DB/Reporting :: Simple XML Query And Comparing Values

Aug 5, 2009

I've tried different approaches to query a simple xml and compare one of it's values but none of them worked well.

Consider the following XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <Shops>
- <Shop>
[Code] .....

I have the shop name in a drop down list which is ShopsDDL and it's set to autopostback. What I want to achieve is:
On postback, check for a xml node where node's text = shopDDL shopname
And retrieve also this node's currentdate and label counter.
Rhen, if the node currentday = today then increment labelcounter by 1
Else set labelcounter = 1 and currentday= today
My problem is the XML query, I can do all the logic as soon as I manage to retrieve data from the XML.

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DB/Reporting :: Simple Query Not Working?

May 6, 2012

I'm using vb.net express with access 2010.Everything is working fine except for a simple query:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'Which returns all the names starting with Ale. Now in my .NET code I wrote this:cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like " & Chr(39) & Name.Text & Chr(39), connection)Now when I start the app and in my textbox "name" I write Ale* I have the following expression:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'But when it executes from .NET (dr = cmd.ExecuteReader) it doesn't find ANYTHING.

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DB/Reporting :: Simple SQL Query To A NotePad

Apr 2, 2008

I am trying to query a SQL db and send the results to a notepad or wordpad doc. I have the VB code wrapping the statement and it works fine but I have to put the results to a doc so the user can preview and/or print.

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Select Query In Form - Form With A Datagridview That Displays All Of The Values

Mar 26, 2008

I am using VB2008 Express and a MSSQL Server 2005 db by the way! I have a comprehensive SQL statement, which should fill my Grid:

SELECT @Sum = SUM(I_LS.lmenge)
FROM dbo.lfs AS I_L


Now here is my problem! I want to have a form with a datagridview that displays all of the values I am querying. This shouldn't be a problem I guess. However, I have no idea how I can integrate two textboxes that can be used to enter the selection criteria (WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253') AND (l.sped_journal = '11-08')[/SIZE]. I have googled and read many threads so far but didn't stumble upon anything that would suit my needs and answer my question. Maybe it's just too elementary!? By the way, it is very important that the input of textbox1 ((WHERE I_L.lfsnr LIKE '%1253')) is linked to 3 positions in my SQL query to define the search criteria!

The worst thing is that I don't want to have a bindingnav displayed! I do not need any delete, update or add functions just the select option, however!

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ASP.NET VB - Comparing A Value To A List Of Specified Values

Dec 19, 2010

I'm working on a Website in Web Developer 2010 where the content of a text box is checked against a list of values to find a match. There must be an exact match for the user to be allowed to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

Is there a shorter method to do this using the VB 'If' statement, other than specifying each condition individually?

I've tried something similar to the following, but for the amount of values it would be more practical if there was a shorter method.

If TextBox1.Text = "User1" Then
Label1.Text = "Ok, That username is valid. Click NEXT to continue"
LinkButton1.Enabled = True


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Comparing DateTime Values?

Aug 16, 2010

I am fetching DataTime value of a SQL Database, LockDate. Dim diffDate As TimeSpan diffDate = DateTime.Now - LockDate minutes = Convert.ToInt32(diffDate.Minutes) hours = Convert.ToInt32(diffDate.Hours) Minutes value is showing incorrect values.

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Comparing Listbox Values?

Jun 29, 2009

I have five listboxes that are populated from five different datasources basically I have connected to an MS Access database and I am running SQL queries effectively so the five listboxes are populated via datatables for example dtInterests, dtHobbies, dtMovies, DtTV and dtMusic my question is how would I compare the values that are being stored in each listbox I want the application to check each of the five listboxes and if the value is the same (in my case the valuemember is the customer id) then store the result somewhere (in a textbox)

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Comparing Two Textbox Values?

Sep 18, 2009

I am usingh VB.net, I have two textboxes see below:

<tr id="trCheckedBy2" runat="server">
Application Checked by 1:


Now I want to give error message "Username can not be same" when CheckedBy2TextBox text is same as CheckedBy1TextBox. It would be good if we can use .net validator.

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Comparing Values For Validation?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form where the user is to enter the beginning odometer value and ending odometer value. I have the code correct to check and see if there is a numerical value entered into to each text box. When the user enters the ending odometer value and that value is less than the beginning odometer value I want an error provider to stop the user from tabbing to the next field and let the user know that the ending odometer value cannot be less than the beginning odometer value.how to set this up. I have some code in there that doesn't seem to be doing the job for me.

Private Sub BeginOdometerTextBox_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles BeginOdometerTextBox.Validating
'test beginning odometer for numeric value[code]....

I have a theory that the variable for the beginning odometer value is working in the ending odometer value block of code. Not really sure about that though.

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Comparing Datetime Values To Set An Alarm?

May 24, 2012

I'm tried creating an analog clock and I realized I was terrible at trig and gave up. So instead I'm just creating a digital clock. I'm having problems getting the alarm to go off. Lemme explain my layout, I have 3 comboboxes. 1 is for the hour, 1 is for the minute and 1 is for am/pm.

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'The commented out variables are global


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Comparing Values - Associated With The NumericUpDown Control

Apr 26, 2011

I have 10 values to compare against each other for duplicates and would like a recommendation to do this most efficiently. The values are associated with the NumericUpDown control. I'm using VS and VB 2010.

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Comparing/validating Gridview Values Among Each Other

Jul 8, 2009

I have a gridview(editable).

It may have more than 1 row with columns startdate and enddate.

StartDate EndDate
4/4/09 6/6/09 (valid-existing row)
1/2/09 3/3/09 (valid-existing row)
7/7/09 9/9/09 (valid- edited row)
3/3/09 6/6/09 (Invalid - edited row )

When you see the above table/gridview, you will know what I want to validate.

I should be checking whether there is any row having start-end dates lying within the existing date range, if so I should invalidate them.

I shd have only distinct date range in my rows.

How do I do that.

May be Useful note: I will be able to check which column name I tried editing in that row.

Do any of you have some ideas how to create a logic to accomodate my validation issue in my webbased gridview control ?

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Comparing Two Non-numeric Values - Selecting Lower In ASP.NET

Jan 19, 2012

I am updating an application I've written used by my employer, a University, to allow students to register for their desired residence hall. I'm working on a new feature that will allow students to "partner" with another student - so that when one or the other registers for a room, the other student will be registered as well.


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VS 2008 - Comparing Values Of Dropdown With String

Jul 10, 2009

I am making a app that reads options of a ini
dim config as new iniconfigsource("patch.ini")
dim test as string = config.configs("news").getstring("test")
Then I made a dropdown with options

I want my script to compare the values of the dropdown with the string readed from the ini
then uses it as selected value (the so called standard value) the one uc without clicking on the arrow if the none of the values match with the string value of the ini then it executes
dropdown1.selectedindex = 0

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DB/Reporting :: Simple DataBinding With WPF

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to follow an example. I'm getting the following errors:
1. PartNum is not a member of 'Vantage2.OMSDataContext.
2. Name 'Where' is not declared.
3. Method arguments must be enclosed in parenthesis.
4. Name 'p' is not declared.
5. Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.
For reference, the link is here: [URL]

I have followed with my code as follows...
Class Window1
Private db As New OMSDataContext
Private View As BindingListCollectionView
Private Sub Window1_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
[Code] .....

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C# - LINQ To Object Comparing Two Lists Of Integer For Different Values?

Sep 19, 2010

I accept both C# and VB.NET suggestion, even though I'm writing an app in VB.NET I have two lists of intergers

List1 {1,2,3,5}
List2 {2,4,6,7}

I want to have new List3 {4,6,7} which is composed of elements of List2 that are not in List1. I know I can write a nice For Each loop for this but I want it done in LINQ I've been looking for such methods at Enumerable Methods, but I can't find it.

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VS 2010 Comparing Two Listboxes And Removing Identical Values?

Jun 19, 2011

how to compare two list boxes and remove identical values or add them to a 3rd list box, but for some reason it's not working when I retrieve the data from a mySQL database using ADODB, here's my work cut down by a fair bit for it to be easy to understand.

For k As Integer = lstFriends.Items.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If lstDBFriends.Items.Contains(lstFriends.Items(k)) Then
End If

I've tried everything from changing the data type on the mySQL database to storing the retrieved data from the database to String declaration and it simply wont compare the two listboxes

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Comparing Field Values Based On Array Data In Access 07?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a query in Access 07 that identifies the following fields: ContractID, status, start date and end date. For each contract, I've been able to search a network share and upload its corresponding file; however I need to skip the import and write a record to a table for contracts with the same start and end date. I've included a placeholder (in bold below), but how do I make the date comparison work? Do I need to create a multi-dimensional array for that or can it be done with the code I have?

Private Sub cmdRefreshList_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Create an array based on the true-up contract IDs.


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DB/Reporting :: Simple Database Field Editing?

Jul 22, 2010

I know this sounds simple to the majority of the database gurus out there but I am finding it difficult to find anything related.I am using Visual Studio 2008 VB.net winforms application.I have a form which contains a datagridview. what I want to do by push of a button is set the field "OnHand" either to default or 0. The 'either or' is really for you guys. Which ever one works the best in terms of reducing code or functionality is obviouls prefered.Once the 'OnHand' Fields in every record has changed then I would like to save all the data back to the database'This is more than likely very simple I just cannot find anything that discusses this kind of thing.

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DB/Reporting - Simple DB Steps - Building Two Forms With One To Many Relation

Aug 4, 2009

With a 1-many relation. Ok, I have constructed the schema, and now I want to make the appropriate forms in which a user would scroll for a customer and then by pressing a button, a new form would appear showing all the orders that he has made.

I am interested in the way of building two forms that would have a one to many relation. That is basically what I would like to know. Also, Do you have any good book to suggest in order to create a real world app, in VB2008, Emphasizing in data-binding and connecting controls with underlying DB, one to many forms, searching etc.

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C# - Simple ASP.NET Database Query?

Apr 9, 2010

I have loaded my database with one table under "Data Connections" in the "Server Explorer" pane.What is the standard / best-practices way to handle a simple query in a VB ASPX page?

My left <div> would be a set of form elements to filter rows, and when the button is clicked, the main <div> would show the columns I want for the rows returned.

Note: Answers in C# are okay too, I'll just translate.

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Cannot Get Even A Simple Query To Work?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to get a query to work with Visual Basic 2010 Express addition I have pasted the code below but it just errors out with to many arguments I have taken this sample from a reference book but cannot get the darn thing to work. I have looked all over the net and Microsoft for a solution but still no go if any one can help it would really be great. BEP

Private Sub FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton.Click


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Simple LINQ To XML Query?

May 3, 2011

This one is my simple XML

Dim Xml = <BODY ID="1">
<Eyes type="S" l="1" f="1"></Eyes>


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VS 2005 Simple Query With ADO.Net?

Jun 14, 2012

I am just starting to dive into the ADO.Net routines in VB.Net, have used ADO in VB6 forever just would like to make sure I am getting started on the right foot here.

'As I test I had hard coded the connection string here which I have removed from the post, I will switch it to a var that is read from a config file later.

Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = CN.CreateCommand
Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tblusers where userid=@UserID"


btw I realize that I have not yet added a message for when the Userid is not found. I am more concerned with the method I am using to query the db and read the results as well as closing the objects afterwards.

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DB/Reporting :: Reporting During Query?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a form that when you click a button it begins a query. I want the user to know that they already started a query and they basically need to wait and not hit the button again. To do this I have a list box that has an lbResults.item.add() to it

Private Sub btnControlKSMS1117Query_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnControlKSMS1117Query.Click


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Populate A Simple Combobox With A Query To A MySql Database?

Apr 17, 2009

i'm trying to populate a simple combobox with a query to a MySql database. I Just want the combobox to show the results of the query:

SELET DISTINCT models from Cars

I am using VB 2008 with Datasets, how can I achieve this?

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Retrieving Data From An Excel Sheet Using A Simple SQL Query?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm retrieving data from an Excel sheet, using a simple SQL query using a textbox as input to my variable. It works great when I enter an integer to search for (such as 213 for example) but when I put in a mixture of numbers and letters (48A for example) I get the following error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[P&L]=48A'.

Private Sub MPLS3()
Dim BrNr As String
BrNr = TextBox1.Text
Dim stSQL As String = "SELECT [MPLS Date] FROM [Master Data$] WHERE [P&L]=" & BrNr & ";"


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.net - VerificationException Operation Could Destabilize The Runtime On Simple LINQ Query

Jun 11, 2009

The code below works fine on my development PC, but when I deployed the app, it crashes.

Here is the lines of code that are relvant

Private TdsTypesList As List(Of TDS_Type)
TdsTypesList = (From tt In db.TDS_Types Select tt).ToList


I have many queries that are using linq, and none of them throw any errors. The set of data is not very large either, less that 100 rows. I dont know if I have any other queries that do not have where statements in them that work.

Running .net 3.5 without sp1 on the client machine, although I am running sp1 on my development PC. looking for a solution that doesn't require sp1 to be installed.

Edit Code breaks on the second line when remote debugging.

I looked over [URL] and tried the following, with the same error.

TdsTypesList = tl.OfType(Of TDS_Type)().ToList

I finally found a dirty workaround. Instead of pulling all of columns from that table, I was able to re-write the query to omit 1 column. This returns an object of anonymous type, and I can use that object. I still would like to know what causes this though.

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Raw A Simple Line Chart Representing Sql Query Data Results?

Nov 13, 2009

how to draw a simple line chart representing sql query data results?

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Establish A Connection To MySQL Via VB & Display Simple Query Results On A Form?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a project in Visual Studio 2008 and there is a working data connection to a MySQL database. In other words, I can query the db directly from Visual Studio and it will display the results.

I've tried a couple of approaches that I found online for writing a connection string and accessing the db, but no luck yet.

All I'm trying to do is code a button to query the db and then reset the text property of a label/textbox to display the results based upon another label/textbox value.

The pseudo-code I am imagining is something like this:

Private Sub query_submit_button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles query_submit_button.Click
result_textbox.Text = SELECT field FROM table WHERE otherfield = key_textbox.Text
End Sub

I didn't see any related questions posted on SO - forgive me if I missed one that already exists and this is a dupe.

What is the correct way to accomplish this?

Using MySQL 5.1

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