Data Combo Box With GridView Look In Its List Portion

Aug 5, 2009

I need a Data ComboBox having GridView in it's List Portion to have multiple columns in it. Purpose is Consider a 'Products Combo Box' where i want following fields to display

1] Product Icon

2] Product Name/Description

3] Product Price

4] Product Stock In Hand

where i can Format the 'Price' field to say Currency Type, 'Stock In Hand' field set to Particular ForeColors (at Run Time) depends on wheather the current stock is Negative or below minimum range or adiquate stock and so on. Similar controls are already available with MS Access so Why Not In VB?

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Data Combo Searching System For Records In List

Aug 5, 2009

In general Combo Box looks for the strings in the list that Start with the text that typed in the textbox portion of combo box.

I want a feature in combo box which do not just look in the starting of the strings, insted they shold search the maching strings within any part of records i.e. If User types 'Ja' in textbox portion, the the list should show following maches with highlighting the mached records

Micle Jackson
Sandeep B Jakhotya
Javid Akhatar
Suresh Jadhav
Jackie Chan like this.

Similar control is already used by Yahoo Web Site for Search Assistance in its Web Search Combo box. Here if we type say 'bush', it will populate following records

george w bush
jenna bush
bush shoe
bush game
hot dog bush

I want the same with Visual Basic for Windows Form Applications.

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Display Only A Portion Of A Line Of Text From A List Box?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a list box with information that needs to be displayed in a text box. Each of the lines in the list box has 2 types of information-Name and setup data. When I click on the line I need only the setup data to be displayed in a text box. This data on all lines begins at the 42 column. I can display the information using SelectedIndexChanged but the entire line is displayed. In other words I need to display only the data from the 42 column to the end of the selected line.

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Change The Data Source Of A Dropdown List In A Gridview?

Nov 16, 2009

Is it possible to change the data source of a dropdown list in a gridview from another dropdown list selected index changed method in the same gridview?

for example I have a dropdown that needs to change its contents depending on what is chosen in the previous cell of the gridview, which is also a dropdown list.

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Data Bind A Drop Down List In A Gridview From A Database Table Using VB?

Dec 4, 2009

So in this gridview, there is a column for status and I want to have a drop down list with Pass, Pending, Fail appear when the edit button is clicked. These values are already in a table, so I need to somehow bind from this table to each ddl for every row.Here is the column from the gridview. As you can see, I would like to just have a label showing when not in edit mode, and a ddl when the edit button is pressed

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="During Production Status" SortExpression="DuringProductionStatus">


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Create Temporary Sql Table From A Select Portion Of Data On Server?

Feb 9, 2012

I am wanting to pull data out a select table and wanting to use it locally as Read Only data I am stuck on how to write the data to the local Temporary table[code]...

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Combo Box Items Match With Gridview Row And Display Only The Matched Row

Apr 24, 2012

The user will click the book name in the combo box.

Note: The combo box is separate from datagridview . It is not part of datagridview columns.

Then the datagridview for Issuing books i.e. with the columns bid,bname,aname,data of issue,date of return should be displayed.

The row that will be displayed in datagridview is such that the bookname selected by user in the combo box should match with bname row .

On the same datagridview there will be button with name "Issue" so once it is clicked then this whole data of datagridview should get stored in the database table name "Issue" and get deleted from the databse table name "MBA"

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Combo Box To List Boxes In VB?

Nov 30, 2009

I am trying to create a WPF browser application that allows you to search and display recipes. The combo box presents choices, the Ingredients display in one list box and the "cooking" instructions appear in the other list box. What's happening is the first time you make a selection from the combobox nothing displays, and this could be happening because the first line of code under Selectionchanged clears the List Boxes however, it should be populating those list boxes with content, shouldn't it? Anyway, as you make other selections List boxes 1 & 2 get populated but they do not match what displays in the Combo box, i.e. if you select "Easy Taco Dip" any random recipe might appear in List Boxes 1 & 2.

Option Explicit On
Class Page1
'User Makes a selection from the ComboBox which populates List Boxes 1 & 2


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List Box Combo Box And OLEDB?

May 13, 2012

Basically I need to create a form that will display a summary of the population trend for each species of butterfly from a database that I have.I will do this by having the user select which butterfly species he/she wants to view from a combo box and then the list box will display the count_2010 and count_2011 information for that butterfly species.

I have managed to link my combo box to the database but I am unable to get any information to be shown in my list box. I can use a select case and input text myself but I don't want to do that as in another form records need to be added. Is it possible to have the relevant fields from the access database show up in the list box after the user selects a species from the combo box?


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List Box Displayed In Combo Box?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a list box with 5 selections. when and item in the list box is selected i want a combo box to populate with different selection. any ideas on how to get the combo box to populate?

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Make Sure That Combo Box Value Is One From It's List?

Feb 28, 2011

How to make sure that combo box value is one from it's list?

I don't want to use DropDownStyle property as DropDownList because I have to allow user to write into the box with help of AutoCompleteMode but I have to make sure that inserted text is one offered from the list.

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VS 2010 Combo Box And List Box

Mar 7, 2011

If i want to bring the target that i've selected from the combo box and post it in the listbox. what code would do tat?

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VS 2010 Combo Box And List Box?

Apr 7, 2010

If i want to bring the target that i've selected from the combo box and post it in the listbox. what code would do tat?

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Check If String Is In A Combo Box List?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm having kind of a hard time about this, just would like to ask if anyone knows how to check if a string that is input by the user in a text of combo box is in the list of the combo box?

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Combo Box List Populated At Runtime?

May 10, 2010

I have a project that currently uses an XML config file to create some groups. Based on these groups, you can search a database for information. What I want to do is create a form for editing that file. I can get to the information via messagebox, but when putting it into a ComboBox, I can't get the list updated. I have tried the text property which only populates the initial selection, and the Items is a read-only property. Nothing else looks close to what I want to do.

My other thought is to populate a datatable with the information and then populate the combo box from the database. It seems like an extra step that I shouldn't need, but it may be the only option right now.

The reason it can't be hardcoded is that the XML config file is already being used by a program, and the file may be updated from two or three computers, meaning I need a central location for the file.

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Combo Box List To Use As Search For Browser?

Aug 29, 2009

I have a ComboBox with around 50 google search engines world wide list that looks like tihs


and so on and so on

I have 50 of them

Now the thing I want my ComboBox to do is this, if I select lets say I want my resaults to be searched on if I select .de only list from .de should be searched how can I achive this ?

My list is allready coming back from [URL] but dont know how to doit so that if I select other google it will search there isntead of [URL]

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Combo Box With [None] Or Blank At The Top Of The Selection List?

Jul 8, 2011

The combobox is bound via binding source to a table. How can I display the list of look up options while having the first option say [None} and if selected, clears the value from the list.

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Dd New Items To The Combo Box's Item List?

Aug 21, 2011

Ok what I have is a combo box with a set of default items but i want the user to be able add new items to the combo box's item list. i currently have a text box and a command button for the user to use to add new items to the list with this code attached


when the program is closed the item is no longer in the combo box items list.

so what i would like to know is the correct code to make the additions to the combo box's items list permanent or at least until the user chooses to remove them.

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Efficeintly Loading Combo Box List?

Sep 30, 2010

I have 3 combo boxes on a form. They are all going to load the same list. This list is in a database. My first thought was to attach the list to the combo boxes as a datasource. That would require me to create the datasource 3 times to load the same list. To me that seems terribly inefficient. If I attach all 3 combo boxes to the same datasource (list object) then when one cboBox value changes, they all change. So my thought is to load the list once into a list object, then create a loop that loops through each item in the list and adds it to the 3 combo boxes.

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Forms :: Get Items In Combo Box To Appear In A List Box Fb?

May 22, 2011

how do i get items in combo box to appear in a list box

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List Of All Currency Codes In A Combo Box?

May 16, 2008

I'm making a program in which I need all the currency codes in three letter words like USD, EUR, YEN etc in a combo box. Can sombody please please please help me in how to do that. I have tried the Culture, RegionInfo etc but I'm only able to get just one code. I need all common codes.

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List The Column Name As A Choice In A Combo Box?

Dec 20, 2010

How do I list the column name as a choice in a combo box?

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Showing List Of Color's To Combo Box

Oct 19, 2009

i am currently creating a program which will draw out a company logo, which uses a picturebox a couple of radiobuttons which selects the type of shape which will be displayed, and a combo box which selects the color of the shape. i am kind of lost with the combo box, like how do i add the list of colors that is in visual studio and make it to automatically show on the combo box, what color to select.

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Start Up Object Combo List?

Aug 29, 2010

Well I'm using VB 2010 and I need my 'Sub Main' coding to start before my forms do. But I can't find the Start Up Object combo list anywhere! I can find a Start Up Form combo list, but (as the name suggests) it only lists my various forms. I need my 'Sub Main' coding to start first!

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Tell If SuggestAppend List Is Showing In A Combo

Oct 28, 2009

I need to be able to check from code whether the SuggestAppend List (not sure if that's it's proper name, I mean the dropdown that appears when you start typing into a combo whose auto-complete mode has been set to Sugest Append) is currently showing. Basically I'm looking for something similar to the DroppedDown property but applying to the SuggestAppend List rather than the Drop Down. Can anyone tell me what property I should be looking at?

The reason I need this is I need to do some work when a user cancels an edit in the combo by pressing escape. I've trapped the escape keypress but this only represents an edit cancellation if the dropdown list and the suggest append list aren't currently showing (otherwise the escape just closes the list).

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VS 2005 Reducing The Combo List?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a combo which contains a lot of different colours. If I press b it goes to the b's in the list and if I press it again it goes to the next b. Is it possible to jump to the colour as I type it so if I type blu it would go to blue. Currently it jumps to the first b when I type b but ignores the lu for blue.

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C# - Get List Of DataField In Gridview?

Jun 23, 2011

Is there anyway to get list of all DataField being bound in grid view.Using Stadard GridView with object data source.

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Capture The Enter Key When The Combo Box Has Items In Its List

Aug 25, 2010

I have been using the combo Box keypress event to capture the enter key when it is being pressed by the user within the combobox. The combo box style I am using is Drop Down. When there are no items in the combo box list the keypress event will capture the enter key. When I add any items to the list portion of the combo box the keypress event not longer captures the enter key. How do I capture the enter key when the combo box has items in its list.

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Change Combo Box Suugest List Font?

Mar 16, 2011

the font of the suggest list5 is very small iwant to know how to change it

i tried the font property but it only change the font of drop list

but i want to change the font of suggest list

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Combo Box - Action When Entered Item Not In List?

Jan 6, 2011

I hope this question is sufficiently clear I'm trying to port an application that I wrote in Access VBA to VB 2010 express and SQL Server. In Access, when the user enters an item in a combobox that is not in the item list an event is fired ("not in list") from which I can set up records in related tables. How can I do the same in VB? I can't see any equivalent to the "not in list" event.

To be more explicit with an example. An address consists of Street, e.g. "23 Acacia Drive", Town, e.g."Wilton" and County, e.g. "Oxfordshire". When entering a new address, the form first requires a street entry in a text box. Next, a Town entry in a combo box which is populated with towns already in the address table. If an existing Town is selected the (previously disabled) County field is automatically filled from that town's County as read from the database. If a new Town is entered the County field is enabled and the user either selects an existing County or adds a new one which is added to the database using similar logic on the not in list event.


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