How To Tell System Copy Source To Destination If Possible

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to copy a file, using System.Copy. The destination, if it exists, should be overwritten. I had been using a single line of code for about a month, without problems : IO.File.Copy(SourceFile, DestFile, True)But problems started about a week ago, when I started more advanced checks. Partially locked files fail to copy, and the destination gets deleted. Locked files, on the other hand, work correctly: they just trigger a file in use exception.So I added this line before launching the copy:Using TestForAccess As New IO.FileStream(SourceFile, IO.FileMode.Open, IO. FileAccess. Read, IO.FileShare.None) : End Using..This was supposed to launch an error if the file was in use. But it is to sensitive. Some files (such as thunderbird's abook.mab) trigger an error in this added code, whereas they copied fine before (and you can copy them in explorer).My question basically is: How do I tell the system: copy source to destination if possible; if not, don't break destination?

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Copy Some Files From Source To Destination

Nov 23, 2011

I want to copy some files from Source to Destination.Destination path will be the first part of source.If user dont have permissions at destination i need to throw an exception to the user at the end after completing the loop of all files.I have developed below code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim source() As String = {"EP01_SC001.avi", "EP01_SC002.avi", "EP02_SC001.avi", "EP02_SC002.avi", "EP03_SC001.avi"}
Dim filesplit() As String


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Copy The Whole Source Picture Into Destination One Using DrawImage?

Oct 9, 2009

using DrawImage I can copy the whole source picture into destination one using its left&top corner and width&height sizes...butI would like to copy A REGION of source picture into destination one using my "starting corner" and my sizes.

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Proper Way To Do A File.copy From Source To Destination

Jan 6, 2010

What is the proper way to do a file.copy from source to destination in case there is already a file present in the source so that it does not give an error.

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Detect The Source And Destination Of Files Being Paste?

Apr 2, 2010

how to detect the source and destination of files being paste?VB .NET Code would be appreciated, I can monitor Copy but not Paste.

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Copy A File From A UNC Path To Local Destination?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to copy a file from a UNC path (ex: \comnamedirnamefilename.txt) to a local destination (c:outputdir)

I have no compile errors, but when I run it, it throws an exception (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException). I'm absolutely sure the destination existst (it's referencing the destination directory). I've tried doing it with,dest)and,dest). Same result either way.

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Using SSIS - Arrange Data In A Flat File Destination That Is Bieng Pumped From An OLE DB Source?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to convert a DTS package to an SSIS Package. My package contains a Data Flow task that pumps data from an OLE DB connection to a Flat File destination.The data in the flat file needs to be arranged in a certain way (eg: spacing), So how do I do that? Is there any data trasformation tool that will help me achieve this? If so how would it be done?THE DTS CODE (to put things in perspective)

sLineItem = Space(10)
sLineItem = sLineItem & Space(10)
sLineItem = sLineItem & Space(10)[code].....

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Copy An Embedded Resource File To Destination Path?

Apr 22, 2011

copying an embedded resource file to destination path? Initially i tried CType(GetObject("program.exe")) as the source destination for IO.Path.Copy to copy the embedded resource to a destined path, however this produced errors.

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Copy The File To Destination Folder From Running Application?

Feb 26, 2011

I have created an application in VB.NET 2008 with SQL Server 2005 edition and having a probelm to take the backup of database namely Burakhe.mdf I want to copy the file Burakhe.mdf to the selected folder when this file is still used by other application ie.during running the program ..

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IDE :: Pull Data From Source Database, Manipulate It And Push It Into The Destination Database?

Jan 22, 2009

I have VS 2005 installed in my sytem fyi.We have two databases, say source database and destination database. The databases is in Oracle. Now we need to pull data from Source database, manipulate it and push it into the destination database on daily basis.We are planning to use VB .Net for this and would like to know if this is feasible. Using windows forms through VB .NET, is it possible to create a exe and schedule the exe on nightly basis to pull the data from source to to do this as for manipulation of data, there is no intermediate database for us?

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.net - System.IO.File.Copy Doesn't Copy?

May 27, 2011

I have a weird behavior when trying to copy a file with System.IO.File.Copy. The file never gets copied. More than that, the call doesn't generate an exeption!

I am using VB.NET, Framework 3.5. I'm trying to copy in C:Temp and I do have the privileges. Or at least I used to...

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Source To Copy File From A Network Computer?

May 13, 2010

sample vb .net source to copy file from a network computer?

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VS 2010 : Source Code Copy Detector?

Jan 27, 2012

I wanna make a software that checks for copied source code.The input will be the source code files. and then the software should check for duplication.I want to make this software to improve code assignments submitted by students in colleges.

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Copy Data From Excel Range To Array Or Some Other Source?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to open an exisiting excel sheet and then I want to copy a range of cells in to an array in one shot instead of looping thru cell by cell.And then I want to do some calculations and then move them to database tables.[code]...

View 3 Replies

Copy The Web Source Code From The Webbrowser Tool That Contain Chinese Characters Into A Textbox?

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to copy the web source code from the webbrowser tool that contain chinese characters into a textbox. But they show up as a diamond shape with a question mark inside it. Chinese character show up fine in my textbox if i do copy and paste. But from the web source code, they all show up weird.

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Source Code Of A Computerized Registration System?

Jan 26, 2009

The Source Code Of A Computerized Registration System And Computerized

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Free Open Source Document Management System .net

Apr 30, 2011

I am looking for an open source .net DMS. I know in the post below there are some c++ but am not familiar with it so that would be much help.I found this post but is was asked back in 2009 so there might have been some progress or additions to this? Open Source Document Management System in .net? The reason for open source is that I would like to be able to integrate it into something else later on. I would also need it to be a desktop based system and not web based.

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Source Codes For A Restaurant Management System Project?

Nov 4, 2009

and Send me some codings for a restaurant management system project using any programming language preferably VB6,VB.NET,PHP&MYSQL,HTML with Javascripts[i][color=#000099][size=3][font=Times New Roman]

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Access System Files (.SYS) Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Oct 1, 2009

New to VB... I am trying to access .SYS (system files) located in the following folder path (example) My Database NameVIEWSSYSTEM VIEWS in the Object Explorer of my SQL Database. In walking through the Data Source Configuration Wizard for data connectivity I select DATABASEVIEWS and the SYSTEM VIEWS sub-folder is not available for selection. In general: What is the best method to access System Files using VB Data Source?

View 4 Replies

Source Code Control System That Understands/records C#/ Factorings?

Feb 10, 2010

MolhadoRef is a refactoring-aware SCM tool that is capable of capturing andversioning of the semantics of Javaprogram entities and refactoringoperations that were performed onthose entities.

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Convert Delphi's System.Copy To .net?

Jan 3, 2012

This is the Delphi code I'm trying to convert to .net:

s1 := Copy ( s1 , 1,x - 1) + Copy(s1, x + 1,Length(s1));

I tried:

s1 = s1.Substring(x - 1, 1) + s1.Substring(s1.Length, x + 1)

But I get error's when the index is out of range. in Delphi it works fine.

Added one line to convert..
s2 := s2 + chr(3);

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Copy All Files From One Folder To Another In .net2005 Using

Feb 24, 2007

i am working in I have to copy all files from a folder to another folder through coding using the files should be copied in the new folder with their existing names

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Correct Path For System.IO.File.Copy?

Sep 10, 2011

i got to do a program in VB.NET that copies a file from a pc to a usb device. I use the method System.IO.File.Copy(FileToCopy, NewCopy) in which i have to specify the destination path. The problem is that when i change pc the destination can change: for example in my pc i read my USB pendrive o G: and on my friend pc i read the usb pendrive on E:. How can i solve that? May i specify a general path to my USB giving it a name or anything similar?

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Get The System Time Using .net And Copy It Into Clipboard Automatically?

Feb 19, 2010

How do I get the system time using and copy it into clipboard automatically?Is there a built-in function in for this?

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VS 2008 Copy Resource To File System?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm writing a program that I want to attach another program (.exe) to. I tried adding it as a resource, but I can't seem to get the resource to export out to wherever the program is running.

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Prevent File Copy Where Source And Target Are The Same File?

Sep 14, 2011

In my program I allow the user to copy a file from one folder to another. If the file already exists in the target folder I want it to be overwritten.

All that works just fine - I'm not asking how to copy files.

But here's an example

Source file is:-


Target is:-

This might at first look like two separate files but in this case P: is mapped to \SomeMachinesomeFolder so the source and the target are actually the same file and the file copy will obviously fail.

Of course I want it to fail but my problem is that the windows generic error message seen by the user is not very helpful. It says something simple like "... can't be copied because it's busy". If the user isn't very bright he doesn't realize he's selected the same file both as source and target and he doesn't understand why it's busy.

What I want to do is detect in advance that the source and the target are the same file and display a more meaningful message to the user and not even bother trying to copy.

So, is there a way to detect that



are actually the same file?

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File.Copy Many Times Results In System Crash

Jul 18, 2008

.NET masters!Im working on a file management program that copies 100,000s of small images (20 - 300 KB).At least it tries to. When doing large multi-hour operations I start getting exceptions with the"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service." error message.In a few cases the computer has then crashed.After a lot of debugging, finally with livekd kernal dump I can see that the System PTEs in the Kernel Mem are getting very low.I can monitor the PTE's in realtime with Performance Monitor with the Memory/Free System Page Table Entries.After an hour or so the PTE's start dropping in what appears to be linear fashion as the program keeps copying.Im sure it is the copy function causing the problem, as when i let the code run but with the copy routine commented out, the free PTEs stopped going down.Behaviour is identical with both of these calls. System. IO. File.Copy(strFileSource, strFileDest, bOverwriteFile) My.Computer. FileSystem. CopyFile (strFileSource, strFileDest, bOverwriteFile)If I stop & close the program, PTEs do not seem to rebound at all. If I start the program again, the PTEs again start going down.SO: What is up with File.Copy? Why is it using and not releasing all these PTE's? Seems this memory should be free after the copy.How can I change my code to avoid running up the PTEs?The test computer is Windows XP sp2 with 500MB ram. (also been testing with 1.5 G ram)Ive found some helpful documents on PTEs, which discuss system configuration via registry settings. But this is not really an option for me as this is a commercial product that others will be using on their own computers.Detection, Analysis, and Corrective Actions for Low Page Table [code]

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System.IO.File.Copy - Move A Lot Of Pictures From FOLDER A To Another

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to move a lot of pictures from FOLDER A to another, FOLDER B. However, some of the pictures already exists in the FOLDER B. This stops my program saying it cannot copy the pictures over because they already exist. I'm trying to make it so any pictures from FOLDER A will copy over the pictures in FOLDER B if they are similar in name. Like... Folder A's pictures will just replaced the Folder B pictures if they have the same name. I was told to use the System.IO.File.Copy tool. Here is my code.


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Copy Files While The Source Files Are Variable?

Jan 26, 2011

how to copy files while the source files are variable?...I would say may source file size is 1mb and it continue increasing up to certain value let say 15mb.. i want to copy and append each bytes to complete the 15mb. I mean, copying while the source files are completing its size, that should it be. im using

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.net - System.IO Will Copy Files But Fails To Update Destinations File Attributes?

May 25, 2010

I have a little script that will copy a file, set its attributes to Normal, update the file time, and then set back the attributes to match those of the source file.

If IO.File.Exists(Destination) Then IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)
IO.File.Copy(Source, Destination, True)
IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)


I however I'm encountering a quite strange problem. On some configurations, IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc triggers an UnauthorizedAccess error, although the IO.File.Copy instruction worked very well.

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