Compare 2 Picturebox/image Filenames, Vb?

Apr 9, 2012

Is there a way to compare two images/filenames

I have two pictureboxes both with images in them i want to see if the image in picturebox1 is the same or has the same filename as the image in picturebox2

for labels i would do if label1.text = label2.text then

is there anyway to do somthing like if picturebox1.imagename = picturebox2.imagename then ?

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Drew An Image In A Picturebox With The Image Height As Picturebox Height And Image Width As Picturebox Width

Aug 15, 2011

I drew an image in a picturebox with the image height as picturebox height and image width as picturebox width. The image is placed somewhere on the center of the picturebox. My intention is to scale the image to fit to the picturebox.

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Drag Image From Picturebox To A Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program I'm working on that, for one of the features, allows the user to drag an image from a picturebox, into the main form space, anywhere they want. [code]...

When trying to drag the image from the CurrentTilePicBox, the very moment I move the mouse while dragging the cursor becomes a circle with a cross and won't drag and drop into the new picturebox.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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PictureBox - Image: Select The Path To A Local Folder That Is Within The Application And Get An Image From It?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Picturebox and a two Buttons on my Form. On click of one of the buttons I want to change the image in the picture box at runtime.

This works fine when I give the location of the image (the full path ) on my computer - but then of course it will not work if I use the solution on a different computer .

So I have made a folder named "Pics" inside my application and added two images into it.

How do I get to this local folder in the following code?

Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile (??? )
instead of the usual,
Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile ("C:UsersMyName My PicturesMyPicture.jpg" )

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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Add Picture Box Image Name To Textbox - Depending On Image Displayed In Picturebox

May 20, 2009

i'm lost on this code.. i have a picturebox that swaps 2 images, depending on the action, file_red and file_green.. what i'm trying to to is, if a picturebox switches a image or not, to be able to detect that and have textbox8 add a line with the detection.


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FAQ: Draw An Image Respectively On The PictureBox Control And Image Object?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I draw an image respectively on the PictureBox control and Image object? Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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Make A Picturebox Image Equal A Certain Part Of The Image

May 23, 2010

i have a image with four squares evenly spaced out. I want a picturebox's image to be one of the squares at a time so it's like a animation except it's only one image.

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Compare Image Cell In Dgv?

May 28, 2011

I have an image column in a dgv. I set the value from My.Resources.XXX.How can I compare the value of the cells with an image in the resource? dgv.rows(0).cells(0).value=My.Resources.S_DEFECT don't seems to work. I tried it with object.equals, but no success.

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Comparing PictureBox.Image With Resource Image?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a PictureBox which I would like to check if it's the same as one already imported to resources . If it's the same it'd do a condition otherwise it's do something else .

If I try

If PictureBox1.Image = Jogos_Matem�ticos.My.Resources.Resources.Cross Then
'code here


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Crop Original Image But Not Image In Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2011

I have an application which first load an 1200*800 image into an 600*400 picturebox. When i crop the whole image in picturebox and save it, the size will be 600*400. How can i make it save in 1200*800?

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Compare Image In Picture Box To Textbox Input?

Feb 10, 2010

compare image in picture box to textbox input???????/

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VS 2010 Compare Image Byte Array?

Dec 25, 2011

and i need to convert the image into a anyone thinking that i can just use ocr is unfortunatly wrong i have tried about 5 of them and they dont work because the text in the image is to small for it to recognise i need to search the above image for a smaller image such as by doing this if i get a result saying true then i will be able to go from be there and convert to i know of two way to search an image for a smaller image. first is by going by pixel search and well i can get that to work but it is to slow.the second method is to convert the image to a byte array(beig an image it will be a 2d byte array) and convert the other image to a byte array and then compare.

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VS 2010 Compare Pixel Range On Screen To A Saved Image?

Dec 1, 2011

We stream the BBC news channel through a laptop hooked to a PC in reception for our clients. Annoyingly the stream is interrupted randomly (the line isn't dropping, it's the BBC's problem). Therefore when it's interrupted we get an error screen appearing which we have to go and manually refresh to get the stream back playing.

My intentions are to build an app which will be run alongside (silently) the stream monitoring intermittently a range of pixels. If the range matches the error screen that I mentioned previously then I'd call "Esc" to exit the full screen and then "F5" to refresh the browser and finally a double click on a specified coordinate to bring it back to full screen.

Problem: I've been doing some googling and so far have only seen related posts where the comparison is between two saved images. Due to this I expect the answer to be "Take a screenshot every now and then, compare, return result".

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Add A Image To Picturebox?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm wanting to add a image to the picturebox. The image would be a variable. I'm trying with the following code with no success.[code]...

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Getting Image From A Picturebox?

Sep 9, 2009

how can i get an image that i drawn on a picturebox? in my application i created a form with the freehand drawing.but i can't save the image that i drawn as a file,there have a error message that "object reference not set to an instance of an object".I am using the code,sysytem.....jpeg)

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How To Get An Image Into Picturebox

Feb 6, 2010

This only works in visualbasic 2008 PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C: est.jpg")
How to use in Visualbasic 6.0?

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Pan An Image In Picturebox?

Feb 24, 2011

in can i pan an image within a picturebox without having scroll bars at the side or a seperate form that comes up with the the image to navigate round, i just want to click on the image and drag around it to navigate it without a scroll bar or a seperate pan window.

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Set Picturebox Image From URL?

Aug 30, 2010

Is there any way to set a picturebox's image from a url? My idea is something like "Picturebox1.image = Webbrowser1.(I dont know how to finish the code from here)".

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If Then Using PictureBox.Image Property?

Apr 5, 2011

I am trying to create an If Then statement to test against the PictureBox.Image property. I want it to test if one image is selected and if so then to switch the image. This is what I have:

If PictureBox.Image Is My.Resources.Image1 Then
PictureBox.Image = My.Resources.Image2

I am trying to figure out how to make Alt + Clicking on the picture generates this response.

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Add Image From Database To PictureBox?

Jun 14, 2011

I am using this to get image bytes from the database[code]...

Now how can I add this to PictureBox.image. I am having a lot of trouble retrieving the image and displaying it in the PictureBox.

The datatype is Image in sql database and i use this code to save image to db[code]...

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Check A PIctureBox For No Image?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a PictureBox on a VB form which I need to check in code to see if it does not contain an image.

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Check If A PictureBox Contains An Image?

Apr 16, 2009

I'm using VB.NET forms app and I need to check if a PictureBox currently has an image in it. How would I do this?

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Check Image In Picturebox?

Oct 27, 2009

I need to check if a picturebox has an image in particular, to check an if condition. I allready try:

if picturebox1.image.equals(path) then
Do Something


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Cleare Image In A Picturebox?

Sep 10, 2009

I have a form with a picturebox that will allow to draw a free hand picture.

I added the initialization of the image in the form_load and the click event of the clear button. When I click the clear button the image is cleared and at the mouse move on the picturebox the last drawned image will shown.

My question is, how can I validate the picturebox whether it is empty or not?

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Clearing The Image In A Picturebox?

Sep 10, 2009

'i using this code in the piicturebox1_paint

using g as graphics=graphics.fromimage(picturebox1.image)


by this code i have a problem that when i click the clear button the picturebox is cleared.but in the picturebox's mouseover the last drawn picture will i cant draw a new image ..

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Clone An Image Of A Picturebox?

May 6, 2012

I would like to know how i can clone an image of a picturebox.I have the picturebox not visible on my screen and want to recreate the image on a certain location.what is the easiest way to do this?

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Display Image In A Picturebox?

Apr 13, 2011

I have a picture box on my form. I can load images which I read from a database into the box.

The problem is that the images are all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Some are square. Some are portrait. Some are landscape.

How do I configure the imagebox so that the pictures are reduced to fit, and keep their proportions. As I've got it at the moment, the rectangular ones are distorted into a square, which makes some of them look pretty strange.

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Displaying Image In Picturebox

Mar 6, 2012

need help in displaying image in picturebox in form using vb 2008 and adodb

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