Deskop.ini Files Behave Erratically?

May 21, 2012

I have created ~ 9,000 desktop.ini files, using VB code shown at


My goal was to assign an icon to each folder of a set of folders.My problem is that the created desktop.ini files seem to behave erratically: some folders display their assigned icon, some do not.I verified that all folders and assigned icons exist.

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Make Code Indentation Behave Correctly In Vbhtml Razor Files?

Nov 25, 2011

This is driving me round the bend. I'm a long time VB.NET forms developer, quite new to ASP.NET and completely new to MVC. I'm creating vbhtml pages that use the VB.NET razor syntax, and I seem to be constantly fighting against the UI which is trying to indent my code incorrectly. Take the following example, based on the template page for a new Razor view:

Layout = Nothing
End Code


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How To Make Namespaces Behave Like C#?

Mar 4, 2010

I am converting projects from C# to Visual Basic, and the namespaces in VB.NET behave in a weird way. There is some kind of hidden default namespace, and it's annoying. I want it to behave identical to C#, which works as expected - things go into the namespaces you create for them.

I've been getting around it usually with say

using MyClassLibrary;in C#, and in VB
Imports MyClassLibrary
Imports MyClassLibrary.MyClassLibrary

but it would be nice to have the functionality the same, and also logical.The other bigger problem is, I have a .tt file, and the C# project generates the code in a different namespace to the VB one.

Is there some solution to make both behave identically with regards to namespaces?

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DataGridView Behave Different When Created At Runtime?

Jun 15, 2009

I am using the follwoing code to generate Menustrip at runtime.
Dim dgv1 As DataGridView
dgv1 = Me.MenuDataGridView
Dim MItems As New SortedList(Of String, ToolStripMenuItem)
For Each dgr As DataGridViewRow In dgv1.Rows
[Code] .....

Where the sub "ReadMenuInGridView" passes the DGV by reference and populates it with the menu item from the database. My question is,, the program as it is in the form listed above works fine (where I have a DGV "MenuDataGridView" created at design time), however, if I want to make it 100% dynamic and use a DGV created at run time I will not get the menu? Actually the program will not get in to the For loop?

Simply to do that we can replace the first 2 statement with:
Dim dgv1 As New DataGridView
'dgv1 = Me.MenuDataGridView

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Get The 'Enter' Key To Behave Like The Tab Key In A Combobox Control

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to get the 'Enter' key to behave like the tab key in a combobox control. I've placed the following code in the keypress event: If e.KeyChar = ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then NextTextBox.Focus()End If When ran, nothing happens. I've placed a break point at the 'private sub' line, and the code is not breaking. What am I doing wrong?

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Set A Module To Behave Like A Static Class?

Feb 9, 2010

This questions is for VBers, it's irrelevant in C#.

In VB, when you create a module, all it's fucntions and members are available in the scope without need to type the module name, just like all the VB functions (Rnd, Mid, IIf etc.).

I want to create a module but I should have to explicitly write it's name to access it's members, i.e. it shouldn't be loaded to the scope like a namespace.


For example, I have a Module of extension methods, I don't want all it's members to show up on the scope and in the intellisense.

I want it to be available only by instance.ExtensionMethod().

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Why Do The Division (/) Operators Behave Differently In .NET And C#

Dec 23, 2009

If you create new projects in C# and VB.NET, then go directly in the Immediate Window and type this:

? 567 / 1000

C# will return 0, while VB.NET will return 0.567.To get the same result in C#, you need to type

? 567 / 1000.0

Why is there this difference? Why does C# require the explicit decimal point after 1000?

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.NET Forms Behave Strange On Design-time?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm developing with VB.NET 2008.One of my host was crashed, so I take the files and keep development on another host. But now something strange is happening:All frames, lines and shapes are disappeared on design-time, but are seen normally in runtime.


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Behave The Checkboxes In Datagridviewcheckboxcoloumns Like Radio Button?

Apr 8, 2010

I am developing a windows desktop application and I am using 2008 Now I have 5 datagridviewcheckboxescoloumns and i want them to behave like radio button.How can i accomplish it. I made lots of search on internet to solve this problem but i couldn't so far. Actually if i had two coloumns it wont be problem i can handle it.

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Com Interop - Equal Strings Sometimes Behave Differently?

Dec 30, 2009


Dim Sh32 As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim path As String = "C:"
Dim sf As Object = Sh32.NameSpace(path)

-> does not work, sf = Nothing

Dim Sh32 As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim path As String = "C:"
Dim sf As Object = Sh32.NameSpace(path.ToString)

Clearly path = path.ToString, but they behave differently when used as COM parameters.

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Implement A Password Text Box That Will Behave Like One See In Windows 7

Jan 27, 2012

I want to implement a password text box that will behave like the one we see in Windows 7 (ie, when there is no user input, then it will display a string 'Enter password', and when the user press any key, this string is cleared). I tried all the events like 'TextChanged', KeyPress', etc., but failed to get the result.

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.net - ASP.NET - Menubar That Will Behave Similarly To A VB6 Menu Or ASP.NET Button Control

May 27, 2011

I need to create a menu bar (similar to VB6) for my ASP.NET application.

What I don't need is a standard navigation menu bar (plenty of those out there). I'm not redirecting to a different page. What i do need is a menubar that will behave similarly to a VB6 menu, or ASP.NET button control. I have to postback and execute some VB code (depending on what menu item the user selected).

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Make A Checked List Box Behave Like A Radio Button?

Feb 27, 2009

Is it possible to make a checked list box behave like a Radio button?

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Random Numbers Behave Differently In Debugging Mode?

Oct 15, 2011

I use some random number generators in a piece of code to simulate Gene reproduction. It works as followed:

- I generate a male chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: MaleChromosomes.

- I generate a female chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: FemaleChromosomes.

- Then I have a piece of code that randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the female arraylist and randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the male chromosomes ( Very simple simulation of reproduction ) and put these in the arraylist: Child

- I repeat this for the second child ( Arraylist: Child2.)

- Now I have piece of code that compares these arraylist to see how many chromosomes the two children share.

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Sql Server - ExecuteScalar And SqlDataAdapter.Fill Behave Different For Same Query?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a big stored procedure that I run. At the end its supposed to select a singe value to say if it succeeded or not, so I run the query as

Dim Command As New SqlCommand(SqlString, Conn)
Return Command.ExecuteScalar()

Which works. However there is an error in my stored procedure. I know its causing an error because the logic in the stored procedure rolls back the transactions, and after the Execute Scalar call, my transaction count is down to 0 and the my data hasn't changed. However no SQL exception was generated.

The strange part is, I changed the code to grab all the result sets from the SP to see if I could get more information. So I called the same SP like this,

Dim DAObj As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
Dim CommandObj As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(SQLString, Conn)
DAObj.SelectCommand = CommandObj
Dim DS As New DataSet()

When I run this, with the exact same sql as before, executing the exact same stored procedure, this time I get an SQL exception because one of my nested SP calls was missing required parameters. So what could cause this? Why would running it one way produce an error and the other way have the error but not report it? Is the difference on purpose, or some kind of obscure bug in ADO.Net?

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.net - Make A Class Property Behave Like The Checked Property On RadioButton?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a very simple class that holds a few public properties - ID, Text, Colour, etc. and a Boolean called 'SelectedItem'. Just like the Checked property on RadioButtons, only one item can have its SelectedItem property set to True within a particular group. Note: there will be several separate groups (lists), each allowed to have only one item with SelectedItem = True.

My first thought was that I would probably just have to handle everything outside of the class, setting SelectedItem to False for every other item in a particular list when another item was selected. But that seems rather inelegant to me. So I've been trying to think of how this might be done within the class. For example: could I perhaps have a private string property called say "GroupName" - set in the New sub when adding a new instance of the class - and then use a private shared method to set every item's SelectedItem property to False, provided the item has the same GroupName as the newly selected item? I would have a go at doing this but I have no idea how to enumerate every instance of a class from within that class, or whether that's even possible. Is it? Or is there another (better) way to achieve my goal? Here is a cut-down version of what I've got so far:

Public Class ResourceItem
Public ID As Integer
Public Text As String[code]....

As can be seen: instead of instantiating a new ResourceItem and passing that as an argument to the manager's Add procedure, I'm simply passing the details of the new item and the procedure is creating the item from those. I don't know whether this is a good or bad idea - please advise - but I've done it because I couldn't figure out how to make the SelectedItem property only writeable by the manager, so I wanted to avoid having directly accessible objects that could have their SelectedItem property set to True without it deselecting all the other items in the same group. Of course that still leaves the possibility of setting a variable to one of the manager's list items and setting it from there, so I would still like to know how I could prevent that, if possible.

UPDATE: I didn't use the code above in the end, deciding instead to go with Cyborgx37's solution - which seems to work perfectly well for me despite the warnings about best practice. I also realised I would need to use the same class in another scenario where multiple items could be selected, so it was easy to add a Boolean property to the manager to enable that.

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Control To Display Docx (word Files) And Xls (excel Files ) Inside Form?

Jun 20, 2010

which are the control used to display word files and excel sheets inside forms ? (i have already added reference lib.)

Platform: (framework : 3.5)
language : visual basic

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Forms :: Opening Files - Allows Users To Select Picture Files And Then Categorize Them Into Folders

Jul 9, 2009

I'm currently working on an application that allows users to select picture files and then categorize them into folders. Now I'm having two issues that are probably simple to fix but I only have a year of experience with vb so I just don't know how to fix them. The first and biggest issue is that once the user has selected and categorized a file, I want the program to select the next file in the folder that the first file was moved from. This way the number of clicks required is minimized. However I have no clue what I would need to do in order to accomplish this. Also, my other problem is that I want to be able to find the indexof a quotation mark but whenever I put it in the parameter it just reads it as a quote.

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Importing All Files In A Folder (all Excel Files) Into A Single Table In An Access Database

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to import a bunch of excel 2003 files all with A:H columns and they are under the same headings etc. into a table in access 2003 database. This is a module in access im making. Im using a file search to look for every file that begins with Format (which they all do ) to get at all the files in the folder path. is there a more efficient way to do this? somehow select all files in a folder? and import each to the same table in access? The DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet seeems to take each file path individually so I'm not sure how to get each file name in the folder to import it.

I have this at the moment:

Sub Import()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb


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.net - Why Setupper Created By Publish Feature Does Not Copy Files To C:/PROGRAM FILES

Jun 10, 2009

I have VB project and I tried to use PUBLISH feature.It seems to create nicely some kind of setup program, but the setup program does not ask where to copy files (it does not seem to copy filesto target machine "PROGRAM FILES".)Is this setup program somehow different from usual installers?

NOTE: I want that app files are installed to Hard disk( from USB stick source)Is the signing recommended or necessary? My App is pretty simple, its just using access DB + printer api, should I still sign?

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


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Forms :: Windows App To Upload Files To Different FTP Sites By Picking The Files From Different Folders?

Oct 11, 2011

I wrote windows app to upload files to different FTP sites by picking the files from different folders.A log is displayed by appending text to the textbox at every step.Textbox is ReadOnly.

Issue:When app is loading a bf file to FTP and if user tries to scroll the textbox,the form is hanging and going to Not Responding.?

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Pure Text Files / Handle Special (german) Characters In .net Vs VB6 Old Files?

Jul 17, 2009

i have an old VB6 system that generates plain text files. When this old system writes "A" into the file, it writes (hex) "41". For an "ä" (a-umlaut, special gernam character), it writes (hex) "E4".

Now i have to process files like this in VB.Net. when i open such a file in the IDE, it displays correctly "ä" (But not always!). To see what i mean, please open a notepad and create a new file "ae.txt" with content: äöü. Now your file contains exactly 3 bytes: (hex) E4 F6 FC.

But when i write code like
Dim strTest As String
strTest = File.ReadAllText("ae.txt")
Debug.Print(InStr(strTest, "ä"))

i get 0 - so i cannot find back the "ä" - what do i need to do, to find it? And 2) for compatibility reasons, i have also to be able to create such files. How to do that? Seems the different encoding types do not work as i think.

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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VS 2010 Make A Code That Unzips Files And Then Move Those Files Into Another Zip File?

Feb 23, 2012

How do i make a code that unzips files and then move those files into another zip file?

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VS2010 .NET And Windows 7 Access Denied On Writing To Or Creating Files In Project Files Folder?

May 22, 2012

Ok I know this question has been asked to death but I still have not seen a good answer. I have created an application in VS2010 using VB.NET. In my application I have an error log that is an XML file located in the Public gstLocalErrorLogLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "ErrorLog"that gets written to in the event of an error so I can trouble shoot application easier. My application also downloads files from our FTP site and puts the files in Public gstLocalDownloadLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "download"So I have files that get read and written to as well and created and deleted all in the Application.StartupPath which is either "c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" or "c:Program Files (x86)(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" depending on 32bit or 64bit Windows 7.

After creating the setup I install it on my test machine that have both Windows 7 32bit and 64bit.Everything in the application works great till I have to write to, delete or creat a file in those directories above. I know it is an access issue and the UAC. This will get installed on numerous systems so the options I have seen to change file or folder permission on the computers manually is not an option.What has to happen is after I install the application it just works like when you install it on XP. Some post have suggested that you us a user with administrator privilages or group which is all fine and dandy but the user I have used to test the application has all of that.

So what I am asking is how do you create an application with VS2010 in VB.NET that after creating a setup package and installing on Windows 7 will just work with out "Access to the path c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File) is denied." If I have to install this on 100 Windows 7 computers it has to be a concreate no manually doing anything just install and work like when we installed on XP.

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Add Folders And Files In To MSI And How To Access That Added Files In To Custom Action Of MSI?

May 24, 2010

Actually I want add some folders and files to MSI. Through custom action i want to copy that added folders and files to some destination/target folder.

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Extract QuickTime Files From A Resource And Convert Them Into Separate Files?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a resource file for a program, and i have determined that the resource file just a big string of files glued together whole, i know that the movies contained in the file are quicktime mov. Where can i find information on the quicktime header? and how can i determine the length of a file once i find it?

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Mvc - Saving Files And Names To Database Table Using For Each On Request.files

Mar 9, 2012

I have multiple file upload boxes on a form in my mvc3 application. Request.Files shows 3 files when I put a break point in the below function and look at it.. Problem is other than coding a counter and using a select case I dont see a way to handle saving each file name to the database column it belongs to... Is there away to assign the variable on the fly I guess you could say So that the foreach loop would drop the file in the correct column. Ie handoutFile1, handoutFile2 , handoutFile3, Etc. As it stands the below will overwrite the filename in handoutfile1 every time the loop is gone through. I thought about throwing a counter in the loop and just put a select case on it to assign the db column based on the counter number. Seems like a cheap work around though. [Code]

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Reconcile A List Of Files And A Directory With Subfolders/files To Find Changes?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a SQL Server table with a list of files (path + filename), and a folder with multiple layers and files in each layer. I'm looking for a way to reconcile the two without having to process the list twice. Currently, I'm doing this:

For Each f as FileInfo In FileListFromDatabase
If f.Exists is False, mark it as deleted in the database


Is there a better way to do this? I'd like to avoid converting all the matching files (of which most will be) to FileInfo objects twice. Since I'm a T-SQL developer first, I'm picturing something like an OUTER JOIN of the two lists where they don't match. Something LINQ-ish?

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