Executing An IF Statement Inside An Array?

Aug 1, 2011

I am needing a way that an if statement stored inside of an array can be executed.I am designing an application that will allow users to input if statements that will be used to determine if certain values are met. The input is saved to an array that I need to be executed later. Is this possible in Visual Basic?

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Some Code Not Executing From Inside EventHandler?

Feb 19, 2008

I'm having a really weird problem with my current project in Visual Basic 2005.To make a long story short, I have an EventHandler subroutine (Clock1_tick) which triggers on the Elapsed event of a Timer (Clock1). Some, but not all, of the code within the subroutine executes correctly. Some of it doesn't execute at all, even though the debugger shows that each line of code is being read.

The overall details of the program aren't really important, but within the program I have a VB class file which can be instanced via the "New" keyword and contains a series of functions, subroutines, and properties... a typical class file. The class file is for managing sound channels..The frmMain includes a status bar with a label to display the program's current status. It also includes a public sub which recieves a string and sets the text of the status bar:

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Executing Sql Statement With A Non Closed Executereader?

Aug 4, 2009

i have app that connects to a mysql db.i get data from the db with executereader.but i want to execute some sql depending on the result from a other db.but i get a error when doing ExecuteNonQuery() when the reader is still open.Here's a part of my code where the problem occures.

tracecom.CommandText = "select * from testsms left join customer on customer.id=testsms.id where date_sub(now(),interval 1 minute) > testsend"
tracerd = tracecom.ExecuteReader()
If tracerd.HasRows Then


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Executing SELECT Statement With Date In WHERE Clause Fails

Sep 10, 2010

I'm building a dynamic query in my ASP.NET MVC project by the following: [code]Where basically the strWhere is a string that I build up a dynamic filter depending on what the user selects to search on.This works great until I need to add a date comparison to the date clause.[code]Which will end up as:"SELECT VALUE userInfos FROM MyDBEntities.UserInformations AS userInfos Where userInfos.BirthDate <= 10/09/1992"..But when i try to execute the query with the ToList whenever a date is in the where string i get the following error:The argument types 'Edm.DateTime' and 'Edm.Int32' are incompatible for this operation. Near WHERE predicate, line 1, column 103.

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Run Progress Bar While Executing A Long Method Or An Update Statement?

Nov 6, 2009

I am unable to crack this as the end user requested to show some kind of progress bar while running a long time method or an update statement. Kindly suggest me on this ASAP.

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VS 2008 : Checking Existence Of Byte Array Inside Another Array?

Jun 2, 2010

is there is any direct method or function in array class that can check if any given byte array is a subarray of other array?or should i loop through the each byte of main array to see if smaller array exists in that or not?

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Make An If Statement Inside A Button?

Oct 26, 2011

I want to make an if statement inside a button. So basically its this Private sub Button1_Click ....

If Button2.click then
blah blah blah
else if button3.click then
'blah blah blah
End If.

How would I do this because I can't seem to solve it with any code of mine, i searced through all the allowed values that vb offers and nothing ...

View 7 Replies

Pass/use A Variable Inside A Sql Statement?

Feb 3, 2009

I want to pass/use a variable inside a sql statement. The code is the following:

Dim i As Integer = 2
Using Command As New SqlCommand("SELECT Comment FROM Params where id=' " & i & "' ", objConnection)

I tried to pass the i variable by using the ' " & i & " ' but it doesn't work (I am getting an error like - Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid. )

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VB Update SQL Statement Inside For Loop?

Jun 27, 2012

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim s As New Staff


Basically I am trying to update each record with 2 random numbers each time the button was clicked,my problem now is, the system will update the record but the data was wrong. Example, by right all data should be different (randomly string) but for some row it was updated with same data but in randomly, something row1 row2 row3 has exactly same data for column 1 and 2 then row 3 has distinct data, second time, row1 row2 same data row3 ro4 with different data. It is in random sequence. When I add a MsgBox to do testing in the For loop the data was updated correctly with all different data.

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Return Inside Of Using Statement, Will Dispose Be Called.

Jul 27, 2012

I know that if i have a using block like

using myresource

return 0

end using

myresource will be disposed .

But if my using block is

using myresource

return myresource

end using

Will myresource be disposed?

I am wondering if a similar using block is causing memory lead in the app.


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Set VS2008 To Break On An Error Inside A Try-catch Statement?

Feb 19, 2009

One of the things I loved about VB6 is that you had the ability to tell the development environment to break on all errors regardless of what error handling you had set up. Is it possible to do the same thing in VS2008 so that the debugger will stop on any error even if it happens inside a try-catch statement?

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VS 2005 Adding INSERT INTO Statement Inside A Loop

Jun 1, 2011

if I have the following vb code,

for i = 0 to dTable.Rows(i).Count -1
Dim sql As String = ""
Dim strConn As String = ConnString


View 10 Replies

Case Statement Inside A Case Statement

Oct 31, 2011

I have coded a case statement that changes the background colour of a panel. [code]When the code is run, it works for the case of colour1 that is NOT 1 or 2. However, when the colour1 is 1 or 2, it is supposed to pick a number from set array and run another case statement. Instead, it only picks the last value (for 1, this is 5, and for 2, this is 7).

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Using An Array Inside Of A Structure In VB?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to create a structure and inside it put an array of "Genres". This is my structure declaration:

Structure BookData
Dim strGenres() As String


But I keep getting an error with the .strGenres(5). VB is telling me "End of statement expected"

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Compare A Value With The Whole Array In One Statement?

Jun 23, 2009

I have the following problem:

Dim MyArray (2) , MyValue as integer

Dim R as New Random
For i = 0 to 9
MyArray (i) = r.next(20)
Next i


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How To Insert SQL Statement In Array

Jun 22, 2009

- In my database, there's 2 table....Log, Application
- I am trying to construct a sentence for my log, something like..
(E.g.: Apply Annual Leave from Monday to Friday)
- Words in bold are to be retrieved from the Application table (database)

Here's my vb code (I am not sure whether I should be using array or not and I am not so sure how to use it too).
Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source= H:\Project\user.mdb"
sql = "SELECT * From Log"
[Code] .....

But when I view my Log..something like this appear
- How do I let the array know that the statement is an sql statement, not text??
- or Is there any other way to do it?

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Array Query Inside For Loop?

Feb 25, 2011

I am having trouble using FOR loop with array in query.What I am trying to do is for all the data pulled out of database I convert it to an array list and then string (this works fine). After that I am trying to make a FOR loop query for each of the data pulled out and this is where i am having trouble.


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Clear All The Items Inside The Array?

Sep 2, 2011

How can I clear all the items inside the array?

however I tried all the below codes and nothing has worked out

Public FRec() As DataRow
If FRec Is Nothing Then


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Changing The Value Of An Array Through A Foreach Statement?

Jun 13, 2012

I am making a program that automates the seperation of a csv file. We read the csv in through and then assign the "line" using a split command to an array. After that we go through each "cell" in the array and put an = in front because this causes leading zeros not to be lost. Here's the code.

arLine = line.Split(replace)
For Each cell As String In arLine
cell = cell.Replace(",", "")
cell = String.Format(cellFormat, cell)

arLine is the array and replace is the delimiter, in this case a pipe not that it matters.'

When it goes through, the arLine is correct but the values in each cell are not changing, any thoughts? newer to VB.net and need direction

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Array Not Printing In 2D Form Inside A TextBox?

Apr 19, 2012

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim x As Integer
r = InputBox("Enter row size ")
c = InputBox("Enter coloum size ")


This is my code for taking inputs in an array. Here everything is working fine except this line "Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbNewLine & vbCr" here i am trying to print the array in row-coloum in 2D form inside a text box but its not happening "vbNewLine or vbcr" both are not working and my array is getting printed in a single line.

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Creating An Array Of Class2 Inside Class1?

Dec 15, 2009

Creating an array of Class2 inside Class1?

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Define An Array Inside Of The Sub Call Parentheses?

Mar 22, 2011

Is there a way to define an array inside of the sub call parentheses?

Private Sub sub_name(byval sString, arrString)
sub_name("Some Text", array.{"","",""})

What I've been doing is passing a string and using a split on it to break it into an array in the Sub/Function, but I was wondering if there was a way to make the array inside the parentheses. I've looked through Google, but I'm guessing I'm not asking the right questions or it's not possible.

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Preserve An Array Inside A Class Method?

Mar 30, 2010

I have been learning about OOP and classes from a book and one of the question is the book has asked to create a simple Saving/Checking accounts Program. The question says that most of the functionality must be done through an Accounts Class, and this Acoounts class must inherit certain private fileds from an base class 'Transaction.

The question also says that data from the Saving/Checking accounts Program must be read to and from a text file, and these functions must be done within the Acounts class.

i have done everything the question asks to the best of my knowlegde and understanding but when it comes to storing and retieving data from the textfile i cannot utilise the array i created to store the textfile data onto it.

Bank Account.Write a program to maintain a person's Savings and Checking accounts. The program should keep track of and display the balances in both accounts, and maintain a list of transactions (deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, and check clearings) separately for each account. The two lists of transactions should be stored in sequential files so that they will persist between program sessions.

Consider the form in Figure 11.12. The two dropdown combo boxes should each contain the items Checking and Savings. Each of the four group boxes corresponds to a type of transaction. (When Savings is selected in the Account combo box, the Check group box should disappear.) The user makes a transaction by typing data into the text boxes of a group box and pressing the button. The items appearing in the Transactions list box should correspond to the type of account that has been selected. The caption of the second label in the Transfer group box should toggle between "to Checking" and "to Savings" depending on the item selected in the "Transfer from" combo box. If a transaction cannot be carried out, a message (such as "Insufficient funds") should be displayed.

The program should use two classes, Transaction and Account. The class Transaction should have properties for transaction name, amount, date, and whether it is a credit (deposit) or debit (withdrawal/check). The class Account, which will have both a checking account and a savings account as instances, should use an array of Transaction objects. In addition, it should have properties for name (Checking or Savings) and balance. It should have methods to carry out a transaction (if possible), to display the list of transactions, and to load and retrieve the set of transactions into or from a sequential file. The events InsufficientFunds and TransactionCommitted should be triggered at appropriate times.

Hint: In order for an Account object to display a list of transactions, a list box should be passed to a method as an argument. The method might be declared with Sub EnumerateTransactions(ByVal lb As ListBox).

Here is my code. I am sorry this code is basic and unedited.

Public Class Form3
'load contents of Text file into the listbox when first loaded
'store data in file into array of accounts, record no. counts


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Reference - Array Resizing Inside A Function?

May 2, 2012

I am running into an issue with Array resizing in vb.net. I sort of understand why the issue is coming up but I'm not sure how to get around it. Basically, I have a class that has an array of objects being passed to it. I'm trying to have a sub resize the array and add another object to it. However, once it's done, the original object does not get updated.

Optimally I would like something like this.

Sub Main()
Dim parent As New Parent
Dim first As New Child()


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Referencing An Object Inside An Array In Runtime

Dec 30, 2009

i'm trying to reference an object dynamically inside a loop; something like this:[code]

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Summing Data Inside Of An Array Element

May 3, 2011

I am working on a sale report program. Its purpose is to record the new item and the amount made from the item mon - fri. My problem isn't getting the total. I am using a For..Next to do this. The problem is that everytime i add a new item it changes all of the previous items weekly totals as well. Thus throwing off my Total Sales. My initial suspicion is that since i don't have it added as part of the output i display it changes and re-adds it to all old items.

The section of code below is the area where i believe my problem is.
The Array itemNames holds 10 elements for the Items sold.
The Array itemSales holds the weekly price data.

' add item to listbox
For counterItem = 0 To itemCount Step 1


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ByRef - Redim Statement Requires Array

Jul 13, 2011

I can't fix following code:
Private Sub Dic_List(ByRef sender As Array)
Dim L_sender As Integer
L_sender = sender.Length / 5 - 1
ReDim Preserve sender(4, L_sender + 200)
End Sub
Error 1 'Redim' statement requires an array.
But sender is an array.

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Creating Array From Select Case Statement?

Jan 10, 2012

Is there a way to pass data from a Select Case statement to an array? i.e. I have a gradebook program I'm working on which specifies that I'm to create a form with a menu that will open another form which has textboxes for 5 student names and 5 grades for each. I need to use an array that holds 5 student names (done), an array of 5 strings to hold each students' letter grade (?) and 5 arrays of 5 numbers to hold each student's set of test scores (done). What I can't figure out is how to get th

Public Class StudentData
Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click


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Sort A Structure Array - Setup The Statement?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm using VB.Net 2005. I have created a Structure Array that contains 7 fields. I am trying to figure out how to sort this thing and have no idea. I've been reading up on the Array.Sort function and I'm bombarded with Overloads. I just don't know how to set up the statement. Below is my


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Statement Of An Array Of Integers To Store 15 Numbers?

Sep 1, 2011

Am new to programming and i would like your help to this question. [b][color="Red"]Write a declaration statement of an array of integers to store 15 numbers. Initialise the first 5 values.

When I open the Visual Studio 2005 I don't see the template i.e. Win32 Applications, C++

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