Design A Tool To Test Performance Of Any Software?

Jun 6, 2011

I am working as a software tester in Software Quality Assurance department in small company. And what I want to do is design a tool or application to test the performance of any software. Basically I want to create an application that I can use while I am doing the performance test to decrease the free space of the memory and also to make the processor 100% busy. And that will putting any working software under stress environment.

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Performance Testing Using The Jmeter Tool?

May 17, 2012

In my project developed for using with coding. Now we need to performance testing using the Jmeter tool. we can't able to test because in my application lot of session variable used, Jmeter tool does not support session variables i think.

Check with debugging:1.Assign the session(userName) ="abc" then goes to next page, then check value same session vaule as nothing.

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Is There Any Application (or Plug In) That Can Test Performance In Seconds

Jul 15, 2011

Currently I'm writing a VB.NET app and it's getting big, resulting in its become very slow.Is there any application (or plug in) that can test the performance in seconds?I mean, when I click a button and it displays a product, I want to know exactly how long it is gonna take.

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Perform In-house Test Performance For .net Application?

Aug 21, 2009

my friend is currently development an application using SOA Architecture, He sent me a picture with a lot of layers (10 almost) and he is worried about performance issues, the application is development on VB.Net 2.0 & 3.5 (some libs).

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Tool That Will Auto-generate Unit Test Stubs?

Aug 13, 2009

I am writing a winforms application and eventually I would like to write unit test for this application from the DAL, and Biz Objects layers etc.

Does someone know of a FREE tool that can recieve the path to an assembly and then output unit test stubs with matching signatures for the assembly.

Any configurable options like "public interfaces only", "test framework choice", "language choice" would be a plus.

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How To Test For Design Time

Mar 16, 2010

How do I test for design time? The following code works during RunTime but fails in Design Time?

I assume it is because there isn't a Me.Parent.Name at design time.
Dim strGetColors As String()
strGetColors = fncGetColors(Me.ParentForm.Name)


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Design A Digital Clock Using The Drawing Tool?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to design a digital clock using the drawing tool. i have drawn all the segments using the drawpen function and i have also created a timer that will get the current system time. i want to link the current system to the digital display i have drawn, so that when the time is 1:02 for example only that will highlight on the digital display

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Get The Tool To First Find The DESCRIPTION= And Test The Characters Contained With The " (quote Marks)?

Feb 4, 2009

On my windows form i have textbox where the user will be entering XML data. What i want to be able to achieve is to search for a field called DESCRIPTION= and check that the text included contains certain characters?How can i get the tool to first find the DESCRIPTION= and test the characters contained with the " (quote marks)?

For example:

DESCRIPTION="hello & welcome"

I want my tool to look for certain characters like < > and & and when it finds one to have a error msg pop up and inform the user that the character will then be escaped for it's HTML entity, i.e & becomes &?

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Developing An Automation Tool To Test New Desktop - Open Menu Items On Toolbarwindow32 Windows?

Aug 5, 2008

Currently developing an automation tool to test new desktop OS builds at work. Need to be able to open menu items on toolbarwindow32 windows (main menu of explorer windows). Now this requires retrieving information of all the buttons on the toolbar, obtaining the button ID of desired menu and sending a WM_COMMAND message with the ID. I'm having trouble retrieving button information.Now im using openprocess, virtualallocex to allocate virtual memory in the target process, and then sending the TB_GETBUTTON message with a pointer to the allocated memory then reading out the result. Allocation and the send message works fine but reading the processmemory back out is failing but not returning an error code, getlastwin32error returns nothing either.

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure TBBUTTON
Public iBitmap As Integer[code]....

As mentioned above, the read process memoery call fails, the return value is -1 The documentation states it returns 0 for fail, non zero for pass. Wondering if the problem lies in incorrect use of types in pinvoke calls or the struct tbbutton is incorrect, or my use of a pinned pointer is wrong,or whether I need to use adjusttokenpriviledges to ensure I have rights.Though I'm running under admin and examples similar to this don't use it.

Relevant documentation
Read Process Memory

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IDE :: The Custom Tool 'MSDataSetGenerator' Failed. Exception Of Type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' Was Thrown

Jan 18, 2011

i have a data set on the data set many data adapters .i add a data adapter in the data set the designer was automatically delete then lot of error was coming and i search in google and i go this method and i do that right click the data set and "Run Custom tool" on that time the designer will automatically created. but when i do that a error was coming "The custom tool 'MSDataSetGenerator' failed. Exception of type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' was thrown."

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Make A Tool Bar In Task Bar Such As Windows Media Player Tool Ba

Jan 5, 2010

I want to make a Tool Bar in my task bar such as windows media player tool bar.

I'm using Windows xp Professional Edition.

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Put Tool Tip Text In Tool Strip Status Label?

Oct 17, 2010

how to put the tool tip text in status bar label this in form load event

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Css - Design A Webpage In Design View Which Support Multi Resolution?

Nov 26, 2010

I have created my webpage in in 1024*768 resolution, my problem was that when i change my monitor resolution then the controls in my webpage will be displayed in unmanaged manner .

How to arrange items in my webpage which support multiple resolution ...

Whatever the resolution of my monitor the controls in my webpage will display as it is as managed in 1024*768 reolution !

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Form Design - Cannot Expand Vertically In Design View

Jun 27, 2011

I seem to have reached a limit on the size of the form. I cannot make the form longer and I need to add more fields. Is there a limit on how many fields can be included in a form?

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C# - Design Reference And Object Oriented Design Of A CRM

May 25, 2011

I searched codeplex and google. I have found so many such as tustena but unfortunately they are not domain driven based and in these solutions I could not find a good modelling documents or references. i am a newbie in CRM but I am sensetive to design it with solid object-oriented fundamentals. Any reference or open source solution especifically for CRM design and implementaion in .NET? Cheers

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Reference To Test.dll But An Error Messege Was Appear A Reference To Test.dll File Could Not Be Added?

May 25, 2009


and from VB6 project I reference to Test.dll but an error messege was appear A reference to Test.dll file could not be added (If I create VB NET project and reference to file Test.dll it OK )

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Write A Unit Test Assembly In C# To Test Against An Assembly Written In VB?

Sep 20, 2011

Probably a dumb question, but can you write a unit test project in one language to test against another project in a different language?I'd like to translate one of our VB assemblies into C#, but want to build unit tests to verify the results. I've tried to set a unit test project up to do this, but I can't seem to access the VB code within a unit test... I can't figure out if I'm just missing/doing something stupid, or it really isn't allowed.

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Best Version To Use For Performance

Mar 15, 2011

I am running windows vista with 1gb memory and 2ghz proccessor. What would be the best FREE version of .NET to use for best performance? Its been years since I have done any PC programming and I would like to do a little bit =]

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Get 64-bit Performance Data?

May 4, 2011


The upper picture is the output of a Unix task. The lower picture is what I have in VB. Enumerating tasks is not difficult however the rest it is because it's not documented anywhere.

What am I interested in if I want to get 64-bit performance data?

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High-Performance TLS With .NET?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm working on a project that calls for high-performance networking with TLS encryption in VB.NET. The stock SSLStream sucks rotten eggs; its 'asynchronous' read/write operations aren't async at all, meaning that they'll operate parallel to each other and to the main thread but that it offers absolutely nothing that resembles async read/read and write/write, which means that reads are totally synchronous to each other and writes are too (only 1 read and only 1 write can be done at a time).

I've done a lot of reading on this failing and it seems like MS has no intention of ever fixing this.Hoping a whole lot not to have to write my own TLS implementation. I've tried the Mentalis open source SSL suite, which will NOT compile. I've tried SocketWrench tools which will not compile under VS 2010 (and whose documentation indicates it's in fact synchronous on its async threads too; can only do 1 async read and 1 async write at a time).

What I want/need is an SSL/TLS implementation that actually works with DotNET that actually allows me to do multiple asynch reads/writes over a TCP/IP transport stream. Anybody have any experience or recommendations on 3rd party toolkits or alternate methods of SSLStream I/O?

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IDE Versus EXE Performance In .NET?

Oct 5, 2009

I've developed a .NET application that, among other things, does the following:Uses WebClient to retrieve data from a remote server.
Serves as a socket server to 2 'satellite' applications run on the same machine or on a LAN.When I run the app in the VS IDE, it works great. It quickly gets the data from the remote server and communicates perfectly with the 2 satellites.However, when I build it and run it as an EXE, the response from the remote server is very slow and its communication with the 2 satellite applications become very poor.Is there some important difference between running an app in the IDE and running it as an EXE that could effect it like this?

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Linq To SQL Performance Using Contains?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm overloading a search procedure which queries a SQL database.One of the older methods i'm using as a comparison uses a Stored Procedure to perform the search and return the query.My new method uses linq.I'm slightly concerned about the performance when using contains queries with linq. I'm looking at equally comparable queries using both methods.Basically having 1 where clause to Here are some profiler results;

Where name = "ber10rrt1"
Linq query : 24reads
Stored query : 111reads


Forgetting for a moment, the indexes (not my database)... The fact of the matter is that both methods are fundamentally performing the same query (albeit the stored procedure does reference a view for [some] of the tables).Is this consitent with other peoples experiance of linq to sql? Also, interestingly enough;Using like "BER10%"


Results in the storedproc using 13125reads and linq using 8172reads?

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Ping Using VB - Performance ?

Jul 20, 2009

I have this code to ping a list of over 400 switches , the program works fine but for some reason the first time i ping all the switches alot of the attempts time-out(even tho they shouldnt) which makes the program alot slower , if i click ping again less of the attempts time-out(and as a result the program runs faster) and if i click it a third time i usually get a completely accurate result with all the switches pinging back "success" (except for a few which i know for a fact are down anyway) any ideas why this is ?


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Which Is Better For Performance, And Vs AndAlso

Jul 15, 2011

When writing an If statement, I've always used And when needed like: If 1=1 And 2=2 Then. The only time I ever used AndAlso is if the second condition will error if the first isnt true like: If Not IsDbNull(Value) AndAlso Value=2 Then. However, recently I've heard that AndAlso is better for performance than And as the second condition is only read when the first is true. In this case, should I always just use AndAlso?

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.net - Performance And Linq In Iterations?

Mar 16, 2012

These 2 ways of working both work, but I'm wondering if there's a difference in performance:

Dim collection As ItemCollection = CType(CellCollection.Where(Function(i) i.IsPending = True), ItemCollection)
For Each item As Item In collection
'Do something here


For Each item As Item In CellCollection.Where(Function(i) i.IsPending = True)
'Do something here

I thought the second one was better as you'd have a variable less and looks cleaner, but on second thought, I'm not quite sure what happens when you put a linq query in the iteration.

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.net - Performance Of Implementation Of IComparer?

Jul 14, 2011

I'm sorting a collection of type "Document" (usually around 100k records). Sorting usually takes around 4-5 seconds, and I'm wondering if there's a way to speed up sorting by modifying my "DocumentComparer" class which implements IComparer(Of Document). Since the Compare() method would be called hundreds of thousands of times, are there any performance improvements that could be made here that I've overlooked?


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.net - Performance With System.Net.Mail?

Apr 12, 2010

I have this unusual problem with mailing from my app. At first it wasn't working (getting unable to relay error crap) anyways I added the proper authentication and it works. My problem now is, if I try to send around 300 emails (each with a 500k attachment) the app starts hanging around 95% thru the process.

Here is some of my code which is called for each mail to be sent


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.net More Performance For Moving Objects?

May 31, 2010

I have the mission to make a small game for a school project. Pictures boxes, moved by a timer for walking enemies.If there are around 5 or 6 moving picture boxes at the form, my application get troubles and lags.After I kill some enemies (remove them from the Controls Collection of the Form/Panel) It come back smooth.I think the loop of the enemy movement is too complicated but I don't know how to make that simpler.


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Better Performance With Multi Threading?

Feb 15, 2009

I'm creating a password hash recovery tool that uses brute force. I have the brute force algorithm run in a background worker. It all works, but some similar apps I tried out have performance ~100x bigger then my app. (mine does 50k keys/second, some others do 5m keys/second or more.)I realize this is partly caused by using a .Net language, but I suspect there are ways to significantly speed up the brute force. A lot of ppl say I should use multi threading, but how is this done in practice? Splitting up the passwords to check would slow down my app I think.

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