Forms :: Subrutine To Handle ALL PictureBox?

Apr 9, 2009

I have 50 pictureboxes in one form. I need to write the same code for each is to write a function for each PictureBox handling each object induvidually two is to write a function for all PictureBoxes that handle ALL object, but I have to declare each object in the Handles syntax of the subrutine as follows:

Private Sub PreviewTile(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PB1.DoubleClick, PB2.DoubleClick, PBChapel.DoubleClick
DrawBorder(sender, Color.Wheat, 3)


I was wondering if there is a way to write a subrutine that will Handle ALL Pictureboxes without having to enumerate them.example

Private Sub PreviewTile(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PictureBoxes.DoubleClick '<-- made up
DrawBorder(sender, Color.Wheat, 3)


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Forms :: How To Handle Button

Sep 24, 2009

I have added a button to my form from code because I'm linking a screen from other form, and in the linked form I've to add a back button. Now I success added a button in my form, but I cant handle the btnBack.Click

Dim btnBack As New Button
Dim y As Integer = 340
Dim x As Integer = 20
btnBack.Text = "Back"


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Forms :: How To Handle Form Load

May 17, 2009

I had created a form(MDI Child) which have 3 to 4 dataset on it. They all are loaded from the database at the form load event and therefore takes too much time to load and show some part of form during that time. When it load completely it shows the whole form. Is there any way that user will see the complete form instead of some broken form.

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Forms To Handle Unhandled Exception

Sep 22, 2009

i am using data grid view.if i loaded this data grid view with about 15 and above rows and traverse in data grid view by pressing down arrow key then an unhandeled exception throws.The unhandled exception is as below value of '176' is not valid for 'value' .'value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum' parameter name value..

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VS 2010 Handle Event From Different Forms?

May 30, 2012

I have an event in a module, like this:
Module Module1 Public Event Event1(Value as Boolean)End Module

I want to be able to handle this event from different forms. This is what I tried to do...
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Event1Handler(Value As Boolean) Handles WindowsApplication1.Event1 End SubEnd Class

But I get a squiggly line under WindowsApplication1 that says Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. I tried to swap Module1 in, but same thing. I tried without anything in front of Event1, but still nothing.

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Forms :: Gather Control Handle Information?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a problem whereby some rubbish code is not releasing its memory (eventually reaches the 10k handle limit and crashes).I'm looking to insert some logging in the application to dump a list of handles present at the point of failure.

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Forms :: How To Handle Each Variable Type Individually

Apr 11, 2010

I have defined 5 variables T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 As Double and set them all = 0. On a form I have a enter information button. Each time the button is pressed I want to assign a different variable, to a text box input. For instance, If I enter 1 that will become T1, and then if I enter 2 and press the button again, that value becomes T2.

I have tried
If T1 = 0 then
T1 = textbox.text
End if
If T1<>0 And T2 = 0 then
T2 = textbox.text
End if

I have tried to use 'else' statements and all kinds of things like that to no avail. I can get the first two variables correctly assigned but three is impossible with my current understanding. Is there a way to do this, or do I need 5 buttons, so that I can control which variable is assigned? To be correct my intent is to create an observation with three variables each time the button is pressed.

For example, the first button press will result in three variables being assigned a value other than 0; they are T1, B1, and R1. I have just begun to understand the concept of arrays and am wondering if that may be the way to go in this situation. I was just going at this in a newbie way I'm sure and trying to handle each variable type individually, and figure out all the T* variables and move onto the B* variables.

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Forms :: Load Event Only Fires One Time (Loosing Handle)

Jul 17, 2011

I have a form for which the form load event only fires one time. When the program starts. It will not fire again until I end the program and restart. I have tried .show and .showdialog, but it acts the same. I have read about form load events loosing the handles, but my code looks exactly like it should.

Here is the load event code
PrivateSub frmBilling_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load
LoadCPT() EndSub

Here is the code that calles the form.
PrivateSub BillingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BillingToolStripMenuItem.ClickfrmBilling.Show()

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MDI Application MDI Child Forms Close() Error Creating Window Handle?

Jul 14, 2012

I'm in the process of converting a VB6.0 application to VB.Net (2008 Express). I have a MDI parent form, I'll call mdiBackground, and 4 MDI child forms, frmStatus, frmShow, frmQwerty, and frmSentence.The layout is as follows:mdibackground - has the menus at top and is a container for the child forms.frmSentence - appears at the top frmShow & frmQwerty - appear at the left and when one is closed the other one is in the same position.frmStatus - appears at the right, it has buttons which control when frmShow and frmQwerty are to appear I have a couple of regular forms that act as dialog forms. The Me.Close() works fine on these.


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Windows Forms Text Editor Control That Can Handle MS Word Documents Properly?

Aug 13, 2011

I need to find a Windows forms Text edit which can handle MS Word documents correctly.That is documents with Images, textboxes etc (.doc, .docx).I have tried Devexpress Xtrarichedit and TXText Control but when you load a MS Word Document (.doc, .docx) the document does not appear as it does in MS Word.That is Textboxes overlapping images are misaligned or have no transparent background option, so the white background of the textbox hides part ot the image.Has anybody had experience with 3rd party Document .net editors which mamage MS Word Documents correctly?

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Forms :: Picturebox In Vb On VS2005?

Dec 21, 2009

if i add a picturebox in design then add an image who is triangle formed and make background transparent in setting on the picturebox how do i then make an click event on the picturebox.image? iwant nothing happen if i click on the picturebox background only the image!

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Forms :: Change The Image Of The Picturebox?

Aug 13, 2009

how to change the image of the picturebox after the given button_click... also i should get the image from OpenFileDialog..

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Forms :: Display Big Images In Picturebox?

Mar 7, 2009

i am developing a imageviewer like the one windows xp has. one thing i dont know how to do is: how do i display a big image(bigger then the screen) in a picturebox with bars on the left and the buttom side? like the imageviewer of windows xp does when you want to watch big images in full size.

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Forms :: Display Picture In Picturebox

Nov 24, 2008

this is so simple its embarrassing to ask. How do you display a picture in a picturebox? I want to have a static picture displayed on my single form application. I tried adding a picturebox control to the form and setting the InitialImage setting to my pgn file. But when the app loads they image is not displayed. I've googled around and found many references to adding pictures out of databases and etc, but nothing as simple as my. I just want to display the one image.

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Forms :: Does VB.Net Support Picturebox Arrays

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to design a basic version of spaceinvaders. I have 6 pictureboxes on my form and the idea is to add a value to the property that moves the boxes down at a certain time and speed that i have set in my timer control. The problem i have is i am trying to set properties for all the pictureboxes at the same time by using arrays.

An example would be
dim mypic() as picturebox = {pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6} = 10


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Forms :: Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to load an image into a picturebox when that picture box is clicked? What would the syntax look like? It's an image that I already dropped onto the form that I would like to load into that picturebox.

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Forms :: Multi Selection In PictureBox?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm currently working on multi selection on the Picturebox. I'm kinda of stuck with these coding.

Public Class Page_2
' for selection on part of body
Private start As Point = Point.Empty


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Forms :: Saving Picture From Picturebox

Nov 6, 2009

I was wondering why my code doesn't work - I want to save a picture from a picture box showing a webcam preview.[code]

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Forms :: Set Boundaries For Where Picturebox Can Move?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm using KeyDown to get the picturebox to move around, but I don't know how to keep the boat within the boundaries of the form. So if it hits the side of the form, I want it to just stop.

What control/procedure should I use to do this?

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Forms :: Transparent Background Over A Picturebox?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a picturebox with a pic in it, and I have a label on top of the picture.

I want the background of the the label to be transparent, so I set it's background prop to transparent and it's parent to the picturebox. I do this on form load, but for some reason the label entirely disappears once the form loads?

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Forms :: Copy And Paste Image From Picturebox?

Apr 8, 2009

I'm try to save image from pictureobx where the image is bmp pool from my database. I create a contextmenu for rightclick function to copy the image but cannot make it.....

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Forms :: Display Picturebox As Oval Shape?

Jan 2, 2010

How to display picturebox as oval shape.

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Forms :: Ossible To Make A Picturebox That Is Not Rectangular?

Jun 1, 2010

Is it possible to make a picturebox that is not rectangular? Such as a circle?

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Forms :: PictureBox - Image Loading Using ComboBox

May 14, 2009

I have a picture box on my form along with a combo box with a number of different options. So anyway when a combo box item is selected I want it to look in the dataset for the selected item's row and pick out the image to load and then using an IF statement it sets the image (or should).

Dim RaceImg As String = DS.Tables("tblRaces").Rows(ID).Item("RaceImg")
If RaceImg = "AusGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/AusGP.png")
ElseIf RaceImg = "MalGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/MalGP.png")
End If

I have tried a number of different ways to get this working, I have tried them in the resources for the program and also tried the following code
GP_Picture.Image = "./Track Images/AusGP.png"
It seems like the picture box isn't redrawing or something? Just to add it will load the first image which is the AusGP because thats the first option in the combo box, after that none of the others will load.

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Forms :: Picturebox - Move The Image By Using The Button?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a problem :


Window Application :

I have a that form..there are four buttons and an image (using picBox). That buttons named as "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right".How to move the image by using the button. For example : If I click "Up" button, the image will move upward and so on..

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Forms :: Picturebox Flickering When Location Changed?

Aug 3, 2010

i am making an RPG game with visual basic...The character is a picture box.The problem is when i move the charactor with the arrow keys it flashes black for a milisecond. I think added animated walking where it slowely moves 32 pixels but not it goes black the whole time... what can i do sto stop it going black everytime it moves?

Old movement
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
player.Image = My.Resources.mainplayerright
moveto = New Point(playerx + 32, playery)


That code moves the player slowely but causes a big black line to merge then just ends up teleporting the player..How can i get rid of the black flash during movement?

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Forms :: Picturebox's Graphics - Building A Bar Chart ?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm having troubles while building a bar chart with graphics. What happens is that I create the bar chart correctly and it looks perfect, but when I click outside the picturebox or just change the window, the bar chart disappear completely, leaving the picturebox empty.

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Forms :: Resize A Picturebox To The Image's Size ?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm currently in the process of making a dynamic signature generator, and I want to make the user be able to see what he would get... So I thought of putting a browse button and allowing them to load up a background image for their signature, but I also want the picturebox to resize according to that image's size. I need them to be the same size because of the image's X, Y are needed for the signature.

So I'm using this code for that:

LocalMousePosition = PictureBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
xy.Text = ("X=" & LocalMousePosition.X & "," & "Y= " & LocalMousePosition.Y)

It works fine, but it only gets the coordinates for the picturebox, not the actuall image, so I think if the picturebox is the same size as the picturebox it would get them just fine..

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Game Programming :: PictureBox Access Between Forms?

Jul 29, 2008

I have been working with Visual Basic 6 for over a year and have just recently to move up to .net. I have never had problems viewing picture boxes that were on one form thought another.My old code read something like:frm1.img1=frm3images.treeThis would take the image of the tree from a form that is not viable and place that image in the imagebox.

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Forms :: PictureBox - Image Packaged In The .exe Rather Than Using The File's Extension

Feb 2, 2010

Currently I'm using a picturebox object in a program which is referenced to a location on my local computer ie "PictureBox.image = Image.FromFile("c:/image.jpg")". I would like the image packaged in the .exe rather than using the file's extension. So if the exe is copied to another computer it will display fine. How can I do this? I was able to do this is the drag and drog editor by importing an image rather than specifying a location, but for my purposes I'd like it done programmatically.

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