Creating A Text File?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a project for school where I am to create some form of security for an application, our brief was to basically to create and hide a text file in the applications program files (not all that secure really, but heh I don't write the briefs) So I have created the code and form to check that a users security key is valid it all works perfectly in the debugger, it writes the file to the specified directory, however when I run the application on a computer (after deploying it with the correct directories being set up, it never creates the .txt file to write the information created during "Authentication" - I am really confused and I am not sure if this is part of the "problem" I am supposed to be solving for school, or whether this is just some crazy exception that has been thrown up

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File I/O And Registry :: Creating A Text File, And Using It Among Different Windows Users

May 31, 2009

I created an application that when a user logs onto their Windows account, a Form is displayed outlining the current Computer Usage policy set by the insitution and gives the user two options either Agree or Dis-Agree. The two options are in the form of buttons, with events that depending on what the user clicked, will create a log text file at a specified location, with enteries of Date,Time,CurrentUser, and if they agreed or disagreed. If they agreed the application after creating/amending the file will then terminate, otherwise it will update the file and then force Windows to logoff the current user.

Now I made a shortcut of the .exe of the application and placed it in the startup for all users, and yes the application loads at startup for all the users following the procedures mentioned above. The problem I am facing is, that if the current user logs off, or is forced to log off, and another user logs onto Windows, goes through the whole ordeal mentioned above, the application is denied access to the logfile that was created under the previous user, and thus crashes.

So my question is, how can I created a text file using vb 2008 application, that is accessible by multiple Windows users. I have even tried changing the location of the created file to the shared folder, but the end result is the same.

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Creating A Text File In Location Of Exe

Mar 25, 2011

i have created a program , that uses a few text files.i am currently using the file paths of these text files which will obviously error when i move the text there a way to create a text file where the exe is located , this could be anywhere?

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Creating A Text File In VB2008Express?

Sep 22, 2009

im trying to get my streamwriter to create a new file with its name derived from textbox1 but i also need to add loads of other text from buttons and textboxs in my form. At present the code sometimes says part of file path not recognised, think it looks like the textbox1 text. but when i get to this point where it works it wont create a new file.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Using SW As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:documentsandsettingsliamDesktop" & TextBox1.Text & ".txt")


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Creating A Text File With More Line

Jan 6, 2009

I am trying to create a text file with more than line, but its not quite working. I am new to programming, so I dont know what everything is yet (but I am learning).


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Creating An Export To Text File?

Jan 15, 2012

How can I create a dialogbox, I think that will allow user to open or to save as a textfile?

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Creating Text File If Not Created?

Jun 11, 2009

send the values of my form to a text file upon submission? I need to create the file if it has not been created and append the file if the form has been created. I will then need to display the text file on the second tab of my form.Firstly, I need to know how to send the values of the form to the text file.

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Creating The Empty File But Not The Text?

Jan 24, 2009

I am using save file dialogue box and i am saving the contents of richtextbox which is in the form. So i used the coding below. It only creating the empty file but not the text which i typed in the richtextbox.

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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IDE :: Tool For Creating A Report From A Text File?

Nov 16, 2009

Is there any tool I can use to create a report from a pipe-delimited file? This report will need to have multiple fonts on the same line and be "programmable". I need to be able to loop through a section to output detail data to the report, keeping track of how many records are output.

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Creating A Loop In StringBuilder To Alter A Text File

Jul 2, 2010

I would be grateful with some help with reading a text file into a Richtext box. The code I have at present appends the first line of text as I want it but the rest of the lines of text do not alter. I need a loop to read to the end of file and display in Richtext box. the code i have at present is this:-


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Creating And Writing To Text File Upon Program Load

Oct 27, 2010

I want to create and write to a text file upon Program Load...this is my code (does not work):
Dim path As String = "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsThe Bible Study Tool est.txt"
'create and write to settings file
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(path, "Some meaningless Text!!!!")
The directory is there, but the text file is not....

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Text Change - Creating Sub Routine For Adding Name Of File

Jun 14, 2010

I have written a text editor for an assignment but I am struggling on where to start on this bit. What I Want To Happen:- When the user saves there work I want the name of the file to be shown next to the name of the program at the top left hand side of the form. I am not sure If I just need to create a simple sub routine for adding the name of the file then calling the method in the save as routine.

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Creating A Thread For Reading And Analyzing A Big Text File On Form Load Event

Jun 17, 2012

All the code i found for multi-threading is complex and not clear.What i want to do is creating a thread for reading and analyzing a big text file on Form_Load event, so that the form UI building continue without waiting for reading and analyzing the file finish.

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Creating An Array From A CSV Text File And Selecting Certain Parts Of The Array?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a Comma Separated value file in .txt format... simply put, its a bunch of data delimited by commas and text qualifier is separated with ""For example:

"So and so","1234","Blah Blah", "Foo","Bar","","","",""

Where ever there is a carriage return it signifies a new row and every comma separates a new column from another.My next step is to go into and create an array using these values and having the commas serve as the delimeter and somehow making the array into a table where the text files' format matches the array After that array has been created, I need to select only certain parts of that array and store the value into a variable for later use.... how to make the array and selecting the certain info out of it..

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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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Loading A File Into Memory Stream Buffer And Creating New File With Same Content And With Different Filename?

May 31, 2011

I don't know whether it is simple or not because i am new to programming. my requirement is : In my winform application, the filenames of the files present in "D:Project" willbe displayed in DataGridView1 control. Now I want to load these files one after another into memory stream buffer and add the headers("ID","Name","Class") to the content in the file. Then I want to save these files in "C:" with "_de" as suufix to the filename i.e.,sample_de.csv.

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Forms :: Creating Paragraph Styles Of Text In Window Forms Text Controls?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to build a NOTEPAD/WORDPAD like application with on visual studio 2008.

I need an option to define and choose (MsWord, or CSS like) paragraphs styles, such as: "heading1", "green quotes", etc.

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Creating Download Link To A File On A File Server

Oct 11, 2011

I'm looking for a way to (easily, by preference ;)) create a download link to a file on a separate file server.The situation is as follows: the application I'm developing ( 2.0 in but I have a similar issue in c#, either solution works for me) will be run internally for a company.As is good practice, the file storage and web application are on two separate servers.I basically need to be able to create a download link to a file, the only available URL i have to access the file is servernamefolder1folder2folder3file.txt (can be any sort of file)[code]Which doesn't work for obvious reasons. It used to be set up to write that file to the application path itself and that worked perfectly, but it isn't good practice and that's why I'm changing it (or trying to).I read solutions about creating a download page and then having a table in your DB which holds the links and returns the proper web URL for download but the time constraint I am faced with unfortunately doesn't allow me to develop that.

Assuming I can provide a string with the full filepath to the file like the above, what is the easiest way to just create a link that, when clicked, downloads the document? I have 0 admin rights in this environment. That really isn't helping me. Let's assume I am given the correct link like above and have the appropriate file access rights and such.The above example does work in IE, but not in Firefox and Chrome. IE converts it to a file://servername/... link which does what it's supposed to, but FF and Chrome both actively decided that this is unsafe and have disabled it from their browsers.

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Take A Comma Delimited Text File And Then Select All Unique Records Based On One Of The Fields In The Text File?

May 7, 2010

i want to take a comma delimited text file and then select all unique records based on one of the fields in the text file. should i read the text file into a data table or just use a data reader?

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[2008] Use The Treeview To Display The Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked?

Aug 30, 2009

Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Select Case e.Node.Index
Case 0


Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening A Text File Into Multiple Text Boxes Using Loops And Arrays

May 20, 2009

So I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.

However, I'm having a *** of a time getting it to take lines from the text file and put them in the proper text box. Here is an example file:




So with the sample file I provided above, in the textbox named callNameText would appear "SHOWNAME", and so on and so forth. With this build, I get a NullReferenceException on the "Me.Controls(strboxNames(i)).Text() = strAllText(ati)" line.

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Use Treeview To Display Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked

Feb 28, 2009

i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated. [code] Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Creating A Text Converter?

Nov 24, 2011

I am creating a text converter, that allows the user to input text to a multi-line textbox, called "Input".The text to input in the box is like this: "CreateObject(3524, 213.53, 1748.10, 17.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00);".Then I want the application to read all the coordinates insidde the () and output it in another textbox called "output".

The output is supposed to have this format: "CreateDynamicObject(3524, 213.53, 1748.10, 17.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0, 0, -1, 200);". Note the coordinates inside the () are the same as in the input format, but "CreateObject" is replaced with "CreateDynamicObject", and ", 0, 0, -1, 200" is added after the coordinates inside the ().I already created all the boxes etc, only thing needed is the coding.

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Creating Text Files Containing Chr(13) And Chr(10)?

Jul 15, 2010

I am a beginner in vb 10 ( I am trying to create a text file "something.txt" and write a long string to the file. My string contains formatting chars newline and carriage return, which I want to keep.

I tried:
FileToSave.Write("test" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "test2", RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)

using the System.IO.StreamWriter method but the line feeds and carriage returns are lost and all the text is just streamed together with no formatting.

Where 'FileToSave' is the path and name of the file. Note: I know I can use the vbnewline instead of chr(x) but this is not the issue.

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File I/O And Registry :: Creating The Dummy File?

Feb 25, 2009

I am making just a simple program that will create backup dummies of all the files in a specified folder. All I have is 2 text boxes, A and B, and a button to do the magic. What I want is for the user to input into Text Box A the location of all the files, and in Text Box B place in the destination folder, then when the button is pressed it will get the name of each file using a loop and recreate a new file with the same name and extension in the destination folder.For example:

C:FolderX has 10 files in it, each with the same extension (.wav), each file is ranging from 10mb to 100mb (this size is irrelevant)
C:FolderY is empty

What I want to do is create each file from X into Y, however the files are all 0 bytes (no data inside them). I've managed to get a simple script that will do what I need but only if I specify the file name:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Filename As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(TextBox1.Text + "test.wav")
Dim SaveP As New System.IO.StreamWriter(TextBox2.Text + Filename)
MsgBox("Files Created")

But what I need is someone to show me how to create a loop that will do this for each file in the folder, without me specifying each filename.

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Creating A Function That Adds Text Box?

Aug 9, 2011

How can I create a separate class that has the function that adds dynamic text box, so that I will just call that function to my main form. I have the code below that does add dynamic text box but it is already inside the button of my main


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Creating A Series Of Text Files?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to write a program that writes information from texts boxes to a text file on the users hard drive. I would like to create a new text file if one already exists, for example if text1.text exists, it creates a new text file called text2.text, then if text2.text exists it creates text3.text and so on. Here is what I have so far:


I've tried fooling around with if statements to create a new file but it doesn't seem to be working. Additionally, How can I write to a new line in a text file. For example there are 4 text boxes and each string from each text box gets its own line.

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Creating Text Boxes With A Button

Mar 2, 2012

Im trying to make when you click a button to make a drag-able text box. But i cant seem to find anything on creation one with a button.

View 9 Replies - Creating An Editable Gridview From Text Box Input?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a grid view that is shown on the click of a button and takes the input of a text box. This works great, however i would like this gridview to be editable.The code for my button is

GridView2.Visible = True
lblEnterName.Text = ""
If txtLoanName.Text = "" Then


I know the datasource needs update,delete queries etc, but not sure how to add these as the datasource is created when the button is pressed.

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Creating A Combo Box - TEXT Not Shown On Panel?

Nov 21, 2011

Below is the complete code per instruction CREATING A COMBO BOX.My text "SAMPLE MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT' does not appear on my screen.Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Exercise
Public Class Starter
Inherits Form
Private LblTitle As Label


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