Datagrid View Not Showing The Same Data A Preview?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm working in VS 2008, I have a data grid that is getting filled based on a store procedure. When I preview the datagrid, I will get 29 rows back. This includes rows that have NULL values in it. And that's what I need. But when I run the program, it will only return in the Datagrid 12 rows, the rows that don'r have any NULL values. Where or how can I change it so the DataGrid will show NULL values?

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DB/Reporting :: Data Conversion Error When Showing Dates In A DataGrid View

Dec 26, 2008

I am using Visual Basic 2008, and SQL Server 2005. I have a single-user client-server app (i know that sounds stupid, but its for future expandibility and also the fact that documentation was easier to find for SQL server than Access files).The app is basically a medicals records system.

In one of the tables, called 'visits', it stores the dates on which each patient visits the doctor, among other things like symptoms and diagnosis. Another table stores all the patient names and IDs along with other details, and a relation has been set up between the patient ID in the patients table and the visits table. So i dragged the visits table from within the patients table (to get only the visits for that particular patient), and dragged it onto the form to make a datagridview. However, the datagridview didn't seem to recognise MS SQL server's smalldatetime format, and tried representing it as a picture. When i changed the format of the column to text boxes, it gave me a type mismatch error (Inconvertible type mismatch between SourceColumn 'VisitDate' of DateTime and the DataColumn 'VisitDate' of Byte[].) That means, for some reason, it is trying to convert the smalldatetime data to byte before it shows it, which is leading to the error. How do i fix this?

Also, I remember seeing some option for using completely custom column types in the datagridview, but i cant seem to find it now. The options in 'Edit Columns' are very limited, but i would like to set it to a masked text box, or something with a fixed format. Can someone recommend a good column type for representing dates, and how to make the datagridview show that kinda column?

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Datagrid View Showing Selected Item?

Aug 21, 2009

i have an database and i have a table there name ad "product_order" i have created a form like attached picture..i want o view all of items in datagrid view where customer_id ( a column of database table) = label value of your id and when i will click to view this form this form will load automatically..

Public Class Form8
Private Sub Form8_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Using DataGrid To Preview Data From Access Database

Jun 12, 2011

I have 2 form..first for insert dat & second for preview data. I'm using datagrid to preview data from accessdatabase. How to make datagrid automatically load data form database after insert new grid only load after I relaunch my application. Do I need create refresh button or anything else?

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Showing Data From Database Aside From Data Grid View?

Sep 8, 2011

i was wondering if there are other ways of showing data coming from the database.currently [ as per in my previous thread] i am using a [bind] datagridview.e.gthe table has

id, name, quantity

im thinking that listbox could be one, but it just shows 1 [e.g name].

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VS 2008 - Showing Data In ListBox Or DataGrid?

Jul 24, 2009

I have a database and I was thinking about using either a List Box or Data Grid to show the data. Is there is another way of showing the data? Also, when the user 'double-clicks' on the data in the List Box or Data Grid then I would like the information to come up in a new form. I know how to show a new form but I don't know how to get the information from the one that has been clicked.

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Datagrid View Data In Mail?

Jan 27, 2012

i want to send my datagridview data in mail from application any idea how to do it ?

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Publishing Data In Datagrid View?

Mar 10, 2011

there is another problem in my system.... after publishing my project, i find that my data in datagrid view is not updated as in the ms access database i wonder why.... here i gave my coding

Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Print Preview Is Not Showing The Whole Form?

Nov 25, 2010

When i get into the print preview form , it only shows half of the form ...
I've searched some of the related threads but i still can't get the solution to my problem ... i've read some of the suggestions like using the srcollable options , margins ... but i don't get how it works ... i just want to know what can i do to show the whole form in the print preview instead of just half of it .

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Datagrid View Two Columns Bound To Same Data?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a datagridview control that will be used to allow the user to input records. The control uses a combobox column to select a type of service. There is a rate associated with the type of service that I then want to display in the grid. The user then enters a quantity and the last column mulitplies the rate and quantity to get a total. I have the combobox , quantity and total columns figured out but I don't know how to get the rate column to automatically be selected when the type of service is selected. Below is the code.... sets up the datagridview

Dim dv As New DataView(LookupManager.Lookups.LookupServiceType)
Dim Column1 As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With Column1


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VS 2010 Click The Data In The Datagrid View?

Apr 8, 2011

want to know how can i click the data in my datagrid view and then pass the data to the textbox.. also i want to make my datagrid view not editablemy auto increment field has a 7 data (for example 1-7)now when i delete the no ata the actual data is delete

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Stop Program From Showing Xml Comment Preview?

Jul 1, 2011

When you create an XML comment in C# and collapse it you only see:


But in VB you could potentially see

Initializes the fubble to the watzer. This is actually the second line.

Having that line over your code can introduce lots of unwanted noise when trying to debug a class. Is there any way to turn off xml comment previews for VB?

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Get Datagrid View Combobox Items From A Data Source?

Nov 30, 2010

i have a query as i am using a data griid view which has 7 colums one off these colums is a combobox"item"

for the list of items in this combobox i want to pick from a database table

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View Data To Another Form Txtbox From Clicked Datagrid Row

Jan 15, 2012

in my first form i have a datagrid havng access 2003 as db. on my second form i have textboxes.

now what i need to do is when i clicked a specific row of my datagrid the second form will pop out and display the data on its textboxes, there it can be edited.

so far i have this code. i got this from my search on net[code...]

this code display the employee id of the clicked datagrid row on my textbox on the same form. now i need to place my textbox to another form.

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VS 2005 Exporting Data From Datagrid View To Excel

Aug 5, 2010

i've made a small tool that searches an access DB in back end & dumps the results in a Datagridview, now i want to export those results to excel, after googling i found a code that does it for me , it's working partially for me. It writes the Headers to a new excel file but then for some reason i getting below error (on the blue line in code):


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Writing Datagrid View Data To An Excel Spreadsheet?

Oct 25, 2008

I have an application which opens one of several excel templates, fills a datagrid view with Excel Named Range data. Once the data is modified in the application I neet to save it to an excel spreadsheet. I currently have the following working:1. This sub writes 2 columns of data (Ingredient) and (Result) from those named ranges and places them in the datagrid

Private Sub CboBoxTypeCofA_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CboBoxTypeCofA.SelectedIndexChangedWorkbookTemplate = ""CofABook = ""


This code works and the only problem is that after running the code the excel application does not close.Now I need to write the completed updates from the datagrid view and the other controls back into a workbook.Ive been searching around but have not found the proper way to do this and how to kill the oexcel application in the code above.

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Passing Values Between Forms And Presenting Sql Data In Datagrid View

Jun 10, 2011

I have two forms and I am running a sql query to provide a set of variables in my first form that I need to pass to my second form. Here is the code that I have:[code]to form 2 which then shows the data retrieved from a sql query in the load event to a datagrid view.

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Code A Button To Get Data From Table In Database And Display In Datagrid View?

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to code a button which has a SELECT statement to get information from one table but I want the information displayed in a data grid view.From the data grid view, this data will be stored in a different table within the same database.Previously i had used a list box to display the information but i could not save it in the data base.[code]Is there any way you can display this on a data grid view like i did on the listbox?Im using a datagrid view textboxcolumn column.

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Retrieve Data In Datagrid View And Image To Picturebox From Access Database?

Feb 15, 2011

how to retrieve image from access database?.. I've just finish retrieving data to the datagrid view. I want to retrieve also the image (also stored in the database as path inside the table where the data stored) in the picturebox. When i clicked the specific data in datagrid view, it will show preferred image to picturebox.

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Get An Error In The Query Builder - View The Data In Datagrid Control For The Stock Management

Sep 25, 2011

I use visual basic 2010 professional edition. I am working on a project on it with access on the backhand. i want to view the data in datagrid control for the stock management. I also want to setup a query in the query builder which will search the database according to the ID but i cant get it right i dont know why. i type in the form filter this: LIKE @ID + '%'. But when i click somewhere else, an error appears which says: Data type error in expression.

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View The New Print Preview The Last Is Also Shown

Jan 7, 2011

I have a project where the user can view the print preview after finish using it. But after the 1st print preview is closed, when the 2nd time the user want to view the new print preview, the last is also shown. I don't want to have it closed everytime I want to print preview the new one. I've tried ".Refresh" but it doesn't work. This is my code.


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Populate Datagrid View And Textboxes With Searched Data From MS Access 2007 Database Using Vb 2010?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm new to visual basic 2010 ultimate. I want to make a search button to "search" ms access 2007 database for specific data and display the results in datagridview. I also want to display the data to textboxes.

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Print Preview From Datagrid

Dec 2, 2009


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Country Combobox Shows Duplicate Data And The Datagrid Is Showing All The Records From Different Country?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a query (qryTallyMedalInformation) that i bound on datagridview and it has 5 columns ( country, athlete, medal, game and date). Instead of having country in the datagrid, I want to use it in a combobox to display records base on country selected.what i did (with wizard) doesnt work fine though. My country combobox shows duplicate data and the datagrid is showing all the records from different country. In one word I JUST DID NOTHING.

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Print Preview Datagrid Form?

Apr 2, 2012

Is a simple line of code that will allow me to bring up a Print Preview of my Datagridview which i have on a form?

I have managed to make a button which will directly print the file,

but i want to be able to make it show on a print preview but im struggling with finding a code.[code]...

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Filter Records In Datagrid View And Show The Selected Record In The Datagrid?

Oct 16, 2011

I have a datagridview with transaction bindingsource I want the datagrid to show the sorted rows only not all the records when i enter a value into a textbox and click button sort.

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Excel Dataset - Preview In DataGrid And Save To SQL Table

Mar 25, 2009

I am creating an app to grab data from excel and preview in datagrid. From the datagrid I want to be able to save to a sql table. I have the excel data in a gridview via a dataset. What I am having trouble with is the sql statement. I know how to insert data, but I can't work out how seperate the data in the dataset to pass it into individual Values of the insert statement. Or should it be done another way? NOTE: I is not essential that the excel data be previewed in the gridview if this would make life easier for me.

Here is my code so far:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Grabs data from excel sheet and stores it in datagrid.
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Open An Access Query In A Datagrid View And Then Be Able To Make Changes To The Datagrid And Then Save It Back To The Database?

Apr 15, 2008

What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:


It says that update is not a member of the tableadapter... Why is that?

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VS 2010 When Preview Pane Is Complete / Then Set Focus Back To Datagrid?

Nov 17, 2011

On the left half of my screen I have a datagridview. On the right half I have a document preview pane.As I change rows on the left half, I use the CurrentCellChanged event to open the document associated to that row in the previewer.This works fine, however, the focus is then placed in the preview pane which prevents the user from being able to use the arrow keys to step down a row at a time.To combat this, I made the final event in my CurrentCellChanged routine set the focus back to my datagridview. Unfortunately, even this doesn't always work because of what seems to be a timing issue.If the document to be previewed takes more than a fraction of a second to open, the code to move the focus to the datagridview is executed but after the image completes drawing, the focus is moved back to my previewer.I don't want to use a timer to force a delay and a DoEvents causes me some other issues.Is there some other event I can use to determine when my preview pane is complete and then and only then set the focus back to my datagrid?

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IDE :: VB IDE - Not Showing Designer View

Jul 27, 2009

If for any reason I close the designer view of a window and then save the project, i can never see the designer view again. other forms that I have not closed the design view can be seen. When I run the project, everything looks fine, I am just not allowed to change the visual.

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