Communications :: Finding Packet Destination?

Jun 16, 2010

I am making a software in VB .NET and I wanted to find out where a packet is directed i.e whats its destination IP .ctually what I am doing is kind of a relay.. means for example - A computer( wants to send a data to but I make it send the data to my server computer i.e which then sends the data to the destination machine which .So basically I want to find out where the packet wants to reach(in this case . The structure looks like --Client Computer -> Destination Computer [ In normal case ]But I want to do something like this :- Client Computer -> Server Computer -> Destination computerFor the Server computer to send the data to destination computer I guess I will have to know where the packet wants to reach or something

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SNMP Packet Is Not Reaching Its Destination?

Oct 5, 2011

I have SNMP Class which creates the SNMP packet and then create a UDP socket to send the packet..but when I use this class to send Get Packet then I m not getting any response...i have come to this point that packet is not going to its destination because i used wireshark to check if some traffic is going from udp port 161 but I m not getting any traffic when I debug my is the part of the class that creates the socket:

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Communications :: Sending Packet To Server

Apr 12, 2012

i want ask how i can send hex packet to server .i am able to connect IP and port [code] here we can see that for 3 hex 33 is used and for char "." 00 07 13 and many others are used and for its 0F used [code] it sends same Hex for each "." in packet but i want to send other values as there in original/so i want to create a byte to send from hex code/

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Communications :: Used To Assemble And Send Raw Packet / Receive Response Packets?

Sep 14, 2008

What Visual Basic code can be used to assemble and send a raw packet, and receive response packets? I looked on MSDN and I couldn't find any documentation for anything used to send a packet.

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Communications :: Send A Command Via RS232 Communications

Jan 26, 2009

I am using VB2008 Express and am curious how to send a command via RS232 communications. The string that I need to send is 02h PON 03h. The start and end bits are 02h and 03h.

How can I convert 02h and 03h to its ascii form. In hyperterminal, I use the sequence {(hold)ALT 0 0 2} on the number pad to send the start bit.

I am using this code currently without the start and end bits


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.net - Creating A UDP Packet?

Mar 10, 2009

I'm building a simple udp lan chat application in and I'm wondering how I should split my packets. Each sent packet should have like an id, a username and ip address from where it's coming and maybe also a command part for like join or leave to update my userlist and a text message. I'd like to know what is the easiest way to put all this in a simple packet then easily split and access different parts from it when it's received. thanks.I'm using UDP since this is only in lan so i'm broadcasting to *.*.*.255

What I want to know is what would be the most easy and powerful way to format my packets so they include a username , an id, a command and a text message, then the user receiving it decrypt it to show only the message written by which user or if it's a command like join or leave to show the appropriate message of joining and add the user to the list for exemple.

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Sending TCP Packet?

Mar 11, 2010

first question is: Do you need to port-forward anything in order to receive a response?he sake of all that is good and holy, don't use ACCESS, EXCEL, or a TEXT FILE as a database. If you want your program to use a "local database", without any of the hassle of setting up a MS SQL or MySQL server, just click this link: >>> SQLite <<< Seriously. This is for your own good.

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.Net Packet Dropping (firewall)?

Feb 22, 2009

I am trying to intercept connections on port 2302 that is being used by a game. I was think about using something along the lines of

#Region " Imports "
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Create My Own Packet Editor?

May 2, 2011

I want to create my own pocket editor like WPE because i want to program it.(To send special messages to the game servers when my program receives something.)

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Different Back Up Destination Option?

Apr 15, 2012

having different back up option for the database(access)option such as "save to USB" and "save to external HD"

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Filter UDP Packet And Send It Off

Aug 7, 2011

I can already capture packets however is it possible to edit the packet and then send it off? Suppose I had a udp pakcet that said "11-mydata", I want to change it to "11-newdata" then send it off. I know which packets will be accepted and which ones will be modified and sent. So is this possible?

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How To Packet The Net Framework Program

Oct 9, 2010

I just update my software and begin to use the vs2010.I want to when my users use my program,if they haven't installed the net framework4.0 or they installed the old net framework version,my install program can auto-install the net framework.

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How To Send Packet To A Website

May 2, 2012

Working with my friend on a Minecraft casino program. I want the program to send a packet of data to the server. He can make the plugin to capture the data in java but how do I make my end of it to make it send the data to the server? Do I need to make a class with the data to send the data?

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Open Destination Folder?

May 3, 2012

Shell("explorer Path")Path is DirectoryBut it Open My DocumentPath is D:/I think It because The syntax "explorer Path" i try a lot like shell("explorer" path),shell(explorer path) , shell(""explorer" path") but it always open My Document

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Protect Against Packet Sniffing?

Jun 17, 2011

Now, I have a executable build in vb .net with MySQL.Data.dll (library to allow connection to my remote database) that checks for data in a databaseNow then, when using a packet sniffer tool, I can see all my detailsHow can I prevent thisAlso, as a security measure, I have tried obfuscating the connection string in the exe, but that is only on the code part so I'm sure is not enough as I've seen my string in Wireshark

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Reading Packet Id From Byte?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a packet that I need to send to a client with an ID of 255. I've had no problems sending packets with IDs of 0, 1, and 2. The ID has to be 255. For some reason, after the translation has happened, both me with my server, and the client, get "63" for any Id greater than 127.

This is the code I am using:


Now, This is an overly complicated version of what the server does. You may consider this a bit unnecessary but the inverse functions performed are for your viewing reasons only.

Where it says "255" is the Packet Id I need sent in the format above. As I said, anything larger than 127 returns "63".

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Send Packet To Server?

Apr 9, 2012

I want ask how i can send hex packet to server

i am able to connect IP and port

in packet the data i send is.3..the hex code of data is 00 33 00 07 00 00 04 0F 95 13 00 00 00 here we can see that for 3 hex 33 is used and for char "." 00 07 13 and many others are used and for its 0F used [code]...

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Turn To A Destination Angle?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a space ship that I want to turn to a destination angle. Currently it works like 90% of the time, but sometimes, it 'jumps' to the destination angle rather than moving smoothly. Here is my code:

a = System.Math.Sin(.destStoppingAngle + System.Math.PI)
b = System.Math.Cos(.destStoppingAngle + System.Math.PI)
c = System.Math.Sin(.msngFacing)
d = System.Math.Cos(.msngFacing)


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UDP Based Packet Transmission ?

Jun 8, 2009

I have simple udp client and server using UdpClient class in .net frame work 2.0. My Ip address is

and client ip address is and we client pc and mine are on same network. When i tried to send udp packet from client to server exception occurs: "A socket operation was attempted to an unreachale host" But when i change my(server) IP address to "" communication is fine.How i can solve this problem or,how i can send packets other than my domains ip addresses.

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.net - Make A Packet Using Dim Buffer As Byte()?

Mar 7, 2012

basically I'm sending and receiving both images, strings and files over a client/server connection. I can easily use a protocol for string commands but I cannot distinguish between the incoming data [if data is image or whatever and then follow onward instructions].So how do I make a packet using Dim buffer as byte()?

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Changing Streamwriter Destination File

May 13, 2010

I have code which needs to be run 3 times with results written to different files each time. I have the following excerpt from the code:


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Copy Some Files From Source To Destination

Nov 23, 2011

I want to copy some files from Source to Destination.Destination path will be the first part of source.If user dont have permissions at destination i need to throw an exception to the user at the end after completing the loop of all files.I have developed below code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim source() As String = {"EP01_SC001.avi", "EP01_SC002.avi", "EP02_SC001.avi", "EP02_SC002.avi", "EP03_SC001.avi"}
Dim filesplit() As String


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Edit The Port Bytes In The TCP Packet?

Feb 21, 2009

i have a program that sniffs for packets on a port going to a specific address on my lan and then sends an exact copy to the same address on another port, the problem is when i edit the port bytes in the TCP packet i have to regenerate the checksum, and thats where the problem comes in, everything i have researched on this just doesnt make sense to mei am looking for a function that will output the checksum and a little explanation on what i need to put in for it to come out right

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End A Data Packet From Program To An IP Address?

Jul 20, 2011

How am I able to send a data packet from my program, to an IP Address on a certain port (using Udp).

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FileMovement Lock On Destination Folder?

Jun 25, 2012

Source code:

We are using File.Move() method to move the file from source to destination locaion. But the destination location is being monitored by one tool, whenever we are moving files to the destination location, it will pick up the file and process it. The issue here when we try to move huge volume file like around 5GB file, the tool is immediately picking up the file and try to process it before the move operation is complete and send failure notice to all the users.. After again successfully moving the file completely, it picks up the same and process it sucessfully this time and send successful notice this time.

We can't have control over the tool which is monitoring the destination folder because it is a third party tool. However we want to find out the alternative option to place a lock over the destination foler like ReadWrite access till the move operation completes so that 3rd party will not be able to pick up or try to access that file.

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How To Tell System Copy Source To Destination If Possible

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to copy a file, using System.Copy. The destination, if it exists, should be overwritten. I had been using a single line of code for about a month, without problems : IO.File.Copy(SourceFile, DestFile, True)But problems started about a week ago, when I started more advanced checks. Partially locked files fail to copy, and the destination gets deleted. Locked files, on the other hand, work correctly: they just trigger a file in use exception.So I added this line before launching the copy:Using TestForAccess As New IO.FileStream(SourceFile, IO.FileMode.Open, IO. FileAccess. Read, IO.FileShare.None) : End Using..This was supposed to launch an error if the file was in use. But it is to sensitive. Some files (such as thunderbird's abook.mab) trigger an error in this added code, whereas they copied fine before (and you can copy them in explorer).My question basically is: How do I tell the system: copy source to destination if possible; if not, don't break destination?

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Messages Are Not Getting Properly Handled By The Destination App

Aug 31, 2010

I have 3 components, a managed .NET diagnostics app, which interfaces with a C++ multithreaded UDP socket messaging DLL, which sends messages to another C++ app.

Sometimes (especially on exiting the managed app) the messages are not getting properly handled by the destination app. The UDP socket DLL is sending everything fine, but they are not being handled on the recieving end. Now, if I put a messagebox in on the managed side, everything goes fine. Thinking it was just a delay thing with the popup, I've put thread sleep, regular sleep, timers, counting loops, etc. These "other" solutions do nothing, only the message box is making the messages be handled.

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Move File From One Destination To Another Using Folderbrowserdialog?

Apr 5, 2011

I want to copy rarreg.key to the folder specified. Here's what I got so far. It compiles fine, but I keep getting an unhandled exeption has occurred in your application... And get "Empty file name is not legal. Parameter name: sourceFileName.".[code]...

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Read A Packet Of Data Which Has Come In From RS232

Jan 10, 2010

I am trying to read a packet of data which has come in from RS232. I need to be monitoring the port until data comes in to be actioned. I have been doing this fine for some time using the following code:

Dim strline As String = Nothing
Dim comPort As SerialPort
Dim bIsOpen As Boolean = False


The code above works without a problem unles byte 1 or two are greater than 127. Basically, all of the characters that are not converted seem to be 128-255.

I am using VB 2008 express. Clearly I need to read each byte individually and store it as a byte within an array instead of a string but i am not sure how to do this.

how to get around this either through reading bytes properly or through using a different encoding format

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Read What The Destination URL Is When A Redirect Is Requested?

Sep 25, 2009

I am using a MasterPage with a dynamic menu bar across the page. If the user has requested a redirect back to the login (home) page, I don't want to log them out but I do want to hide the menu bar. Currently I am using whether the user is authenticated to control if the menu bar is visible or not.Basically, I want to always hide the menu bar when on the login page.The menu is rendered prior to the page itself so I need to be able to read the redirect request to see if the login page is the destination.

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