Forms :: Change The Text Displayed In The Banner Of The Form?

Oct 19, 2010

When in design view I can change the text displayed in the banner of the form(next to the icon) but when I build the code and test the form doesn't have the text displayed? I'm using VB express 2008

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Forms :: Change Depending On Which Form Is Displayed?

Oct 6, 2009

Am migrating VB6 to VB.Net and am stuck once again. We use App.HelpFile in vb6 to set Path and Filename of current help file.Current help File can change depending on which form is displayed.How do we assign help files in


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Silverlight 3 Banner Project - Trigger The Banner To Load New Info Every 5 Seconds

Apr 17, 2010

I have created a banner for a sl3 app . What I need now is a timer(timespan?) event to trigger the banner to load new info every 5 seconds. I can't find info on timespan on how to trigger this event.

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Change Column Text Being Displayed

Feb 27, 2011

I am working with a datagridview. It is being populated from mysql table. 2 of the columns in the table are values that would be used in a combo box. ex: 1 = Cat 2 = dog. [code]...

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Change The Displayed Text / Langauge?

May 6, 2011

I now need to have a drop down menu with different languages in it.the user selects a Language from the drop down menu the text of all the relevant objects changes from like a Button with pause on it in English changes to a button with 'Pausar' on in Spanish.

I have found some partial topics but none on this website so if any of you have advice. I have looked about on google but nothings come up with what I am after.

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Change The Label Text If Date Displayed In Textbox2 Is Greater Than Textbox1?

Dec 23, 2010

I have textbox in my 3.5 webformin my textbox1 the text is : 30-Dec-2010, 06:00:00 PMi want when the date in textbox is greater than textbox1 then the Label text would be "No REfund

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Forms :: What Event Takes Place After A Form Is Loaded And Displayed

Aug 15, 2010

Can you tell me what event takes place after a form is loaded and displayed including all controls on that form?

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Form Label Text Is Not Displayed When Application Is Minimized

Jul 18, 2012

I have designed a windows form(to act as a messagebox) with Label and OK, Cancel buttons. I'm on form1 and call this messagebox form in the closing event. If I debug the showdialog of the messagebox form the custom text is displayed on the Label, however if the application is minimized and when i right click on the application in taskbar and select close window then the messagebox form is poped up however the label doesn't show the custom text.

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Saved File Open Up In Another Form And Displayed In 4 Text Boxes

Sep 29, 2009

What I want out of this program is to have a saved file open up in another form and displayed in 4 text boxes so they are able to be modified. my code is as followed:


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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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VS 2005 - Gotchas With Docked Forms - Forms - Displayed Using Menu Items To Display Information To User

Nov 10, 2011

We have an application that has a main form with a map on it. Right now the paradigm is to have forms that are displayed using menu items to display information to the user. Most of these forms are modal forms, but a couple are non-modal forms that interact with the map. For some of the forms, it really would make for a better user experience if we could dock them in the main form of the app and allow the user to see both the form and the map. For instance. We could have a list of map features in a docked window, and select one of the items on the list and have the map zoom to that feature. Or do the reverse: let the users select a map item and have a docked window that shows details of the feature. Sounds great, but I wonder about what sort of gotchas we may encounter. In particular, what if we have two windows docked at the same time? Could we get tangled up in our event code?

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Forms :: Change Text In Button?

Dec 13, 2010

I have 2 forms main form Form2

Main Form is my startup form and then 2 buttons on the form button 1 open form2 and main form hidden. button 2 closes and in the form 2 I have a textbox where I write some text and a button to save the text in a txt. File Once I've saved my text in txt. file so I click on a button that closes form2 and open main form My problem is that the button on the main form I should like to have button text is from the txt. file. And I do not know how I reload the button or form.

if I close the program and start it again, then my button text has change to what i write in txt file..

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Forms Within Form Got/change Focus?

Jan 23, 2011

I have 1 form with about 5 other forms added into it. How can I check which form the user is currently on. I have tried using gotfocus for the 5 forms within, but it doesn't work. is there another way of seeing when focus has changed within the form?

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Change Text Of A Forms Buttons During Runtime

Feb 3, 2010

Just a quick question, using Visual Basic 2008, is there a way to change the text of a forms buttons and other objects during runtime so that the text sticks no matter if the form is closed and reopened or not? I can get the text to change, but after closing the window and reopening, the text resets. Is this possible?

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Forms :: Can't Change Textbox Text From An Event

Jan 28, 2010

I got a Sub which processes a code, and then it does whatever the code said. Example.

Code = "Black" -> Turns screen black.
Code = "OFF" -> Turns off the PC.
And so on.

If I call that Sub from Immediate console, It works perfectly. But if that Sub is called from an event, It does nothing, and usually throws an Exception. I read somewhere that I can fix this by using Threads, but I don't understand how that can help and make it work.

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Forms :: Change Splash Screen Text?

Apr 22, 2010

I created a new application and add a splash screen ..when i wanna change the text "WindowsApplication1" in "text" field of splash screen i change for "Video Club", but press F5 and VB show me the same WindowsApplication1 ...that's is my problem..

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Forms :: Change The Button Text On An OpenFileDialog?

Oct 14, 2009

How can the button text of an OpenFileDialog be changed in the cleanest possible manner?

I've looked around and so far none of the solultions are all that simple and all require some fiddling with handles and things.

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Forms :: Change The Text Of A Label In A Loop?

Apr 30, 2009

I am using a for each loop and each time the loop executes, the text of the label has to be changed.. But for some reason, it only changes the text of the label during the last execution of the loop...

Here is the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dll


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Forms :: Dynamically Change Label Text?

Apr 9, 2010

Is there a way to change label text at run time?. I don't want to annoy users with popup. So planning to display error in a label if its text could be changed.

So far I have included a Main Form which has a label lblErrorFeedback which is not visible initially and I have done this but does not work.

lblErrorFeedback.Visible = True
lblErrorFeedback.Text = ""
lblErrorFeedback.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
lblErrorFeedback.Text = "Error Occured"

Is there a better way to show the error with out popups?

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Forms :: How To Change Text If Process Is Running

May 27, 2009

well, I must say I am a very beginner but want to get better, that is why I joined this forum.Anyway, I made a form with a button that opens a new form and a hidden cmd window (it closes it self automaticly).on the new form I have a label that says if "the program is running". I want that label to change to "Done!" when the process does not exist anymore.

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Forms :: Conditionally Change The Colour Of Some Text In A Textbox?

Nov 9, 2011

I am trying to conditionally change the colour of some text in a textbox, for example: If n=> 10 then txtbox1.forecolor = red

This doesn't appear to work, does the textbox need to be a 'rich textbox'

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Forms :: TextChanged Change Label From A Text File?

May 5, 2011

Basically I want to have a textbox (TextBox1) that when you enter an area code (ex. 512) that it will return the state (TEXAS) in the label (Label1). One way that I had been trying before was to reference from a text file the array that I am using which happens to be in the format of 512, TEXAS.

I would like to use this for multiple area codes and have been unsuccessful in getting it to work. Any help with that? Any ideas how I could get it to work?

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How To Change Label Text Using Textbox Text From Another Form In VB 2008 Express

Sep 17, 2010

I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.

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Forms :: 3 Panel Strech On Form Size Change?

Sep 12, 2011

I thought this would be easy but for some reason it's giving me a rough time. I have a windows form with three equal size panels on it. Each panel takes up about 1/3 of the window width, less some inter-panel spacing.

The effect I want is if the user stretches or shrinks the form the panels maintain their relative 1/3 width and spacing, similar to how divs on an html page would size as the browser window is sized.

So I anchored the left panel to left, top and bottom, the center panel to top and bottom, and the right panel to top, bottom and right. This works fine in keeping the left and right panel anchored to their respective sides, and all panels now stretch with a form height change.

So in form resize I adjust the width of each panel to form.width/3. As expected this is close but does not account for the inter-panel margins I want to preserve and the form border width.

I played around with various constants and noting I do gives me the desired effect.I'm sure there is a pretty straight forward solution to this but I can't seem to find it.

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Refresh The Content Displayed After A Change In The Database?

Jun 12, 2009

I have to do some maintenance on an old VB.NET application (Visual Studio 2003) that uses Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006. I have a UltraCombo control binded to a DataView.

How can I refresh the content displayed after a change in the database?

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VS 2005 Change ForeColor For Displayed DataGridViewComboBoxColumn?

Feb 7, 2011

i would like to ask how can i change the forecolor of a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ?I want to change the forecolor when it is displayed i.e. not in edit mode.Not the EditingControl forecolor but the forecolor of the gray combobox when you just see the DataGridView.

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Forms :: Get Information From A Access Database And Change The Text Of The Labels?

Mar 13, 2009

I've got labels on my form using the following "Shift1Time1Label" to "Shift1Time8Label".I'm trying to get information from a access database and change the text of the labels.I'm getting the information, but having an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" on the directcast to the label....


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Winforms - Access Different Forms Through A Loop And Change Label Text?

Oct 31, 2011

I have made a application which has 63 forms. On each form label2 should contain the username using the application. The first form displayed to the user is the login form. When the user clicks the login button on this form the user name in all newly opened windows should appear inside label2. How can I do this?

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Forms :: Objects Not Displayed With Wav Sound?

Sep 6, 2009

With VB6 and VB9, I continue to have problems displaying images on a form while playing wav files (either by API call or by My.Computer.Audio.Play method).I set up a loop to display pictureboxes on a form (card images), with a wav sound file that is supposed to be played each time a picturebox is displayed. However the pictureboxes won't display until after the loop finishes and the sounds have been played several times in series:Example

For I = 0 To 3
picBox(I).Visible = True ' picBox is an object collection of pictureboxes


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Textbox Entry On One Form To Change Text Output On Another Form

Apr 10, 2012

I am having trouble getting the Student Name entered in the Student Name Form to change the Text titles of the GroupBox's on the Main Form and Schedule Form. I understand the logic of what needs to be done to some extent, but I am having trouble coming up with the correct coding.

Below is a snippet of the Student Name Form code that I tried most recently just to see if I could get any change to happen to the other 2 Forms when the Accept Name button was clicked. As of yet, I cannot get a change to happen at all in the groupboxes of the other Forms.[code...]

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