Does Making A Class NotInheritable In .NET Offer The Same (potential) Compiler Optimizations As Sealed In C#?

Jan 11, 2010

I've read that making a class sealed in C# is advisable in high-performance scenarios because it frees the compiler to make certain optimizations (e.g., inlining property getters) that it wouldn't be able to make otherwise. Is the same true for NotInheritable in VB.NET?

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Select Case Compiler Optimizations?

Feb 4, 2010

Does the VB.NET 2008 compiler selectively optimize Select Case Statements?

For example, a Select Case Statement with a sufficient quantity of integer cases could be organized as a binary search.

I ask this because I am curious whether or not I should opt for a Select Case in place of If Statements with multiple Else If's where integers or other basic data types are being compared.

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VS 2008 - Creating A Tycoon Game / Make The Player Either A 'job Offer' Or 'share Offer'?

Jul 24, 2009

I am creating a tycoon game where you start at the bottom and go up the business ladder. At the end of the year, the player can either, stay with him current job, get another job or go it alone. I would like to know how I can make the player either a 'job offer' or 'share offer' when they own their own business.

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Add Event To Public NotInheritable Class?

Dec 24, 2009

Can i add an event to a Public NotInheritable Class?, in particular i would need to have an event that would listen to property change.System.Web.ClientServices.ConnectivityStatus has a property IsOffline, i would need to know when this property has changed?

Any other way to achieve this?VB.NET to C#[URL]..

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Declare As A Sealed Class (non-inheritable)

Aug 16, 2010

How to declare this as a sealed class (non-inheritable) I used this in my main coding..


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Make My Class NotInheritable But Inheritable From Within Library Scope?

Dec 17, 2009

How to make my class NotInheritable but Inheritable from within the library scope (friend)

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Making A Compiler - Generate An Executable ?

Jun 19, 2009

I have started a project that is like a compiler, but very simple. Basically no coding required for the user. My question is do you have to convert the code into ASM?, (which i can do if necessary). Or how do you generate an executable with I have seen it done with such things as cryptors, if you know what those are .

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Function Inside Class File Cannot Be Seen By Compiler

Sep 22, 2011

I have written a function inside a class file which I added to my project in VB 2010 Express. Unfortunately, when trying to use this function in the main project, it cannot be seen by the compiler. The function is public. You can probably see from this that query that I don't know much about OO programming (I am assuming that the problem stems from something to do with this).

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Compiler Error: Not A Member Of Stored Procedures Class?

Apr 12, 2011

I am attempting to fix a (using Visual Studio 2005) and while I have extensive experience using VB6, my skills are pretty much as a beginner.I've added some code to this program which calls a stored procedure but it won't run becauseof an error when it compiles:

Error 1 'usp_select_media_to_removeNoGenres' is not a member of 'Lynd.Data.TestDatabase._StoredProceduresClass'


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Interface And Graphics :: Making A Custom Class That Mocks The System.Drawing.Rectangle Class?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm making a custom class that mocks the System.Drawing.Rectangle class because the Rectangle class doesn't have a name property. I need a name property because I am adding all of my rectangles to a collection and I need a little more info stored than just their locale and size. So I changed the _onPaint event but nothing is working out when I run the program?

Public Class Rectanglar : Inherits UserControl
Public BackgroundColor As Color = Color.Blue
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal XY As Point, ByVal Widthy As Integer, ByVal Heighty As Integer)


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VB2010: Which Compiler Errors Can Be Detected Out By VB Compiler/interpreter?

Sep 25, 2009

which compiler errors would be detected out by VB compiler?

I have searched out some compiler errors list for C#, for example, see the website at [URL]

MS provided us the information about C# compiler error. Does MS provide VB compiler errors information as well.VS

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Obsolete Codedom Compiler New Method Of Compiler?

Nov 11, 2010

Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Public Class iCompiler
Public Shared Sub GenerateExecutable(ByVal Output As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Icon As String)[code].....

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VS 2008 Extending Sealed Classes?

Apr 1, 2010

Briefly, what I'm trying to do is add some methods and properties to the FileInfo class, which is sealed (NotInheritable). As far as I can tell, I have two options to do this.

1) Inherit from FileSystemInfo (the base class for FileInfo) and recreate the methods and properties added by FileInfo (essentially recreating the FileInfo class from scratch)

2) Use extension methods (??) which I just learned about two minutes ago and it being 1am, I'm going to get into this tomorrow

3) Create a wrapper class around a FileInfo object - I think that's the proper term

Ok, so I guess there are 3 options.

A) Why make a class uninheritable

B) Is creating a wrapper class "basically" the same as inheriting from an object, but at least with inheritence you don't need to create any properties and methods other than those you want to modify or add?

Am I correct when I say that a Field is a protected property that can only be accessed by the base class and inherited classes, or is the definition of a field something else?

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.NET 3.5 Optimizations After Converting From 2.0 To 3.5?

Jun 19, 2009

I converted our project from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 and am looking for optimizations that can be done utilizing 3.5 framework. What are some of the things I can do with 3.5 as in Datastructures. using DataAccess apart from LINQ to SQL.

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.net - If Then Statement Condition Being Ignored With Optimizations On?

Jun 16, 2010

I think im going mad but can some show me what im missing, it must be some stupidly simple i just cant see the wood for the trees.BOTH side of this if then else statement are being executed?

Ive tried commenting out the true side and moving the condition to a seperate variable with the same result. However if i explicitly set the condition to 1=0 or 1=1 then the if then statement is operating as i would expect. i.e. only executing one side of the equation...

The only time ive seen this sort of thing is when the compiler has crashed and is no longer compiling (without visible indication that its not) but ive restarted studio with the same results, ive cleaned the solution, built and rebuilt with no change?

Dim dset As DataSet = New DataSet
If (CboCustomers.SelectedValue IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (CboCustomers.SelectedValue <> "") Then
Dim Sql As String = "Select sal.SalesOrderNo As SalesOrder,cus.CustomerName,has.SerialNo,


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.net - Extending Sealed Intrinsic Datatypes Using CompilerServices.Extensions-No Way To Reuse?

Nov 11, 2010

I defined the following extension of the Date? data type


But when I moved my compiler definition to a separate DLL, I the ToObject method was no longer available from my project even though I had referenced the Class project which now contained the extension. Is this a limitation of the Compiler Extensions? HOw do you get reusability out of them?

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DB/Reporting :: Database Communication Speed Optimizations?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a few questions regarding database speed issues, I want to learn more on this subject. I searched the internet a bit but could not find an answer that satisfied enough me so I thought i try here. I have used adodb for quite a while but never were in the need of doing it the fastest way. That changed a bit.Is there information on the internet or can you provide me with information that illustrates what the cost is of doing a while not .eof loop to populate a dropdownlistbox with a lot of values or using a different approach? what are the faster approaches? I understand it depends on the situation but i am interested in a summary of some ball park figures. Just to illustrate what is better to use in certain situations.

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Does .NET Offer Any Performance Improvement Over VB6 For CPU-bound Processes

Jan 25, 2012

I'm working on a mathematical model written in VB6. The amount of CPU time this model is consuming is becoming a concern to some of our customers and the notion has been floated that porting it to VB.NET will improve its performance.The model is performing a lot of single-precision arithmetic (a finite-difference scheme over a large grid) with small bursts of database access every five seconds or so (not enough to be important). Only basic arithmetic functions with occasional use of the ^ 4 operator are involved.

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Generating Form To Maximize Potential In MDI

Apr 30, 2012

I need to do this in the MDI: Generate Form1 to maximize the potential in MDI. And mdi form to generate second Form2 order has always been above Form1. When clicking on the form 1 form2 disappear under it. Normally, when you click on the form1 Form2 hides under it. All must appear in the MDI.

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Potential Database Stored Over A Server

Nov 10, 2010

I am developing an application that runs on a network. It needs to contact to database (access database) very very often, which is stored in server. Around 30 Client computers contact the database almost every 2-3 seconds. I need to know could there be potential manifest problem in with the application? Could there will be a problem if database is being updated by one client, at the same time other client contacts it?

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Researching A .dll File For Potential Cause Of Exception?

Oct 26, 2011

I've been having difficulties with a Win32Exception related to the Drawing.dll. After many man-hours of research and a couple creative attempts to work around it, I'm left with the likelihood that the cause of my angst rests with a .dll file provided by the vendor of the database against which I'm querying and through which I'm attempting to post updates. The vendor stated that the .dll wasn't designed with VB 2008 in mind. Though the .dll still posts the data, it's possible that something in its function is causing hiccups with the redrawing of my form and its associated treeview.

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C# - ASP.Net - Create An Application That Has The Potential To Be Very Performance Intensive

Jan 9, 2010

Until now, I have not create any massive applications using ASP.Net. However, I am looking to create an application that has the potential to be very performance intensive. So I am looking for some tools or best practices when it comes to performance. I would like to be able to know how to:

See my current performance (good or bad) View items that need fixing And being able to compare two performance variable items would be great as well.

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Creating Link To File On Web Server And Offer User To Download

Sep 6, 2011

I ran across some legacy code which creates a link to a file on the web server and offers the user a link to download the file.

Machine name:

Full url path to the directory containing the file to download: [URL]

Target file name:

The code does the following to create a link to 'downloadable.txt'
server.machinename.tostring & ".. argetdownloadable.txt"

Which results in:
"MYSERVER.. argetdownloadable.txt"

That link appears on the page as:
<a href="MYSERVER.. arget.downloadable.txt">download this file</a>

In IE 7, mousing over the link shows the full URL "[URL]" in the status bar. And it works fine for downloading the file in IE 7 (left or right-click). Firefox shows "[URL]" in the status bar and downloading the file isn't as straight forward. FF actually tries to change the file name to include the server name and target directory in the file name.

I've tried other methods like WebClient.DownloadFile() and had no success. This works, but I'm unfamiliar with the ".." and curious about how it works. I understand that ".." typically means go up one directory. My question was really more in the line of "how does that get interpreted in the browser to sort out the path?"

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Make The Program Give A Bank Offer After X Number Of Clicks?

Aug 27, 2009

Hey everyone, i am in the process of making a replica deal or no deal game.It will have 20 cases, and have done half of the program i am up to programming the game stage I am a little confusd on how to make the program give a bank offer after x number of clicks?

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.net - Sendasync Mail Function Potential Memory Leak?

Jul 21, 2009

I have that code running into a windows service and the service seem to have a memory leak, something is wrong for sure. After looking at the whole code, I think it might be inside one of these function but I cannot seem to find where it could be.


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Making A .dll From Class.vb Files?

Mar 10, 2009

I am using visual studio express edition 2008. I am trying to move my class.vb files in my web application to one .dll. I used visual express edition 2005 earlier and I had to add to import the below code to get it to work. Now in 2008 edition I get a whole new error and I need to know what I need to Import. Code is below

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web

When I do the above in 2008 I get the following errors:

Shared mainconnection As
New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString)
Error: Error 1 Name 'ConfigurationManager' is not declared.


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Making An Array Of A Class?

Oct 29, 2007

I was wondering if it was possible to make an array of a class. I made a class called creatures (for a game of course) and wanted to make an array of that class. So I tried "public creature() as new creatures", and it had a problem with using an array with new. Is there a way around this. All I am using the class for is variables. i.e.: in my class all i have is dim health, defense

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VB Compiler Is Unable To Recover From The Error: System Error &Hc0000005& (VB Internal Compiler Error)

Jul 1, 2011

This error first appear to occur randomly. Steps to recreate:Open Visual Studio and load a solution (some files automatically opened) - this is when the problem occurs Close all open files Restart visual studio and load solution (no issues)Open Exactly the same files again, restart visual studio and load solution so files open automatically (problem occurs!)

However, when trying to narrow it down to a single file (that is automatically opened when the solution is loaded), I couldn't reproduce the problem. Now with all the files open again the problem doesn't occur!!! So it looks like it is fixed - though this happened before and eventually the issue came back.

I think it is to do with one of the user controls with DevExpress controls on it - when the error occurs, the designer displays the error. Though I can't reproduce it at the moment to confirm that.

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Making A Blackjack Game For Class?

May 2, 2011

I'm making a blackjack game for class. It's been better programming in VB than it has in C#, but I don't know how to link button subs (BTN_Deal_Click or BTN_Deal; I can't decide which one will work) to one another. For example, after the code in BTN_Deal has been run, the program is supposed to wait for the user to click either the Hit or the Stand button.


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Making Variable Class With Event?

Jun 22, 2010

I haven't quote grasped this whole "class" concept yet, but I'm working on it. When following the instructions below, the "test" portion of this code: "test.variable". It has an underlined error that says that "test" is not declared. If I remove the "test" word then the ".variable" shows not declared. I'm using Visual Studios 8 if that makes any difference. I have a pre-existing variable in a project that I would like to monitor for changes.

Re: Detect variable change.
Make your variable a class with an event.
Make your class:
VB.NET Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)
Public Class myVar
Private mValue As Integer
Public Event VariableChanged(ByVal mvalue As Integer)
[Code] .....

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