DB/Reporting :: Created Columns For The Datagridview At Design Time

Mar 5, 2009

Am using VB.net 2005, and I've created columns for the datagridview at design time. But when I run the code the fill method of the DataAdapter, the columns I created are not filled with data, but automatically generated columns appear. How can the columns I created at design time be filled with data?

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using VB.net 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Add Three Columns At Design Time In Gridview?

Oct 27, 2009

I want to bind Grdiview with DB.I have a table Products with three columns.Suppose I add three columns at design time in gridview, If I run my following code First Three columns are blank & next three columns are bind with data.

Suppose I do not add any column in GridView & runs the foll. code,then the output is coming correct.

But i want that I add columns at design time


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VS 2010 Typed Datasets Are Created At Design Time Only And Not Dynamically

Jan 20, 2012

In a typical session with the program I'm writing, the user needs to be able to access the data in 1 to 500 (maybe) tables (but always only one table at a time). Up to now I've been creating these single table datasets dynamically, as and when required.I've now come across the distinction between typed and untyped datasets (where typed seems to be the recommended option). It seems, though, that typed datasets are created at design time only and not dynamically. Is this correct? Are all of my dynamically created datasets therefore untyped?

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.net - DataGridView Columns Still Automatically Created Even With AutoGenerateColumns = False

Sep 7, 2010

I have a DataGridView and have the AutoGenerateColumns property set to false, but the when I build my project the columns are Auto Generated.

I can see the property set to false in the Designer.vb code for the Form.

I've had this problem before and I'm not sure how to fix it.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView: Save And Restore Re-ordered Columns?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a utiility that users can re-order DataGridView Columns in to their hearts content. I want them to be able to create a named list so they can have multiple Column Patterns to choose from.When I restore though the re-ordered Columns are not where I saved them.

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DB/Reporting :: [VB08 + SQL Serv 2005] - Order Columns In Datagridview?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a datagridview that I'm populating from a SProc. The data coms back fine and is presenting in the DGV without any trouble, but I don't like the order the data is being returned in.A long solution might be to modify the SProc to return the data in a different order, but I prefer to handle this on the UI for simplicity. Also, I know the user can re-order but that presents a specific poblem in the way the columns are structured.Is there a way to programmatically change the order at runtime?Here's the ode I have on the UI. If you need to see the adapter class also, please let me know and I'll present it, too.

Private Sub UpcomingInspections()
AddHandler mAdapter.ErrorOccured, AddressOf HandleDataError


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Definig DataGridView Column Headers Font Style At Design Time

Jul 11, 2010

I am developing a project using VB2010. In the attached example I created a Form.

On tha form I put a GroupBox Containing a DataGridView.

I am trying to set, at Design time, the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellstyle Font of the grid, defining the Font, the size and the style (Bold). After saving the project or running it, The Font properties of the grid headers are changed to the Font properties of the containing


Why is that so? How can I set, at Design Time, a different font for the Grid Column headers and the GroupBox?

To demostrate the problm - Try to modify the Font of the grid headers, in the attached example,

to "Bold" "Size 12", Run the application and see the result.

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Unbound Datagridview Control Cannot Be Filled At Design Time Using Column Names?

Oct 10, 2011

Apparently, an unbound datagridview control cannot be filled at design time, so I have to create rows + fill cells through code. Currently, I use the following type of code to refer to cells:


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Inserted A Dataset And Created A Table Using Design View With Columns "id", "name" And "add"

Dec 3, 2010

in my project i have inserted a dataset and created a table using design view with columns "id", "name" and "add" and used this table in my crystal report.

Now what i want.I want to send details from text box to dataset so that when my report is generated it will show those data. i am familiar with saving data in normal database table Access or sqlserver. but i dont now how to save in dataset.me the code to save data in dataset from textbox as well as if i want to save from datagridview.

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IDE :: Component Will Not Render At Design-time, But Works Fine At Run-time?

Jan 30, 2009

using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5I have a rather complex UserConrol which does some of its own rendering.I display this UserControl on a form.Opening that form in the Designer creates an instance of the UserControl in the Designer, which tells me a NullReferenceException is occurring in one of my rendering methods.I have attempted to correct this by making alterations to the UserControl's default constructor, but have not found success.

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Can't Exit Design Mode Because Control Can Not Be Created

Jan 4, 2010

I have a document with VBA controls in it that I created in MS Word 2003. After migrating to MS Word 2007, I get the message that "Can't exit design mode because control 'lblEmaillist' can not be created".

After reading through the various forums here and on microsoft.com it seems to be a known problem. I looked at these articles but am still having a bit of trouble...

[URL] refers to the same problem in word 2000 but after following the directions I still am getting the problem.

The problem does not occur when I open the document in MS Word 2007 or MS Word 2003. The problem only occurs when I open click on the link from IE.

I've set up the location as a trusted location in Office 2007 settings so that should not be an issue.

The document in question is being saved in the word 97-2003 format due to the fact that some people here have not upgraded to office 2007. I tried saving it as a .docm for office 2007 but the error message still came up.

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Handle Events For Objects NOT Created In The Design Tab?

Jan 10, 2012

I have created a PictureBox array to hold 104 playing cards that are all visible at the same time.I did this with this line in the declarations:Shared Card(104) As PictureBox

And with these lines in the Form_Load module:

For I% = 1 To 104
Card(I%) = New PictureBox
Card(I%).Name = String.Format("Card{0}", I%.ToString)
Card(I%).Size = New Size(71, 96)


I have been successful in creating the array, positioning each and entering the images for all 104 PictureBoxes, but now I want to add code for the event "MouseDown.I copied the code for this event from my VB3 program and VB10 automatically updated the list of parameters, but nothing has linked the objects (Card) to the code.

I have tried to append "Handles Card.MouseDown" as well as several variations with brackets to indicate that it is an array.Auto-complete doesn't include "Card" as an option, and of course, since the array was never an object added to the form design, I can't create the empty module from there.

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DB/Reporting :: Relation DB Design?

Apr 21, 2010

I am designing a system for our sales team to enter their sales expenses. I have designed an input form and need some advise on what exactly I should store in the expenses table VS lookup from the employee table.

First, the form has a text box where the user must enter their EmployeeID. Management asked for a text box VS a combo box because they do not want users looking at each others expenses. The form has a search feature where by after you enter your employee number, it will look for an existing expense ticket first before allowing you to create a new one. Anyway, here are some of the decisions I have to make.

When the user enters their employee number, I would like to display their employee name. The EmployeeID is saved in the Expense table but should I also store the name in the expsense table? If I do save it, it's duplication of data, if I do not, I have to look it up each time the record is loaded. But is there a point storing the name long term? Does this qualify as related data? If I was to perform some reporting, could this cause a problem if an employee changes their name etc.

The expense data is spread over 2 tables, the first for the header details including employeeID, expense date and Expense ID etc. The second table contains the expense lines information. Amount, customer, category etc. My next question is when the employee chooses an expense category, there is an associated general Ledger code with that category. Again, the expense category data is stored in a table. When the user chooses the expense category, should I store the categoryID or store the values associated with the ID (GLAcct, CategoryDescription etc.) Does this qualify as related data or should lookup values always be duplicated in the master table? It is possible that over time, the GL accounts associated with the Expense categories could change. So for accuracy purposes, should they be stored in the expense lines table?

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DB/Reporting :: Making Design Changes To Table In Live Environment

Apr 12, 2012

In a program I am creating, i want to let the user add and remove fields on an entity, lets say "people". So I have a table named "People", with ID and Name columns. Now, I want to let the user choose "add field" in a webpage, define for instance "email" field, and then use "ALTER TABLE" from the codebehind to create the new field in the table. What I want to know is: is this recommended? It seems like a simple way to do this, but since I have never seen any other programs doing it like this (Using ALTER TABLE statements from codebehind in a live environment) - and since it changes the design of the DB -

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DB/Reporting :: .Net/Oracle Application Best Design When Building Sql Command Parameters

Oct 2, 2009

Currently working on a web-service with Oracle10g as back-end. Here is my problem.

1. The table I need to populate has 100 columns. I have no control over the design of the table.

2. I wanted to use the "deriveparameters" method of OracleCommandBuilder, but found out that this is "costly" in terms of performance. What I initially planned to do was to derive the parameters from an open connection, close the connection, then maybe cache the parameters obtained but I don't know if this is possible.

I am unsure how big of a hit the performance will get if I continue using the "deriveparameters" method WITHOUT caching the parameters driven. The environment is as follows

-around 2000 users
-users spread out in different parts of the country

I am not familiar where they will put the web pages of the application, the web service and the database. I don't know if they'll be putting it in different servers or on one server, but that's something we cannot control too, that's why I am looking for the best approach.

I just don't want to hard-code all that parameters and if, for instance, we need to change some properties/parameters, it will be a pain to maintain the code. It would be nice if someone here can point a way to automate the whole thing w/o the performance of the system taking a hit.

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DB/Reporting :: ACCESS Database With 3 Columns?

Dec 3, 2009

i have an ACCESS database with 3 columns. I establish the connection with the VB 2008 Express and put the data in the form but i don't know how to add the text of a textbox in the database.

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Create A Datatable And Map Fields From Souce To Created Columns In Table?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to select column 'F1' from an excel spreadsheet and dump the data into my datatable 'oleDT'. How do I map the column F1 to the column i've added called 'colTest' ? When i call Fill, the dataTable has 2 columns, which are 'colTest' full of nulls and a created column called F1.[code]...

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DB/Reporting :: Database Design Quandary Modelling 'substitutions' Or 'equivalency' Of Records

Jan 14, 2009

I've got a large and complex database system that is about to get even more complex, and I'm having trouble coming up with a reasonable way to model the new requirements so as to minimize the performance hit.For simplicity's sake, I'm going to use the example of certification exams, although it's not a perfect analogy for my system. So we have the following tables:

- Person
- Certification
- Exam
- Certification_Exams (join table indicating which exams are required per cert)
- Person_Exams (join table indicating which exams a person has taken)

Given that model, we can easily show that Certification A requires Exam 1, and Certification B requires Exam 2 and Exam 3.We can also determine whether a person is certified by checking Person_Exams to see if they have passed all exams required for the certification we're querying. (Note that we are not directly storing certifications for a person; these must be derived. That's one of the areas where the cert exam analogy doesn't quite match my real-life scenario, so please accept that there's a good business reason for it.In my world, the cert requirements are going to change frequently, so a person might get suddenly "un-certified.")Now enter the new requirement: We now need to be able to indicate that Certification A could be satisfied by either Exam 1 or Exam 4.And furthermore, Certification B always requires Exam 2 but also requires either Exam 3 or the combination of Exams 5, 6, and 7.I've come up with a couple different approaches so far, but the subsequent queries to be able to tell whether someone meets the criteria for a given certification are then incredibly complex.

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Spanning Columns With A Dynamically Created Label Doesn't Line Up Correctly?

Mar 3, 2010

Create a generic label method:

Public Function buildBasicLabel(ByVal labelName As Label, ByVal text As String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal align As Integer)
Dim tmpLabel


For some reason, the label is not lining up with the others once I span it. I'm trying to span it to get all the text to show but once I do, it starts pushing it over. I don't see anywhere where I restrict the size so that shouldn't be the issue.

I tried doing all this in the design and it works just fine. Mimicking the designer code doesn't seem to fix it either unless I'm doing something seriously wrong...

Posting images for clarity. NOTE: The borders are just to show the label alignment and the text should read "Flat-Footed AC"

IMAGE 1: Spanning 1 column (doesn't show all text)

IMAGE 2: Spanning 3 columns (still doesn't show text and you can see it's starting to dis-align)

IMAGE 3: Spanning 6 columns (Still doesn't show text and greatly dis-aligned. It should at least show all the text)

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Create A Design In Run-time?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm a newbie in visual basic dot net. I tried to create a design in run-time. Here's my simple code.

Dim frmLogin As New Form
Dim lblUserName, lblPassword As New Label
Dim txtUserName, txtPassword As New TextBox


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Design Report At Run Time?

Jan 16, 2010

I work with VB 2008

I need to design my reports by users

please tell my the best way,or the best report type

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How To Test For Design Time

Mar 16, 2010

How do I test for design time? The following code works during RunTime but fails in Design Time?

I assume it is because there isn't a Me.Parent.Name at design time.
Dim strGetColors As String()
strGetColors = fncGetColors(Me.ParentForm.Name)


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.net - Design UI Dynamically Or At Compile Time?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to have a bunch of different screens, yet I don't want to have to use 20 different forms (I'm pretty sure that's bad practice anyways), and I don't want to lay down all the controls at once in the designer because then things get messy. I had an idea of running a sub on startup that would dynamically generate all the controls I need with all the right coordinates and settings, and then dump al the ones needed for a specific screen into a Panel. Then I return an ArrayList of panels, and pull out the correct panel to attach to the form when I need that screen. The only problem is that my form will not have any implicit knowledge of its controls, so I'm assuming I wouldn't be able to use the WithEvents / Handles. keywords to declare handlers in the form class (which is what I'd rather do).

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Combobox Default Value At Design Time?

May 5, 2010

OK i have a combobox on the form. I have entered 4 values. I have left the TEXT field blank.Is there any way i can set the default SELECTEDINDEX of the combobox in the form design window. I know how to do it using code. If i set the TEXT field to one of the item values will it automatically select the corresponding INDEX

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Create Datasets In Design Time?

Apr 8, 2009

I created the dataset and connection to my SQL database at design time to make it easy to drag and drop bound controls and stuff to my form. My problem is this, when I did this it creates the connection string in design time also, but the connection varies depending on where the software is installed after the development.My question, is there anyway to set up the bound controls on my forms and everything with the typed dataset created in design time on the connection created in design time... then when the application is run, can it change the connection string at run time to get it connecting to and creating the dataset from the the correct sql database?

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Debug Control At Design Time

May 26, 2011

I have a problem. I have created a control, Now whenever I am going to Drug that control on my form then a error popup will appear that says "Failed to create component 'XXXXXXXXX'." System.IO.FileLoadException: A strongly named assembly required. HRESULT: 0x80131044 Is there any facility available in .NET for design time debugging Means If I drug a control on form then I will allow me to debug the control.

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Design Time Changes Not Affecting At Runtime

Jul 26, 2010

In some of the forms ,whenever i change some properties using the Properties Window of some controls or the form they get reflected in the Properties Window but will not get changed at Run Time.

I am facing this in quite many of the forms, hence i am applying the property changes in form load, this is causing performance breach .

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Fixing Warnings During Design Time?

Feb 20, 2009

I have the following errors displayed at bottom of my Visual Studio.However, I do not actually have ANY error when I run the app.

Dim storyboard As Storyboard = Me.FindResource("Show Entry")


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Generating Controls Design Time

Jun 13, 2011

I'm making a quite large database management program(well actually 3 databases) and I am going to be creating a tab page for each database and under that a tab page for each table. each database has +- 200 tables and each of those has between 10 and 50 columns. I am also gonna put controls on each tab page of a table that represent a a row of data.I need very specific tooltips, functions for each table so generating it would be to complicated for me.

I need a automated way of creating controls on design time depending on the column datatype like a rich edit, text box or numeric up or down. and a label that has the same text as the column name It should also rename the name of the control to something appropriate .This can be done using visual studio's database wizard, but last time when I was about 30% done with one database it had already auto generated more than 1000000 lines of code. When I ran my program it took 10 minutes to show the first form and I have a powerful pc.

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