Dynamically Create Stopwatches And Buttons?
Feb 15, 2012I'm trying to dynamically create a set of stopwatches and buttons. Each stopwatch will be controlled by a button which is also dynamically created.
View 12 RepliesI'm trying to dynamically create a set of stopwatches and buttons. Each stopwatch will be controlled by a button which is also dynamically created.
View 12 Repliesis it possible to dynamically create radio button options that are dependent on a value within a database? For example 'b' is stored in a field so then 'a' will also be a radio button option, 'd' is stored in a database field so then the other radio button options will be 'a', 'b', 'c'....the radio button list will change depending on the value stored in the database field.
View 1 RepliesI have this code.
Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer
As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?
I am adding a grid of buttons to a form at run-time, and all of then use the same Handler.My question is : Is there any way I canadd the TextBox at run-time ?I know how to but without it on the form, the IDE isn't very happy about the "MyClick" Sub - TextBox1 is not declared......
' some logic here to make nice rows and Columns of buttons
' with different .Text and .Name
I am trying to use a timer and stopwatches to control timed events and it's not working. This should be easy to implement and I don't understand why it's not working.
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
'hide label1 after 3 seconds.
dynamically creating buttons with images in them and then accessing the on click event for that button. However lets say for example I have three buttons created during run time, button 1, 2 and 3 for simplicities sake. Each button needs to correspond to a value (lets say one, two and three). The problem comes in when i want to, for example, click on dynamically generated button 3 and have it display "three" in a message box. But button 2 might close the program. How can i reference an event when i don't know which button corresponds to which action..
View 4 RepliesMy process is as follows:I access a database table to determine what questions to ask (20-100 questions).Each question is display along with, possibly, a "done" button.My code to do this is as follows:
If datareader("Who_Second").ToString = lbl_Your_Position.Text Then
Dim b1 As New ImageButton
b1.ID = "btn_second" & datareader("QCC_Q_ID").ToString
What I need to do for each button is strip out what the "QCC_Q_ID" is for that button and insert information into another table of the DB.My partial code for this is as follows:
Sub btn_done_clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim QCC_Q_ID, Position As String
Two problems:1. My sub is never being called, so I can only assume that my "addhandler" is not working.2. QCC_Q_ID = e.ToString.... That doesn't seem right - is it? What I need to do is get the name of the button (btn_second13) and get just the number out of that (13). Is there any easier way to keep track of that ID?
I am working on a project that requires me to read a table of items, and then display the items as button with a photo for a POS system. Any suggestions on how to implement this? This project is using .NET 3.5 and a SQL Compact 3.5 database as a data store.I am using windows forms over an MDI form.
View 5 RepliesI'm a new programmer to vb.net, so apologise for what is likely to be ignorance.
I'm building a simple gui for a database interface, with many parent and child items within it. Upon a form I create buttons depending on how many items (parents/children). I've got the creation of the buttons thus:
For RowNumber As Integer = 0 To NoOfRows
Dim Buttoni As New Button
Buttoni.Location = New Point(LocationX, LocationY)
But I'm struggling with a way to delete the buttons to make way for a new set to replace them... I can delete a single one upon its click, but I'd like to delete all of the buttons that have been created in this way before re-creating them.
I am currently trying to allocate a number of group boxes dynamically. Previously (in other languages) when I have carried out something like this I have used the '&' to substitute the contents of the variable direct into the code I.E
For I = 1 to 20
Groupboxname = "GroupBox"+I
This would then have the result of creating a button in all the group boxes, however this does not appear to work in VB .net 2010
I have looked at Directcast, but i am a even more confused. Is there a simple way to substitute the contents of a variable into the code ?
I am currently developing a simple menu application that has a control array of buttons and I am having a hard time with re-sizing the form and centering the buttons. These buttons are created at compile time (with parameters from an INI file) and my current centering algorithm seems to slightly set them to the right. I am using the "button.location = new Point(...,...)" method but after reading about this it says the values locate the buttons left upper corner rather than center, thus accounting for the slight offset to the right.
My two questions are this:
How can I perfectly center these buttons at compile time? I have tried accounting for the difference by subtracting half of the button's width but the button width and point properties seem to be incompatible and the button gets heavily offset.
And... my other goal for re-sizing the menu is to have the buttons perfectly expand and contract when being re-sized. It seems as though anchoring is ineffective when the buttons are created dynamically so I have been forced to write ratio algorithms... Is there a way to get anchoring to work?
Here's what I have in the load up :
MyControlArray(i).Location = New Point(CInt(((Width - ButtonWidth) / 2) +_
(ButtonWidth / 2)), CInt((Height - MyControlArray(i).Height) / 2))
I have already tried:
New Point(CInt(((Width - ButtonWidth) / 2)), CInt((Height - MyControlArray(i).Height)_
/ 2))
I need to be able to add buttons to a tool strip at run time. As of now I've been able to get the buttons to display with a nice little picture just how he wants and some text under it. Just can't figure out how to "enable" the click event for these buttons. Obviously I need them to do something rather than just sit there looking good and this is where I'm stuck. Right now I'd be happy for a message box to come up saying yep I'm working as I could then work with that. This is what I have for code so far... this is just to get it working I'll work on the actual code later.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim btnSomething As New ToolStripButton
btnSomething.Text = "Test 1"
For example, when I click on the btn(5) I would like the textbox1 says: "5"
Am on creation of touch screen UI system.And am generating button for selecting products
Under certain category.
--> array of button creating dynamically And placing in TABPAGE when user selects Tab for category. The button will be created with the name of products, Under the category selected.
'the way am creating controls.
mybutton(j) = new button()
mybutton(j).top = 100
How can i get the Click event of those buttons-( in the array)....??
To set the scene, I have implemented a drag and drop rearrange in a FlowLayoutPanel (thanks to a few good Tutorials) which worked absolutely fine until the client decided that he needed many Panels each contained in the Tabs of a Tab Control.Ironically the FlowLayoutPanel rearrange still works if the panel is not in the Tab Page. However the moment it is it stops functioning completely.In all honesty its probably a simple issue that I'm missing but I can't seem to find an answer. I'm certain that the issue is in the following block of code, most probably in the following place:If controlcoll(i).Bounds.Contains(mouse.X - flow.Left, mouse.Y - flow.Top) Then Either that or in a property of either of the controls. [code] The Panels, Tabs and Buttons (which are what need to be rearranged) are all dynamically generated.
View 1 RepliesPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim rgen As New Random
I have a form that I am adding a set of buttons to. I am adding an event to those buttons. I need this event to function slightly to determine what button was pressed.
I need the button to simply set a string variable equal to the clicked buttons text so I can determine what button was pressed.
How can this be accomplished?
''Adding the buttons''
For Each dr In dtMenus
Dim strMenuName As String
strMenuName = dr.Item("strMenuName").ToString
I have a piece of software with two tabs, inside each tab there are buttons (the user can add the buttons when they want). when tab1 is full tab2 should start to fill. I currently know how many buttons fit on the screen so I just say something like if buttons > 150 then start to populate tab 2 The problem i have now though is if the resolution is changed then a different amount of buttons can be displayed. so if I put my screen to 1280x720 some buttons are left of. I was thinking of detecting the resolution and then using different cases for different resolutions but this seems very inefficient im wondering if there is a different way?
View 5 RepliesI need to dynamically create textbox. This is my code, but with this I create only one textbox:
Public Sub CreateTextBox()
Dim I As Integer
Dim niz As Array
So how i can dynamically create textbox?
I would like to create a folder dynamically in vb.net.I know System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("c:NewFolder") would create folder in the directory but I want folder to be created in the application and visible on my web page.its like when I say create album ..I should be able to create a folder with album name on it.
View 3 RepliesI want to create a form dynamically.I have a section on the form that has 3 combobox and 2 buttons. What I want is when the user clicks on the '+' button it add another 3 combobox and 2 buttons below the first, and so on and so on. Also when the user clicks the '-' button I want to remove the row of 3 combobox etc.
View 2 RepliesI want to create labels dynamiclly (at run time) when user clicks one its click events will excute I want like this : for i as integer=1 to 10 step 1
'' here label creation
end for
I have created a function that uses the Mailto: vb control, It Works like this: SendEmail("Address@address.com, "subject", "Mail body.")The email address subject are all created dynamicly,and my function works fine when testing.
however, I want to dynamicly create the button and dont know how to make it call a function with params on click, Here is what im trying: Private Sub Form2_load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
I have a form with a textbox to enter a number and a button called "Create". When a user enters a number and clicks create the form gets populated with the number of buttons entered in the textbox and the title of the buttons are labeled by consecutive numbers. For example if you enter 5 the form will populate with 5 buttons labeled button1, button2, ...button5. When you click on these newly created buttons a messagebox will popup stating the buttons name. Basically I need to know how to create events and populate them with code I guess dynamically.
View 1 RepliesI have a form that I am adding a set of buttons to. I am adding an event to those buttons. I need this event to function slightly to determine what button was pressed.I need the button to simply set a string variable equal to the clicked buttons text so I can determine what button was pressed.How can this be accomplished?
'Adding the buttons
For Each dr In dtMenus
Dim strMenuName As String
I want to monitor more than 10 folders on different machines by using SysTemFileWatcher. I create a class called Watcher for doing monitoring. So, for each folder I have to call that class once with a new thread. I want to name each thread with its own name like: T1, T2, T3 ... for easier controlling them. It is not nice if I declare each thread like:
Dim T1 as Thread =new Thread(Address of Watcher.StartWatcher)
Dim T2 as Thread =new Thread(Address of Watcher.StartWatcher)
Dim T18 as Thread =new Thread(Address of Watcher.StartWatcher)
How can I declare thread names dynamically with the names just like that. I have tried to use Thread array() but it doesn't work.
Is it possible to dynaically create table name in MS Access:
Below is my CODE:
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE" + Me.Text + "( ID Counter," & _
"Name TEXT(50) NOT NULL," & _
But, I am getting a run time error that syntax is wrong.
[code] .i am using oracle as database. i want to create table at run time that will remains in database to store info permanatly later.
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to dynamically create properties, something like this method in a class:
public sub addproperty(byval property_name as String)
Using VB2010, I would like to create an array of buttons and a sub procedure that when I send the index number, I will be able to change the text on the specific button.
Dim myBtn as button={button1, button2, button3}
private sub GetCaption (ByVal x as integer)
myBtn(x).text="OK" 'If x=2 I should execute button3.text="OK"
call GetCaption(2) 'Call the sub and change the text on button2 to say OK.How do I make it work?