DB/Reporting :: Text To Access - Read From Left And Split Text To Columns
Feb 20, 2009
how can i import text from text file to access so that:
Text sample:
Would be in access
Col1|Col2|Col3|Col4|Col5 and so on.
So the point is, how can i put vb to read from left as many characters i want and put the selected range in to access?
View 6 Replies
Dec 19, 2009
i have a map .txt file that I made that contains X, Y coordinates, and an ID. I have been able to manipulate the .txt file just about every way possible except the way that I want to. I want to seperate the three columns at put each column into its own array. See the example below to understand what I am trying to do.
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Dec 22, 2008
What I am trying to do is stream write to a text file information from 5 columns I have in my list view and then read the data back into those columns as required. I have manage to write the data to the text file in this format
View 4 Replies
Sep 11, 2010
im making an app that shows topics i post. i have an html file at [URL]. I'd like to take that html document and for each line of text (separated with <br>), and add them to a listbox. how can i do this?
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Jun 17, 2009
Essentially my program asks the user for their name and a number, and it stores both values in a text file. However, when retrieving the code from a particular line it cannot separate the number from the person's name.will I have to use a new line for every entry, or is there some way to tell my program to differentiate between columns in the code?
View 4 Replies
Oct 13, 2009
i\m trying to do an application that read a text file that contains 2 columns of numbers and put it in 2 columns in a table
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Nov 10, 2011
I am a school student and having a project on importing text to access database. The problem seems easy but the issue is the text file i am trying to import has no delimiter. .
Now how can I split the text and import it to an access database.
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Jan 9, 2012
How to change the font color of the column header text in my datagridview if the entire column is read-only. I basically use a loop to add columns to my datagridview and then set the properties of the columns. But for some reason setting the DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor and HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor properties does not work. The header text is still black.[code]...
View 3 Replies
Mar 15, 2011
This is probably a simple process but I can't seem to accomplish it for the life of me. What I'm trying to do is transfer user inputted data from a Visual Basic text box into an Access database. The database consists of only one table with three fields: First Name, Last Name, and ID Number (auto-increment primary key). The VB code I have so far is this:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
View 1 Replies
Nov 10, 2009
I am trying to import a text file to an access database in VB2008 express. The text file I am testing with is a csv file with 34,000 records. The problem is this takes 2 minutes to read through all this and write it to the database. The actual text file I will be using in production has over 800,000 records and this will take a ridiculous amount of time. I think I am doing something wrong. I have posted my code below. I am reading a record, parsing out the fields to an array, then creating an SQL statement to insert the record and executing it.
reader = New IO.StreamReader(fname)
Do While reader.Peek() >= 0
linesread = linesread + 1
View 2 Replies
Dec 3, 2009
i have an ACCESS database with 3 columns. I establish the connection with the VB 2008 Express and put the data in the form but i don't know how to add the text of a textbox in the database.
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to read a text file that contains info like this:
ACX-101-011 , J2168
BTXR-130A-013, D6733
AJ4-233-614, T8211
I want to split each line at the comma and write the left side to a textbox and the the right side to another textbox. I'm close, with the code below, but I can only post results from the first line in the file. How do I loop this and append the text results in each of the textboxes.
Dim TempFile As String
TempFile = "temp.txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter
View 2 Replies
Jun 15, 2009
My text file is like this
G0 G90 G54
X200.876 Y-140.576
G0 Z 5.
I need to add N1,N2...Nn to the left hand site of the lines in my text file.
View 6 Replies
Jun 7, 2011
I have string which is:
What I would like to do is split it so it shows in a listbox as
I have come up with a solution which may work. Its preety over complicated too me but this is the only way I could think of?
What I need help on is a code so that after every ".txt" it will place a "/" so the string will look like this:
Then I would use this code to split the string:
Dim I3() As String
I3 = I.Split("/")
For g = 0 To I3.Length - 1
View 6 Replies
Apr 16, 2011
I've got a program which displays data in a listbox in five columns. All are separated using one or more ControlChars.Tab. I want to write these columns to a text file, however, when I do, my columns lose their alignment. I can change alignment so that it displays nicely in text file, but then it is off in list box. Is there a way to get what I see in my listbox to display the same way in a text file - maybe a different way of separating my columns (not using ControlChars.Tab)?
View 7 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
I'd like to open a text file and not allow any other processes to write to it. I understand I can do this with the following FileStream:Dim fs As New FileStream(_FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)
Once I have access like this I need to read all of the lines (I will use a StreamReader(fs)) and then I will need to write to the file (I will use a StreamWriter(fs)).
The problem here is that the StreamWriter won't allow me to set the append mode to false (so I can overwrite all text in the file) when I use the filestream as a parameter instead of the file path. So all text written with the StreamWriter is appended onto the text which I don't want. If I use a StreamWriter with the file path (which will let me set append to false) as the parameter instead of the filestream it will be locked out because of the FileStream FileShare. How can I still have exclusive access to read and write to the file but still be able to overwrite the existing text (append mode false)?
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May 24, 2009
I want to access (read/write) the user entered text for a document.The document text is housed inside a CONTENTEDITABLE DIV tag within a html document.The html document is loaded into the webbrowser object (webbrowser.navigate(path and filename)).When the html document (bulletin.htm) loads,An error is popped up such as ACCESS DENIED to toolbar.htc and menu.htc And the toolbar and menubar are missing or corrupted.I have tried to generate the code for the document using the code below.
Function ScriptEditorHeader() As String
Dim sBuf As String = Nothing
sBuf = ""
sBuf = sBuf & "<html "
View 2 Replies
Oct 15, 2008
I have code to show I tried to do it on my own, to boot!
Private Sub OpenPetProfileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenPetProfileToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim AllText As String = "", LineOfText As String = ""
This save command works perfectly except for the lstshowresults, which I'm having issues getting to appear in the print line bit, but that's for another time.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:
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Apr 28, 2008
Using VB2005, Access 2003
I'm having a problem trying to read an access table with the following code:
HTML Code:
Dim strConn As String
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
" Data Source=C:DBFILESService.mdb;" & _
View 3 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
I have a program where a lot of the required information for it is stored in text files. I simply read this information into large arrays. However, I don't think it's necessary to load all the information each time. Rather, it would be more efficient if I could simply search through a list of items to find the one I need and then use the data from it, or to find a similar name and use it elsewhere.
Would I be right in using a database? And is database programming done in SQL? I have a book on it telling me to use the SQL Server (IIRC), so I shouldn't be doing it in the VB.NET Express GUI?
Here's an example of what I would do:
Hex = 03 00 => dex number 003
Search in file Pokemon Dex Numbers
003 returns Bulbasaur
Check Bulbasaur base stats in the base stats file
So basically I'm reusing a lot of information. I think a database would be best and it would all be internal right? I'm getting complaints about access denied to a text file (since it's stored in the program directory in the program files).
So to cap up the few questions I have:
-Databases are done in SQL and not inside the GUI?
-Databases would load internally?
-I could search a database without having to load it into like an array or something?
View 2 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
I'm trying to make an application which will log me into a site and read the text of the site and display a certain part of that text in my form. I'm stuck at the login, its a .php page with 2 text boxes, 1 check box and 1 button.Is there any way to manipulate those objects by using controls in my form?
View 14 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
I current have an app that I am trying to create. I have 2 List boxes, a textbox, and a command button.What I am trying to do is take about 100 text files that all have certain text in them that I need to change at run time to whatever I put into the textbox. For instance Each Text file has my old company name and I want to be able enter my new name into the textbox and click the command button and the app will open each text file, find the text that I specify and replace it with my new name then save the file into a specified folder.What elements should I be studying to make this happen? So far this is what I've come up with:
OpenFileDialog - to open the file
StreamReader - to read the text files and find the text that I specified
**Not sure on the replace method**
StreamWriter - to write the text from the textbox to the new file
SaveFileDialog - to save the file to the specified location
View 8 Replies
Oct 8, 2009
I would like to cause SpeechLib-Voice to read a textbox-text in german. If it is possible, how can I do that.Can s.o. give me a hint?Jochen45
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Aug 5, 2010
i am working on read line by line . At each line that my app read , i added a event . How do i read a text file till the end and Stop it? there is how it work :
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May 15, 2006
Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text
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Jun 24, 2010
What I am trying to do is take about 100 text files that all have certain text in them that I need to change at run time to whatever I put into the textbox. For instanceEach Text file has my old company name and I want to be able enter my new name into the textbox and click the command button and the app will open each text file, find the text that I specify and replace it with my new name then save the file into a specified folder.What elements should I be studying to make this happen? So far this is what I've come up with:
OpenFileDialog - to open the file
StreamReader - to read the text files and find the text that I specified
**Not sure on the replace method**
View 2 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
I current have an app that I am trying to create. I have 2 List boxes, a textbox, and a command button. What I am trying to do is take about 100 text files that all have certain text in them that I need to change at run time to whatever I put into the textbox. For instance
Each Text file has my old company name and I want to be able enter my new name into the textbox and click the command button and the app will open each text file, find the text that I specify and replace it with my new name then save the file into a specified folder. What elements should I be studying to make this happen? So far this is what I've come up with:
View 2 Replies
Dec 4, 2009
I am trying to read a text file into a text box, and show the progress bar loading. Sometimes if the text file is big, i don't know when it will finish reading it. This is basically the code i use to read a text file, but i don't know how to show the progress bar.
View 11 Replies
Jan 2, 2010
I have a text file containing 10 pieces of information. I want to read the information from the text file and put it in text boxes on a form, so that the user can view the information and edit if required. What is the best way of approaching this?
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