Custom Controls - Painting Only Visible Area On Spreadsheet

Mar 18, 2011

I am working on a spreadsheet-like custom control, manually painting all cells according to its bounds and indexes. All is working fine until I populate it to upto a hundred rows (with fixed 6 columns). Basically my sheet expands itself to fit all cells, so to use it properly on a form, I use a panel with autoscroll = true and with my sheet inside. The problem is, the control flickers a lot, which I think is caused by painting ALL of the cells. Is there a way to paint only the visible area.?? So when I scroll down, the control would paint only the visible cells on that area. What I am thinking right now is to not put it in a container, but rather, put a scrollbar in my control. Then that scrollbar would then handle the setting of visible cells, and then my paint event would only paint that visible cells. I am using VB btw, .NET 3.5.. I cant put the code in here cause its separated in different classes(Cell, CellCollection, Rows, Columns, Range, Worksheet, etc.)

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Painting Non-client Area Of Windows Forms?

Oct 3, 2010

1)How to Paint close,Maximize,Minimize buttons with images

2)How to change height of title bar

3)How to Paint Form border

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VS 2010 Custom Painting An MdiParent?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm tired of looking at the boring default dark gray back of an MdiParent. I tried using Juggalo's Gradient Form and realized that the MdiParent was not being painted, at all. A temporary work around was to create an Image and set it as the background. This is fine and dandy but when I bring the thing to full screen and drag around my MdiChildren forms, the application gets laggy. I have already tried setting the Form to Double Buffered and it doesn't work at all, no noticeable change.I did try editing the Form's Paint() event, but to no avail.Here's the code I'm using to create the image (practically from Juggalo's Gradient Form):


Creates the image nice and fast. I want this to happen in the Form's Paint Event though, so I don't have to rely on an Image that causes my program to lag about.

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Painting Custom Panel Control (.Net Framework 4.0)

Dec 7, 2011

I have inherited the standard panel control to create a panel having custom border color. The problem is, while the panel is on a form and any other form is moved across it, it paints hapazard lines of the same color as the panel custom border color, all throughout background of the panel. I tried to Refresh or Invalidate the panel in its paint event but of no avail. The same is happening while designing in the design editor too. See attached image. Why is this happening and how to get rid of it? My code follows:


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Painting With .Net 4 And Nested User Controls On Win 7 Machine?

May 22, 2012

I have form, on which a component is placed, which is inherited from Forms.UserControl. This component, called Panel, handles the layouting as visible in the screenshot below.

The screenshot shows 10 Panels. Each Panel contains its own title bar and visible area, in which any UI can be displayed.When the application starts, the application contains only one single Panel. When the user decides to split this Panel into 2 Panels, those new Panels are displayed side-by-side in the area of the old Panel either horizontally or vertically. Inbetween these Panels a splitter is added, so that the user can resize the Panels. The user can do the splitting multiple times, so that you reach a layout as given in the screenshot above with 10 Panels.

Minimizing and the maximizing the application causes a painting issue as displayed in the screenshot below. The red rectangle indicates the area, where the layout is not displayed properly.

Here some additional information:

1. Windows 7 The issue occurs only on Windows 7 machines. On Windows XP the application is running properly.

2. .Net Framework The application was developed for the .Net Framework 1.1. I upgraded it to 4.0. All warnings were fixed, which occured after the upgrade to 4.0.

3. Layouting Technically The Panel works internally with mutiple Forms.Panel, 1 Forms.Splitter etc. objects. If the Panel is not splitted, it displays the title bar and a visible area below, both instances of Panel. If splitted, the Panel replaces the title bar and visible area with 2 instances of Panel again but divided by a Splitter.

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DataGRidView CellFormating Event Only Visible Area?

Oct 27, 2011

i have a datagridview which am display some data and i have also cell formating event which according to that data that are populate am changing the row format and one of my columns are of type image and am load an image depending on the row by day the data in are become larger and when am trying to load that data to the datagridview is taking much time in order to display that data to the user.

1st ,when the event of cell formating is fired, is fired only for the visible area of datagridview rows? or is making changes for all the rows in the datagridview.

2nd , is there any way to load only data that are visible in the datagridview area and when the user scrolls down or up to query also the rest?

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VS 2008 Making A Groupbox In The Same Area As Another Become Visible While The 1st Isn't

Jan 26, 2010

I'm making a project that has a bunch of different types of calculators in the same tab within a tab control. To organize these calculators, I put each one in a groupbox, there are about 5 or 6 in all. When I was finished designing all of them, I placed all the groupboxes in the spot they needed to be, but once I started creating the events for them to be visible or not visible there are a bunch that don't show up. I think it has to do with the fact that VB thinks that the groupbox is part of another groupbox that isn't visible so it doesn't show.

How can I go about only showing a single calculator at once in my tab?

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Convert Visible RichTextBox Area Into Image Object?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm working on a project. I have a form with a RichTextBox or a simple TextBox control. It contains hundreds of text lines, so the control has to be scrolled.

I want to send to a printer only the lines that are currently seen on the control window.

That is, I want to convert what I see into an Image and then draw that image thru e.Graphics.DrawImage.

As you can see, it could also be the case of a ListBox, a TreeView or any other scrollable control.

How can I grab that rectangle area and then convert it into an Image? The rest I already know how to do it.

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VS 2008 : Check If A ListView Has Items That Are Not In Its Visible Area?

Aug 24, 2009

How can I check if a ListView has items that are not in its visible area?

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Custom ToolStripItems Painting - Draw Graphics Without Calling The Refresh Method?

Nov 11, 2011

I have created a custom ToolStripProgressBar. It is basically a class inherited from ToolStripStatusLabel, and i paint the 'progress' bar myself (just a simple rectangle). I have tried creating a custom ToolStripProgressBar using different methods including inheriting from both ProgressBar, ToolStripProgressBar and ToolStripControlHost. I always ran into difficulties doing in this way. Inheriting from ToolStripStatusLabel works well, but with one issue...

In order to have the progress bar update in the statusbar, i have to call StatusStrip.Refresh. Trouble is, adds a huge overhead to the drawing of the progress bar graphics. Simply calling the invalidate method of my ToolStripStatusLabel does not seem to render anything to the screen. how to have my graphics draw without calling the refresh method?

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Custom Area In Screen?

Sep 6, 2010

In my program, there is an option for a custom size object. I want the user to be able to click on the upper-left corner and then click in the lower-right corner and save the location as integers. How can I do this?

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Convert Excel Spreadsheet Controls To VB Form?

Apr 3, 2010

I am converting an Excel spreadsheet with VBA macros to VB. I have been able to export all of the VBA macros (.frm, .cls, .bas), but cannot figure out how to export the controls embedded on an Excel spreadsheet to a VB form (e.g. =EMBED("Forms.CommandButton.1",""). I have buttons, check boxes, list boxes, etc. embedded in an Excel spreadsheet. In the macro editor, I can see the controls in the object browser window. For example:

cmdPrvFirst As CommandButton
Member of VBAProject.Sheet1

Copy/paste does not work. How can I do this? I hate to have to create the VB forms from scratch.

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Wpf Custom User Control MouseleftButtonDown Capture Area?

May 23, 2012

I have a custom control with an event handler when you click on it. Everything works and the event get fired right.

AddHandler (cu.MouseLeftButtonDown), AddressOf Me.DoSomething

When the control resizes to show some extra information it expands. It also collapses when the user preses a button. This works alright. But now when I click where the expanded area used to be, it still fires mouse leftbuttondown on that control. I have tried to set IsHitTestVisible to false on the expanded element but it diden't work. Here's some xaml...

<UserControl x:Class="MyCustomControl">


I cant use another element around my customcontrol since I also use this MouseLeftButtonDown on all different kind of controls.
I can't figure out how the boundaries on the cu.MouseLeftButtonDown event work to fix this.

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Interface And Graphics :: Restrict A Controls Text Area?

Apr 8, 2009

If I have a control, in this case a button, can I restrict the area it considers valid for text?

In the attached image, the left and right arrows are custom drawn in the paint even, I also have a scroll timer that scrolls the text if the length exceeds the buttons width as measured by Graphics.MeasureString.

I want to restrict the text from red line to red line so when the text scrolls it does not interfere with the arrow indicators, can the text area be overridden to some custom region?

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Controls Not Visible When Moving Them?

Apr 16, 2011

When I place a control on a form and need to move it, it becomes invisible when I click the mouse to move . What did I accidently change? I use to be able to see it before.

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Get Visible Controls With Reflection?

Sep 11, 2011

I would like to list all visible controls in a form, I use reflection to do this, I have done what I want, but I have to write code for specifics controls that doesnt exist in the Framework, so i would like to know if there is some code to do that generic for any control (even third party controls).

Private Sub LlenarArbolFormularios(ByVal Arbol As TreeList)
Dim parentForRootNodes As TreeListNode = Nothing
Dim tipos() As Type = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()[code]......

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IDE :: VB Controls Properties Not Visible?

Jun 6, 2011

I recently uninstalled an IDE for a motion control system (Delta Tau) that is a visual studio based product. Now when I bring up my Visual Basic 2008 IDE that I'm using to write an HMI for the control system, the properties for controls placed on forms doesn't appear in the properties window. And if I click on properties for a form I get the FileProperties2 information, not the form control properties such as size, location, or color. I am also not able to access the controls in the VB toolbox to place on a form. The controls are grayed out and unavailable. what part of Visual Studio 2008 got broke in the Delta Tau uninstall?

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Winforms :: Controls Not Visible?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to see all the labels in Me.Controls and when I use:

For Each Control As Label In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Label)()

it only shows the labels that have NOT been renamed

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Transparent Form But Visible Controls?

Dec 21, 2009

if I set the property Opacity = 0, a form becomes transparent... but become transparent all it controls, too!how to make transparent ONLY the form and let the controls, labels, buttons etc. visible??

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Adding Controls To Groupbox Only One Visible?

Mar 15, 2009

I am adding a several controls to a groupbox dynamically, but I can only see one of them. I am changing the location for each one just a little so so they should all be visible. When I count the rows in "dtOptionGroupOption it returns the correct #.

'Starting location for Options.
Dim intOptionLocationX As Integer = 0
Dim intOptionLocationY As Integer = 10


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C# - TableLayoutPanel GetControlFromPosition Does Not Get Non-visible Controls?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm using a TableLayoutPanel and I want to get the control at a specific position in the TableLayoutPanel. I want to iterate over the rows and columns of TableLayoutPanel but this question applies equally if I just wanted a single control at a specific row and column.Unfortunately GetControlFromPosition(int column, int row) only retrieves controls that are visible (that is their Visible property is set to True). This is no good to me as sometimes I want to access a control at a specific position that is not visible and then make it visible.

I have had to resort to iterating over the TableLayoutPanel.Controls collection, and then get the position of each control using GetPositionFromControl(Control control) or GetCellPosition(Control control) until I find the position I want.(I'm not sure of the difference between GetPositionFromControl and GetCellPosition methods as MS documentation is meagre, but I'll ask that question separately).

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Form Transparent But Controls Visible?

Aug 20, 2010

When I make my form Opacity 0% everything disappears including controls that I know will happen im not dumb ok so I tried another method using Transparency Key I had success BUT my problem there is that when I have a picture box and an image IN the picture box around the image is the Form Background color so lets say I picked Maroon for Form1.BackColor, The edges of my image is Maroon

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Make Multiple Controls Visible?

Nov 20, 2009

I have a form with six picture boxes on it. Each Picture Box has a button underneath it. When the button in clicked, a "Label" and "Textbox" appears. My question is, how can I close the currently open "Label" and "Textbox", when I click another button. I have a working code below, but it's not efficient. As you can see, I will have to list all labels and textboxes on the form. Is there a way to identify all labels and textboxes without naming them all. [code]...

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Transparent Form But Controls Visible?

Feb 16, 2012

I am having trouble finding a way to make the form transparent but the controls still visible. The only transparency I have been able to get to work on the form is

Me.Opacity = <value between 0 and 1>

but that affects all the controls on the form Is there a way to make the controls not inherit this property from the form? Is there another way to make the form transparent? I have buttons and a checkbox that I don't want to be affected by the transparency at all, and a picturebox that I do want to be able to control the level of transparency. Currently, I'm using a slider bar, and controlling the opacity of the form, but that makes everything on the form transparent. I'd actually like for the form itself to be completely invisible, and for my slider bar to control the opacity of the picturebox only.

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2008 : Transparent Form But Visible Controls?

May 1, 2012

if I set the property Opacity = 0, a form becomes transparent... but become transparent all it controls, too!how to make transparent ONLY the form and let the controls, labels, buttons etc. visible??

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Make Controls Visible, Form Invisible?

Jan 27, 2010

I want my form to be invisible but I want the buttons and list-box to still be visible. So basicaly I want a bunch of floating buttons and listboxes on my screen.

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Setting All Controls Inside A Panel To Visible?

Dec 30, 2009

But I don't know if i posted this at the right place. I am making 40 textboxes inside a panel. And this textboxes I set it to visible=FALSE. Then I have another textbox named txtNoteam in which once the user will enter a number in this txtbox which is less than or equal to 40, those textboxes will be set to true starting from textbox1 to textbox40 depending on the number entered by the user. Example: user enters 3, then textbox 1 to textbox 3 will be set to visible.

I was successful in doing this except one thing, instead of textbox 1 to textbox 3 will be set to visible, it's the textbox 38 to textbox 40 will be set first. This means it will start from the last textbox to the first textbox instead of from textbox1 to the last textbox.

I need your help on what should I do for this to be able to set it to visible from the 1st textbox to the last textbox or is there any other ways of doing this?


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Executes A Loop To Make Visible All The Controls On A Panel?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a BackgroundWorker and the DoWork event, calls a function called "JustMe", it executes a loop to make visible all the controls on a panel, but does not work

Private Function JustMe As Boolean For Each ctr As Control In Panel1.Controls ctr.Visible = True Next Return True End Function Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
End Sub

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Make Multiple Controls Visible Or Invisible On A Form?

Jun 2, 2011

Still using VS 2005. My concept is to use the same form space to display different "pages", like a "wizard" where you click the [Next] button, and the current UI disappears and a new UI appears. I want to "turn off" multiple controls and "turn on" multiple other controls. Example code: -

Private Sub


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VS 2008 Mdi Form Controls Are Visible In Child Forms

Feb 12, 2010

i use a picture control in mdi form .. but when i load child froms then mdi form picture are also show in front of child form...

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