Expressions In Windows Workflow Foundation

May 5, 2011

I have a C# statement like New Customer(){id=1, name="paul"};Do VB have an equivilent statement that can be used as in expression assign activity in Windows Workflow Foundation.

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VS 2008 Download All Architectural With Exploitation For Foundation Database Windows 7

Feb 2, 2012

i want download all architectural with explaintation for foundation database windows 7

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IDE :: Differences Standard - Professional - Team Suite - Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

Jul 15, 2009

1) Can anyone post a link or tell me the differences between these versions of VISUAL STUDIO please? >>

Standard, Professional, Team Suite, Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

2) I imagine Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition is the most expensive and therefore has the most functionality?

3) Are there any others I have not mentioned?

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How Does One Create A Workflow App

Jul 8, 2009

How does one create a workflow app such as url.... What are the .NET objects involved ?

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State Machine Workflow - .NET?

Jan 20, 2010

I am creating a very simple state machine class library project in has only 3 states - CreateApplication, ProcessApplication and CompleteApplication.I have an interface created in the same project.I am invoking it from a web application by calling ApplicationService.CreateApplication(obj of ApplicationDetail)

<ExternalDataExchange()> _
Public Interface IApplicationService
Event ApplicationCreated As EventHandler(Of ApplicationDetailEventArgs)


My issueis that, when I try to run it I am getting the value of workflowInstance . InstanceId as Empty.

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Technology - AJAX - Workflow - WCF And WPF

Jan 3, 2011

I have worked on .NET 2.0 technologies and now that I want start learning newer technologies, I am currently very confused on how to proceed.

New technologies I am considering consist of AJAX, Workflow, WCF and WPF

Here is my dilemma:
1. Where should I start first?
2. Which technology would allow me quicker understanding?
3. Is there any specific sequence to this learning?

I understand the questions might be stupid; however, this would help me concentrate on one instead of all over the place and archiving nothing.

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Add Folder And File Using Team Foundation Server SDK?

Jul 17, 2009

I am having a problem with a folder and a file showing up under my project which is under my solution. The files are being added to TFS but my project has no idea that the file exists and shows it as white[code]...

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Finding The Input About Program Workflow?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a program that pulls orders from the database and prints packing slips and labels for the warehouse. There are 2 reports that print out every time and the are potentially 7 others that could print for each order. all of the reports will use the same basic information and just present it in different ways (i.e. label, packing slip, international paperwork, etc). the program we are currently using was written in a rush and I know is not efficient. I am pulling the same information several times for each run. I am trying to redo the program the correct way now. What I am asking input for is what do you think the best way to approach this is. I am currently using the System.Collections.DictionaryBase to store all of the information I need. I am thinking of creating more of those to store the information for each of the reports, but that still doesn't seem like the most efficient way to do it either.

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Integrate 2010 Express With Team Foundation Server?

Jan 28, 2011

I've used MS Visual Basic 2010 Express to build a very simple VB.Net Windows app. I need to check the code into our Team Foundation Server Source Control. Is there a TFS plug-in for VB Express? If not, do I need to check the code in manually?

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Store 2003 / 2005 Code In Team Foundation?

Apr 20, 2011

Does anyone know if you can store VS 2003/2005 code in Team Foundation? If so, is their any configuration needed for Team Foundation?

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Team Foundation Server - Check Out File Without Workspace

May 27, 2011

I have TFS url, and I have source File location, but I don't have Workspace path. How to Check out file without workspace, or how to find workspace for some file? I already make solution for checkout file in TFS, but in some cases I don't have workspace path or name.


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Wpf - Workflow Designer Line Onclick Too Thin

Apr 12, 2012

I'm making a workflowdesigner to create workflows on a canvas with wpf and I have made it possible to draw lines(relations) between objects with a nice function. Now I want to implement a way to delete a relation. I add a onclick handler on the shape but the line is very thin and hard to click. I've heard to draw 2 lines 1 with a thicker stroke thickness, but this isn't possible since the drawline method is heavy on the cpu.

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.net - Checking For Null Variable In Workflow 4.0 Transition Condition

Feb 27, 2012

I'm implementing a State Machine in WF 4.0. In some transitions, I have added a condition where I check that some variables have the expected values. The variables are enums and booleans, and everything is fine.

However, now I tried to evaluate when a property is null. I have and argument in my workflow, let's say, 'MyArgument'. In a transition, I try to put a condition like 'MyArgument.MyProperty = Nothing'. I never developed in VB.NET, I don't know if I'm missing something here...

VS2010 gives the following error: "Error 4 Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "MyArg.MyProp = Nothing".
Operator '=' is not defined for types 'XXXX' and 'XXXX'

The type names are exactly the same, and I have debugged VS2010 to ensure that my assembly is not loaded from 2 different locations.

How can I check if the property is null or not?

BTW, I'm using VS2010 SP 1, with .NET Platform Update 1 installed, on W7 64 bits.

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Workflow & Change Notification In .NET 2010 Application With Backend SQL Database

Jan 28, 2011

I am developing an app that uses a sql backend database (hosted on a different machine).The app I am developing will be run on 10 different workstations simultaneously.Sometimes the app will change the database in such a way that the database needs to initiate a workflow process and I'm not sure of the best way to do this.Also, when database changes happen, how does one best notify the other app instances that the change has happened, so they know to refresh their data? I was thinking that triggers could help initiate the workflow but it might be nice to develop the actual workflow in .net code.Should I write another App to run as a service on the server and do the work and also to tell the client apps when things change?

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C# - Use Or Not Lambda Expressions?

Nov 11, 2009

I see lambda expressions have become a very useful tool at some points in the language. I've been using them a lot and most of the time they fit really nice and make the code shorter and perhaps clearer.

Now.. I've seen some , I would say excessive use of them. Some people like them so much that try to use them everywhere they can.. Some times the C# code looks like a functional language. Other factors against are the cost using reflection by lambda and that not friendly to debugging.I would like to hear opinions about how good and how code clear it is to use more or less the lambda expressions. (this is not the better example, but let's say it was the trigger)I was writing the following code. The use of the delegate { return null; } helps me avoid having to ask if the event is null or not every time I have to use it.

public delegate ContactCellInfo.Guest AddGuest();
public event AddGuest GuestRequest = delegate { return null;}

Im using resharper and the wise resharper( even it some times literaly eats the memory) made me the following suggestion

public delegate ContactCellInfo.Guest AddGuest();
public event AddGuest GuestRequest = () => null;

At my point of view the code using the delegate looks clearer. I am not against the Lamdba expression just would like to hear some advices on how and when to use them.

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Evaluate All The Expressions?

Jan 4, 2010

if i do not need to evaluate all the expressions, am i right to say that there are benefits and no disadvantages of using AndAlso compared to using And


if a=b And f=g And y=k
can be better done with:
if a=b AndAlso f=g AndAlso y=k

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Lambda Expressions In C# Vs. .net?

Jan 20, 2010

Functionally, is there any difference (apart from syntax onbviously) between lambda expressions in C# and VB.Net?EDIT: following up on CraigTP's answer: any references to the situation in .Net 4?EDIT: I'm asking because I'm used to C#, but for a next project the customer asks VB.Net. We're not a priori against that. We realize that most language constructs are supported in both languages. However, we're particularly fond of the way C# implements lambda expressions. We would like to have an overview of the differences with VB.Net

EDIT: accepted CraigTP's answer for pointing out what I currently consider the most important difference.

So to summarize: VB.Net 9 does not support multiline statements in a lambda expression, and a lambda must always return a value. Both of these issues are addressed in VB.Net 10

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NET 8 - Add General Expressions?

Apr 25, 2012

I wish to incorporate general expressions in my Visual Basic work.Other than the basic inputting "Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions", I have no idea how to do put general expressions in my VB project.However, I can create the expressions (so, all is not lost).

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.net - Are These Expressions True Or False

Feb 20, 2011

The expression 3>6 AndAlso 7>4 evaluates to
A. True B. False
The expression 4>6 OrElse 10<2*6 evaluates to
A. True B. False
The expression 7>=3+4 OrElse 6<4 AndAlso 2<5 evaluates to
A. True B. False

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C# - .NET Async Lambda-expressions?

Apr 20, 2012

Async Sub like this: Dim f As Func(Of Task) = Async Sub() End Sub Produces compiler error: error BC36670: Nested sub does not have a signature that is compatible with delegate 'System.Func(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task)'.Equivalent C# code compiles fine:

Func<Task> f = async () => { };Rewriting Async Sub into Async Function make code works.

Why does Async Sub() is not convertible to delegate types with return value of type Task?

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C# - Regular Expressions For Class Name?

Jan 15, 2011

i need a regular expressions string to get all anchor tags in a page with a specific css class name, in c#/vb.netthis is what i got so far"<a.*?href=""(.*?)"".*?>(.*?)</a>"ut my attempts to add "class=name" isnt working, also is it possible to find links where the class name appears either before or after the href with one expression

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Converting Lambda Expressions To .net?

Jul 4, 2010

how to convert this code to, can anybody help?

public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =


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Evaluate Algebraic Expressions In VB NET?

Mar 30, 2011

I am looking for a way to simplify algebraic expressions in VB.NET. It is preferred if you can give me a link to a pre-written library or class.

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Execute A Statement Only If Both Expressions Are Met?

Feb 13, 2011

I am new to VisualBasic and trying to learn it online. For my first assignment I have to make a program that allows someone to input a time in AM/PM and select the time zone and automatically output a picture and three other time zones. I think I have it for the most part but I am having an issue with one part in particular. Since the time is input using AM or PM if the original time is 11:00 AM and I add an hour it should switch to PM. But I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. I basically need to say If the time is equal to 12 and the meridiem is equal to am then it should switch to pm but I keep getting errors inidicating they are trying to switch to a boolean value.


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Possible To Make An Array Of Expressions

Nov 14, 2009

I'm in a Collage VB.Net Class and I was wondering if it is possible to make an array of expressions like : Dim exps() = { 5*4,2+3,5*2}.

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Regex - C# Using Regular Expressions?

Nov 11, 2011

The following works in, and basically only allows characters on a standard US Keyboard. Any other character pasted gets deleted. I use the following regular expression code:

"[^A-Za-z0-9[{}]`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=\/:;'""<>,.|? ]", "")

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Sum The Counts With Lambda Expressions

Feb 3, 2012

I have a List(of T) where T has a property that is a list of checkboxes, what I need is a Lambda expression that will count all the checked checkboxes in the list. I tried with:


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Validation Using Regular Expressions?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm trying to do is some password validation. It needs to have at least 1 lower case character, 1 uppercase character, 1 number and at least 6 characters in length. I figured I could do this using "RegularExpressions" however I can't figure out how to determine the "at least one occurance" of each. For example I thought the following would work but it only validates that what is input is a lower case, uppser case or numeric character, not that the input has at least one of each. The user should be able to enter any characters but at least one of lower case, upper case and numeric characters.



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VS 2008 Looking For Regular Expressions?

Mar 5, 2011

I have a string list which has hundrens of elements. Now I want to find a rule to distinguish them according to their similarity. There are these kinds of pattern.

Group 1: "ABC 20", "ABC 20 Dup". There is a substring "DUP" in the last position.
Group 2: "saliva 4", "saliva 4_2","siliva 4_3", etc. There is a substring "_" plus a number in the last position.
Group 3: "sal_1", "sal_1b","sal_1c", etc. There is a character in the last popsition.
Group 4: "NA222", "NA222b", there is a character in the last position.
Group 5: "1","1_2","10","10_2" etc.

I want to put them into a dictionary if they are similar.

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VS 2008 Use Regular Expressions?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a number that always will be in this format

1815131217 Lets say I want to parse out all the 1's in between leaving only 85327

How can I do that?

What if my number is 1310111512

The number needs to be 30152 How can I do that?

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