Forms :: Binding Data From A Text File To A Combo Box

Mar 2, 2010

This is the contents of the text file:[code]I have a combo box on a form and I want to bind some of the data from the text file, the stuff highlighted in bold, to the combo box.

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Forms :: Binding Data From Database To Combo Box?

Oct 15, 2010

i try to bind database to combo box but having (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) error during the running.

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Forms :: Binding Combo Box To Xml File

Apr 14, 2009

i have an xml file that looks like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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Combo Box Data Binding To Webservice

Nov 8, 2011

I have a combobox that is databound to my webservice. Code works perfect.


My issue is I need to be able to call that function from another form. I have a form that I add a new customer with and want to refresh the data in the combo box, and select it has the selected item. How do I do this? I have tried several ways, and it just does not work.


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DB/Reporting :: Binding Data To A Combo Box?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm trying to bind data to a combo box but it does not appear to be working. I've setup the DataSet and the DataSetBindingSource and all this appears to be working, within the form design I can expand the little arrow in the ComboBox control and preview the data. This appears to be working but when the application is run, nothing appears in the drop down box.

I have the following code in place:

cmbSelectCompany.DataSource = ContactsDBDataSet.Company()
cmbSelectCompany.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"
cmbSelectCompany.ValueMember = "CompanyName"


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Comparing Data In A Text File With Data In A Combo Box Collection

Apr 14, 2011

i need to be able to compare data from a text file with the collection of a combo box.My algorithm currently populates the combo box with data from the text file on the form load event.I have included an update button that updates the combo box collection.[code]

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VS 2008 Data Binding Combo Boxes?

Mar 20, 2010

I've done data binding to my Combos and it works fine but my data base has over 260 000 entries, so I can't let user to move trough it, one by one entry until finds a match.What I am looking for is that user select value from Combo Boxes and Text Boxes get filled in with a matching values from the same row.Auto Complete helps in selection but I still can't work it out how to get values to my text boxes.


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Save Binding Source Data To A Text File?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using this code to save my Binding source data to a text file:

Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog
Using sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyMusic & "iFX 2011 Playlists" & TextBox1.Text & ".txt")


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Binding Combo With Heavy Data - Reduce The Page Loading Time?

Aug 25, 2009

I have combo box being filled with more than 50 thousand records. it is getting sometime to load and bind the data. I am using datatable to bind the data. I tried using data-reader as well but in vain.

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Saving Data From A Text Field And Multiple Combo Boxes To A File On A Server In VB 2008?

Apr 28, 2010

saving data from a text field and multiple combo boxes to a file on a server in visual basic 2008

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Forms :: Populate A Data Table With Some Data From Text File

Mar 29, 2010

Here is the code that I already have:


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Forms :: Getting Combo Box Text Value

Feb 8, 2009

I'm trying to get the text portion of the combo box when a value is selected. I can get the selected value, but if I look at the selectedText or Text property the value is "".

I'm using the following

Private Sub cboVendorSearch_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboVendorSearch.SelectionChangeCommitted
clsVendor.ID = Me.cboVendorSearch.SelectedValue


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Forms :: Data Binding To Hidden Controls

Apr 21, 2009

I have a windows form that I bind to a datatable via a binding source. The binding is done in code at run time. Eg;Me.txtCode.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", bsForm, "ToolCode", True)) (bsForm is the binding source)This works well except if the form control is hidden (I have a couple controls on the form that hold Record ID and Version numbers that the user doesn't need to see). Databinding doesn't seem to work reliably for hidden controls.

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Binding - Centralized Control Of Data Forms From Toolbars

Dec 24, 2009

what I want to achive is to have a centralized control of my data-forms from my toolbars (toolstrip), like navigating (PREV-NEXT), SAVE, DELETE, CANCLE and so on instead of having it in every form. it worked beautifully in my VB6 projects. below are the codes i did in .NET and it don't seem to work and I guessed it about my use of late binding in .NET.

This is what I have done that don't seem to work. In my project module, frm is declared Public as form object Public frm as

Im my childforms i want as soon as the forms are load, activated or have focus, should instantiate or create the form object in my frm. [Code] while in my menu or main form (parent form) with toolstrip buttons, this actually where all individual forms are called. [Code]

and it's flagging an error there:
frm.CloseForm is not a member of System.Windows.Forms().Form

and I must say here that I declared all the subs im calling in the childforms PUBLIC, and of-course frm being a late binding type may not have all the Public Method on it.

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Forms :: Save Form Data To Text (.txt) File?

Dec 21, 2010

I wanna save the data present on the form to the text file.I am using for this. how can i write the text present on the form in the same formate (showing on the form) in the .txt file.

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Forms :: Writing Data From A DataGridView To A Text File?

Feb 17, 2010

I have been using this code, see below, to try and write data from the DataGridView to a text file. It works but it puts an extra comma after each line and thinks that there has been another line so puts an extra 4 commas on a new line. So the text file looks like this:

9,Here to There,1,15,
8,Hell to Heaven,16,34,

I'm looking for any help for a way to get rid of the extra commas or an entirely different way of doing this whole process.


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Data Binding - DataList Control In Windows Application Forms?

Jun 6, 2010

I am upgrading my application from vb6 to used to populate my data in datalist control in vb6 forms. I am not finding it in windows form application. Which one control is the equivalent to it?

How can i list my data in that control?

just like: I had a table with data like id, name

I want the name should be the displayed column and id the bound column? how can i do that

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Forms :: Combo Box Value And Text In Vs 2008 For Windows Application

May 2, 2011

i want to load customerID and customerName in a combo bom. ID will be invisible and name will be visible in column using visual basic 2008 for windows application.

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Combo Box With Text File - Match A Selected Name To A Text File And Read From It

May 7, 2010

Ok so I have a combo box that lists a set of names. What I want to do is match a selected name to a text file and read from it. The text file contains the same name and has grades listed below:

Johnny Bravo

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Filtering Text Before Data Binding

Oct 19, 2011

This is the code string I use in my app. to bind a label to the relivant data field.


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Save Multiple Text-boxes And A Combo-box To A Text File

Nov 20, 2010

I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]

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Binding Text Boxes To A Stored Procedure Data Set?

May 21, 2009

I would like to bind textboxes to certain columns from records generated from a stored procedure. The error I receive is "DataMember property 'spCustomerHeader cannot be found on the DataSource". I have no problem returning the data to a datagridview but I need this show this data in textboxes.

here is the code

daCusHdr.SelectCommand = cmd


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Retrieve Data In Text Box Using Combo Box Value?

Feb 25, 2010

I populate the emp id in combo box . if am select the id i need to display the others datas in the text box.

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Forms :: Add A List To A Combo Box From A Txt Or Excel File When Entering An Account Number?

Feb 20, 2010

How can we add a list to a combo box from a txt or excel file when entering an account number. the details must only be displayed for each defferent acount information. for example. account no 3332 must show a name and telephone number in to separate comboboxes. although it must contain lets say 4 telephone numbers and 4 names that are located in a text document.

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[2008] Data Binding Text Boxes Not Updating To Different Record?

Jan 21, 2009

there is a tab control system. It relies on only five text boxes, and their bindings change when the tab is changed The relevant information is displayed. However, if I navigate to a different record...You can see that the same information is displayed in the tab control text boxes, and not the employee's details I just selected in the data grid or the navigation. How can I fix this? I'm not sure what's gone wrong here. Here's the code that changes the text boxes upon changing tab...

Private Sub TabCheck()
If TabState = 1 Then
pnlTabs.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.tabs1


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Populate Combo And Text Boxes With Data ?

Feb 26, 2010

i have a combo box that on form load is populated but i need to know when i click an item, i will be able to code how to populate other combo and text boxes with data about the same person.

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Sorting Using Combo Box Text Box & Data Grid

Feb 15, 2011

This is the Kind of sorting I want to select different fields and click the button search to display info in the data grid.Also is not a must that i must fill all field to sort...i might choose 2 or 3 field and do my sorting by clicking the search button. The combo box contains all the fields in my database. (E.g My Screen shot display how it look like)Below is my snap shot of my page i uploaded.Please comment any CODE provided along with the combo box and text box and the search field.

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Combo Box Complex Binding

Jun 10, 2010

I am having a problem setting up my combo box to pull its menu from a SQL Server table and store to the main data table.Currently my drop down list displays correctly but saves 'System.Data.DataRowView' to the data table. My main data table is called 'Survey' with staffname as a column, then I have another menu table of staff member names which populates the drop down menu.I found that when I remove the DataSource and populate the Items collection instead the combo box saves the correct value as expected but when I use the datasource it saves the words ''System.Data.DataRowView',[code]

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Forms :: Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work


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Pass SQl Parameters From A Combo Box And Display Necessary Data In Text Boxes In .net?

Sep 14, 2010

I have designed my form like this it has a combo box and several text boxes. In the form load I want to load the customer IDs of my customer table into my Combo box.Customer IDs data type is varchar and this part is working in my form.The next thing that I want to do is if a user select a single user ID from the combo box I need to display the first name last name and there are several fields of that selected customer id in the text boxes.If anyone can help me in this it'll be a great help.I have designed my data base in sql server 2008 and I'm using visual studio 2008.I added a new sqldata adapter and I created the data set.But I want to know how to pass the selected id of the combo box as the select parameter of sql statement and how to bind data to the text boxes.

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