Finding Missing Values From Array?

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to find a set of missing values between an array and cell values from a DataGridView. The array is a set of numbers from 1 to a user-entered maximum number. For example, if the user enters 10, then the array will have the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The rows in the DataGridView might have values such as 2,4,6,8. I want to create a second array that would have the values 1,3,5,7,9,10. I believe I need to loop through the array values and compare them to the row values in the DataGridView. But I'm stuck on the method of either adding or removing values (or doing nothing) to the second array as the array value loops through the DataGridView. logic or some VB Code that will produce the results I'm looking for?

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Finding Distinct Values In Array?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a database which need to be assigned into array arr()(), e.g.

arr(0)(0) = aa arr(1)(0) = ab arr(2)(0) = aa
arr(0)(1) = bb arr(1)(1) = ba arr(2)(1) = ba
arr(0)(2) = cc arr(1)(2) = cc arr(2)(2) = cc

I need to find distinct / unique value in each arr(k)(0), arr(k)(1), arr(k)(2); where k=0..2. Then i need to insert the result into array cat as follows:

cat(0)(0) = {aa} cat(0)(1) = {ab}
cat(1)(0) = {bb} cat(1)(1) = {ba}
cat(2)(0) = {cc}

I've tried code below but it doesn't work. The assigning process into array arr()() from DB is OK. Problem only come up if I try to find the distinct value (If Not (cat(j).Contains(ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item(j))) ... End If).

For i = 0 To 2
list(i) = New Integer(3) {}
For j = 0 To 2


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Replace Missing DataTable Values?

Jul 20, 2009

I am having a problem trying to replace the missing values in my Dataset tables with a default string. The columns in my datatables should be all strings.Here's the code I am using, but I am getting the DBNull to string conversion error.


For i = 0 To MyDs.Tables(j).Columns.Count - 1
For k = 0 To MyTable.Rows.Count - 1
IIf(IsDBNull(Trim(MyDs.Tables(j).Rows(k)(i).Value)), "None", Trim(MyDs.Tables(j).Rows(k)(i).Value))

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Regular Expression Missing Empty Values?

Mar 23, 2009

Dim re As New Regex("((?<field>[^"",
[Code] .....
Now it puts all the data in the correct columns but there's just a comma in the empty columns.

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VS 2008 - Text Values Missing From DataTable?

May 26, 2010

I'm having a hard time figuring out why my code will not produce a datatable with text.

For Each line In Values
' Create rows collection using TableRow object to dynamically add rows
Dim tRow As New TableRow()


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Finding Right Formula And Refreshing Values

Dec 23, 2010

i am currently making a project which is to make a cinema screen booking system. Im a beginner of course`*My main problem is that although i have most of what is working i need to find a formula to give the full result (overall price) in a label.*My other problem is the fact that when i interact with my form certain things dont auto refresh when i change certain values e.g i change number of seats but it doesnt auto refresh the price from times1 to times2. OR i click one discount radiobutton which works then another after but nothing changes and it keeps the first radiobutton's value.Okay in my menu i have a ComboBox (ComboBoxScreen) for choosing the film and there are 3 films to choose from in the drop menu each with their own price.I also have a Textbox (NumberSeats) for inputting a number of seats you want to book for the chosen film.And lastly there are 3 radio buttons each with different discounts.. e.g No discount, 10% off and 25% off. If selected each gives discount to full price.A formula to work out the overall price uses all three functions/tools above.My current code for the combobox and radiobutton part is as follows: [code]

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Finding The Average Of Multiple Values?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm working on a simple miles-per-gallon calculator.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim count As Integer = 0


This compiles and works for 1 iteration, after many trials and tribulations . What I need to do is make it run for a user-specified number of iterations (the tankfuls variable) and store those separate results in separate locations in the arrays, then average all of those values at the end (find the overall average MPG).

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Finding The Right Formula And Refreshing Values?

Jul 6, 2011

i am currently making a project which is to make a cinema screen booking system.My main problem is that although i have most of what is working i need to find a formula to give the full result (overall price) in a label.

My other problem is the fact that when i interact with my form certain things dont auto refresh when i change certain values e.g i change number of seats but it doesnt auto refresh the price from times1 to times2. OR i click one discount radiobutton which works then another after but nothing changes and it keeps the first radiobutton's value.Okay in my menu i have a ComboBox (ComboBoxScreen) for choosing the film and there are 3 films to choose from in the drop menu each with their own price.I also have a Textbox (NumberSeats) for inputting a number of seats you want to book for the chosen film.

And lastly there are 3 radio buttons each with different discounts.. e.g No discount, 10% off and 25% off. If selected each gives discount to full price.A formula to work out the overall price uses all three functions/tools above.My current code for the combobox and radiobutton part is as follows:

QuotePublic Class txtSeats 'name of form of which is being used'
Private TEN_DISCOUNT_Decimal As Decimal = 0.1D
Private TWENTY_DISCOUNT_Decimal As Decimal = 0.25D 'percentages?'


Where FilmCost is the price of each individual film (one is £4.25 shown above)OR lblCost is filmprice times seats.Where TotalDiscount is the discount worked out.Where TotalCost's is a value that can be shown in a label as the overall price.

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Form And Location Of Mouse - Finding X And Y Values?

Oct 8, 2010

I want to get the border of the form when its load but how? Then I'll compare between the form location and the mouse ,if the mouse out of the form, the visibility is false when the mouse move or key press up /down and become in the form border, the form visibility must be true. How to find the x and y values to the form?

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VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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Finding The Max & Min Of An Array

May 10, 2009

I have some code that generates 15 random numbers between 1 and 100 and prints the 15 numbers in a listbox. I want to be able to find the max and min numbers in that list. How would I go about finding those values? I'm new to VB so a solution involving basic string/array manipulation would be preferred.

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Setup A Few Text Boxes / Missing The Control Array?

Apr 6, 2011

In VB2008 Professional, how would I set up a few text boxes, as I did in VB6, to be able to access them in a loop?

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Finding Squares In An Array?

Oct 9, 2010

I have an 2 dimensional array that is full of 1s and 0s such as

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


Also the array must be able to have more than one square.

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Finding The First Empty Value On An Array?

Aug 21, 2011

find the first empty value on an array?Say I have a directory and will occasionally be adding and removing items from an array to represent this. How would I go about making a loop until the entry is empty. I've tried various things like if null and that sort of thing but none of them seem to work- the problem is I guess that this array value is empty and the system can't deal with it without throwing an error message.Creating an array of a set size from the start isn't an option as I've no idea how big the directory will ultimately be.

View 19 Replies

VS 2008 - Finding Highest / Smallest Number From List Of Values

May 10, 2011

Create a program where the user can find the highest number and the smallest number from a list of values It needs to operate as follows: Enter a value (number) in the TextBox and click on a button [Add to list]. Once this is done, the program analyzes if the number is the highest entered or the smallest. To view which is the smallest and largest, a second button [highest and lowest] will populate fields (texboxes) with highest and lowest numbers. I've attached an image of what the program should look like.

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Array Searching - Finding Closest Value?

Dec 10, 2008

Say I have an array of doubles sorted from smallest to largest. What is the FASTEST way to find the closest value in the array that is LARGER/SMALLER than the search value if an identical value is not found.

dim myArray() as double = {1.245, 2.45, 3, 4.556, 5.4434}
'LARGER AND SMALLER SEARCH for 3 should obviously return 3 because its in the array.
'LARGER SEARCH for 2.46 should return 3 because it is the closest LARGER value
'SMALLER SEARCH for 2.46 should return 2.45 because it is the closest SMALLER value

I certainly can do this on my own, but I am looking for the fastest way.

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Finding Largest Data In An Array

May 9, 2009

[wink]You'll notice i dim'd n as integer = 0...[/wink] hehe I need a bit of advice on how to find the largest number stored as data in an array. For example vote(0) = 6, and vote(3) = 12, and lets assume all the other vote(n) are less. How do I pick out the big one?


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Finding Pattern Without String Array?

Nov 14, 2011

Im trying to make an on access file scanner, YES I know that C++ is better, but this is a concept of thought, trying to challenge myself to see if its possible in vb.

Anyways, I have a list of Hex definitions, my question is, how can I index this list so I can access the definitions faster. A definition looks like this:


The part after the equals sign is the HEX signature, while the first part is the name of the definition.

Basically what I am trying to do is index them somehow where I can scan faster, as I have over 60,000 definitions and I have to split each individual one in order to get the signature name. It takes about 45 seconds or so to scan a 500KB file. I need it to be WAY faster.

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Finding Value - How Many Indexes Of Array Filled

Jul 9, 2010

I have an array Newstr(20) When I fill it, I need to know how many of its indexes has been filled ? and find out the values.

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Figure Out The RegEx Formula For Finding The Values Within The Tags Of HTML Mark-up?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm in need of some help trying to figure out the RegEx formula for finding the values within the tags of HTML mark-up like this:

<span class=""releaseYear"">1993</span>
<span class=""mpaa"">R</span>
<span class=""average-rating"">2.8</span>
<span class=""rt-fresh-small rt-fresh"" title=""Rotten Tomatoes score"">94%</span>

I only need 1993, R, 2.8 and 94% from that HTML above.

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C# - Finding Position Of An Element In A Two-dimensional Array?

Jul 15, 2010

Say I have a two dimensional array

[0] [1] [2]
[3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]

Now suppose I want to get the position of the number 6

I know with a one-dimensional array i can use Array.indexOf() but what would my options be with 2-dimensional arrays?

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Export Values From Array Into Excel And Import Scatterplot Of Values?

Mar 28, 2011

I am creating a maths programs that draws graphs for the user. so far i have placed 22 values into an array and now i need to import them to excel, draw the graph and import the graph back into the program to display them.[code]...

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How To Find Repeated Values In One Dimensional Array And Change The Values

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express edition 2008.I am trying to know if a value in a single dimensional array is repeated in the array. If yes, then multiply one of them by 100. For example:

MyArray (14) = 12, 15, 18, 15, 18, 11, 15, 18, 16, 14, 18, 8, 12, 17, 10
In the above example:
MyArray (1) = MyArray (3) = MyArray (6) = 15
MyArray (2) = MyArray (4) = MyArray (7) = MyArray (10) = 18
MyArray (0) = MyArray (12) = 12


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Finding Distinct Element From Array Before Select Statement?

Nov 8, 2009

I have an array with wild character at the end. I use the value in this array in Select statement. Some times the array has same values. I want only distinct values in the array before the select statment.
for i=0 to count
select * from tbl where item like ' " & itemname(i) & "'
I need distinct element in itemname array.

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Searching And Finding Strings Inside A 2-Dimensional Array?

Nov 14, 2011

I am working on arrays and I am currently having trouble with searching and finding arrays. In this example, the user should be able to enter a Name, and it will output that person's stats.

Here is the text file (note, I should be able to go to this text file, add a few more names and the code should still work, which is why I am using loops,arrays,text files instead of if and else statements),

Allen Iverson,28,7,4
Jason Kidd,12,10,9

So if the user enters Jason Kidd in the text box, this will display in another text box:

Jason Kidd averaged 12 points, 10 assist, and 9 rebounds.


All right now is the searching part. I really do know how to search for what the user entered and display the statement in a text box. I kind of have an idea of how to just get the name, but for it to get the name and then all the data for that name puzzles me even more.-I tried using .contain, indexof and few others.

I know to display the information in the text box will be something like:

textboxoutput.text = PlayerName & " averaged " & PlayerPoints & " points, " & PlayerAssist &" assist, and " PlayerRebounds " &" rebounds"

So basically, I want it to where the user can enter a basketball players name and display the values for that name.

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Assign Different Values To Existing Values Of 2 Dimensional Array?

Apr 4, 2010

I have an array of 10 x 10 as shown below. In addition to -1, it consists of numbers from 1 to 9.[code]...

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Cast Integer Values To An Array Of Enum Values?

Jan 2, 2009

cast integer values to an array of enum values?

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Finding Lowest And Highest Element Of Array And Their Indexed Position

Jan 19, 2010

Entered an 5 elements of an array so is has 4 index? I need to find the lowest and highest element of an array and their index position
Example: I enter 1 2 3 4 5
The output should be like this
The lowest is 1 and position of index is 0
The highest is 5 and position of index = 4

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Obtain Index From Array Where An Input Value Lies Within A Range Of Values In The Array?

Dec 12, 2010

Per this UserControl that can be added to a blank form, I would like to use the HorizUnits array below to map custom grid x coordinate from a mouse x position.For a given input value 13, what syntax would I use to obtain a value of 2 where 13 lies between Value 10 and 16 for which 2 (Name) would be the custom grid's displayed coordinate position?

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Comparing Values In 2D Array To Values In 1D Array?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that reads in lottery results from the past 6 months (from the national lottery site) from a text file


and stores it in an array (n-1,6) where n is the number of lottery lines, so the array looks like

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 29 18 38 44 14 43 13
1 32 38 11 15 42 6 24

then, in a 1D array I store the player's numbers, simply as

0 23
1 16
2 19


I want it to take each number from the player's number array individually and compare them to each row individually in the lotto results array i.e. the first six cells in each row in the results array will be compared with each user number to find any matches, if a value matches then a count is incremented. if the count is greater than 2 but i'm getting no where with it :( i've been trying to use the For To loops but keep getting index out of range, or else nothing is happening at all!

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