Connecting Texbox To Data?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the following code that connect to my SQL Server and retrieves data. Then it populates my listview with the data.

However, how can I populate my textboxes with the data from my connection?

Dim cs As String = "Data Source=DELLCVSERVERCAPITALVISAS;Initial Catalog=CapitalVisasCRM;Integrated Security=True"
Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs)


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How To Show Table Data In Texbox

Jun 12, 2009

i am new user of Dot net and i want to show table data into a textbox from data reader but i dont know how to asing value to textbox.

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Click On Data In The Texbox To Open A File?

Mar 10, 2011

is there a data type which i can use as a Url to open a file in my computor . For example i would like to search for a file name in my data base using different critera. But not just being happy to read the URL in a text box . I'll like to click on the data and open the file.

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Enable Tab Out From Empty Texbox When Adding New Data In VB 2010?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using visual studio 2010, service-based database. I created a simple table and created an edit form for that table. But when I save a row and then clear the text of a textbox (which holds a decimal value), it simply does not let me tab off the text box or save it. I put a ErrorProvider to see whats going on. It says "Input string was not in correct format". But I allowed this column to be null in my table. So how do I fix this error. And by the way, it does not happen for all text boxes.

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Using Combobox To Retrieve Data From The Database And Display It In Texbox?

Jul 26, 2010

I did populate data from db into the combo box and display it into the text field .

Below is my code :

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class MPEJobEntry
'declaration of connection string


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Connecting To Data In Objects?

Jan 23, 2008

I am currently working my way through a MSDN Walkthrough titled Connecting to Data in Objects, the link for this is


I have worked up to the section Adding Code to Load Data into the Customer and Order Objects section with no problems, but the Public Class Form 1 code is throwing an error hilighted in italics as per below,

Private Sub LoadOrders(ByRef currentCustomer As Customer) Dim orderData As NorthwindDataSet.OrdersDataTable = _ OrdersTableAdapter1.GetDataByCustomerID(currentCustomer.CustomerID)

This is the Description returned from the error list,

Error 1
Description - Value of type 'ObjectBindingWalkthrough.NorthwindDataSet.OrdersRow' cannot be converted to 'ObjectBindingWalkthrough.NorthwindDataSet.OrdersDataTable'.


In the walkthrough I also came across a problem under the heading Modifying the Query on the OrdersTableAdapter to Return Only Orders for the Desired Customer This SQL throws an error,

SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate,
RequiredDate, ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight,


But the following edit to the Where clause gets around the error, the @ symbol is removed,WHERE CustomerID = CustomerIDcould this be causing the problems I am having described above, or is this just an error.

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Connecting To Data Source

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to connect to a data source i followed these steps: From Data menue ==> 'Add new Data Source'. Select 'Database'. Press the 'New Connection' button. but the wizard screen disappear without giving any messages.

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Connecting To Data Sources In VB?

Mar 10, 2011

I am a novice to programming and am working my way through one of the more popular books on VB in VS 2008 Pro. I am havng a probelm setting up to add dataset controls to a form. I can establish a connection to the data base (a dataset is created and I can preview the data), but the table adapters and binding sources are not being automatically added to the form by the IDE. This seems to be verified by the fact that I cannot drag and drop controls from the data source window to the form.

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C# - Connecting To A Dynamic Data Source?

Apr 7, 2011

Which technology should I use for data access layer?What's the best way of connecting to a dynamic data source and binding the result to a grid?I'm writing a little web app that user can define connection string and table name (MS Sql Server) and the program will display values in that table inside a grid.We must use datasets (because of dynamic data source) and generate the query as a text command ("Select * From " + TableName).We don't have a model (data source is defined by user at run time) so we can not use EF.

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Connecting Sql Server And Add The Data To My Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to connect the database that is sql server 2005 to the code so that I can add the data to my database, which is already in the sql server and retrieve the required data from the database.

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Connecting To A Database Online And Getting Data.?

Jan 5, 2011

I just created some program, using an online database. You can login, register...But the problem is: everything works but how do I fetch data from the user's sql table?I include the project (all connections) over here ->>DOWNLOAD<<-. I use

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Connecting To A Database Online And Getting Data?

Jun 12, 2010

I just created some program, using an online database.You can login, register...But the problem is: everything works but how do I fetch data from the user's sql table?

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Connecting To Excel And Importing Data?

Nov 1, 2011

I have been trying for several months (in my spare time) to write a (version 2010) program that connects to Excel (version 14) and imports numerical data.This data will be used later for engineering calculations.I have tried the Interop code which I have found on the internet with limited success and now I am trying the connection string method.I have found some examples of code, on the internet,that I have pieced together and can't get it to run.Below is that code.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code].......

This is a screen image of the error I get when trying to run the program.

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Connecting To External Data Base?

Oct 23, 2011

I have changed my Data Base location to external now I am getting an error. I know way, I need to fix it but do not know where

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VS 2008 Connecting To SQL Data Base

Jun 16, 2011

I am trying to familiarise my self with connecting to SQL and manipulating data and I seem to have fallen at the first hurdle I am trying to programmtically connect to a database and fill a data grid with a dataset.

The problem seems to be with the data provider my code is:

Dim strConnection As String = "Data Source=GARY-LAPTOPSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=OriginalFileLocations;Integrated Security=True;Provider=SQLOLEDB"
Dim cnnOriginalFileLo As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection


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VS 2008 Connecting To SQL Data Base?

Mar 27, 2011

I used to be able to program in VB6 and am now trying to learn .netI am trying to familiarise my self with connecting to SQL and manipulating data and I seem to have fallen at the first hurdleI am trying to programmtically connect to a database and fill a data grid with a dataset.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting And Pulling Data From MS SQL Database?

Jul 21, 2009

I was wondering which way would be the easiest in VS2005 to connect to and pull data from a MS SQL database. I have already setup the database connection by choosing the datasource for a DataGridView but I'm not able to retreive any information.

The steps I have taken so far:

1. Make new form

2. Drag and drop DataGridView onto the form

3. Setup the data source and respective username password

Not sure where to go from here....

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VS 2010 : Connecting To A Database And Writing Data?

Oct 9, 2010

How do I connect to a mysql database, and write a new column to a certain table there?

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VS 2010 Connecting To And Displaying Data From A SQL Server?

May 8, 2012

So I will be writing a vb program that will need to connect to and display data from a SQL server in a list/dropdown menu. Eventually this program will be ported into a web app. For now it will be local.

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Connecting To An ODBC Data Source In VB 2010 Express?

Jun 20, 2010

I need to connect to an MySQL database in my VB.NET application (VB 2010 Express). When I attempt to use the Data Sources wizard to establish the connection, it does not provide an ODBC data source. I'm using Add New Data Source/Database/DataSet/New Connection which shows the Add Connection dialog. The only options it gives me for data sources are Access & SQL Server and the OLEDB data provider. It does not appear to give me the option of adding a new data source provider. Attached is an image of my current Change Data Source dialog. Where do I get the ODBC data source provider and how do I install it into Visual Studio?

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Connecting To CP210X Driver From Silicon Lab To Pass RS 232 Data

May 3, 2011

I was able only to get the orignal VC6 code from Silicon Lab , my application being in VB .Net I need to rewrite those function to test my connecttion to a CP210x SL USB/UART driver ( So I can pass RS 232 data to an encoder) How should I declare LPCVOID in the function below. The error I get is :


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VS 2005 Connecting A Form With An Excel Data Sheet?

Jul 20, 2009

I want to connect a form with an excel datasheet.

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Connecting Visual Basic To SQL Server Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Dec 29, 2007

I am a brand new user of MS Visual Basic 2005 Express and MS SQL Server 2005 Express. I have familiarized myself with both programs but have one extremely frustrating problem. Once I open SQL Server, I can not establish a database connection from Visual Basic using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard (even if I close SQL Server). If I reboot and open Visual Basic first, I can then connect using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard. But then I can not switch to SQL Server and open the database (even if I close Visual Basic). Again, I must reboot to open the database in SQL Server.I suspect there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed, but I can not find it?

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Change Texbox From 0 To Z?

Aug 15, 2011

.net, what i want is to change a textbox with two characters every second starting from 00 and finish with zz (00 01 02 03 04 ...0A 0B 0C D...1A...1B...1C...AA..AB...AC...Aa...Ab...Ac... 0a 0b 0c 0d ...zz ) so when start is 00 and the next second is 01 and at the end is zz,So I can combine every letter uppercase and lower ase and all numbers.

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Add Text To Txt File From Texbox?

Dec 15, 2011

I already know how add text but my problem is add a new line without remove the others lines. for example textbox1="text1"When I press a button I want to add "text1" into the txt file

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Find Out When Scroll Bar Is At End Of A Texbox?

Mar 26, 2012

Continuing the discussion on this thread[code]...

to find out if the scrollbar is at the very end of textbox, this condition never works. I must point out that the text box is very large and does not fit into the screen. Is there any other way to check if the textbox's scrollbar has reached the end?

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Getting The Input From A Texbox To Appear On A Label?

Oct 26, 2009

If there another way of getting the input from a texbox to appear on a label besides this way:

Label1.Text = TextBox1.Text

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Saving Texbox Content?

Jul 8, 2009

How do you save textbox content (block of text) into c:mydocuments.

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Shifting From One Texbox To Other And Text As 0.00

Aug 17, 2009

I am writing a programme for Payment calculations.I have four textboxes txtPaymentDue, txtDiscount, txtBalancePaymentDue, txtAmountPaid, txtChange
PaymentDue, BalancePaymentDue and Change are calculated by the programme.My requirements are:

1) when i enter Discount in txtDiscount on EnterKeyPress cursor should go to txtBalancePaymentDue wherein it will display the calculated BalancePaymentDue and on next EnterKeyPress the cursor should go to the txtAmountPaid and finally on EnterKeyPress the cursor should move to txtChange.

2) When I enter a digit in txtDiscount it should take it as right to left sequence and it should allow the insersion of digits if i want to type 36.45 then if i type 5 the texbox should immediately look like this 00.05 when i type next digit it should look like this 00.45 likewise when i type next digit it should display 06.45 and finally 36.45.

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Texbox Show The Count?

May 17, 2012

There are 3 textboxes->textbox1,textbox2,textbox3 and 1 button.In textbox1 bname will be stored and in textbox2 aname is stored.Bname and aname are columns of databasetable.This are not unique.There are same bnames and anames records.What I am trying to do is:when the user clicks on button then the code should match textbox1 and textbox2 with the databasetable and get the count of rows that match this data.

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