VS 2008 - Creating A Tycoon Game / Make The Player Either A 'job Offer' Or 'share Offer'?

Jul 24, 2009

I am creating a tycoon game where you start at the bottom and go up the business ladder. At the end of the year, the player can either, stay with him current job, get another job or go it alone. I would like to know how I can make the player either a 'job offer' or 'share offer' when they own their own business.

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Creating Link To File On Web Server And Offer User To Download

Sep 6, 2011

I ran across some legacy code which creates a link to a file on the web server and offers the user a link to download the file.

Machine name:

Full url path to the directory containing the file to download: [URL]

Target file name:

The code does the following to create a link to 'downloadable.txt'
server.machinename.tostring & ".. argetdownloadable.txt"

Which results in:
"MYSERVER.. argetdownloadable.txt"

That link appears on the page as:
<a href="MYSERVER.. arget.downloadable.txt">download this file</a>

In IE 7, mousing over the link shows the full URL "[URL]" in the status bar. And it works fine for downloading the file in IE 7 (left or right-click). Firefox shows "[URL]" in the status bar and downloading the file isn't as straight forward. FF actually tries to change the file name to include the server name and target directory in the file name.

I've tried other methods like WebClient.DownloadFile() and had no success. This works, but I'm unfamiliar with the ".." and curious about how it works. I understand that ".." typically means go up one directory. My question was really more in the line of "how does that get interpreted in the browser to sort out the path?"

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Make The Program Give A Bank Offer After X Number Of Clicks?

Aug 27, 2009

Hey everyone, i am in the process of making a replica deal or no deal game.It will have 20 cases, and have done half of the program i am up to programming the game stage I am a little confusd on how to make the program give a bank offer after x number of clicks?

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Does .NET Offer Any Performance Improvement Over VB6 For CPU-bound Processes

Jan 25, 2012

I'm working on a mathematical model written in VB6. The amount of CPU time this model is consuming is becoming a concern to some of our customers and the notion has been floated that porting it to VB.NET will improve its performance.The model is performing a lot of single-precision arithmetic (a finite-difference scheme over a large grid) with small bursts of database access every five seconds or so (not enough to be important). Only basic arithmetic functions with occasional use of the ^ 4 operator are involved.

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Does Making A Class NotInheritable In .NET Offer The Same (potential) Compiler Optimizations As Sealed In C#?

Jan 11, 2010

I've read that making a class sealed in C# is advisable in high-performance scenarios because it frees the compiler to make certain optimizations (e.g., inlining property getters) that it wouldn't be able to make otherwise. Is the same true for NotInheritable in VB.NET?

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Save A File In XML And Offer The User A Save Dialog?

Feb 6, 2012

Im trying to save a file in XML and offer the user a save dialog to appear so they can name the file. The file will save using a custom file extention. The problem is I keep getting off the wall suggestions and Im looking for a simple solution. Here is what I have, please only show examples using my syntax based code. Im still a bit new to Vb so posting off the wall examples


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Make Two Player Game That Allows You To Move Both Player Objects With The Same Event?

Jan 19, 2012

So I am trying to make a program that allows you to move two shapes using two KeyPress events, one to move the first object and another for the second. It works, but it can only move one of the two objects, not both at the same time.


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Game Programming :: Speed (Card Game) One AI Player And A Human Player

Nov 23, 2010

I'm making a speed card game [URL] for the final in one of my programming classes. I'm looking for a little assistance with how to go about getting it done the best way. I've included the code I have so far below. How does it look? What would you do differently? Would you do anything the way I did? I need to have one AI player and a human player.


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Make A 2-player Go Game?

Aug 16, 2009

How could I start making a Go game? I just need some logic for it, and maybe some code, and then I can do the rest. How can you tell if an area is enclosed, which areas on the board are full, etc.? I also need ideas on how to find infinite capture/retrieve cycles.

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Make A (Mp3 Player) In Game Menu?

Oct 10, 2009

I want to make an ingame menu. When you open a game a menu will pop up with a hotkey. I don't need you to do the work for me I just need a sample of a ingame menu with a hot toggle (ie: the menu doesnt need an interface, a black square that pops up with key).

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Make A 2 Player Game But Both Players Can't Move At Once Unless They Tap The Keys?

Aug 20, 2009

Well I am trying to make a 2 player game but both players can't move at once unless they tap the keys (can't hold the key down or the other person can't move). How would I fix this as well as being able to go diagonally.Would this work?:Declare a bool value for each keypress below the public class thingy. Then use keyup to turn the bool off and keydown makes it go on. Then for the first player and second player I check if they are on and if they are than go to that direction...I think I would need a timer for that part but I dunno...

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VS 2008 Creating A User And Share Permissions?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm creating an application that works with another I have no control over. My application needs to be able to create a user and change share permissions. Currently I am able to make a share, but I can't figure out how to set access permissions for that share.

The idea is that the newly created user (w/ password) will have permissions on the share I create.

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VS 2008 Creating Draw In Tic Tac Toe Game

May 20, 2009

I'm very new to visual basic and I am trying to create a tic tac toe game. I have it working all except a message to say the game has ended in a draw.I just can't work out what to put where. I have looked through the various questions and answers on the forum but can't seem to get any of the coding to work for me.[code]Can anyone point me to what code to use to declare a draw and where should I put it?

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VS 2008 Creating An Interactive Overlay Over A Game?

Jun 14, 2009

creating an interactive overlay over a game (such as the way xfire lets you chat with people ingame).

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VS 2008 Creating A Snake Game - PictureBox2 Touches PictureBox15?

May 21, 2010

we were asked to create a game.Me and my friend decided to go ahead and make the game 'Snake' (I think you all know this one)Since we never had any teaching on how to do it we looked already made games and used the same code (we found this one on a Youtube tutorial so I think it was alright to copy it).We picked it because it seemed pretty easy and we can tell what each thing does in the code.I also like fooling around so I changed all he values and stuff so I understood better what was going on.The game goes great but sometimes when the snakehead touches the food it doesn't 'eat' it and I don't know why :This is the part of the code that takes care of eating the food.(PictureBox2 is the snakehead, PictureBox15 is the food)


I just don't know why does happens. The PictureBox2 touches PictureBox15 but nothing of what I typed above happens.

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Make Music Player With VB 2008?

Jul 20, 2009

this is my first post. I just recently got vb and wish to learn a lot about it but I have no references...(book, good tutorial etc) I have always wanted to make applications for computers ever since I got on one 5-6 years ago. (I know you need code but I have no idea where to start. But, I am a fast learner.)


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Game Programming :: Creating A Hangman Program Using VB 2008 Express Edition?

Nov 30, 2008

Basically i am creating a Hangman program using VB 2008 Express edition and need some help.I would like some help on when a user is entering a letter for the word how can i make it so for example if the target word is "MAX" and they enter "M" i would like the lblstatus to update as "M--" obviously i would want it to be able to do it with all 3 letters.

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VS 2008 Creating Game - Randomly Selecting Questions By Clicking Button

Jan 13, 2010

I am creating a "Who wants to be a millionaire" game. Lets say I have 100 questions in a listbox. How can i randomally select a question by clicking a button.

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Game Programming :: Creating A Card Game For VP?

May 21, 2010

I am trying to create a card game on microsoft visual studio 2008. But i am finding it tricky to get the right codes for the generating button. The button wiill display three random playing card suites and when all three match the user is declared the winner.

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Check If A Player Has Won The Game?

Nov 25, 2009

How would I check if a player has won the game? I've figured out that there is only eight possibilities for X and eight again for O which makes sixteen in total.Here is what I've tried so far..

If Square1.Text + Square2.Text + Square3.Text = "X" Then
MessageBox.Show("Player 1 has won the game!", "Player 1 wins!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If

I thought that this code will only allow that message box to appear only if all of the squares have X as its text. But the message box appears when there is only one square with X. How can I make it so that the message box only appears when all 3 squares have an X.

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[2008] Creating A User Tool For A Game - Simply Shows Information About My Own Character

Feb 23, 2009

I am creating a user tool for a game I am playing (NOT a hacking tool, it simply shows information about my own character). I have a template of what I need to do with the data I recieve, here is the code, it is coded in PHP

function decode_style($r) {

//get gender
$gender_array = array('Male', 'Female', 'Male 2','Female 2','Male 3', 'Female 3');
$style['Gender'] = $gender_array[round($r / hexdec(4000000))];


Ok, I understand PHP a bit (As you know one programming language you can understand just about any) and this is what I have created from this

Dim Style As Decimal
Dim Rank, RRank As Decimal
Dim Gender, RGender As Decimal
Dim Aura, RAura As Decimal


As you can see, it is receiving a single piece of data from a remote SQL server, I then need to run this data through the above calculations (Seen in the PHP file) although the answers I'm getting are incorrect.

Here are some simple instructions I got in what goes on between values:

gender :




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VS 2008 - How To Make Animation Player Inside Class

Jul 16, 2009

I've been trying to make basically a simple animation player inside a class so that I can use it in a game I have to make for a school IPT project. When I first tested out some code I found, it was not in "class form", ie there were just loose variables as I was only animating a single .gif file. The code worked perfectly, and the animation was drawn frame by frame by the e.Graphics.DrawImage function.

Now that I have moved the code into a class (So I can run more than one animation at a time, though Im still trying to get only one to work), The e.Graphics.DrawImage function didnt work. It would draw the first image, but then (even though the function is called as shown by stepping through the lines of code), the picture doesn't update. I know the frame has changed as Ive kept track of the current frame in the debug window, but it still wont work.

I have had troubles like this with other GDI functions, where if the variable to draw is inside a class (etc) it simply wont work, it will only work if it is a loosely floating variable. (i.e. Sprite.Image doesnt work, If I just make an image it does). With the code below, I have tried in the e.Graphics.DrawImage function submitting me.wth.animatedImage and wth.animatedImage

Public Class Form1
Dim wth As New vsprite
Public Class vsprite
Public animatedImage As New Bitmap("C:Documents and SettingsSamDesktopexplosion.gif")
Public currentlyAnimating As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Game - Making The Map Scroll With The Player

Mar 21, 2012

I am working on a game using Visual Basic.NET and XNA. I am having trouble making the map scroll with the player. I can move the map at a square at a time(32x32) but I don't like the way it looks. I want to move at a fluid rate if possible. I want the player to be able to walk half-way through a square then see a half-square to either direction your moving. IE: Walking left, walk half-way through a square then to the far left of the map see half of the next square going to be drawn. But I don't want just half-way, I want to be able to just have fluid movement where you can walk to an 1/8th of the square and see the next 1/8th on the other side of screen if possible... To open this project and view you must have Windows Phone SDK installed can get it from Microsofts website......Note:Only up and down movement have been added into the game.

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How To Create Single Player Mouse Game

Oct 27, 2011

I create a mouse game for a single player. Set up a form with 4 rows of pictures boc controls. when a start button is clicked the mouse is "behind" one of the buttons while a stop image is behind 3 other picture boxes. The object of the game is to click the correct picturebox that contains the mouse. If the stop image appears before the mouse then the game is over. I don't understand how the logic works.

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Texas Hold Em Game - Input Box Pop Up And Ask For A Player Name

Nov 24, 2010

Im working on a Texas Hold'Em game and I am gonna make it so i can have 9 players in the game, I put 9 blank labels on my form and a button. What im looking to do is have an input box pop up and ask for a player name. That part is easy enough and i got that, now im looking for the most efficient way to put what i put in the input box into the 9 labels. Should i have multiple input box variables, each one to handle a label? I know thats not very efficient which is why i wasnt leaning toward that. What i had tried doing was having the input box fill a listbox, which i got that to work fine, but i ran into issues with loading whats in my listbox to my labels. Its my assumption since its trying to load the stuff in the listbox to a label before its even there, it gives an error such as the array is outside of the index. I tried a Do until loop to tell it to do the input box, fill the listbox, and then try to read from it but my problem came is what if only 5 players are playing and the program is trying to read 9 players.

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Game Programming :: Make A Game In VB In Which Character Can Move Around, Jump, And Kill Things?

Apr 2, 2008

im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?

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Make A D3D Menu For In-game With VB 2008?

Apr 3, 2010

I just downloaded VB 2008 but i have a question, can you make a D3D Menu for in-game with VB 2008?

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Make And Design A Game In VB 2008

Mar 20, 2009

I have have to make and design a game in visual basic 2008 for college i also started colleage late... i dont kow how to start my game. the way the game is blackjack (21)

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Write A Simple Game On Which The Player Has To Pursuit Some Figures On The Screen?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm currently trying to write a really simple game on which the player has to pursuit some figures on the screen. Since i'm just writing the prototype version i'm using a Panel wich i redraw 1000 times per second. Now, i want that every level is similar but not the same as past level, so i created a Level Class that contains the game objetcs of Player Class and the Figure Class, wich are the ones that have all the movement subrutines. So, with a Timer, 1000 times per second, i get the input from a joystick, pass it to the player objetc and update the position of the figure object. All this stuff is reported to an internal Panel that every level object has, wich i refresh and then pass it ByVal to the panel that the player actually sees. The problem i have is that after the first level ends, when the second level starts running, i can see the last frame of the fisrt level flashing behind the figures and it makes the game run a bit slower after every level. I tried keeping a copy of the inicial state of exterior panel and use it to clean the one i'm using on the levels but it didn't work...

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Game Programming :: Transparant Images - Make A Game Which Basiclly Lets You Shoot Ducks

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to make a game which basiclly lets you shoot ducks. i have a picture as a background (set as form image) i then have picturebox's with ducks flying flying around you shoot them the disapear etc.

My problem is the image. i have a picture of a duck and a blue square round it. and i would liketo make it transparant because birds dont fly with blue squares.

Below is an image to illistrate my problem

I have tried adding transparent background, transparant key etc

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