Technology - AJAX - Workflow - WCF And WPF

Jan 3, 2011

I have worked on .NET 2.0 technologies and now that I want start learning newer technologies, I am currently very confused on how to proceed.

New technologies I am considering consist of AJAX, Workflow, WCF and WPF

Here is my dilemma:
1. Where should I start first?
2. Which technology would allow me quicker understanding?
3. Is there any specific sequence to this learning?

I understand the questions might be stupid; however, this would help me concentrate on one instead of all over the place and archiving nothing.

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How Does One Create A Workflow App

Jul 8, 2009

How does one create a workflow app such as url.... What are the .NET objects involved ?

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State Machine Workflow - .NET?

Jan 20, 2010

I am creating a very simple state machine class library project in has only 3 states - CreateApplication, ProcessApplication and CompleteApplication.I have an interface created in the same project.I am invoking it from a web application by calling ApplicationService.CreateApplication(obj of ApplicationDetail)

<ExternalDataExchange()> _
Public Interface IApplicationService
Event ApplicationCreated As EventHandler(Of ApplicationDetailEventArgs)


My issueis that, when I try to run it I am getting the value of workflowInstance . InstanceId as Empty.

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How To Use Com And Dcom Technology

May 25, 2009

I need a clarification of COM & DCOM concepts. How to use this technology and with samples codes in vb 6.0 or so that I can understand easily.

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Expressions In Windows Workflow Foundation

May 5, 2011

I have a C# statement like New Customer(){id=1, name="paul"};Do VB have an equivilent statement that can be used as in expression assign activity in Windows Workflow Foundation.

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Finding The Input About Program Workflow?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a program that pulls orders from the database and prints packing slips and labels for the warehouse. There are 2 reports that print out every time and the are potentially 7 others that could print for each order. all of the reports will use the same basic information and just present it in different ways (i.e. label, packing slip, international paperwork, etc). the program we are currently using was written in a rush and I know is not efficient. I am pulling the same information several times for each run. I am trying to redo the program the correct way now. What I am asking input for is what do you think the best way to approach this is. I am currently using the System.Collections.DictionaryBase to store all of the information I need. I am thinking of creating more of those to store the information for each of the reports, but that still doesn't seem like the most efficient way to do it either.

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Fascinating Technology A 3D Printer?

Oct 18, 2011

The current episode (Bedford house, episode 2 of 16) of This Old House has a segment on Z corporation's 3D printer. This printer prints 3D working models complete with moving parts. I found it fascinating.

You can view the episode on the PBS site or local PBS channel.

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Wpf - Workflow Designer Line Onclick Too Thin

Apr 12, 2012

I'm making a workflowdesigner to create workflows on a canvas with wpf and I have made it possible to draw lines(relations) between objects with a nice function. Now I want to implement a way to delete a relation. I add a onclick handler on the shape but the line is very thin and hard to click. I've heard to draw 2 lines 1 with a thicker stroke thickness, but this isn't possible since the drawline method is heavy on the cpu.

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Aid In A Technology Classroom At A Middle School?

Nov 10, 2009

I am an aid in a technology classroom at a middle school. They have 12 computers that must be logged into everyday. The teacher has given me the password to log in the computers for the students, because he doesn't want them to know it. The teacher's computer is linked to the other 12. I was wondering if it is possible to develop a program that has a list of the 12 computers with 2 fields, one for user name and password. These for each computer. You would enter the username and password and it would log in the computer. This would be done from the teacher's computer. It would make it a lot easier than having to go around and log in those computers. [URL]..

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Which Database Technology To Use Making A Dictionary

Mar 3, 2011

I am creating a dictionary software in Visual studio 2010 (vb). I've already done one in which i used SQL server express 2008 to hold the data. But users find it very annoying to download SQL server (of 58 MB) before installing the software.I am definitely not using SQL this time. But I don't know which database technology does not need a prerequisite software. I guess ADO.NET will not be favorable too. So can anybody suggest me which one to select this time, so that the users can use my software having just the .NET framework 4.0 and nothing else?

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.net - Checking For Null Variable In Workflow 4.0 Transition Condition

Feb 27, 2012

I'm implementing a State Machine in WF 4.0. In some transitions, I have added a condition where I check that some variables have the expected values. The variables are enums and booleans, and everything is fine.

However, now I tried to evaluate when a property is null. I have and argument in my workflow, let's say, 'MyArgument'. In a transition, I try to put a condition like 'MyArgument.MyProperty = Nothing'. I never developed in VB.NET, I don't know if I'm missing something here...

VS2010 gives the following error: "Error 4 Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "MyArg.MyProp = Nothing".
Operator '=' is not defined for types 'XXXX' and 'XXXX'

The type names are exactly the same, and I have debugged VS2010 to ensure that my assembly is not loaded from 2 different locations.

How can I check if the property is null or not?

BTW, I'm using VS2010 SP 1, with .NET Platform Update 1 installed, on W7 64 bits.

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Check The New Employee Candidate Knowledge From Vb/C# .net Technology?

Jul 13, 2011

I have to make an interviews with programmers. Do you have any ideas how I can test their knowledge from the field of

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Which Technology Is More Efficient And Easy To Use Oracle Forms Or .net

May 24, 2011

I have a question about which technology is more efficient and easy to use oracle forms or .net . The database we use is oracle now we have to develope a new project insurance software (application) . I just want your opinion if .net would be more better to use for these kind of projects and if it has the same performance with oracle database as the oracle forms?

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Workflow & Change Notification In .NET 2010 Application With Backend SQL Database

Jan 28, 2011

I am developing an app that uses a sql backend database (hosted on a different machine).The app I am developing will be run on 10 different workstations simultaneously.Sometimes the app will change the database in such a way that the database needs to initiate a workflow process and I'm not sure of the best way to do this.Also, when database changes happen, how does one best notify the other app instances that the change has happened, so they know to refresh their data? I was thinking that triggers could help initiate the workflow but it might be nice to develop the actual workflow in .net code.Should I write another App to run as a service on the server and do the work and also to tell the client apps when things change?

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Using ClickOnce Technology To Deploy Applications Using In Place Hosting Manager?

Oct 21, 2010

We are using ClickOnce Technology to deploy our applications using In Place Hosting Manager.I install Ver for an application XYZ. More upgrades happen and I install till Ver At this point the minimum required version is set to Ver But,now I want to move back to Ver In Place Hosting Manager install Ver though we don't change the minimum required version? My motive is to only change the location of deployment manifest and keep on jumping across versions(Up and Down).

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Make A "sales And Inventory System" With Added Technology?

Nov 21, 2011

im planning to make a "sales and inventory system" with added technology like (barcode/ swipe card <-- this 2 are common) ....

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Get A Reference To Ajax?

Jun 23, 2009

I am using a PropertyGrid control. There are two things I need to be able to do.

1. I need to be able to access Ajax controltoolkit components and populate the propertygrid with the properties from the Ajax control toolkit.

2. I need to be able to do the same with WebUI components.

The basic part, populating the propertygrid with a control, I understand how to do - -

What I don't know is what to import or how to access what dll (for the Ajax Control Toolkit and the Web UI controls), in my Winforms project to be able to do this.

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Ajax Page With ASP WebForms

Sep 14, 2011

I'm amateur with asp and .net, but i need create a page to generate xml/json output response similar to java servlet.what is the best way to do ajax response with asp forms? Asp page form with [code]

View 1 Replies Mvc - .NET MVC Ajax Form - How Do You Hide It

Mar 28, 2010

Ok, everything is 'functionally' working with what I am attempting to accomplish and once again, I am sure this is something dumb, but I cannot figure out how to do this one thing.I have an edit form for an entity, lets say a car. This 'car' can have 0 - many passengers. So on my edit form, I have all the fields for the car, then a list view showing each passenger (partial). I also have a 'add new passenger' button that will render a new partial view that allows you to enter a passenger. This has a cancel link and an add button to submit an Ajax form. When you add a passenger, the passenger is automatically added to the list, but I need the enter passenger form to go away. I have tried using the onSuccess and onComplete functions to hide the div that the form is in, but both render just the partial view HTML elements (white screen, text) and not the partialView in the context of the entire page.


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C# - Using AJAX To Run A Webservice In The Background

Apr 20, 2011

I basically need to do this, but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn't give me "Full Trust" so I can't run threads. Is there a way to do this using AJAX?

//Updates Information in Database
Thread threadFind = new Thread(LoadFind);

Response.Write("Send old information to users"); I don't want my users to have to wait at all for a response, so I can send them the old information. However, while they are on the page I want another thread (or something that works like a thread) to update the information for the next user that visits.

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Calling VB Pagemethod From Ajax?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a simple aspx file with 2 text boxes and an ajax autocomplete extender attached to textbox2

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="test4.aspx.vb" Inherits="test4" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


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Crape A Website That Uses Ajax?

Sep 12, 2011

i need to scrape a website that uses ajax. the website searches for listing, but uses ajax to return the result.

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Go From Sql Database To Ajax / Jquery?

Nov 15, 2010

How can I go from an SQL statement to AJAX?I know this is a broad question so here is what I am trying to do and what I have tried.

I have using connected to the database and put the information in a dataset and datagrid.(I don't want to use a datagrid anymore)

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How To Use AJAX Tooltip Control

Jan 7, 2011

control to display dynamic fields

the database table contains
ID --> Autonumber
Title --> text


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Our App Uses: ASP.Net, .Net, And Microsoft's AJAX Implementation?

Mar 3, 2011

The middleware that manages talk between the mainframe and our app is blowing up randomly. It's a "such and such attempted to read/write protected memory..." error.The vendor is saying there we must be running some unmanaged code (I feel they're trying to worm out of it). I know VB's entirely managed, but does anyone know about the server portion of AJAX? Is there any server side javascript stuff that occurs before it actually gets into the .NET framework?

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Populate DropDownList In 2.0 Using Ajax?

Aug 6, 2009

I am new to Ajax and have a rough idea about Ajax. I am developing a website having a feedback page in which, i want to populate the state/city DropDownList box depending upon the value selected in country DropDownList box.

I have seen some examples downloaded online but they are not working in my application due to many possible reasons, some of them may be the feedback page in my application is a content page, the web application is 2.0 web application, i don't have any additional ajax tools or scripts installed.give me the solution that should work with 2.0 web application (in VB.NET) and the feedback page is a content page. I don't want to add custom controls. I want to do it straight away with javascript or vbscript using XMLHTTP object.

After everything is set right with Ajax. What if the browser doesn't support Ajax? What should i do in such case?

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SelectList Cached By AJAX?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a DropDownList in MVC which grabs a SelectList initialized and populated by a controller. The goal of the specific page that said list resides on is to reply "You have selected option X" immediately to the user without refreshing (using Ajax).The problem I'm running into is that for some odd reason, while the dropdown renders properly and even posts back correctly, any attempts to add new options or modify previous response messages are in vain.

My View:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.js"></script>


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Use AJAX With Aspx Backend?

Apr 5, 2011

I have to use VB.Net. Microsoft provides black magic tools (in the Visual Studio IDE) for making AJAX work, but using these seems hopelessly complicated and documentation for these tools covers only the simplest examples. By contrast, writing the scripts myself seems much easier, and I will understand what is going on.

So my question is, is it possible to write my own AJAX javascript (creating the XMLHttpRequest object, etc.), and have the server-side function be written in VB.Net instead of PHP?

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VS 2008 Ajax And DocumentCompleted?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to get an HTML source from 3 different web pages. To navigate these 3 pages there is a dropdown menu with 3 items: Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3.These 3 pages are loaded using ajax in an empty div.

What I am doing at the moment is:Selecting the first item from the dropdown menu and simulate a click

Home.Browser0.Document.Forms(0).All("menu").SetAttribute("value", item1)


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.net - Code Behind From Adding AJAX Exentenders?

Jan 17, 2012

I am working on adding some ajax controls for either a hover menu or popup control. But when I do I get the following code.<System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute()> <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()> _
Public Shared Function GetDynamicContent(ByVal contextKey As System.String) As System.String

End Function I am trying to find out exactly how to code against this function. I am at a bit of a loss with regard to the WebMethodAttribute, and ScriptMethodAttribute, one would think I could delete one or the other. I watched numerous videos by MS and others and this code behind is not covered.

If someone could point to some tutorials, MSDN, white papers, or web sites where this is used, or in a project or something,

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