Form_Load Not Executing After Upgrading To VS 2010

Jun 19, 2010

I have a piece of code like...

FRM_X(lngID).WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal


and in VS 2008 the form (FRM_X ) loaded and invoked the Load method. After upgrading to VS 2010 the same code executes and displays the form but the Load method isn;t executed.

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Form_Load Event Not Executing?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a form that I call from another form. Whenever I call it using form.showdialog() or the form appears, but it never executes the code that is in the form_load sub.

What's the deal? I call other forms in the same manner and they all load and execute the load code without issue.

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Sub New() Vs. Form_Load - Value Of ComboBox1.Text Changes Between Sub New() And Form_Load?

Oct 29, 2009

I was under the impression that there was not much difference between Sub New() and Form_Load. However, I found one weird bug...Add a combobox and a label to a form, and the following code:

Public Class Form1

Private mstrOutput As String = ""[code].....

The label text shows that the value of ComboBox1.Text changes between Sub New() and Form_Load.Is this meant to happen?

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VS 2010 Upgrading To 2010 IDE But Target To Framework 3.5

Apr 14, 2010

I've developed an application using VB 2008 Express and there are some customers using it,of course they have framework 3.5 installed.Can I upgrade to VB 2010 but keep target of my project to framework 3.5 (there is a option on Compile tab to chose target framework version),is it a good idea or not ?

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VS 2010 Random AccessViolationException's Since Upgrading?

Mar 2, 2011

We recently upgraded VS 2005 to VS2010 and converted an application seemingly without any problems. But when deployed to the customer they are getting intermittent errors at seemingly random places in the program which force the application to close and AccessViolationExceptions being logged to the Application Event Log.

The customer's site is a multi user environment with the application hosted on a server and users running the app via RDP. We get two errors in the event log:

Application: ContainerDepotSystem.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException


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Upgrading An Old Access 2000 Database To (2010)

Dec 21, 2011

I am working on upgrading an old Access 2000 database to VB .NET (2010). There is one form that I am having trouble figuring out how to build so that it works similarly to the Access form. In Access, there is a header, detail and footer for this form. The objects in the detail section only need to be created once and Access will "copy" them for each record in the database and fill in the appropriate information (the form objects include buttons, textboxes, comboboxes, etc.).

How can I do this in VB .NET? Each different area that is chosen will have a different number of sections. I've thought about using a GroupBox, but I'm not sure how to make that work.

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Upgrading From Vb6 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta?

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to upgrade a project that was originally designed in Vb6 to Visual Studio 2010 beta. In my application, I communicate with a device that has embedded code through a serial port. My Vb6 project states the following and works: SerialPort.Output = Chr(&HAD) My new code in Visual Studio states:


I am using the MSComm controll. I have duplicated all the settings from the older program.

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IDE :: Upgrading Project From Vb6 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta?

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to upgrade a project that was originally designed in Vb6. I am trying to bring it forward to Visual Studio 2010 beta. One problem that I am having is that the testbox.locked property is no longer supported. What would be an appropriate property to use in this case?

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Upgrading From 2008 To 2010 VBScript_RegExp_55 No Longer Works?

Dec 2, 2010

There shouldn't be any problem whatsoever right?

VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection is gone

VBScript_RegExp_55 name space is still around but only contain interface globalObj and errObj.

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VS 2010 Replacement For Image Control Array Upgrading From VB6?

Dec 23, 2009

I am upgrading my program from VB6 to VB2010. In VB6 I am using about 200 pictureboxes loaded at runtime starting with one of each different picture

Private Sub Form_Load()
Image1(0).Top = 2340
Image1(0).Left = Screen.Width - 1300
Image1(0).ZOrder 0


What can i use instead of control arrays in VB2010 to get the same functionality as in VB6, or does VB2010 use control arrays?

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Sql - Upgrading Old Crystal Reports Project To Visual Studio 2010?

Jan 5, 2012

I have to update and old VB project made with Visual Studio 2005 that uses Crystal Reports to Visual Studio 2010. I've installed the Crystal Reports plugin for VS 2010. I can compile the program under VS 2010 but when I run it and try to generate a report I get many errors popping up from the Crystal Reports Viewer. When I compile and run the project in Visual Studio 2005 (with the old Crystal Reports plugin that comes with it) everything works fine.

The problem is caused by SQL Expressions that are SELECT statements that are not enclosed in parenthesis. This is a problem because there are ~250 SQL Expressions like that in the report file (and it's not the only report with this problem). When I look at the .rpt file in Crystal Reports 10 and use Database -> Show SQL Query the SQL Expressions have parenthesis around them despite there being no parenthesis around these statements in the SQL Expression Editor. When I do the same in Crystal Reports 2008 the SQL Expressions don't have the parenthesis included.

Is there a way to make Crystal Reports 2008 or the plugin in for VS 2010 automatically include the parenthesis around SQL expressions, or was this feature removed? If it was removed, is there anyway to enclose the SQL expressions in parenthesis other than editing each one manually?

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VS 2010 Executing Cmd Command?

Jun 29, 2011

How to execute cmd command like "C:Program fileszhlthlcsg.exe""D:etyys's documentsgames 'n stuffaim" from vb application?

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VS 2010 Executing When Condition Is Not Met?

Sep 29, 2010

I use this line of

If MADS.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(13).value >= 0 Then The value of item 13 is negative and it�s a double. Still the code in the condition is executed?

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Executing Psexec Command From VB [VS 2010]

Jul 11, 2010

I am using VS 2010 (.NET 4.0). I am trying to use the psexec command in VB to get a response back from the server. I am able to do this with other commands, however, psexec doesn't seem to send the output back, the program just hangs.

Dim Proc As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Proc.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("cmd")
Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "/k psexec \SERVER cmd /k iisapp"


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VS 2010 Executing Code From A String

Feb 25, 2011

Im trying to create an app that can Compile and run code while running. Like I will have a multiline textbox and a button that runs the code. The code should run as if it Were to be in a normal Sub. I've heard of system.reflection but all the examples microsoft provided have failed.

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VS 2010 How Similar Is The .NET To JVM In Executing A Program

Nov 14, 2009

1. How similar is the .NET to JVM in executing a program ?

2. How different is it ?

3. Is the .NET Framework available for Linux ?

4. Can I run a VB.NET application written for XP on a Linux machine ?

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VS 2010 Stop Executing Code?

Dec 13, 2011

I am compiling and running code at runtime. Can I 'stop' this code midway through if I wish? Like the 'stop' feature in Visual Studio that stops the code if desired

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VS 2010 - Executing Operation Using Operator From Variable?

Feb 2, 2012

Let's say we have the following
Dim number1 as double = 2.24
Dim number2 as double = 12
Dim symbol as string = "-" (or "+" or "*" or "/")
How is it possible to execute this operation using the operator from the variable?

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VS 2010 - Prevent Sub From Executing Multiple Times?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a button and various other controls that when clicked, calls as sub. However if the user clicks the button or any of the other controls multiple times, the sub appears to 'stack up'. For example, if I click the button 10 times, and then some of the menu items that trigger it 20 times, the sub would 'stack up' and execute 30 times total. How can I have the sub cancel calls to itself if its called again? I basically only want the latest call to it to count.

Heres code to reproduce it. Just a button on a form.
Dim intTotalTimesClicked As Integer = 0
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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Form_Load Vs Public Sub New()

Jul 21, 2011

I have been playing around with VB for a while now, but still need to consolidate some thoughts. I was wondering if anyone could answer this..... Whats the difference between say Form1_Load and Public Sub New() on form startup? The reason i ask is i normally add calling subs to the form load process, but can you add any startup calls to the Public Sub New(), and if so, what is the advantage?

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How To Access It In Form_Load

Jul 20, 2011

I'm practicing for defining classes and I'm doing it in windows app. After having a class and its properties, i don't how to access it in form_Load. I want to display data that I've in New , the constructor. I want to display it using messagebox. Please tell me how would I do it?


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C# Form_load Read Ini, If And Then? Load Something - C#

May 24, 2010

I made alternate way to read and write..but im stucked on loading .ini, This is how is reading done:

public void Form3_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
IniFile ini = new IniFile(".\\language.ini");
ini.IniWriteValue("Language", "Lang", name.Text);


How to write this code exacly.

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DB / Reporting :: Form_Load And BindingSource

Dec 30, 2008

VB2008: use a BindingSource on numerous textbox fields. The form loads ok and all of the binding is working fine. My problem is that I need to set certain form defaults based on the incoming data prior to showing the form. I cannot find a form event that fires after the data is bound, yet before it is displayed. I tried Form_Activated and several more. The bound fields are still showing zero-length strings. This wasn't a problem in VB6. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Draw In Picturebox In Form_load?

May 1, 2010

I am trying to write a graphing program that will draw on/in a picturebox during the form_load event. It works if I connect the code to a button event and click the button but the exact same code in the form_load event seems to do nothing. I've tried calling cmdDraw.PerformClick() and cmdDraw_Click() and although the Draw button works when I physically click the button with the mouse, nothing seems to happen when these functions are called during the form_load.


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IDE :: Add Chkboxes Using Form_Load Event?

Feb 15, 2010

Create a Visual Basic project with a Form that displays a seating chart for a small theater. Assume that the theatre has 25 rows and each row has 10 seats. The following image shows the completed main Form for the solution.

Write statements in the Form Load event to instantiate an object from the splash screen form and then display it as a modal window. Write the statements so that when the main Form loads (after displaying the splash screen) it will dynamically create the 2-dimensional array of CheckBoxes on the Form. The CheckBoxes should be created inside a scrollable Panel control instance. Above the scrollable Panel control instance display the column numbers (1 to 10).

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Selecting Full Row Of Datagridview On Form_Load?

Mar 1, 2010

how can i select full and first row of datagridview in on form_Load

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VS 2008 Form_Load Event Completely Ignored?

Sep 23, 2009

does anyone know why the form load event being completely ignored/bypassed during loading the app? The form loads but none of the code in form_Load sub being executed (yes I tried putting a break inside the sub and it didn't trap)

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BindingSource, TabControl, GroupBox Modify On Form_Load

Oct 19, 2011

Visual Studio 2010 ( window form application)

Access 2010 database

Form1 holds a datagridview bound to bindingSource

I pass this binding source (current selected row) to edit form edit form contains 2 tabs On form_Load of edit form:

Private Sub frmEditCust_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'AutoBillDataSet.Customer' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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Form Is Partially Executed Before Form_Load Event

Jul 9, 2009

I have a problem concerning the Form_Loading event: When I want to load a new Form (ImageDisplay) the ImageDisplay_Load Event is not executed first.

Instead it runs through the global variables definitions and then executes a Private Sub called numericupdown1_changed.

The numericupdown1 field is part of the form I want to load and has not been touched.

That is my calling sequence:

Private Sub Dispalydata_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Dispalydata.Click
Dim myDisplay As New ImageDisplay


The strange thing is that for other forms in my code it works well and starts with the form_load function.

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VS 2008 Form_Load Terminates Despite Commands Left?

Jan 25, 2011

i have a problem: I have a Form_Load-Method which is not doing all the commands in it. It just interrupts and jumps to the "Form_Paint"-Event, eventhough i did not yet paint anything or invalidated any object. The Form_Load-Method is this:


the dashed line indicates the point of termination. the for-loop is simply not done. i tried it with stop points and the last point it stops is the ReDim-part. this can only mean, that the ReDim-Command forces the program to leave the method. but the for loop is never done afterwards. Can you help me? Because i really dont get it.

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