DB/Reporting :: Single Character With In A String Search In SQL Query?

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to do a SQL query that checks for the presence or absence of a character's occurance in a field / column as a condition to retrieve the row. In this case I only need to test for existance of the specified character and in a similar query to test for the non existence. Not where it is or how many, just is it there or is it notI am using VB express.net 2008 and it uses, I think, MS SQL Server 2008.Using VB's instr() I can tell straight away if a string does or doesn't contain a character, but I would like to know this before I retrieve the row.

using the

WHERE .... and [mytable.myfield] LIKE 'Q'
WHERE .... and [mytable.myfield] NOT LIKE 'Q'

produces a result, but not a correct result. It does something but I can not say that it is working even part way.CHARINDEX gets an undefined function error MATCHES also gets an undefined function error?CONTAINS looks like it should work but I am still getting sytax errors with it, so I don't know how to use that predicate yet.

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DataTable.Select With ' (single Quote) Character In The Query?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a string like "Hello'World" and a Data Table with some records in it. One of those records is "Hello'World".he problem is, when I do a .Select in the Data Table, it only tries to search for the "Hello" part and throws an error on "World" because it interprets the ' (single. cuote) like the closing cuote on sql.DataTable.select("text = 'Hello'World'")I have gone through msdn doc, and it says I can escape some characters with [] brackets or f.slashes , but I just can't figure out: .select("text = 'Hello[']world'")

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DB/Reporting :: Display Single Record From Linq Query?

Mar 24, 2011

For a school programming project we are supposed to create a database with 2 tables country, and continent.then we populate country with every country name, population and continentID. For continent we populate with each continent name.

i have completed this step, and i am able to run a linq query to display all countries and corresponding continent into a datagridview. My problem arises because we are supposed to display each record one at a time, and be able to cycle through one at a time. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this.

for example if i made a query to select all countries in africa, i want to beable to display the name of the country, and population in textboxes. then have a next button that will go to the next record.

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DB/Reporting :: Removing The First Character From A String?

Apr 3, 2009

I need to be able to pull a list of reference from a database whixh ar 12 characters long. Unfortunatley i dont want the first character from each reference number as it is useless but just has to be there.

anyway of saying "list refernce numbers, not including the first character"?

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Search For A Character In A String?

Nov 20, 2010

Recently I have started my computing course at college. I had little programming knowledge (as I'm more of a 'web developer') and it has come to the point of us learning some of the basics.I downloaded VB at home, and have been learning by myself when I have the chance... but I've hit a wall Basically, I have to create a program that searches for a character within a string.I managed to do this at college, but it has slipped my mind... So I could use some help The specification we have to meet is:An event (such as a button being clicked) must use a function to return something.The function must use the mid() function

From this, I've come up with:
Public Class Form1
Dim string1, searchterm As String


The layout of my program is effectively 2 text boxes (named input1 & searchterm), a Label (named Output1) and a button (named search).ow, My problem (I think) is due to the mid().I'm not entirely sure I've used it correctly.

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Search String For A Character?

Nov 17, 2008

I know this has been answered before but I am having trouble with it still. I am trying to find if a textbox has an "x" as the first character. I am trying to use the left(string, 1) command as described in a couple other threads to just test the first character on the left but the only left function I can find relates to the left coordinates of the textbox.

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DB/Reporting :: Applying A Time Format To Four Character String?

Jun 13, 2012

Our MRP database stores time as a four character string.



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Query A String That Only Reads A Last Character?

Oct 3, 2011

I would like to query a string that only reads a last character.

sqlstmt = "select * from table where Area like'%A'"
Dim cmd4 As New SqlCommand(sqlstmt, con2)
da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd4)
ds = New DataSet


I have the above codes but i've got '-1' if nothing to read..

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Treat Unicode Character Plus Diacritic As A Single Character?

Aug 23, 2010

In my VB.NET application I compare words that are recorded using IPA, many of which have many diacritic marks. In one of the comparisons, I compare the words character by character. But when I iterate over the characters, the diacritic marks come out as separate characters (as I would expect since this is unicode)However, a u character is different than a u plus an accent for the purposes of this program and needs to be distinguished.

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DB/Reporting :: Writing Colon - Syntax Error In String In Query Expression

Oct 12, 2008

Here is a code to insert data to DBaccess from textbox. When I write a colon(') in the textbox to add to DB it caused error and show me this Message "Syntax error in string in query expression '''')'

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "Store.mdb ")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
'Add text to DB
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Random - New Character Out Of The String And Then Remove The Character From The List Of Characters

Dec 12, 2010


For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.

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TRying To Replace One Specific Character Of String With New Character Entered By User

Feb 17, 2011

I am writing a hangman type game and I am displaying the word to the user in a label as all *'s, but I cannot figure out how to have just one of the *'s changed in the label to the correct letter when the user inputs the correct letter into the text box and clicks the check letter button.Everything else in the program works perfectly, except for this part.[code]When I use the .Replace it changes all of the *'s to the correct selected letter.

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Get A Consistent Single Character?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm trying to read a text file, line by line and then use some of the data from these lines as I read them. I'm OK with opening the file and reading the text in using


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Get Input String And Put Its Character Into List / And Replace Character With Other

Feb 16, 2012

the coding is to 'Get input string and put its character into List, and replace the character with other.'but having problem putting each character into List and also replacing it,[code]

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Check Single And Double Bytes Character?

Feb 16, 2011

How to check the Single byte character (e.g. English) and Double bytes character(e.g. Chinese) ?

Since I want to printing out their code which are representing in Hex.

However, Single byte character is using 2 digits of Hex. And Double bytes character is using 4 digits of Hex.

So, how can I check them and output with more readable pattern ?

input likes: 微軟 Microsoft output likes: B74C B36E 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74

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Take A String Apart One Character At A Time And Add Each Character To A Label?

Jun 13, 2010

I've been working with the substring command and after coding up all the things I needed it to do, I saw a post on here where the "For Each" statement was used basically to do the same thing.Lets say we just want to take a string apart one character at a time and add each character to a label. Which would be more efficient?I made a cheap example to show ...

ABinary = "0110 1100 0001 1011"
For x = 0 To Len(ABinary) - 1


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Display A Single Character In A Label When Inputted By The User?

Jan 8, 2012

I have been assigned a task to create a basic hangman program and I need help to figure out how to show the letters that the user has guessed correctly without displaying any of the other Characters.The word that the user will be guessing is in a label the user will be guessing letters by clicking buttons This is a piece of the code for one of the buttons the user can click to guess the letter "C":

btnc.Visible = False
Guessletter = "C"
If lblword.Text.Contains("C") Then
*this is the part where I become stuck*
End If

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Read A Single Character Each Time From A Text File?

Feb 1, 2011

How to read a single character each time, from a text file using vb.net? I mean that if the txt file contains code as " my name is...".It should be read initially as :'m'..after some time it should show 'y'. then 'n'.'a'..'m'.'e'.like that..

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DB/Reporting :: Updating A Single Record?

Apr 21, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express edition along with mysql manager 2008.I have made a bank database and am looking to add a feature to update the balances of customers (individually) when i withdrawl or add money.The code i am using currently is

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click


This is the same function as the Save record but, i want to be able to enter a value into a text box and then click the button to update the balance.

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Visual Basic Turning Array Integers (x) Into X Amount Of A Single Character

Mar 31, 2012

I have been tasked to create a Visual Basic console script that asks the user 5 times in a row to input a number into an array (sales figures in thousands), Then you display these results as a sort of tally chart.

For example for the data: sales(10,7,12,5,15)
The output would be


how to change the integer value from within the array into a certain number of a single character.

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DB/Reporting :: Updating A Single Field In A Database

Mar 20, 2009

I'm using an access database in a program that I'm making for my school, the user is able to select an item from the menu, then it sends it to a list box, there is also a textbox to put a quantity of how much of the item you want. I have a field in my database called Amout Ordered, I want to update it with the amount of each item ordered, and I can't figure out how.

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DB/Reporting :: Inserted ' Character Into Sqlite Database = Error

Dec 12, 2009


How can i get around this problem? rename all files with ' character?

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Search A Databank Using A WILD CHARACTER (*)?

Oct 27, 2011

I have a seach button inside an VB application that I want to search an Array of Strings using a wild character. For example I want to find all the chemicals that are C*H*O* this would include any combonations of C2H2O2 or any other combinations with C H O as molecular formula for databank...

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim strSearch As String
Dim intNumber As Integer


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Search For Character And After Copy Whole Word?

Oct 18, 2011

i am trying to copy the whole word after finding the character that i want.

I have managed to find the character i want quite simply :

With Selection.Find
.Text = "@"


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Accented Character Replacement For Search Then Reinserted Afterwards

Apr 12, 2010

Basically my issue is that users would like to search for a french word that has accented characters but without typing in the accented characters and then have the actual accented word appeared highlighted if found... So for example they would type in "declare" but in the result sets it would look like "déclare" and if found "déclare" would be highlighted.

My first thought was to just simply replace the characters with a regex but then I remembered that I would need to re-insert the replaced characters after the search... I was thinking of then using some sort of character map that would track position and the character so that when the search was finshed I could put the result set back to the way it was.

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ComboBox - Full Search On Adding New Character

Apr 27, 2011

I am Looking for a combobox that does a full search and O mean by that the following :
It starts searching data upon inserting or adding new character to the textbox of the combobox and vice-versa, which means that if I moved back by deleting a character then it starts searching again selecting the first data resembles the textbox. In another way I want a combobox class does exactly the same as combobox in Encylopedia.

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Use The Asterisk Character * For A Search Action In SQL Database?

Mar 1, 2011

Can we use the asterisk character * for a search action in SQL database?

MASQLComm = New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) AS [RecCount]
From " & tName & "
WHERE " & tName & fName & " = '" & {*} & ".Temp' ",

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.net - DataRelation From A Single Query?

Apr 4, 2009

i have the following piece of VB.NET code:

Dim conn As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim sql = "SELECT * FROM users"
Dim com = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet("dsUsers")


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DB/Reporting :: Multiple Entries From A Database Displayed In A Single Textbox / Label

Sep 2, 2010

I am working on getting a multiple values from a single column displayed in a single textbox or label. I know I should be able to find the information I need online, but I am coming up empty. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2005. For example, I want to pull all the email addresses, that have a value, from a table and display them together. The output I am looking for is like this:


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Query - Pull Single Value Not Dataset

Jul 27, 2009

I've written a bunch of queries that bring back a set of results that look like the following. I have a user level column in an employees table which I'm trying to pull the value from. Only one result (number) will ever be returned. For instance the query will be like: Select username, userlevel from employees where username = "joe" So i'd be bringing back just the level, say 7.


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