?

Jan 10, 2012

some link or could that could explain the way it could be done.

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C# - Check If A Class Is A New Instance Or Has At Least Once Property Populated Before Saving To Database

May 15, 2012

I thought this would be an easy one but I can't think of a good way to do it.User submits a webform. Based on submitted information I build three classes and assign their properties from received data:

UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo();
UserAddress userAddress = new UserAddress();
UserEmployer userEmployer = new UserEmployer();

Based on submitted information some classes end up being populated with properties and some do not.

What's the best way to check whether userInfo class, for example, ended up with properties assigned ? I don't want to save a particular object to the database if it doesn't have any real properties assigned and all of them are set to either null or "".

I only want to save the objects that ended up with at least one real property using NHibernate to save data to db

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Unzip A Zipped Folder Using Microsoft APIs Or Namespaces Perhaps System.IO.Compression?

Sep 19, 2009

can we unzip a zipped folder using microsoft APIs or namespaces perhaps System.IO.Compression. However, it seems to be cumbersome to use them. With a thrid party dll file it works perfectly fine, however i dont want to use it as we dont know what is actually happening inside. Can we have a piece of code which unzips a zipped folder.

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.net - 'Property' Cannot Implement 'Property' Because There Is No Matching Property On Interface 'IName'?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having some very weird issues with interfaces right now.

I have a very simple setup. In one of my class, I have a Property implementing a Property from an Interface.

In my class it's like:

Private _oForm As IForm
Public Property Form As IForm Implements IContainer.Form
Set(value As IForm)


I have like dozens of interfaces like this working throughout my project and I can't believe this simple one can't work!

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Disk I/O's Per Second?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm interested in Windows performance especially the number of disk reads and writes per second. Windows knows for performance data. Does anyone know have to collect this data programatically?

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Get Hard Disk Name?

Jul 21, 2010

How would I find the letter for the hard disk? e.g C:

Because I know some computers have different letters insetad of C.

Also, on a slightly different topic (I didnt think it was worth starting a new thread for it), I need a program to start during the start up of the computer it is on, am I right in saying I need to create a shortcut (which I think is a .lnk file?) and then put that in the startup folder. I'm doing this in code, but I was wondering what information I need in the shortcut file.

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Get The Disk I/O On Various Servers?

May 22, 2012

I am using the following code to get the Disk I/O on various servers. For now I am just retrieving the DiskReadsPerSec to get a feel for it. The return data gives a uint32 for each drive on the server and a total. My questions is what is the time frame that this represents? Is this at the second that my code polls the drive or is this over the last few seconds or do I need to do multiple runs to get an average.

My intention is to build a graph for each drive so I wonder how often I need to poll the drive to get a acurate value.

Public Shared Function GetDriveIO(ByVal strip As String) As Boolean
Dim oConn As New ConnectionOptions()
Dim lnglist As New List(Of Long)


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Get The Hard Disk Or CPU SN?

Apr 3, 2010

I work with VB 2008 I need to know a main part Serial number such hard disk or CPU in the local machine?

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Low Level Disk I/O

Feb 25, 2009

I want to do low level disk I/O using Visual Basic 2008.Particularly, I want to do track/sector read/writes to a disk (or equivalent hardware)Also important is to discover number of tracks/sectors available.

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Get The HDD Disk Drive Information?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to get the HDD Disk Drive information from the DeviceIOControl(,,,,,) function with IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX control code.

Here are the problems :

1. The DeviceIOControl function returns(as from output buffer) DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX structure. Which contains some data types i am unable to get. I used. Uint32 instead of Dword. Long instead of Large_Integer.

2. DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX structure contains a union declaration as mentioned on MSDN , HOW TO GET A UNION in VB.NET or vb 6.

3. Still when i tried declaring the data types as mentioned earlier gives an error (Value does not fall within the expected range.) executing the DeviceIOControl Method.

Link : [URL]

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Calculate Size On Disk?

Oct 25, 2011

I am trying to calculate the total size on disk of all files in a directory. However, it does not appear to be working.

Here is my code behind:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dInfo As New DirectoryInfo("C:WebsitesHKM3TempUpload")


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