Forms :: Possible To Make Editable Checkboxes In A DataTable?

Jan 21, 2009

All I want to do is build some kind of table-like or grid-like control in my form that has two columns. An element in the first column should be a checkbox that is changable by the user, and an element in the second column is some un-editable text. Of course, when the user checks or unchecks a checkbox, I have to be able to handle that event and figure out which row it came from.I've been trying this all day with no luck. Do I use a ListView or a DataGridView? If the answer is DataGridView, do I add columns and rows to it directly or do I try to make a DataTable which I then assign to the DataGridView's "DataSource" property?Is is possible to make editable checkboxes in a DataTable? I succeeded in making checkboxes by making a DataColumn of type boolean, but then I couldn't check or uncheck them during runtime.


but then I couldn't figure out how to add rows. The examples online all assume that there is only string data in each row.Also there is apparently a type called DataGridBoolColumn? What is that all about?My point is there are a lot of different objects out there with similar sounding names

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DataGridView Cell Editable - Make Some Cells Editable In Column?

Mar 9, 2012


But this makes every cell in column editable. Is there a way i can make some cells editable in column? If you know how to do it,

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Make Columns In Datagridview Non-editable Or Editable?

Jun 1, 2011

How to make some columns in datagridview editable and some columns are non-editable in the same datagridview control??

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Make Boolean Column Editable ( VB GridView Filled By DataTable That Has Boolean Column) ?

Oct 27, 2011

After Filling a DataTable in GridView's DataSource . A column with check box Type appears but it created as read only column and I can't enable it or make it editable... even i tried .readonly = false and still can't be edited

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Forms :: Making A Dataset Editable

Sep 8, 2010

I have a form that when a user clicks on a button that it opens a new window with a dataset. Is it possible to be able to edit that dataset and have messagebox.shows along with that for approval?

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Forms :: Creating Editable Text On A Form?

Jun 2, 2009

I am using VS2008, I need to update a vb6 application that I wrote a while back and make it more user friendly. [EDIT] I am not using any of the vb6 code, this is a complete rewrite.[/EDIT] The application basically creates ZPL based on user inputs, it sends the ZPL to the printer via the parallel port and we have our label. I know there are pre-written pieces of software that do this but I have a few other things going on that are not an option for a pre-written label application.

The task at hand at this point is creating a form which will display a mock-up of the label and allow the user to create text, rotate it, move it, re-size it etc. I will also have to add in image support a little further down the line but I figured i would keep it simple to start out. This is my first major project in .net (the company has been hesitant to spend the money until now and I haven't had the time to do much on my own.)

I think the best place for me to start would be with a simple form with a button that allows me to create text and edit it only. I am unsure of the best way to pull this off, should I be using a label, a text box with the design styles turned off or something altogether different that I may not know about?

To summarize:

a) What type of object should I be using?
b) How would I go about creating it?
c) How should I go about making it movable/editable at runtime?

As an aside, I am aware that the ThermalLabel SDK would probably be beneficial in this application but the company is not willing to spend anymore on this project.

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C# - ASP.NET Make Table Editable?

Apr 29, 2011

I have been following this tutorial: [URL]..I have been able to complete this tutorial, but I wanted to take it to the next level by making this grid editable and I am not sure how to do this.Is there a way to make the grid editable?


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Make The Column Editable?

Jan 13, 2009

What do I need to do to make the following column editable.

Dim tableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle()
tableStyle.MappingName = "product"
'Product Code


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Check All Checkboxes In A DataTable Column?

Jul 25, 2011

I use ADO.Net to call a stored procedure that retrieves data from our database.I put that data into a data table using this code below:' set Ready ResultIDs in databaseDim dt As New DataTabledt.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader)

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ASP.NET Make Number Of Lines Editable?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a number of lines of text on an .aspx page that I want a user to be able to edit, I am not storing this text/information anywhere in the database. I just want it to be information that is displayed to the user but can be editable, so the user can view the text and if there is a mistake or want to make a change they can do this by editing it.

I have seen that if you display data in a label and put a textbox beside it then, the textbox can move into the place of the label - I have done this for other text on the page however that method would not fit for this purpose because I require this edit of text to be for a number of lines.

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Make A Cell Editable In A ListView?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm sitting in a VB-project and i have a ListView with 3 cells; a checkbox, a name and another text value. I want the last cell to be editable for the user. The second cell is also okay to have editable, no problems at all.

How can i set cells to be editable?[code]...

Any tips how to let the user change the last (or both second and last) cell?

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Make An ASP:Repeater Control Editable Using C#?

Feb 9, 2011

I am following this tutorial to make a repeater control: [URL] I have successfully gotten as far as the tutorial, but I would like to make it editable. How could I get started?

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Make Cell Editable For A Gridview?

Jul 28, 2009

I would like to know how to make the cell editable for a gridview. like can type data right into the grid...

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Make Linkcell Editable In Datagridview?

Aug 3, 2010

How to make linkcell editable in datagridview.

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Count The Total No. Of Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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Make Tabel-Structure Editable In An GridView?

Jul 18, 2009

i have a given table structure with some data inside. Here is the database model: Database Model..In the TBL_SCENARIO Table a user can store an unlimited number of scenarios. In the TBL_EVENTS can each scenario have an unlimited number of so called Events like risks.The TBL_EVENT_DATA Table stores now for each day and for each event in a scenario the value min and max.I would like to edit a scenario with its events (! not an single) in a GridView Control. Is this possible? I would like to have the rows as days and the columns (2columns for one event) as min max value for the events. So is it possibel, when i have 5 events, have these in 10 columns (2 columns for each event [min] and [max] and then the days as rows?

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VS 2010 Make A Toolstrip Combobox Selectable But Not Editable?

Jul 18, 2010

i want the user to be able to select one from the combobox but i dont want them to be able to type in there own into the actual combobox, i tried Enabled property but then you can pick one either. And i couldn't find the IsReadOnly property on the ToolStripComboBox,

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Make A DetailsView Where Only Users With Specific Roles See Some Fields As Editable?

Dec 16, 2011

For example lets say I want only admins to be able to see and edit CustomerID in details view, moderators can see this value but it is not editable, and regular users cannot even see it.

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Forms :: CheckBoxes Created In Code?

Sep 8, 2011

I have created all the controls in my app in code. I have checkboxes that I want to be able to check the state in code and also check or uncheck if i need to this is my code which does not work


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Automatically Match Checkboxes On Two Different Forms After Loaded

Jun 3, 2010

I have a form that opens another. I want the second form's checkbox to match the first form's after the second has loaded. I tried using MyForm2_Load, MyForm2_Activated and MyForm2_Shown but the checkbox checked state of the second form always changes the checkbox in first form. The code below works if I check the checkbox in either form, the other changes to match it. The problem occurs only when MyForm2 is first loaded. How can I get it to work the way I want it?


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Forms :: Create Two Columns Of Checkboxes But Only The First Column Is Being Displayed

Sep 16, 2011

I want to create two columns of checkboxes but only the first column is being displayed.


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Forms :: Creating Checkboxes In A Panel That Represent The Seats?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a theater seating project. I am creating checkboxes in a panel that represent the seats. Each of the rows has a label on it, giving it a row number.When a user clicks one of the check boxes, I need to be able to determine what row the seat was that they clicked on. I then use the row number to determine the price of the seat. I am stumped!! I can't seem to figure out how to get the row number associated with the seat. Here is my where I am configuring the seats:

Private Sub ConfigureSeating()
intTheaterID = CInt(frmTheaterTickets.cboTheater.SelectedItem)
Dim strSQL As String


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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes With An Apply Type Button?

Aug 31, 2009

I am working on a program that has about 20 checkboxes on it. What I want to be able to do is to check the checkboxes and then hit an apply button then at that point whatever is checked/ or if something is unchecked the code for that item is run and those changes are applied. If the box is checked it disables the service if it is unchecked it enables the service.

the code I have so far is this for each service I want turned off i have placed under a button name ApplyEach service is a different registry entry and service name, some are just registry key changes.the code seemed to work at first but that is when I only had one checkbox under the button.

I know I have done something wrong with the program logic here Im just not sure how to fix it as I've only been using for 2 weeks now... I can't find any reference on the internet to having multiple checkboxes with an apply type button. Just like in a normal windows application where the apply button is used to apply the changes on the form.


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Checkbox MDI Application - Use Checkboxes To Show And Close Child Forms?

Aug 30, 2009

I'm trying to use checkboxes to show and close child forms.I'm using MDI. I want to try and make the child form show inside of the parent form like it should.This is the code I was using:


And that works, but if I close the window instead of using the check box and then try to use the checkbox to open the new window again i get an error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Also I have more than one checkbox (each one serves a child form) and I would like to be able to open and close any of the child forms at any time.

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C# - Size Checkboxes - Make A Checkbox Large?

Aug 27, 2009

Is it possible to make a checkbox large? So far, the sources i've read said that it's nearly

impossible.I've tried Cssclasses and it didn't work either. I don't want to cheat and use a TextBox.How can I make the checkboxes larger?

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VS 2008 Checkboxes Make List In Textbox?

Aug 20, 2009

I am creating a program in Visual Basic 2008 and I would like it so when I check a check box, the word that corresponds with the check box (in the code) will show up in the text box. So if i had one check box that said, Hello. Whenever that check box was clicked the word, Hello, would show up in the Text box. And then if I checked another check box, Bye, the word Bye would show up right below Hello. So it would look something like this.


But whenever I unchecked the check for hello, the word hello would go away and Bye would move to the top of the text box.Here is the code that I have so far. I can make the words appear in the text box but not at the same time in the list.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


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ListView.CheckBoxes: Make Checkboxe Work Like A RadioButton?

Jul 25, 2008

I have a VB.Net Winform showing checkboxes inside the ListView which works fine. I want to know how to make the checkbox work like the RadioButton. ie. I should allow the user to click only one checkbox on the listview. If there are 2 checkboxes in 2 rows and then when the 2nd checkbox is checked, the first checkbox "Checked" should be cleared. When the 2nd checkbox is clicked the 1st checkbox "check" to be cleared.

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Make VB2010 Display A Message Box When Both Checkboxes Are Selected?

Apr 25, 2011

What I want to do, is to make VB2010 display a Message Box when both checkboxes are selected. I need this bit of code for a larger project, which about 20-30 people are waiting on me for.

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Forms :: User To Be Able To Select Any Number Of Those Checkboxes/rows And Then Return A Value To The Table "stamping" That Users ID?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm working on a project and my boss insists I use a DataGrid for this. The grid holds information for work orders, one of the cols has a check box in it. I need the user to be able to select any number of those checkboxes/rows and then return a value to the table "stamping" that users ID. This is what I have so far to get the grids populated... I'm using 2005 with a 2000 Access Database if that helps. Though this will be changed to SQL Server once we get it working (yay more work)...


I removed the code from the second grid to make it easier to read, obviously once I can get one to work the second shouldn't be as much trouble.
This is the check box: dgvNewBiz.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Select"At this point if someone knows how to get it to recognize the click event of the check box and pass that row info to a variable that would be super as I'm sure I could probably figure it out from there.

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Forms :: Access A DataTable On Another Form?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a DataSet(dssongs) with a DataTable(dtsongs) on a form(songsForm).

I am adding rows to the dataTable using the following

Dim dr As DataRow = songsForm.dtSongs.NewRow
dr.Item("colSongFile") = file
dr.Item("colSongTitle") = ""


How do I refer to a DataTable on another form?

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