DB/Reporting :: Duplicate Existing Record - Datagridview
Sep 3, 2009
I have a simple database with our customers data. I'm using access database, dataset, and a datagridview. So when I selected a row, I want to make a new row with datas from selected row. Here is my code:
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Dec 12, 2010
I am working with some DBF database files and have an interesting dilemma. I need to search through a table, find duplicates and delete them. Problem... Table doesnt contain a key.
So Table looks like this:
Name, BadgeNum
I need to be able to find instances like this:
John, 10
John, 10
and then delete just one iteration of John, 10.
Is this even possible? A "DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE BadgeNum=10" will delete both.....
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Nov 23, 2009
I am looking for a logic that loops to all records in a temptable and checks if the record exists in the final table (structure is different, only some fields are to be inserted in final). When the record does exist in final, a record should be created in a table duplicate.
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Jun 26, 2010
I'm building a code editor app in VB.NET (Framework 4.0) and it opens all ".por" files into individual forms consisting of a MenuBar and TextBox (multi-line).Currently I have 20 forms (all duplicates of the first on I designed) and if there are say 4 ".por" files in a directory, the first four will open up while the others hide.
I think it would be far more efficient by coding a new form For each item in form1's ListView...but I want the next so many to be a copy of the first form I designed since I spent a good bit on it.
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Jul 14, 2010
I am inserting new record in ms access database by using VB.NET but when i insert new record it replaces the existing fisrt record the code i am using as follows
Dim cnString As String
cnString = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\PaymentSystem\PaymentSystem\bin\Debug\Payment.mdb;")
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Jun 30, 2011
I have a console application. I get the console application's folder path via this code:
dim Folder as string Folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location)
And I need to create a new file with this name Key.txt in the same folder as the console application. Because this file name is rather normal and there is possible duplicate in that folder. How do I prevent duplicate file name while still using simple name for that file?
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Oct 18, 2010
I think I got most of the syntax correct for this however I keep on getting a syntax error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@Day"
Private Function FiveMinImport()
Dim FileName As New String("C:5min.xml")
View 4 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
i have a problem regarding about adding a record to my database, i want to insert a record that not exist on my table, the record that i want to add to a field is not related to other table. This field should be related to other table which is related by 1-M relation.I Just dont want to duplicate a record of this field from the table. [code]
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Aug 2, 2010
How Can i prevent duplicate record entry in vb.net.
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Sep 24, 2009
For some reason my code is executing the INSERT query twice and putting duplicate records in my table. If I put a primary key on one of the fields I get a runtime error and it complains about the fact it can't add the record twice.The part of the code that INSERTs is near the bottom, bolded and italicized. I put the entire IF statement of code incase my logic is wrong.This is what's being executed when a user clicks a button
If listOfCompanies.Contains(cbx_Company.Text) Then
'If the list contains the company, UPDATE the record
If LaborChecked Then
View 7 Replies
Dec 2, 2011
how to validate the Duplicate record before Inserting and Updating Command is Trigered from VB.Net Form. I am new to VB.
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May 26, 2008
I am using SQL server managment express. I have 4 databases in it and got a bug on my computer which I could not get rid of. I saved these to disk and reinstalled windows, I reinstalled SQL server and I am now trying to add my 4 databases. Can any one help me with this, I can add a new database but not an existing.
View 2 Replies
Sep 24, 2009
For some reason my code is executing the INSERT query twice and putting duplicate records in my table. If I put a primary key on one of the fields I get a runtime error and it complains about the fact it can't add the record twice.
The part of the code that INSERTs is near the bottom, bolded and italicized. I put the entire IF statement of code incase my logic is wrong.
This is what's being executed when a user clicks a button
If listOfCompanies.Contains(cbx_Company.Text) Then
'If the list contains the company, UPDATE the record
If LaborChecked Then
View 4 Replies
Oct 12, 2011
I'm creating another database searcher, only this one is a little better user friendly than the one I made with a datagridview. I'm using the "details" of my dataset(CustomersDataSet) and trying to add a record into an existing database. I'm using this code
which worked for me when using the datagridview, but for some reason it won't work now. Even when I check for my test "add a customer" in the access database itself, it isn't added.
View 16 Replies
Jul 26, 2011
I am trying to addd a record to a .txt file that happens to have the same couln name for two different columns. So i get an error message Duplicate Output Destination 'ST" 'ST' is my duplicate coulmn name, being used for Street and State poor design
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & "", con)[code]...
There is nothing I can do about the .txt file it comes from a 3rd party and is there design,
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Jun 2, 2011
I can upload excel to sql but when i upload again with old record for update and another record to insert new record [code]...
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Aug 4, 2011
Add new row to Access 2007 DB.I am trying to add a new row to a access db. I receive the error update requires a valid insertcommand.when passed datarow collection with new rows when Cmd.update(my_table).[code]
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May 30, 2011
in my visual basic 2008 express edition project I have 2 forms (paxreportfrm,paxsearchfrm).I want to give inputs in paxreportfrm and save the record(which is working fine).then in paxsearchfrm i want to search depending on multiple criteria (working ok).when i click on the record which is in gridview in the search form,opens up the paxreportfrm again with all the details of that specific record (working fine). Now i want to update the existing record which has been populated from the gridviw of the paxsearchfrm and also want to have the option to delete the record.I am using the datacontrols(wizard) to make connection with the access2007 database.can someone give me some example of how to do the Edit and delete in the database pls.I already have a save button on the paxreportfrm(if i click on that, after changing the details on existing record, it just saves IT as a new record).so i really need something which will actually save the modifications on the existing record AND ALSO WILL BE ABLE TO DELETE IT FROM THE database. I have tried couple of methods but none of them are working.
View 4 Replies
Aug 15, 2011
Can anyone help on how to show a message box showing that existing record has been entered in database if i tried to enter the new record. However, if the input is new record (record added), the record is saved into the database. I'm using visual basic 2008 and Microsoft access for database.
View 19 Replies
Aug 17, 2009
I have a DataGridView bound to a non-SQL Server database.I need to allow users to edit existing records but under certain circumstances I need to intercept the edit and instead of committing and updating the dataset I need to delete the edited record and re-add it as a new record.I have tried using every event I can think of to do this but haven't managed to get it right. [code] This almost works but sometimes completely messes up and re-adds rows twice and all kinds of other bad side effects.
View 9 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I have text box and button when i clik tht button it has to display all the data if it is relevent to the data else it has to say no data . my project is about track cd. name textbox that i want to search is txtTitle.
i want something like search forum in this website when u clik on search it will get the data same way i need the solution either it is from database or index service
View 4 Replies
Jun 12, 2011
I'm having a problem with the error in verifying the usernames that are already existing in the record/database.
When you inputted a username that already existing it will throw an exception, and when you change the username, it still throws the exception.
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Jan 24, 2012
here i am reading files from one root folder and after reading that we are moving that particular file Success folder and taking a copy of that in to back up folder normal
while reading file i will check file naming convention by targeting backup folder if suppose it was exists in backup folder then i m moving the file to duplicate folder
my problem if suppose again same file came to process this file already existed in duplicate folder how do send the file in to duplicate folder, unfornately i dint have any property as file rename
If File.Exists(Swift_Backup + "" + Path.GetFileName(CBFile)) Then
' File.Move(CBFile, Swift_Duplicate + "\" + Path.GetFileName(CBFile)) 'DUPLICATE FOLDER'
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Aug 10, 2011
The system should not insert selected records from my datagridviewcheckboxcolumn if it's already existed in the database.It's like when you're registering online. If you're username/email address already registered,it would inform you that youre username/email is already registered and the site would ask you to change your username/email to new ones.The difference in my system is that i have 2 datagridviewcheckbox columns not just textboxes . Parent and Child in the datagridview. What i want to happen is that once the Code has been registered as Parent it cant be registered again as Child anymore.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
connectionString = ";"
sql_connection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
View 6 Replies
Apr 18, 2009
i am using ASP.NET with VB.NET to connect to a MS Access database. how can i make the sql statement to insert a new record into the existing table and join tables?
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Apr 16, 2011
I'm maintaining a Datagridview on my Windows Form. When I open the form all the contained records are displaying, which is from SQLserver Table ok. when I open the form the datagridview should show just black and after I insert a new record that particular record should only display on that form gridview. [Code]
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Jun 14, 2008
I know how to display or manipulate (add,delete,update,search) records using the OleDbDataReader and OleDbCommand class. But I'm clueless in getting the total record on a query.
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Aug 9, 2008
Im trying to find out what code i would use if i wanted to search all my records in a table for those who are female...but the problem is what kind of place i should store these records initially, Mdf or Mdb? i've tried using dao code (rs.findfirst...but it says theres an error about read only database or something...)
View 8 Replies
Sep 4, 2008
With printing a record in Visual Basic. I have an access 2007 datasource. I'm running VB2008 express.
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Mar 16, 2009
We are busy with crystal reports, vs 2005. We put a simple table on the report and we want to see on every page a record. How can we force a new page in the report for the record? We don't want to do it in script.
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