Game Getting Random Strings - No Correct Results

Jun 22, 2010

When I use my own word e.g. here "jose" the results are correct but when I use random string it doesnt work the same.

Here's my code
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form2
Dim guess As String = " "
Dim bulls As Integer = 0
Dim cows As Integer = 0
[Code] .....

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Game Programming :: Prevent Users Typing In Random Letters In A Text Box-Scrabble Game?

May 4, 2011

I have created a scrabble game that generates random letters. For the user to type in a word using the random letters they have to type it in a text box.

I want my program to prevent users from typing in letters that are not provided in the text box and to allow them to type in the random letters that are provided.

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Random Numbers And Random Strings

Nov 24, 2009

I don't take programming lessons at school or anything, and I'm starting to (try to) teach myself about random things.Currently I'm making an app that has 3 functions:

-Random Integer (1 to 100)
-Random Answer (Yes or No, similar to a coin flip)
-Random Dice Roll (1 to 6)

How would I go about doing this?At the moment all I know about random numbers etc. is that I will need to do something along the lines of Dim dice As New Random or something like that, but, like I mentioned, I have no idea.I am well aware of the DIC rules that you won't write the code for me/do my "homework(?)" for me, and that's not what I'm asking.

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Date Comparison Not Returning Correct Results?

Mar 5, 2011

I am pulling a date value from my database:
Dim qfresho = From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = "FROD" _
Select p.dateValue
Dim qfreshc = From p In dbConfig.Configs _
Where p.Description = "FRCD" _
Select p.dateValue

Then comparing these date values to the current date:
[Code] .....
But for some reason its always returning the Else condition - even though the values in the database should make the query true. I'm guessing for some reason its not pulling the results as a date?

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Iphone - Correct Format For Reading And Writing Binary Strings Using Ifstream

Feb 1, 2011

I'm trying to read back a string that I wrote into a binary file, but it's giving me problems and I don't know what's going on. I open and read my file using the code below:

ifstream input([filePath UTF8String], ios::in | ios::binary);
int numStringBytes;*)&numStringBytes, 4);


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Iphone - Correct Format For Reading And Writing Binary Strings Using Ifstream?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to read back a string that I wrote into a binary file, but it's giving me problems and I don't know what's going on. I open and read my file using the code below:

ifstream input([filePath UTF8String], ios::in | ios::binary);
int numStringBytes;*)&numStringBytes, 4);


There is a lot more to the file reading code, but it's proprietary and this is the part that keeps crashing. It runs fine loading the first two files, but when I try to open a third file, it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS at the*)names, numStringBytes); line. I don't see any reason that this should crash. I'm writing the binary files in VB.NET using the below code:

Dim myFS As New FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create)
Dim encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
Dim stringBytes() As Byte = encoding.GetBytes("++string")


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Saving Results In Blackjack Game

Mar 11, 2010

I need a small bit of help with my Black Jack game in VB 2005. Basically I have the game pretty much complete seems to work perfectly, I have two counters set up, one for dealers games won and the second one for players games won which both add up the results and displays them in a text box. I have another form made to display Statistics, for both 'This Session' and 'Overall', but how do I save the Overall score??


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Generates A Random Number And Validates The Users Guess To See If Its Correct?

Jul 31, 2010

I've created code that generates a random number and validates the users guess to see if its correct. I think the code is good but i'm not 100% sure. I need to add additional pieces to the code and i'm not sure where or how to do it. allow the user 10 guesses. after 10 guesses disable the ability to make more guesses if the 10th guess is wrong count each guess entered & display the count as it increments display each guess along with its returned messaeg into a list box. when the user gets correct answer provide a box to allow them to play again. Re-initialize variables back to their starting status.

a. If the user correctly guesses the number in less than 5 guesses display "Either you know the secret or you got lucky!" in a message box. b. If the user correctly guesses the number in 5, 6, or 7 guesses, display "Ah Ha! Do you know the secret?" in a message box. c. If the number of guesses is 8 to 10, then display "Try to do better next time." d. If the number of guesses exceeds 10, then display "You have taken too many guesses."


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Arrays :: Weird Results When Splitting Strings?

May 5, 2012

I was getting weird results when doing multiple splits on a string, so I decided to make a simple test to figure out what was going ontestString "1234567891011121314151617181920"If I wanted to get whats between 10 to 20 in Javascript I would do this:var results = testString.split("10")[1].split("20")[0]Which would return 111213141516171819However when I do this in VB I get 111Split(testString,"10")(1).Split("20")(0)It seems the 2nd split is only recognizing the first character no matter what I put.

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Game Programming :: Alogrithm - Attempting To Get High Scores Into The Correct Order

Sep 16, 2009

I am attempting to get hiscores into the correct order but.. I am having troble with some of it.. I have this for my sort alogrithm


For i = 0 To Howmany
For j = i + 1 To 9
If ArrScore(i) < ArrScore(j) Then
temp = ArrScore(i)


The hiscores text file looks like this:



The immediate window looks like this when its run.

0 1 , Stuart , 120
0 2 , LoL , 192
1 2 , 120 , 120
2 3 , Computer , 112
2 4 , LoL , 113
3 4 , 112 , 112

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Random Numbers And Separating The Results?

Jul 30, 2009

What I am trying to figure out is a simple dice rolling program (I'm assuming it's simple anyway) that lets the user specify how many dice they want to roll and then after they click the roll button it separates the dice by what was rolled so they can see how many 1's was rolled, or how many 2's were rolled, so on and so forth for 6 sided dice.

Say the user wants to roll 6 dice, when the user clicks the roll button the results are 4,3,3,5,1,6. Obviously meaning they rolled two 4's two 3's one 5 and one 6. Now from that result I want to have separate labels that show how many of each number was rolled, so it would look something like this on the form (Except it would be horizontal instead of vertical, but it doesn't work on the forums)

1's: 1
2's: 0
3's: 2
4's: 1
5's: 1
6's: 1

That's just a basic example, of course if the user added more dice there would possibly be up to say 7 4's and 10 5's or whatever. There isn't really a limit to the results you can get.Now I found some code to do let the user specify how many dice to roll and have it roll that amount of dice, but I don't know how to separate the results like I want them above. Right now it just displays the results all in one line on a label.Here is the code that I am using

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim diceCount As Integer = TextBox1.Text
If diceCount = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("Please insert number of dice needed")[code]....

It works perfectly but how would I go about separating the results like how I was explaining? I'm sorta guessing I would use case statements or something of the sort but I'm not sure how to check the results of dices to be able to separate it.

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Query A Game Server And Parse The Results?

Apr 10, 2009

Has anyone ever done this? Is there a tutorial somewhere?

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Generate Random Strings In .net?

Oct 9, 2009

I need to generate random strings in, which must consist of (randomly chosen) letters A-Z (must be capitalized) and with random numbers interspersed. It needs to be able to generate them with a set length as well.

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How To Create Random Strings With Parameters

Jan 17, 2012

I would like to make a program that generates a safe passwords for people to use. I want to make the passwords vary in length, include numbers, letters and upper case letters. I've been able to write code that prints out a random string but it includes unrecognized characters for most passwords. How would I write the code to create a random string that has parameters? (in this case upper case lower case letters and numbers).

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Replacing Value In Richtextbox With Random Strings?

Feb 15, 2010

I am writing a little app for the kids at a local kindergarden and I have some trouble with my code. I have a RichTextBox containing several times in the text the name John. I want to replace randomly the name John with other women names like below

So I have this:

Public Sub Replacements()
RichTextBox1.Text="John goes to the car and leaves. John it's taking a nap. Since John works late so (s)he won't be home for dinner. John loves the kids and the kids love John and made a really nice picture"


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Game Programming :: Replacing Strings While Looping

Nov 1, 2009

Okay, here is the problem. I am using two strings, they are separated by a comma and a space. Here is the example: Original String: "David, Narkisim" New String: "Narkisim, David" What I wanna do is have to scan if the original string has the same strings as the new strings. When I load the code, it replaces David, but not Narkisim. Here is the code. It is supposed to return an empty string in the end, but it doesn't.


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Bingo Game (Random Image From 1 - 49)

Feb 4, 2012

I have done allot so far but now im stuck on this:

1. i have 35 picture boxes on my form

2. i have a folder with 49 images (.png) 7 colors * 7 numbers = 49

3. i have 2 timers 1st set to 3min. second to 2 min.

evrything is good so far what i need to do is when timer 2 starts to start drawing the balls (images) from the folder

It needs to be random and only 1 image each round

I dont get it done sitting 2 days watching youtube videos and googeling about it and still nothing i got it that far that it shows random images but then i get same image 4 or 5 times on the form.

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Display Random Number - Game

Nov 24, 2010

I've been asked to write an age guessing game using vb. We have to have 4 buttons and a text box where the random number is displayed. The range is between 5 and 110. we have a 'too high' 'too low' , 'start' and 'correct' button


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Random Number Generator Game?

Mar 15, 2009

Stuck programming a random number generator game. one is to guess what the random number. I have coded most of it and am pleased, but there are some hitches. a) When running the program if you guess 10 it says," Guess Higher" which is impossible as the num gen stops at 10 (if you guess 9 and the number is lower than 9 it says guess lower . . . which it is supposed to do)

b) When asked to play again if one clicks no it calls you a loser and exits the problem is it does the same if you click yes. How can I get it to simply start over if yes is clicked

c) Does anyone know how to make an image move up or down based on the input? IE if guess needs to be higher the image moves higher? Lower and it moves lower?


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Random Picture Generator For A Game?

Feb 18, 2012

i am a complete beginner in VB, I need help for a very simple cards game that I am doing. I need to associate a random picture to a Picturebox every time that I click on a button. I can set the visible property to the picture, but it is always the same picture that shows up, and I would like it to be randomly generated instead, (from a series of card pictures that I have in a folder.)

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Generate A Lot Of Random 2 Character Strings For Application

Aug 28, 2010

I need to generate a lot of random 2 character strings for my application. it's a VB console application. basically what I have tried for random strings is this:

Private Function GenerateRandomString(ByVal intLenghtOfString As Integer) As String
'Create a new StrinBuilder that would hold the random string.
Dim randomString As New StringBuilder


What is going on? I thought that I used to, a long time ago, be able to just do random.Next.

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Making A Random Number Guessing Game?

May 29, 2009

im making a random number guessing game type thing, i have the main thing done, but I was just wondering, how could I get it to show the integer rndnumber in the message box that comes up? I think its something like &= or something, but I havn't even been using VB for a week, so im can't figure it out. Here is my script:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then[code]......

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Start A New Game In A Random Number Generator?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create a Random Number Generator in Visual Basic 2008 using a menu system and I'm having difficulty with the following:If I type in a number above 100, I don't get a message appearing saying that the number that I typed is too high.I don't know what I need to code to start a new game.How do I get messages to show up when both pressing the "Check Me" button and using the "Give Me the Number" option to say whether the answer is correct or too high or too low.ful to hear them.

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Tic Tac Toe Game - Place At Random An X Or An O In An Empty Label?

Nov 12, 2009

A fiend of mine and myself are working on a simple game of tic tac toe and we can't for the life of us figure out the computer part. Can you guys help?

What we want to know is, if the label has X or O in it and therefore is occupied then the computer should place at random an X or an O in an empty label.

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Eliminate Duplicate Random Numbers For A BINGO Game?

Nov 24, 2011

how to eliminate duplicate random numbers displayed in labels ( a column of 5 labels). This is for a BINGO game i am doing. I have tried a Do .. Loop until structure with a for next but i am not sure how to proceed:

For NumB = 0 To 4
B(NumB) = Int(15 * Rnd() + 1)
itemarrayB(NumB).Text = B(NumB)
Loop Until

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Game Programming :: Appear On A Random Location On Another Specified Larger Picture Box?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a picture box and I tell it to appear on a random location on another specified larger picture box.

here's my code:

Sub P2_AppleMove()
Dim P2ax As Integer = CInt(Int((P2Foodarea.Width * Rnd()))) ' sets the random area of the food


P2foodarea is a large picture box I created. I only want the apple to spawn on P2Foodarea, atm, it spawns on P1Foodarea which is very weird. P1foodarea is a whole other picture box. I even made new variables as you can see P2ax and P2ay, but it still doesn't spawn on P2Foodarea. I have even tried recreating a new picture box for P2foodarea

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VB 2010 Make A Matching Game - Random Locations?

Apr 25, 2012

I am using Vb 2010 I am trying to make a matching game. My problem is I have picture boxes 16 to be exact. I want each one to randomly go to a certain place I have already picked on the form. That means that I have 16 places already picked and I have made point variables for all 16. I can not seam to randomize the picture boxes to be placed in only those 16 locations.

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Game Programming :: Creating A Random New Point Within A Picturebox Bounds?

Jun 17, 2011

How do I go about doing this? I have currently made this code, but sometimes points are created on the boundaries of this picture box, which I do not want. I want all new random points to be within the bounds of this large playarea (picturebox). Foodarea is my big picturebox which i want all fruit to spawn WITHIN not outside on it's edges.


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Game Programming :: How To Read A Random Line Is A Text File

May 25, 2010

I want to read a random line (that I've chosen via random number) in a text file. I want to the system IO reader. But I am confused as to how to read a random line. Here's what I have...


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Game Programming :: Selecting Random Number Of Lines From Text File?

Jan 12, 2012

Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box. The text file is made in the following format:


First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. Im stuck on how to randomly select lines from that list.This is the code i have so far.


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