VS 2008 Creating Draw In Tic Tac Toe Game
May 20, 2009
I'm very new to visual basic and I am trying to create a tic tac toe game. I have it working all except a message to say the game has ended in a draw.I just can't work out what to put where. I have looked through the various questions and answers on the forum but can't seem to get any of the coding to work for me.[code]Can anyone point me to what code to use to declare a draw and where should I put it?
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Jun 14, 2009
creating an interactive overlay over a game (such as the way xfire lets you chat with people ingame).
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May 21, 2010
we were asked to create a game.Me and my friend decided to go ahead and make the game 'Snake' (I think you all know this one)Since we never had any teaching on how to do it we looked already made games and used the same code (we found this one on a Youtube tutorial so I think it was alright to copy it).We picked it because it seemed pretty easy and we can tell what each thing does in the code.I also like fooling around so I changed all he values and stuff so I understood better what was going on.The game goes great but sometimes when the snakehead touches the food it doesn't 'eat' it and I don't know why :This is the part of the code that takes care of eating the food.(PictureBox2 is the snakehead, PictureBox15 is the food)
I just don't know why does happens. The PictureBox2 touches PictureBox15 but nothing of what I typed above happens.
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Nov 30, 2008
Basically i am creating a Hangman program using VB 2008 Express edition and need some help.I would like some help on when a user is entering a letter for the word how can i make it so for example if the target word is "MAX" and they enter "M" i would like the lblstatus to update as "M--" obviously i would want it to be able to do it with all 3 letters.
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Jan 13, 2010
I am creating a "Who wants to be a millionaire" game. Lets say I have 100 questions in a listbox. How can i randomally select a question by clicking a button.
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May 21, 2010
I am trying to create a card game on microsoft visual studio 2008. But i am finding it tricky to get the right codes for the generating button. The button wiill display three random playing card suites and when all three match the user is declared the winner.
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Feb 23, 2009
I am creating a user tool for a game I am playing (NOT a hacking tool, it simply shows information about my own character). I have a template of what I need to do with the data I recieve, here is the code, it is coded in PHP
function decode_style($r) {
//get gender
$gender_array = array('Male', 'Female', 'Male 2','Female 2','Male 3', 'Female 3');
$style['Gender'] = $gender_array[round($r / hexdec(4000000))];
Ok, I understand PHP a bit (As you know one programming language you can understand just about any) and this is what I have created from this
Dim Style As Decimal
Dim Rank, RRank As Decimal
Dim Gender, RGender As Decimal
Dim Aura, RAura As Decimal
As you can see, it is receiving a single piece of data from a remote SQL server, I then need to run this data through the above calculations (Seen in the PHP file) although the answers I'm getting are incorrect.
Here are some simple instructions I got in what goes on between values:
gender :
View 1 Replies
May 22, 2011
I would like to write on a game window while I am ingame, Like steam or xfire for some basic functions.Anyway I can do this by calling Graphics.FromHwnd() In rapid succession and then it looks really flickery. The game is using DirectX, is there a way to sort of "Inject" something to be drawn into the paint event ? even if this is not possible with vb.net I can do C# or C++ if I know how.
View 2 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
I programmed with Bitblt in VB6 for about 5-6 years and now I switched to DirectX and VB.net. When I would make games in VB6, I would draw out the entire level into layers that were saved into memory on DC's.In DirectX however, I'm looking for the equivalent of that but cant find any examples around.I use a viewport system to follow the player along in the map, I copy only what is in the viewport over to the users screen.Image attached to better visualize what i mean.
View 3 Replies
Jul 24, 2009
I am creating a tycoon game where you start at the bottom and go up the business ladder. At the end of the year, the player can either, stay with him current job, get another job or go it alone. I would like to know how I can make the player either a 'job offer' or 'share offer' when they own their own business.
View 4 Replies
Sep 20, 2009
i am trying to create a form that allows me to add teams and the scores and then be able to re-open and view them. i have created a form that will create the team names and save it to a file but i have no idea how to create one that will show the scores with the corresponding teams. i am using visual basic express 2008.
View 2 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
I wanted to draw a chart on a picture box. So I create a form, put a picture box on it, and then in the code of Form_load, I put a handler to the paint event of the picture box. This seems to create an infinite loop, judging from the behavior of the form.
View 19 Replies
Nov 13, 2010
i am creating a tic-tac-toe game, but i need to do it without the IEnumerator variable. how can i do that?
Private Sub newGameButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles newGameButton.Click
View 4 Replies
Mar 22, 2012
i would like to get some ideas on how to connect computers to play a LAN game.. the deadline for this project will be on the 27th of march so.The game that i'll be making is a counter-strike-like 2d game.. is it possible that i can finish this project before its deadline?
View 9 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
Under the MouseLeftButtonUp event handker store the first coordinates of the lines second endpoint. Then call the length method to obtain the distance between the two endpoints(the lines length). Fianlly display the line on the canvas and the line's length in the Length=Label. Below is the code I have so far. There are no errors, but when I run the application nothing happens.
Private Sub lineCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArg... Handles lineCanvas.MouseLeftButtonUp
Dim distance As Double
endPoint = e.GetPosition(lineCanvas)
View 2 Replies
Jun 25, 2008
Recently I have been wanting to learn a bit more about Visual Basic and I've decided that I want to test my abilities by Making a Card game. The card game uses a customized deck of around 140 card. The Cards are all buildings which you need to place down by discarding a specific amount of cards in yoiur hand. The Objective of the game is to get 12 buildings built and get the most points. Many cards will be layed down at some point in the game.The way I think I will be creating the game is by Creating a Class for the Deck which will use a class for the Card. I would like the Card Class to somehow create a picture box of the cards image on the form which will hold all the other cards being displayed.
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Apr 26, 2012
I'm having a little trouble creating a game of pairs as a project.Basically I've got to the point where I can start a game, layout a bunch of cards in a grid, 6x6, and then have a way of matching the pairs together. First of all I used a For loop to assign the cards into a two dimensional array. They are pictureboxes however so when a user clicks on 2 cards, checking them to see if they match has become confusing. I've tried to stuff like this for example but it's not working: [code] This doesn't work because it can't compare the picture boxes stored to the array slot. Is there any clever person with a way around this? Or that can think of a way to compare them. The pictureboxes kinda need to stay like there though :/
View 2 Replies
Jun 1, 2010
i'm creating a game for a college assignment based on Yahtzee, and so far everythings going smoothly but i've run into a hitch! Basically, after each roll of the dice i want to be able to retrieve the number of the dice wich apeared in each picture box. But how would i go around retrieving that type of data from a picturebox?
View 6 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
To clarify - I'm building a simple game in visual basic and I'm trying to create a simple file to record and display the "Best Score" from each game. Actually there are four levels in this game (each one is on a different form) - I'm trying to save the best score from each level to display in a separate Game Stats form. Therefore I creating a datatable on one form, but then trying to get all my other forms to access it.
But now I get a new DBNull error message in part of code not of my making - NewGameDataSet.Designer.vb
Error Message = "The value for column 'BestScoreEasy' in table 'GameTable' is DBNull."
Does this mean I need another New Statement somewhere?
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May 7, 2012
I am creating a type of pacman game, I have entered the code for everything else, but I am struggling with the code for the high score,[code]
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Oct 8, 2011
I am currently creating the classic Pong game in VB.Net. I have a few questions regarding angle of approach and rebound.
For example if the ball hits the wall at roughly a 30 degree angle then it should roughly bounce off the wall at ~30 degrees. This is my first query, how would I achieve this as I cannot figure out how. It is currently bouncing the ball off the wall by altering ballXspeed and ballYspeed by 5 or -5.
My second query is that of the ball hitting the paddle, if the ball is to hit to top 0% - 5% of the paddle it will bounce off at a different angle opposed to if the ball hit the paddle in the 15% - 20% zone of the paddle.
Here is my code in its entirety:
Public Class Form1
Dim ballXSpeed As Single
Dim ballYSpeed As Single
I understand that you cannot do the work for me and I don't expect you to. Would it be possible for help with the pseudo-logic or a particular area. I forgot to mention that the ball currently bounces off the paddles at a random angle.
ballXSpeed = -5
ballYSpeed = New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(-10, 10)
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Jun 17, 2011
How do I go about doing this? I have currently made this code, but sometimes points are created on the boundaries of this picture box, which I do not want. I want all new random points to be within the bounds of this large playarea (picturebox). Foodarea is my big picturebox which i want all fruit to spawn WITHIN not outside on it's edges.
View 12 Replies
Aug 9, 2011
I'm trying to create a small game in VB2010. The gameplay is as follows:
civilians would walk/stand in a room/street and suddenly an evil character would pop from the ground/wall. This evil character would suddenly vanishes too. So, the player has to shoot it to kill the character. The evil character, civilians, etc. would be random. Also, there would be sound effects too. That is the popping up of the evil character, it's voice, the civilians voice, etc. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible but without degrading the quality of the game play. I think, I could somewhat create the graphics for the characters, scenes, etc. and can get the sound effects recorded.
So, the difficult part is,[ ] how could I make it a smoother for playing the game ?
[ ] what would be the best way to do animations ?
[ ] Creating a GIF and placing it in the picturebox and moving it ?
[x]how to play the music in background and at the same time play sound effects on certain instance ?
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Dec 20, 2009
I'm seeking guidance on the following project: I am trying to create a "game" to teach engineers how to operate a pollution control device. The first version of the game was built in Excel using VBA, but I'd like to move to a portable app running on a USB flash drive. I'm comfortable relearning VB (I learned VB and C++ about 13 years ago but haven't used them since), but I'm not interested in trying to learn a new language (eg, Flash).
What I need to know is whether it's possible to create an executable that doesn't need to be installed on the computer but can run from a USB flash drive(ie, a portable application.) The game will have a GUI with limited user controls -- textboxes, comboboxes,sliders, tab control -- and some simple calculations behind the scenes.Can I expect the users will have a specific .NET framework installed?
View 6 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I need to get the DataGridView to perform the way it should perform. I'm new to the .NET environment, but I learn fairly quickly. However, I find it difficult to decipher themassive black box of the DataGridView control enough to make it do anything other than what it already does--Draw very slowly.
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Apr 12, 2010
What I'm trying to do is to draw on to a picturebox with all my code in a class rather than in the main form class. here is the code of what I have in my draw class
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Feb 7, 2012
but, how to draw in picturebox? i use this code but not working!
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Aug 21, 2010
asking something like this i know it get's asked alot but i haven't found any code for this or i didn't look good enough. My internet is super slow so it is hard to browse the net , Anyways i want to draw on the screen just like when you draw on your form with graphics how would i accomplish this ? if anyone could provide some code or a link that shows a little about it that would be great,
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Aug 24, 2009
I see DrawPath polygon curve everything except for square.
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
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Nov 2, 2009
This code is put into a timer, I put "Timer1.Start" in a button, when I click the button, nothing happenes
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