Find Text In A TXT File?

Jan 28, 2009

Have a final and last question :P I have a Config.txt file used for a program im making. Now i am making a editor in VB for that file. Now i need to know how to read the TXT file, and find the variables in it. The config looks like:&TestValue1=value&Value=Test&blabla=lol

So i need to get the values from the = to the & (At the end of the file there's no &!) how to do this?

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Error When Opening Text File - FileNotFoundException Was Unhandled - Could Not Find File At Xxx

Feb 15, 2012

I have a program that can save user's input into a text file and load it back, but whenever I try to open the file and exit without selecting the file I get an error.(if i select the file and open it i don't get any errors).

This is the code that handles text file loading:
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


The error is :"FileNotFoundException was unhandled. Could not find file at xxx". also I would like to know how to make it so that the initial file name for file saving is today's date. I do not get any errors when I try to save the file.

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File I/O And Registry :: Find/Extract String From A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

I've got an application that passes commands to a terminal window and saves all the output to a text file Here is one of the commands my application passes to the terminal

MyProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("host " + device)

The output of which is

"HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y"

this along with a whole bunch of other text is saved to a text question is how do I find the sting "HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y" in that text file and then extract the IP address and assign it as a string variable?

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Find Specific Text In Text File

Jan 3, 2012

I have a little question about txt-files...This is the case: I am going to make a small software for editing particular parts in text files, so you don't have to do it by hand. In this program, i need to find several words in a text file and retrieve the text or number that is after the the "="-sign, and then replace that info. Then, I want to use the information it retrieves to add some text in the end of the file.

P.S. There are 36 differet words to search for, and some of them will occur in several places, so i want the data from those words that occur several times in an array. And the data i want to retrieve is AFTER the searchword and a "=", so i dont want the searchword or the equals-sign included. Can someone explain to me how to do this?

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Find A Word On Text File?

Sep 10, 2009

I have a file test.txt and inside this file there is a long text.

Inside this file appears very often the words (hello1, hello2 hello ..).

What I want to do is that program gives to me all the "hello" are inside this text file, and I must list them in another text file,

Example : Suppose the file is: "Today is hello1 a beautiful day hello2 and then hello23 I think hello7 I'm going to hello11 ride".[code]...

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Find And Replace In A Text File?

Jun 3, 2011

I am making a program for work, i have it partly coded, unfortunately i don't have a wifi connection for my laptop right now which makes it hard to add my code here. What i am trying to do is have the user pull in a text file from anywhere on the computer using a open file box that pops up, i got that part, to make sure that is working i have a textbox that reads the data of that text file, it gets pulled in fine using a stream reader. Now what i need to do is search the text file for certain values, and depending on the selected item in the listbox which is on another form, change that value in the text file, im guessing i will need to use a stream writer, and ive seen examples used based on the file location(C:....) but in my case im not sure how to do it.

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Find And Replace Text In TXT File

Apr 12, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, my goal is to read an entire .txt file that works as a template and replace all ocurances of a word with a new one and save this new modified text in a new .txt when you press a command button.

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Find And Select Text In PDF File?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm developing an application in VB Express 2005 which should be able to open a pdf file and automatically find some text, select it, and eventually to drag it into another control (e.g. a textbox).Actually, I can open a pdf file by using a AxAcroPDF control. I can also copy and past some text, but I'm not able to find or select a text by my program.

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Find Phrase In A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a text file like this[code]...

If I have a form with textboxes or numericalupdowns is there anyway I could change the number of fruit and veg in the text file?

Could it be possible to somehow open the textfile into the form then, edit & save?

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Find All Four Letter Words In A Text File?

Feb 28, 2011

How can I search a text file and return all four letter words one by one in a Label

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Find And Replace In Text File Error?

Jan 1, 2007

I have a project to complete and i have begun the code. What i want to do is go through the text file and find evey | (pipe) symbol and change it to a , (comma). I have the code and worked out how to do it but the code will only work for the first line. I was just wondering whether any of you had any advice on the way through this problem because i am stumped.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_ System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strFile As String


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Find And Replace Text In A Richtextbox With A Xml File?

Aug 6, 2011

I have a small app for find and replace text in a richtextbox:

1-One button: Replace
2-Textbox1 : Find
3-Textbox2 : Replace for

But I want to know if is possible find and replace the text in the richtextbox with a xml file example:

Text in the richtextbox: "I will buy a car"
<pre lang="vb">


If is possible please can you give me a example code?

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Find Duplicate Strings In Text File?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a text file DIC.TXT.[code]...

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Find Out Contents Of A Text File Thats Online?

Jun 24, 2009

Is there anyway to find out the contents of a text file thats online?[code]...

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Find Out If A Text File Exists On A Server?

Aug 10, 2009

What I to do is be able to find out if a text file or any file exists on a server such ass we all know that exists but how can I get VB to produce a message box telling me whether this file exists let alone get VB to search for the file, I've search the site and the MSDN but I cant figure out what code i need to do its been bugging me for weeks

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Find Strings Within Notepad Text File?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to write login page code for the login button but can't find how to find a string in a .txt file. The only code I have managed to find on the subject is opening up the text file with the

FileOpen(1, "File location", OpenMode.Output) code, but even this would be best removed as it would open the text file containing all usernames and passwords within the file.I need the system to search for a specific string within a file ( Usernames___Passwords.txt (159bytes)Number of downloads: 134), and with that string find the password associated with it (in my attached example the letters/words after the apostrophe) but stopping at the end of the line.

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How To Find Largest Number In Text File

Feb 13, 2009

Am using VB 2005 and need to take an existing txt file which basically has 15 sets of data, each set containing a year (ie Year 1990) and a number below the year.

When a user clicks the calculate button on a form, I need it to first list the average of all those numbers in the txt. And below that I need the largest number in the file to be displayed.

I am basically familiar with using objReader and StreamReader. But, I can only verify and open the text.

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Find And Replace Hexadecimal Characters In A Text File ?

Feb 11, 2010

lswScriptreader =
New System.IO.StreamReader("test.txt", System.Text.Encoding.Default)
lswScriptwriter = File.AppendText("test1.txt")[code]....

Hex(D1) is my column Terminator and need to replace it with ",".

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Find And Replace Specific Lines In A Text File

Aug 4, 2011

I have a program that will read a text file and put information from the text file into multiple text boxes. What I am trying to do now is be able to change the values in the textboxes and be able to write the specifc changes back to the text file. One way I though of doing that was using a while loop and copy the lines of the text file to another text file, then when it finds the line that has the specific change from the text box, make the change and continue writing the line until it reaches the end of the file. Then I was going to copy the file and overwrite the original, escientally making the change to the new file. Right now it will make the new file but will just make a blank text file. I think the problem is in the while loop statement but I am not sure. Here is the code below:

Private Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click
Dim trackname As String


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Find The Smallest Number From A Text File List?

Aug 13, 2009

The program is about a text file that contains the sizes of eggs. They task is to put each egg size into a category e.g. small, large, xLarge etc. Also i need to record the highest and lowest weighted egg.

I have don everything except find the lowest weight. Not matter what i try, i cannot seem to keep hold of the lowest sized egg.

here is my code :

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim egg, jE, exE, lE, medE, sE, tE, high, low As Double


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Find Word In Text File And Write A Line?

Jan 29, 2011

How can I open a text file, find a certain word in the text file, and then, just before that word, write a line of text to the file - then save the file?

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VS 2008 : Find Multiple Words In Text File?

Mar 12, 2010

i have a text file which contain 149000 Words 1 Word Per LineI want to Search Words Who end with "sd" or something else i am using a listbox in which i load all text and then search for it i don't want to know how to search directly from text file listbox method take too much time?

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VS 2008 Find And Replace A String Within A Text File?

Dec 25, 2011

I have to find a string in a huge text file ( ~ 50MB) and then replace it.Since it's quite huge I tend to open the file and then read line by line, and then replace the necessary line(s) (rather than "readall" the file of course).My question is how to replace the whole line?Let's say I found the line that should be replaced . I know I can create a copy file and copy all lines into there ... but I'd prefer to replace the line in the original file rather than creating a copy instance.

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VS 2010 Read Text File Find Values

Dec 30, 2010

How would I go about reading a textfile, finding values and using the values in the program?Now I want the program to read the text file, find [1], use the first line after [1] as value for a variable, and the second line as value for another variable. After that I will run some code with the values and then do the same thing again for [2] etc.

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Forms :: Find Replace Text From File - Fastest Method?

Nov 13, 2011

1) a text document which has content like :

taxi|taxi|taxi cab|cab|minicab|airport taxi|airport transfer


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Open A Large Text File / Find And Replace A String

Nov 1, 2009

I would like to step through each *.txt file in a given directory, open it, find and replace all, perhaps a thousand, occurances of a given string (e.g. "00/00/00"), then close and save file, and step to next one in the directory to do the same find and replace. I've been looking at filestream classes and regular expressions but don't see a clear way to do this.

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Search / Find A Specific Word / Text In A File Or A Textbox?

May 15, 2009

I am using visual basic express edition 2008.How can I search for a word in a file then store that word?Also, how can I search for a Phrase in a file or a Textbox and store it in a different place?

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VS 2010 Text Box/file Search And Find Line Number?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm new here, but have been in and out for a while. Past threads have been helping me along thus far.

I'm currently developing an app which essentially needs a way for me to search in a text box or file for a specific string, and extract the line on which that string appears on. It will be unique, and the syntax is the same on each line. It has basically 2 ID numbers, and is laid out like this:

So, I'd need to search for the first part before the |, and then get the line so I can get the bit after the |, which is the important bit for me.

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String Supposed To Find And Replace A Portion Of The Text And Write The Changes Back Out To The File Via Streamwriter

Jul 22, 2010

I have thios code that will load a php file (text file) into a sting via streamreader then its supposed to find and replace a portion of the text and write the changes back out to the file via streamwriter. I put my code together and after running it look at the file and it's unchanged. After looking closer it appears the problem is the find & replace operation I am doing on the string. Here is my code:


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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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