Delete From A Database At A Selected Index Of A Listview?

Dec 1, 2009

I am using Visual Basic 2008.I Have a lilstview with items from an MS Access database loading in to it. I can update, insert and delete all from the database and the listview is updated accordingly. However, I cannnot for the life of me get it to remove a row from the database based on the selected index of the listview!!!I suppose I could use a DataGridView but then I would need to add a datasource wouldn't I?

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Delete The Selected Record From Listview On Listview Delete Command?

Dec 27, 2011

hows to remove the selected row when i click on delete button of selected item in listview ?

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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

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Get Last Selected Index In ListView?

Jan 31, 2012

I want to know How to get The last selected Index in the multi select of ListView.For example, when i select Item from index 1 to 10, so I get index 10 as the last selected index.But if i select Item from 10 to 1, so I get index 1 as the last selected index.

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Get The Selected Index From A Listview?

May 3, 2011

how to get the selected index from a listview i know you can do the "ListView.SelectedIndices.Item(0)" but then you still need to know the index of the selected item.

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How To Get The Selected Index In ListView

Oct 19, 2011

Can any one tell me how can i get the current selected indel in the ListView.

I need to execute a code every time the selection changes in ListView.

I have listView with only one column. All the list will be in column 0.

I used the below code in Listview1_Click event and able to get the selected index value,but when i used the same code in the Listview1_SelectedIndexChanged and Listview1_ItemSelectionChanged its giving below below error Private Sub ListView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click


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Get The Index Of Selected Row In Listview In Mouse Up?

Jun 22, 2010

how can i get the index of selected row in listview in mouse up?

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Get The Index Of The Selected SubItem Of A Listview?

Jul 10, 2009

listview of 8 columns and 13 rows... on selection, my mouse is over item row 10 column 6, how will i be able to get the index of that sub item??? so far no sample codes available over the net yet...

< lsv1.SelectedItems.Item(0).Index > only works showing index of the main item in a row... i.e. will display row 10, col 0 index only even if my mouse is over item row 10 column 6 upon selection...

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VS 2005 ListView - Get The Index Of Selected Row

Jul 3, 2009

ListView Properties- I set MultiSelect to False, LabelEdit to true,FullRowSelect to True. I have Listview with two columns.

1) When I select onw row in listview,On button click i want to get the index of selected row. I m getting it but using for loop,I want to know is there a way to know the index of selected row,Without using the for loop.


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Get The Index Number Of The Selected Listview Item?

Jan 31, 2011

I have set my listview multiSelect = false, view = details , FullRow select = true , HideSelected = False. I have one coulumn which has 10 items . I want to get the selected row index in

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Re-insert Item At Selected Index (listview)?

Dec 27, 2009

If you wanted to remove a listview item, then reinsert it at the same index it already was. Is this possible?

Because all i know how to is reinsert an item at the top.[code]...

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Display The Index Number Of The Selected Record In A Listview Box?

Jan 29, 2011

I want to display the index number of the selected record in a listview box as it is clicked by the user. I can do it with multiselect set to false and the following call.

Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged


This works fine except for one thing! after I click OK to the msgbox prompt, the record highlights normally and I click on the next record, and I get an Argument out of range exception error message, where I expected to just get another message with the next record number.

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Forms :: How To Load Listview Selected Index Value To Textbox

Jan 4, 2010

an anyone show me an example or source code of how to load the value of a selected index value to a textbox using onclick event?

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VS 2008 Listview Selected Index - Add The Note To The Richbox?

Oct 23, 2011

What i need it when you select a row, it will add the Note to the richbox. For example when i select that row, it will add "this is just a test " to the richbox. How would i do this ?

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VS 2008 - Listview Selected Item Getting Error InvalidArgument=Value Of '0' Is Not Valid For 'index'?

Feb 12, 2010

I have this code


And I select one and it works! But when I try to select a different one it comes up with an error on..If ListView2.SelectedItems.Item(0).Text = "None" Then
The error..InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index

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VS 2010 When Delete The Selected Item It Will Clear All Of Records In Listview

Sep 25, 2011

When I run the program it will populate the listview but when i delete the selected item it will clear all of my records in my listview. . . .can anyone elp me with this??This is my code. . . .


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Delete A Row In DataGridView AND Database Deletes The Next Row After Last Selected Row

May 15, 2011

I try to do a very simple job which is: Delete a row in dgv AND database! But now after three days I'm running out of steam

The problem is: I select on or more rows in dgv and push the del button. The sub zDelete starts working and at the end the selected row is gone and the row after my selection is gone too!?!? The deletion of the selected row was well done in dgv and database. But why is the next row in dgv only also disappeared??? After a restart of the form the missing row is back up again. And when I try to delete the last row it trows an exception error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled

The code fragment is this:

'Delete all selected rows in dgv AND database!
Private Sub zDelete()
If MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete the selected rows?", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then


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Delete Selected Row From A Datagrid Connected To Sql Server Database?

Aug 16, 2009

how do i delete selected row from a datagrid connected to sql server database...?? Delete selected row and update database.

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Listview Delete Data In Database?

Jun 9, 2011

What I want is that when i select the data from the listview1 it will also delete the corresponding data in the database im using mysql database...these is my code

Dim Button = MessageBox.Show _
("Are you sure you want to delete this Data?", _
"Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)


so far that is my work but in order to delete the data from database i use the datagridview does not what i want ,what I want is that when i select the item in the listview the corresponding data in the listview it will also delete in database... that code i post is that u need to select the data in listview1 and also select the data from the datagridview in order to delete the data in database..

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Delete Members From ASp.NET Membership Database On Gridview Selected Item?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a list of registered users in gridview...

I want when i click on delete button on selected item in gridview, then the record of user will be deleted from the whole database... on single delete command of sqldatasource in gridview....

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Can't Delete An Item From A ListView Using Access Database?

Nov 11, 2011

Here's my delete button

If MsgBox("You sure?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Wait..") = MsgBoxResult.No Then : Exit Sub : End If
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open("select * from Rami where Name like '" & Me.Text & "'", cn, 2, 3)

I get that error when I try to delete:Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

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Delete A Record In Listview And Will Update To My Database?

Aug 28, 2011

How to delete a record in the listview and will update to my database?[code]....

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Delete Items In A MS Access Database From The ListView?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a small application which has a MS Access as backend, and the front end is developed using VB.Net 2008. When I click on the listview item and then click delete button to delete a particula list and its content on the database, it is giving me the error as "No value given for one or more required parameters". My access database have a Primary key as the first character of the firstname combined with the first 2 characters of the lastname. It does not have a Anutonumber fiels. My code for the delete button is as follows: the code was working fine on a MS Access that has a Primary Key as the AutoNumber being generated.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
If lvData.SelectedIndices.Count <= 0 Then


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.net - Delete From Access Database Based On Selected Item In Databound Combobox

Feb 2, 2012

i have a databound combobox using VB2010 and MS access as the DB.. When i click on a button, the selected item in the combobox will be deleted from the database and no longer display in the combobox...

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DELETE And UPDATE Access Database After Remove Selected Item From VB Listbox

Jun 6, 2011

I trying to make a code to Delete and Update Access 2007 database after remove a selected item from a listbox in VB 2008. [using "Remove" button that i create] pervious i already make a button to View data from database and Remove from listbox. but i don't know how to delete and update in database.

The code i using now:


In the database, i have ID,Name and Age (simple database)

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Delete A Row From A Database Listed In A Listview Control In .net 2008?

Sep 1, 2009

I've tried the following code but it doesn't delete and no error message received.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim Station As String = ""
For Each sItem As ListViewItem In lvList.SelectedItems


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Get Listview Selected Column & Update It & Reflect It Changes To Database?

Nov 25, 2011

I am doing project in using ms access I used listview to display data from table I want to display different context menu strip for different column I have done it using hard logic to get column number is as follows:

Private Function getClickedColumn(ByVal pListView As ListView, ByVal pMouseX As Integer) As Integer
Dim result As Integer = 0


Also i want to edit any cell of the listview & update its result to database .

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2003 : Delete The Selected Row On The Datagrid When The Delete Button Is Clicked?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a datagrid being filled by the data adapater connected to my database.I have a delete button on the form, i cant figure out how to delete the selected row on the datagrid when the delete button is clicked.

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Get The Column Index And Row Index On ListView?

Apr 6, 2010

How can i get the Column Index and the Row Index when I click on the ListView?The ListView1.FocusedItem.GetSubItemAt(e.X, e.Y).Text function only gets the text of the first column, I can't find the option of getting the Index of the Column and Row upon clicking.

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Sort ListView By Image.Index If Index Over 4 Sort Rest Alphabetically

Apr 12, 2012

Currently my ListView sorts items by image.index. So 0 is at the top, then 1, 2 and so on. Think of it as an IRC chat room nick list. Ops at top then the rest are sorted alphabetically


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