Create An Application That Will Predict The Approximate Size Of A Population Organisms?

Jun 21, 2010

Create an application that will predict the approximate size of a population organisms. The user should select or enter the starting number of organisms in a combo box, enter the average daily population increase (as a percentage) in a text box and select or enter the number of days the organisms will be left to multiply in another combo box. For example, assume the user enters the following values:

Starting number of organisms: 2
Average daily increase: 30%
Number of days to multiply 10

The application should display th following table of data.Day Approximate Population 1 2 2 2.6 (table should list values up to 10 days)

Be sure to add appropriate ToolTips for each control on the form.Input validation: Do not accept a number less than 2 for the starting size of the population. Do not accept a negative number for the average daily population increase. Do not accept a number less than 1 for the number of days the organisms will multiply.

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VS 2008 : Create A New File Everyday For A Logging Application To Minimize Size When Accessing?

Apr 30, 2012

I'd like to create a new file everyday for a logging application to minimize size when accessing. I'm after a couple of pointers with respect to when to create the file, and what checks to do etc.

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How To Approximate Numbers In .net

Jul 20, 2009

i know how to approximate numbers in vb.6. I do it this way

Text1 = Format(variable, "0.#")

And how can i do this in

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Design A Software To Predict Corrosion In Pipelines?

Feb 2, 2011

Does any1 know if I can use Visual Basics to design a software to predict corrosion in pipelines?

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Sql Server - Selecting A Approximate Values By Using Stored Procedure

Feb 23, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005 and VB.Net..[code]When I try to run the above query it was showing error.How to execute a stored procedure with conditions?

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Way To Predict Exceptions And Errors For Detailed Exception And Error Management?

Nov 19, 2011

on the msdn pages describing classes etc, there are a lot of properties and methods mentioned from classes. But is there a kind of property of a class or method which gives te collection of expected errors ?i ask this because in the try catch statement you can specify the exceptions and errors you want to catch, but

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XML - Getting The Dataveiw Population?

Mar 5, 2009

Dim xmldoc As New XmlDataDocument()
Dim xmlnode As XmlNodeList
Dim i As Integer
Dim namestr As String


Lately iv been experimenting with XML and so far so good but not I tried to get it to work with a dataveiw and im confused becasue iv never used one before and wondering why it populates the wrong places like those numbers are spose to go into the ID box and I am spose to get the names in the Name box but it isnt...?

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DB/Reporting :: Combo Box Population + Other

Oct 4, 2009

so i started a program yesterday and after a whole day of tinkering with codes i have realised that something was wrong with my old program and i have started again.


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Display The Population Of A City?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm trying to display the population of a city, as soon as it has been chosen in the combobox.I put it on my formload, and it will always read the index of -1 since it hasnt had a chance to be chosen, how would I bypass this without a button being clicked?

If cboCities.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
lblCurrentPop.Text = "The current population is: " & CStr(intPopulation(9))
MessageBox.Show("You must select a city!")

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Slow DataGridView Population

Feb 17, 2011

I've got a pretty big datagridview that I have to populate, and it's already (with not loads of data) taking quite a long time to populate. I can't imagine it's possible in my situation to bind the datagridview to the data I want to populate, but here is the situation.

I want the column headers along the top to be a bunch of users, which I have in one data table. I want the row headers along the side to be skill names, whihc I have in another data table, and the data in the middle is the score of each user for each skill in data table 3. Some users don't have a score, some do.

The way I have achieved this at present is to create the columns first using data table 1, then for each skill (data table 2), create an array of rows from data table 3 that match the skill, find the matching user (ColumnIndex) for each of these rows, and fill in the score.

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Treeview Population Of Folders?

Mar 1, 2012

ok so i have this already done:

Dim x, y As Integer
x = 0
y = 0


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VS 2010 He Population Of DataGridView

Jan 10, 2011

I have searched the forums for an answer to this problem and while I have found simalar issuses, I have not found a solution that works for me. I have created a dataset and populated it. I know that this is true because I can view the information in the dataset in other ways such as using labels or textboxes. However to display the data in a organized and usable way I would like to display the information in a DataGridView control. I DO NOT need to be able to modify or add anything to the datagridview, JUST view the information there. I am not using any wizards to complete this and so I need to be able to complete everything programmaticly. I have written the code involved to the best of my understanding. When I run the application, there are no crashes or errors thrown, I just can't get the datagridview to populate. Below is the code that I am currently using:


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VS 2008 Treeview Population With Dataset?

May 24, 2010

Im trying to create a treeview with data from an access DB, the tables are structured and related as followsfor example - What i need to do is populate a treeview to look like this, remember all nodes will be have variable number of children (if any)

- Config_groups- Site_info1_detail - Site_info2_detail- Site_info3_detail - Site_info4_detail- Config_groups- Site_info1_detail - Site_info2_detail- Site_info3_detail - Site_info4_detail- Config_groups- Site_info1_detail - Site_info2_detail-


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Combobos Population With List Of Folder Names?

May 27, 2009

I have a winform that has one combobox. I want to populate that it with a list of folders in a directory. I thought this might be a common thing but I have not found any thing concerning this.For this example lets say the root folder is C:TestingFolder ListIn the folder "Folder List" directory there are 5 folders as such:

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Column Does Not Belong To Table Error On Combobox Population

Mar 8, 2012

I have data codes in the format abcd123, abcd345,... present in the table Info of database.I want to drop abcd from code and display remaining code in a combobox of datagridview.


Dim dsCodeList As New DataSet
Dim dtCodeList As New DataTable


It is giving error at first statement inside for loop saying Column Code Does not belong to Table Info.If i write simple query without use of right function and use dtCodeList.Rows(i).Item("Code").substring() to ignore first 5 characters, it works well.

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Property Of DataGridView Control For Adjusting Column Width As Per The Data Population?

Nov 24, 2009

Once I read the property for DataGridView Column which allows Grid Column to adjust as per the data width. I can not recall it or find it.

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Create A 4000x4000 Size Bitmap?

Feb 7, 2010

I've been reading a bunch of tutorials on Drawing in VB.Net, and still am reading them, but I have a question which I know I'll need to ask sooner or later:

How can I create a 4000x4000 size bitmap, and then draw a pixel at a certain coordinate on a bitmap? Like say I want to draw a BLUE pixel at coordinate X = 3000 Y = 3450. How could I do that?

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Create An Array Size And Type Of Another?

Jul 6, 2010

I want to write an extension method that works with all kinds of arrays (Integer, String, Decimal, ...). It returns an array of the same type and size as the input parameter array.[code]...

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Create A File And Fill It Until A Predefined Size Value?

Jun 5, 2011

There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value?

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How To Reduce The Size Of An Application

Feb 23, 2009

I have a system in VB.Net 2003, and that system takes a very long time to load. From the minute I click on the EXE, it takes one minute before the log in screen appear (P4 with 1GB RAM, no other application running). The size of the EXE is 33.2MB. I think the problem is the way I code the program, 1) I declare all the form as obj when I first load the system and I've got over a hundred forms. I try to load them as I need them but it does not work cause forms with sub form would give me an error. 2) I am using dataset as we know dataset is not very efficient but I don't know how else to connect to the database. Is there anything like ADODB in VB6?

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Create 2-Dimesional Dynamic Array Large Size

Aug 22, 2009

i have a problem with the size of array i want to make a 2-Dimensional array with large size such as


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Create A Form With Size(1024*1600) From VB 2008?

May 1, 2010

I want to create a form with size91024*1600).when i give value (greater than screen size) these size values form automatically set values the maximum size of screen.So when i work my laptop it size is very small.because i want to attach many component in a form.(with form scroll bar).

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Create A Multiplication Square For Any Size The User Enters?

Oct 2, 2009

Im using Visual Basic 2005."Devise a program to create a multiplication square for any size the user enters, up to a maximum of 10x10. The program should output something like this for a 4x4 square.


You will need to make use of the RichTextBox, along with concatenation to make the output format correctly within the box.When you have created the working program, document it properly by printing out and annotating the code to explain how it works."

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Create A Program That Accepts A Square Array Size 4 By 4

Nov 6, 2010

Trying to create a program that accepts a square array size 4 by 4. Then it should print the totals of the rows and columns. I started with a form and made text boxes and created a print button. I made it so that numbers can be input into the boxes. When hitting the print button, it should print the totals of what was input, however, it isn't doing that. Is there a different way to write the array code so that it will print it? Should i not have text boxes but rather have labels with fixed numbers set in them?

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Create And Initialize An Array Of Structures Of A Fixed Size?

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to create and initialize an array of structures of a fixed size. Each struct will be populated when a button is clicked. Here is an example of my struct:

public structure buttonStruct
dim x() as Boolean
dim y() as Boolean


In my form_load function I am declaring the array of structs and:

Dim BtnStruct(15) As ButtonStruct


Whenever a specific button is clicked, I am trying to collect data and store it in the respective struct and so for example, if button 1 is clicked then I will store the data associated with button 1 into BtnStruct(0). The position of the button is stored in a public variable called BtnNum. If I attempt to store information in the struct inside another function as follows, I receive an error

BtnStruct(BtnNum).x(pos - 1) = temp "btnstruct is not declared. it may not be inaccessible due to its protection level"

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Structures - Fixed Size (Overall Size And Item Size)

Jun 8, 2011

Now all went well about from using the structure correctly. The working of the structure was perfect. How ever i missed Two important issues. The structure needed a fixed size of 10 items (9 in programming terms starting from 0) And also out of the 5 items allowed to be chosen as one of the member types for the structure a limit of 5 items of that particular type.


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Set Position And Size Of An External Application

Apr 23, 2009

I am trying to reposition and resize an application I have launched. The hwnd is extracted from the process that is returned from the application start. The call to the Windows API MoveWindow() call moves the window to the top of my screen and collapses it to the height of the title bar.

The x position appears to be correct and the width appears to be correct, but the y position and the height are not correct. I may have the wrong signature (but I don't think so) or there is something I don't understand about the call.[code...]

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Upload A File Of Size 70 MB Through Web Application?

Jul 27, 2010

How can we upload a file of size 70 MB through web applicaiton (.NET 1.1, VB.NET,ASP.NET)

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VS 2008 Adding Size To An Application?

Jun 19, 2009

I need to make an application that I'm working on seem bigger then it really is. Say it's actually 4 MB, but I want to make it 22 MB, what would be the easiest way to add size / fake the size of the app?

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Create PDF Using DoCmd.Outputto Method In Legal Size Page?

Sep 30, 2011

I am using the following command "DoCmd.Outputto acOutputReport, Report Name, acFormatPDF, FileName".The report I am using legal as the page size. When the PDF is created in is created using letter size pages and the buttom of each page is cut off. I would like to find out why this is happening.Bob Gouveia

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