File I/O And Registry :: Read A Text File?

Feb 5, 2009

I have a coma seperated text file with loads of records. Usually when we read a text file we start from the first line and go towards the last. I know that there will be x comas per record.

But I want to start reading from the last line and then towards the top. This enables me to stop before I reach the top (depending on the data).

What would be the fastest way to read a text file in VB.NET. I am using VS2008. Basically I want to read from last line and stop when I want. I may not need to read the entire file.

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File I/O And Registry :: Implement A Routine To Read A Plain Text File?

Mar 21, 2010

I need to implement a routine to read a plain text file, BUT that file has a predefined format.The file format is as follows:


<FILE_PROPERTIES> 'The "< >" also appears
Propertie1="String" 'It's possible to have spaces after or before the "="


Is there any Windows API Routine to read something like that?Or could you point me an URL where something is implemented?I don't want a procedure to read the file line by line and comparing them with Line Input because blank spaces, empty lines and comments starting with " // " may appear too, and I don't want to take them into account, but also I need to save changes to the file, but only to the modified section, without having to read the whole file, and re-write it completely.

Binary access can't work, because I don't know what's the size of each "section", since the number of elements into it can change.
I need something like the "ReadINI" Windows API Procedure, but allowing me to read the "[XXX]" sections headers, and also the "<XXX>" file title header.

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File I/O And Registry :: Load - Read - Locate & Copy Text In A File?

Aug 12, 2010

Before I begin I would like to mention that I am not a noob in VB, it's just I've never had to do anything this complex before. Basically what I want is to have a program that you can load a txt file in, have it copy key words, and paste it in a textbox so I can use it later on. So in this text file, there is a bunch of info, but I am only needing a certain part. Here is an example of a text file (actually a .dat file, but is easily read):


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File I/O And Registry :: Read One Text File And Put Lines In Different Text Boxes?

May 12, 2009

i have 5 textboxes in a form. I have a streamwriter that writes all of their text to on text file like this:

Dim xfile As String = Application.StartupPath & "/Set.txt"
If File.Exists(xfile) = True Then
Dim writex As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(xfile)


I was wondering how to get the text under the each number and place it in the corresponding textbox.

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File I/O And Registry :: Binary File Primer - Read The Nth Record Without Reading The Whole File?

May 4, 2009

I need to write data to a file, preferably in binary format, but I am unaccustomed with the concept. Where's the easiest place to get the basics? I could come here with a specific need, but I'm at the point right now where I am more willing to work within the confines of keeping it simple.

Here's what I know:
1. how to open a new file
2. how to specify the record length
3. how to close the file

Some specific questions:

Does the record length have to be constant throughout the file?

Can I read the nth record without reading the whole file?

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File I/O And Registry :: Open / Read Binary File / Care To Check Code?

Jun 14, 2009

I've gone through about 16 hours and two packs of cigarettes trying to figure this out. First a little background. I was using 6.0 up until 2004 when I went to prison. I'm out now, and trying to relearn the trade, using VS 2005. I'm currently porting some 6.0 code from another project, SpyCast Webcam Studio, into VB 8.0. It's disheartening, to say the least. None of the old built-in subs/functions work anymore, so I have to scour the forums to relearn each and every function.The section I'm doing now takes a snapshot from the webcam (Video API --> PictureBox --> Save as Jpeg), then upens the file to upload it to the server via HTTP POST. I've been using this code in SpyCast for years with no trouble, but I spent many hours trying to piece together the right code to open the binary file to read its contents. I pieced together two methods I found around the forums, one using FileStream() though the code I found wasn't for binary files, even though it said it was, so that code doesn't really work. Method two uses Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen() and works better.

Here's the kicker. By the time I run through the rest of the rigamarole of uploading the file, by the time I read it on the webserver, it's *slightly* corrupted. It's a valid Jpeg, no errors, but the picture looks like when I use to watch the Playboy Channel when I was a kid scrambled with weird colors and whatnot. [code] Each "chunk" is basically one "line" of the file. It looks like a single LineInput() return is the text between two carriage returns. Am I correct? I tested this with a flat text file, and it looks true. However, That one input line returns the text or data with the carriage returns *stripped*! ***?!? =( Fine, I have no problem adding my own vbCrLf to each LineInput(), if I were opening text. but this's binary. A character could be Chr(10) or Chr(13), both of which are removed from the original file contents.So I could very well need to use something other than LineInput(), but I haven't found any other examples on the web using this method.

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File I/O And Registry :: File Read/write From A Collection?

Nov 17, 2010

I am working on a program with multiple collections related to one another for a school project. Each collection needs to have its own defined properties and have the objects written (1 per line) to a text file.

I have all of that working.

When reading the comma-separated line from the file, I want to place one of the properties of the object in a listbox (so that all the objects' names will show up in the listbox). I think I have this part figured out...

My problem is that when you click on the name in the listbox, I would like multiple text boxes to be populated with the appropriate, corresponding properties of the particular object in the there a way for this to be done?

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File I/O And Registry :: Read Metadata From Movie File?

May 29, 2009

I want to read the meta data from a movie file and place the result in to a textbox.I've googled it and found no good samples for =( The data I'm interested in are the bitrate and the resolution and the extensions I'm interested in are .wmv, .avi and .flv the extension isn't known when the program loads because the movie is going to be inputted by the user..

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File I/O And Registry :: Random Access File Larger Than Text File?

Jan 7, 2009

I am writing a program to calculate Pi to several hundred billion decimal places and this will require lots of GB of memory. I wrote a test program in VB2008 that saved the first 16 digits of Pi (without the decimal point) to both a text file and a random access file, just to be sure it was outputting the numbers properly. For reference the first 16 digits of Pi are:

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File I/O And Registry :: Can't Read / Write To Registry

Jan 21, 2012

I have several programs that must write to HKLM in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro.The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine. [code]I just cannot figure out why VB6 works but .net doesn't and fails only on the target machine not the development machine.

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File I/O And Registry :: Read Bytes From A File?

Aug 28, 2010

how to read bytes from a file... but is it possible to read each individual bit, one at a time?

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File I/O And Registry :: Read File Like Notepad

Jan 31, 2009

I need to read the following file in vb .net:"C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb". It contains info about installed software updates. I've taken a look at the file by opening it with notepad. This isn't a plain-text file obviously, but I can find and see the text I want easily with Notepad, and I want to extract this text by using VB .NET.

The problem is, i've tried to read the file by using an io.streamreader, but I can't get the same results as in notepad. I've tried to change encoding but that doesn't work. I mean in Notepad, I can read some text easily: "A s e c u r i t y i s s u e h a s b e e n i d e n t i f i e d" [...], but the only thing I get with the streamreader is some bunch of ugly characters, and the text I saw with Notepad isn't there.

Do I have to read the file in binary or what? HOW NOTEPAD DOES IT? HOW DO I READ THIS FILE LIKE NOTEPAD DOES?I absolutely need to extract some updates info that aren't in either the registry or WMI/QFE.

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening A Text File Into Multiple Text Boxes Using Loops And Arrays

May 20, 2009

So I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.

However, I'm having a *** of a time getting it to take lines from the text file and put them in the proper text box. Here is an example file:




So with the sample file I provided above, in the textbox named callNameText would appear "SHOWNAME", and so on and so forth. With this build, I get a NullReferenceException on the "Me.Controls(strboxNames(i)).Text() = strAllText(ati)" line.

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Streamreader - Text File - To Read Into A Listview - Read From A Specific Line In That File

Mar 11, 2010

I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,

TOTAL GPM= 6400 HWT= 95.5 CWT= 84.0 IWBT= 76.6 ALTITUDE= 0


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File I/O And Registry :: Text File Tab Delimited Import Visual Studio 2010?

Nov 28, 2010

trying to input a text file that's tab delimited that looks something like this.

2.2 5.6
3.7 9
1.2 9.1


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File I/O And Registry :: Save Information Into A Text File From Runtime VB2005?

Jul 24, 2009

how to save information into a text file from runtime VB2005. However, I wish to be able to write the information into any kind of form of file that cannot be simply opened and read by anyone (such as text file can be). Is there anyway that VB2005 can do this?

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File I/O And Registry :: Using The SaveFileDialog To Save Listbox Info Into A Text File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using the SaveFileDialog to save listbox info into a text file. The files save fine, but when you go to save the file, if you hit the cancel button, it will overwrite the previous file you saved, because it's name was the same and it seems to save the previous file as the new name for your next file. Is there any way to catch if the user clicks cancel, and then exiting the sub if they did?

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File I/O And Registry :: [VB2008] Change Specific Line In A Text File

Jan 13, 2009

I need to be able to change a path inside a document ( a config file to a program) to the current directory of the application im creating in VB so the text file looks something like



i need to change c:server

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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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File I/O And Registry :: Check If A Certain File Is In Text Or Binary Format?

Mar 13, 2010

how I could check if a certain file is in text or binary format?I'm using VB.Net 2008 Express.

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File I/O And Registry :: Creating A Text File, And Using It Among Different Windows Users

May 31, 2009

I created an application that when a user logs onto their Windows account, a Form is displayed outlining the current Computer Usage policy set by the insitution and gives the user two options either Agree or Dis-Agree. The two options are in the form of buttons, with events that depending on what the user clicked, will create a log text file at a specified location, with enteries of Date,Time,CurrentUser, and if they agreed or disagreed. If they agreed the application after creating/amending the file will then terminate, otherwise it will update the file and then force Windows to logoff the current user.

Now I made a shortcut of the .exe of the application and placed it in the startup for all users, and yes the application loads at startup for all the users following the procedures mentioned above. The problem I am facing is, that if the current user logs off, or is forced to log off, and another user logs onto Windows, goes through the whole ordeal mentioned above, the application is denied access to the logfile that was created under the previous user, and thus crashes.

So my question is, how can I created a text file using vb 2008 application, that is accessible by multiple Windows users. I have even tried changing the location of the created file to the shared folder, but the end result is the same.

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File I/O And Registry :: Deleting Lines In A Sequential Text File?

Mar 22, 2009

I know that Deleting a specific line in a sequential text file is impossible but instead copy the needed lines and not copying the unneeded ones to an output file .. killing the old one and renaming the new one with the same.. I can't make this step...

That is my record file

Input #1, CustomerName, CustomerHomeAddress, CustomerBussAddress, CustomerTel1, CustomerMob1, CustomerID, DateRent, CarRegPin

"Josek Sam","68 West Land Street","149 Union of States","4524563","45635463","JOSKSAM1",#2009-03-02#,"MILANCGLZ2008"
"Josef Malm","142 Unions Street","64 Hamersters Street","452504","42542054","JOSFMALM2",#2009-03-06#,"MILANCGLZ2008"
"Dave Green","131 Oxford Street","96 BlueBane Route","452542452","43254345","DAVGRN3",#2009-03-07#,"MILANCGLZ2008"

I made a form that when you put your CustomerID in Text3 Box.. it access the records and make some calculations. now.. The customer will return the car.. Then his data should be deleted.. I want to know how to make that when I enter the CustomerID and press on the Command button .. It copies the other lines to a new output folder and doesn't copy these ... So it appears to be deleted using this way..

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File I/O And Registry :: Find/Extract String From A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

I've got an application that passes commands to a terminal window and saves all the output to a text file Here is one of the commands my application passes to the terminal

MyProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("host " + device)

The output of which is

"HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y"

this along with a whole bunch of other text is saved to a text question is how do I find the sting "HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y" in that text file and then extract the IP address and assign it as a string variable?

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening Andwritie To Text File Via Buttons?

May 21, 2009

Ok what i want to do is have a user specify a directory when this for is opened and have it remembered everytime this for is open,Also i have a few buttons and whenever the user clicks on one of the buttonsa i want it to open a txt file delete everything in it and write a value that i specify

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File I/O And Registry :: Reading TAB Delimited File Using MS Text Driver

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to import a TAB (NOt comma) delimited text file into a DataGridView. The following code works fine if I have a comma separated file. All I have to do is change the FMT to "Delimited".It just does not work with FMT=TabDelimited. All columns are read into single datatable column. The text file is ANSI text and I have double checked to make sure Tabs are tabs and not spaces, even exported a sample Tab Delimited file from Excel.Can this even be done using Text Driver? [code]

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File I/O And Registry :: Retrieving Data From Text File Using Streamreader?

Feb 15, 2012

I am making a simple application that will be able to store competition data into a text file that I have given a custom extension to on saving. Here is an example of the format that i have saved the data in.

[Comp_Name]Test Competition[Comp_Name]
[Location]Silverwood Lurgan[Location]


When i open the file, i want to redisplay the data in separate text boxes. Later on in the project i want to be able to search within the file for headings for example;

if "[Heat1]" is present then get all text between [Heat1] and [Heat1]

i am currently able to use the streamreader and open file dialog to retrieve the entire string of text fromthe however i am not sure how to go about getting the text between the headings I have used.

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File I/O And Registry :: VB 2010 Formatting Data In Text File?

May 4, 2012

1 List all of the data from Teams.txt in a Listbox. Include suitable headings.

2 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox (use the same Listbox as in 1 above).Include suitable headings. Note that you cannot assume that the file contains onlyresults for the first 3 weeks of the season. Your program should be able to process a results file with more or fewer results.

3 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox. However, in this case the actual team names should be output (your program will need to get this data from Teams.txt. The data should be formatted so that it is aligned correctly. Include suitable headings.

The output might look as follows:

Home Team Away Team Home Team Goals Away Team Goals
Bunbury Braves Nedlands Nodders 5 2

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File I/O And Registry :: Write A Text File In XP Versus Win7

Sep 28, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP SP3. User has Windows 7 Pro (32 bit). The IO code below works for me. The read code works for user, but the write code only works for new files. If the user tries to overwrite a current data file, then no data is written to disk. I have done all the usual IO checking (valid file name, etc.) and have excluded it from my same code. In my app, FileSave and FileSaveAs both call WriteDataFile(FullFileName). Any reasons why FIleSave would work on Windows XP, but not on Windows 7 Pro (32 bit)?

Public Function ReadDataFile(ByVal FullFileName As String) As Integer
' reads a Data file from disk
' Format is a text file, with [TAB] seperators and [CR][LF] as line terminators


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File I/O And Registry - Downloads A Text File From The Internet

Feb 17, 2008

i am trying to make a program that downloads a text file from the internet, the program display/edits it and then it saves it, lastly it uploads it. How can i make it that it downloads a text file and displays and then uploads it.

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File I/O And Registry :: Export Data To Text File?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a variable (double) that is constantly update in real time with data from an analog input. I would like to write this data as it comes in to a txt file. When I stop my acquisition of data from my analog input, I should have a txt file with all that data stored on my computer wherever I want it. The way I'd like that txt file to be laid out is like so:

Test Title: "This info comes from a string variable"
Operator Name: "This info comes from another string variable"
Test Date: "This info comes from yet another string variable"


And so forth. As you can see I would also like to write the time for each data. This depends on my Timer interval which the user can set. The default is 50ms. So by default, y1 y2 y3 would be 0, 50, 100. How would I generate such a text file?

PS: I have five variables (X, Y, strTitle, strName, strDate)

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